oracle isupplier portal,oracle ebs r isupplier portal train

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Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier Portal Created on 星期三星期三, 五月五月 07, 2008COPYRIGHT he can forward it to the appropriate person in his company.People who wish to register with the system must complete the Supplier User Registration page and submit it for approval.In this topic, you will learn to register the supplier users.ProcedureTraining Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 2StepAction1. Begin by navigating to the Register a Supplier User page. Click the vertical scrollbar.2. Click the Purchasing, Vision Operations (USA) link.3. Click the vertical scrollbar.4. Click the Register Supplier User link.5. Use the Register a Supplier User page to register the supplier users and submit it for approval.If the buying company has enough information about a user at your company, the buyer can chose to register the user directly, in which case the users receives an e-mail notification with the URL, username, and system-generated password.StepAction6. Click in the Search for Supplier Name field.Training Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 3StepAction7. Enter the desired information into the Search for Supplier Name field. Enter “Office Supplies, Inc.“.8. Click in the Email field.9. Enter the desired information into the Email field. Enter “[email protected]“.10. Click in the Username field.11. Click the Contact Title list.12. Click the Mr. list item.13. Click in the First Name field.14. Enter the desired information into the First Name field. Enter “Joe“.15. Click in the Last Name field.16. Enter the desired information into the Last Name field. Enter “Dawson“.17. Click in the Job Title field.18. Enter the desired information into the Job Title field. Enter “Customer Relations Officer“.19. Click in the Phone Area Code field.20. Enter the desired information into the Phone Area Code field. Enter “344“.21. Click in the Phone Number field.22. Enter the desired information into the Phone Number field. Enter “9764451“.23. Click the vertical scrollbar.24. Click the Select option.25. Click the Select option.26. If the buying company has multiple site definitions for your company, or if you have multiple subsidiaries, your buying company may give you access to view information for multiple site definitions. Click the Modify Sites button.Training Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 4StepAction27. Click the Select option.28. Click the Select option.29. Click the Apply button.30. Click the vertical scrollbar.31. Click the Register button.32. You have successfully registered users. End of Procedure.Training Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 5Navigating and SearchingNavigating and Searching includes information on using the Oracle iSupplier Portal home page and search pages.Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: ? Use the Oracle iSupplier Portal home page. ? Use the search within iSupplier Portal.Using the Oracle iSupplier Portal Home Page When you access the Oracle iSupplier Portal application using the username and password provided to you, the Oracle iSupplier Portal Home page displays. You can also change your user settings or preferences at any time.In this topic, you will use the Oracle iSupplier Portal Home page.ProcedureTraining Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 6StepAction1. Begin by navigating to Oracle iSupplier Portal Home page. Click the Plan, Source, Pay Supplier View link.2. The Quick Links section provides a high-level diagram of the procure-to-pay flow through the Oracle iSupplier Portal application. Click any link to go directly to the corresponding page.3. Notifications displays messages waiting for your review. Some notifications are view- only, while other notifications require action.StepAction4. Click the Full List button.5. Click the View list.6. Click the All Notifications list item.7. Click the Go button.Training Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 7StepAction8. To view your notifications, click the linked subject to open the Notification Details page. This page provides complete notification details and the appropriate action button. Click the Vision Operations - Standard Purchase Order 5784, 0 link.StepAction9. Click the OK button.Training Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 8StepAction10. Click the Home tab.11. Click the Purchase Orders link.12. Click the Home link.13. You can also change your user settings or preferences at any time using General Preferences page. Click the Preferences link.14. The General Preferences page lets you set and change your settings.Training Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 9StepAction15. Click the vertical scrollbar.16. Click the Apply button.17. A message confirms that your changes have been updated.18. Use the Access Requests page to request for accessing specific applications as per your requirement. Click the Access Requests link.Training Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 10StepAction19. Click the Help link.Training Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 11StepAction20. Click the Close button.21. You have completed the Using the Oracle iSupplier Portal Home Page procedure. End of Procedure.Using Search in the Oracle iSupplier Portal Oracle iSupplier Portal provides extensive search criteria on all pages to help you retrieve information. Once you have your search results displayed, you can sort them by clicking any of the linked column headings.In this topic, you will use the search function for querying information.ProcedureTraining Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 12StepAction1. Begin by navigating to the iSupplier Portal Home page. Click the Plan, Source, Pay Supplier View link.2. The Quick Search feature enables you to search for purchase orders, shipments, invoices, and payments.Training Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 13StepAction3. Click in the Search field.4. Enter the desired information into the Search field. Enter “5772“.5. Click the Go button.6. The Purchase Orders page displays the purchase orders for your organization. Click the Purchase Orders link.7. Click the Advanced Search button.8. The Advanced Search page enables you to build complex search queries containing multiple search criteria. You can select the fields you wish to search on and enter search values for each.9. Click the Show table data when any condition is met. option.10. Click the Search Criteria: PO Number list.11. Click the starts with list item.Training Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 14StepAction12. Click in the PO Number field.13. Enter the desired information into the field. Enter “577“.14. Click the Go button.15. Click the Search Criteria: Order Date list.16. Click the Last 60 Days list item.17. Click the Go button.18. Click the Show table data when all conditions are met. option.19. Click the Go button.20. Click the Shipments tab.21. The Simple Search feature occurs on many pages and allows you to specify multiple search fields and enter criteria for each. You can use any or all of the fields available to you. The system displays only those results that match all the criteria you entered. Click in the Search for Organization field.22. Enter the desired information into the Search for Organization field. Enter “Vision Operations“.23. Click the Go button.24. You have completed the Using Search in the Oracle iSupplier Portal procedure. End of Procedure.Training Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 15Order InformationOrder Information includes information on timecards, request for quotes, viewing purchase orders, and submitting change requests.Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: ? View purchase orders. ? Submit change requests. ? Cancel orders or shipments. ? Manage deliveries. ? View request for quotes. ? View timecards.Viewing Purchase Orders When your buying company enters a purchase order in Oracle Purchasing, the purchase order details are available to you in Oracle iSupplier Portal.You can view details of a purchase order such as terms and conditions, lines, shipments, and attachments from the Purchase Order Details page.In this topic, you will view a purchase order.ProcedureTraining Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 16StepAction1. Begin by navigating to the Search page for querying a purchase order. Click the Plan, Source, Pay Supplier View link.Training Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 17StepAction2. Click in the PO Number field.3. Enter the desired information into the PO Number field. Enter “5772“.4. Click the Go button.5. Click the 5772 link.6. The Purchase Orders page shows you detailed information about the purchase order, including both header and line information. The Order Information section shows general information, terms and conditions, ship-to (non-complex work purchase orders), work location (for complex-work purchase orders) and bill-to information.7. In Summary, you can view the total amount of the purchase order, amount for the items of the purchase order that have been received, amount for the items on the purchase order that have been invoiced and status of the invoices against the PO.8. Click the Select to Show Information link.9. Click the vertical scrollbar.10. By selecting options from the Actions menu, you can request changes or cancel the PO, view the change history for a PO, view work orders, print a PO, view current receipts, invoices, payment status, and shipment status.Training Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 18StepAction11. Click the Actions list.12. Click the View PDF list item.13. Click the Go button.StepAction14. You can save or print the Purchase Order document. Click the Close button.Training Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 19StepAction15. Click the Actions list.16. Click the View Receipts list item.17. Click the Go button.Training Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 20StepAction18. Click the 23627 link.Training Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 21StepAction19. Click the View Order Details link.Training Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 22StepAction20. Click the Actions list.21. Click the View Invoices list item.22. Click the Go button.Training Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 23StepAction23. Click in the Invoice field.Training Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 24StepAction24. Click the View Order Details link.Training Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 25StepAction25. Click the Export button.Training Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 26StepAction26. Click the Close button.27. You have completed the Viewing Purchase Orders procedure. End of Procedure.Submitting Change Requests Oracle iSupplier Portal enables you to request changes to purchase orders when modifications are needed to fulfill an order. You can make changes during and after acknowledgment. You can change a single purchase order, or, depending on the change you need to make, you can update multiple change orders at the same time.In this topic, you will submit a change request.ProcedureTraining Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 27StepAction1. Begin by navigating to the Supplier Collaboration Home page.Click the Plan, Source, Pay Supplier View link.2. The Supplier Collaboration Home page enables you to search, view, and edit purchase orders. Training Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 28StepAction3. Click in the PO Number field.4. Enter the desired information into the PO Number field. Enter “5785“.5. Click the Go button.6. The Purchase Orders page enables you to select, view, and modify a purchase order.7. Click the PO Number link.8. The Standard Purchase Order page enables you to view details of your purchase order and request changes if required.9. Click the Actions list.10. Click the Request Changes list item.11. Click the Go button.12. Click in the Supplier Order Number field.13. Enter the desired information into the Supplier Order Number field. Enter “VO11298“.14. Click the vertical scrollbar.Training Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 29StepAction15. Click the Select to show information link.16. Click in the Price field.17. Enter the desired information into the 10 field. Enter “12“.18. Click the horizontal scrollbar.19. Click in the Reason field.20. Enter the desired information into the Reason field. Enter “Price Increase“.21. Click in the Promise Date field.22. Click the Promise Date link.StepAction23. Click the 19-DEC-2007 button.Training Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 30StepAction24. Click in the Reason field.25. Enter the desired information into the Reason field. Enter “Cant supply on 18th“.26. Click the Action list.27. Click the Change list item.28. Click the vertical scrollbar.29. Click the Submit button.30. You have completed the Submitting Change Requests procedure. End of Procedure.Canceling Orders or Shipments You can submit cancellation requests for an entire order or a particular shipment using the Request Cancellation page. You can also submit changes and cancellations at the same time.Training Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 31In this topic, you will cancel a purchase order or shipment.ProcedureStepAction1. Begin by navigating to the Purchase Orders page. Click the Plan, Source, Pay Supplier View link.Training Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 32StepAction2. Click the Orders tab.3. The Purchase Orders page displays all the purchase orders for your organization.4. Click the select option.5. Click the Request Cancellation button.6. The Request Cancellation page lets you submit cancellation requests for an entire order or a particular shipment.7. Click the vertical scrollbar.8. Click the Select to show information link.9. Click the vertical scrollbar.10. Click the Cancel Entire Order button.11. Click in the Reason for Cancellation field.12. Enter the desired information into the Reason for Cancellation field. Enter “Cannot supply the goods by the given date.“.13. Click the Submit button.Training Guide Oracle EBS R12 iSupplier PortalPage 33StepAction14. Click the Home tab.15. Click in the PO Number field.16. Enter the desired information into the PO Number field. Enter “5786“.17. Click the Go button.18. Click the PO Number link.19. Click the Actions list.20. Click the Request Cancellation list item.21. Click the Go button.22. Click the vertical scrollbar.23. Click the Select to show information button.24. Click the vertical scrollbar.25. Click the horizontal scrollbar.26. Click in the Reason field.27. Enter the desired information into the Reason field. Enter “Can't Supply“.28. Click the Action list.29. Click the Cancel list item.30. Click the Submit button.31. You have completed the Canceling Orders and Shipments procedure. End of Procedure.Managing Deliverables If your buying company has implemented Oracle Procurement Contracts, you may have deliverables assigned to you. Deliverables are tasks to be completed in order to achieve a certain outcome or 关 键 词: oracleebsrisupplierportaltrain

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【项目资源】:包含前端、后端、移动开发、操作系统、人工智能、物联网、信息化管理、数据库、硬件开发、大数据、课程资源、音视频、网站开发等各种技术项目的源码。包括STM32、ESP8266、PHP、QT、Linux、iOS、C++、Java、MATLAB、python、web、C#、EDA、proteus、RTOS等项目的源码。 【项目质量】:所有源码都经过严格测试,可以直接运行。功能在确认正常工作后才上传。 【适用人群】:适用于希望学习不同技术领域的小白或进阶学习者。可作为毕设项目、课程设计、大作业、工程实训或初期项目立项。 【附加价值】:项目具有较高的学习借鉴价值,也可直接拿来修改复刻。对于有一定基础或热衷于研究的人来说,可以在这些基础代码上进行修改和扩展,实现其他功能。 【沟通交流】:有任何使用上的问题,欢迎随时与博主沟通,博主会及时解答。鼓励下载和使用,并欢迎大家互相学习,共同进步。【项目资源】:包含前端、后端、移动开发、操作系统、人工智能、物联网、信息化管理、数据库、硬件开发、大数据、课程资源、音视频、网站开发等各种技术项目的源码。包括STM32、ESP8266、PHP、QT、Linux、iOS、C++、Java、MATLAB、python、web、C#、EDA、proteus、RTOS等项目的源码。 【项目质量】:所有源码都经过严格测试,可以直接运行。功能在确认正常工作后才上传。 【适用人群】:适用于希望学习不同技术领域的小白或进阶学习者。可作为毕设项目、课程设计、大作业、工程实训或初期项目立项。 【附加价值】:项目具有较高的学习借鉴价值,也可直接拿来修改复刻。对于有一定基础或热衷于研究的人来说,可以在这些基础代码上进行修改和扩展,实现其他功能。 【沟通交流】:有任何使用上的问题,欢迎随时与博主沟通,博主会及时解答。鼓励下载和使用,并欢迎大家互相学习,共同进步。【项目资源】:包含前端、后端、移动开发、操作系统、人工智能、物联网、信息化管理、数据库、硬件开发、大数据、课程资源、音视频、网站开发等各种技术项目的源码。包括STM32、ESP8266、PHP、QT、Linux、iOS、C++、Java、MATLAB、python、web、C#、EDA、proteus、RTOS等项目的源码。 【项目质量】:所有源码都经过严格测试,可以直接运行。功能在确认正常工作后才上传。 【适用人群】:适用于希望学习不同技术领域的小白或进阶学习者。可作为毕设项目、课程设计、大作业、工程实训或初期项目立项。 【附加价值】:项目具有较高的学习借鉴价值,也可直接拿来修改复刻。对于有一定基础或热衷于研究的人来说,可以在这些基础代码上进行修改和扩展,实现其他功能。 【沟通交流】:有任何使用上的问题,欢迎随时与博主沟通,博主会及时解答。鼓励下载和使用,并欢迎大家互相学习,共同进步。【项目资源】:包含前端、后端、移动开发、操作系统、人工智能、物联网、信息化管理、数据库、硬件开发、大数据、课程资源、音视频、网站开发等各种技术项目的源码。包括STM32、ESP8266、PHP、QT、Linux、iOS、C++、Java、MATLAB、python、web、C#、EDA、proteus、RTOS等项目的源码。 【项目质量】:所有源码都经过严格测试,可以直接运行。功能在确认正常工作后才上传。 【适用人群】:适用于希望学习不同技术领域的小白或进阶学习者。可作为毕设项目、课程设计、大作业、工程实训或初期项目立项。 【附加价值】:项目具有较高的学习借鉴价值,也可直接拿来修改复刻。对于有一定基础或热衷于研究的人来说,可以在这些基础代码上进行修改和扩展,实现其他功能。 【沟通交流】:有任何使用上的问题,欢迎随时与博主沟通,博主会及时解答。鼓励下载和使用,并欢迎大家互相学习,共同进步。【项目资源】:包含前端、后端、移动开发、操作系统、人工智能、物联网、信息化管理、数据库、硬件开发、大数据、课程资源、音视频、网站开发等各种技术项目的源码。包括STM32、ESP8266、PHP、QT、Linux、iOS、C++、Java、MATLAB、python、web、C#、EDA、proteus、RTOS等项目的源码。 【项目质量】:所有源码都经过严格测试,可以直接运行。功能在确认正常工作后才上传。 【适用人群】:适用于希望学习不同技术领域的小白或进阶学习者。可作为毕设项目、课程设计、大作业、工程实训或初期项目立项。 【附加价值】:项目具有较高的学习借鉴价值,也可直接拿来修改复刻。对于有一定基础或热衷于研究的人来说,可以在这些基础代码上进行修改和扩展,实现其他功能。 【沟通交流】:有任何使用上的问题,欢迎随时与博主沟通,博主会及时解答。鼓励下载和使用,并欢迎大家互相学习,共同进步。【项目资源




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