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Microwave Engineering


  • MIT Radiation Lab Series, volumes 1-27 (28 with index)

    • The Rad Lab series is legendary. With these 28 volumes (including the index), the work of the Lincoln Laboratory during WWII is recorded by those who developed the science and art of microwave engineering. Topics covered: network analysis, resonant cavities, antennas, radar systems, waveguides, mixers, pulse generators, klystron tubes... the list goes on, each with a dedicated volume. The volumes are dense and thorough, making them a tough read sometimes. All available in PDF online. || 麻省理工辐射实验室 MIT Radiation Lab系列是传奇。通过这28卷(包括索引),林肯实验室在二战期间的工作被那些发展微波工程科学的人记录了下来。主题涵盖: 网络分析,谐振腔,天线,雷达系统,波导,混频器,脉冲发生器,速调管…这个列表还在继续,每个都有一个专用的卷。这些书既难懂又透彻,有时读起来很难。所有内容均以PDF格式在线提供。

  • Pozar, Microwave Engineering, 4th edition.

    • Classic microwave engineering text. Very strong content on foundations, but lacking any useful information on S-parameters. Minimal coverage of power amplifiers. Great content on various transmission line circuits like hybrids, couplers, oscillators, LNAs, but sometimes surface level. || 经典微波工程文本。基础内容非常丰富,但缺乏有关 S 参数的任何有用信息。功率放大器的覆盖范围很小。关于各种传输线电路(如混合电路、耦合器、振荡器、LNA)的丰富内容,但有时是表面级别的。

  • Collin, Foundations for Microwave Engineering, 2nd edition.

    • The 2nd edition made great improvements over the 1st. Unfortunately, I only have the 1st edition on my bookshelf. I consider it as a companion to Pozar, covering similar material, but often in different ways. Superior to Pozar in several areas, like logical progression of ideas. || 第二版比第一版有了很大的改进。不幸的是,我的书架上只有第一版。我认为它是 Pozar 的姊妹篇,涵盖了类似的材料,但通常以不同的方式。在几个方面优于Pozar,比如观点的逻辑推理。

  • Other books I reference, but don't have as close a relationship with:

    • Bharti and Bahl, Microwave Solid-State Circuit Design

    • Gonzalez, Microwave Transistor Amplifiers

    • Kasa, Microwave Integrated Circuits

    • Rao, Microwave and Radar Engineering

    • Vendelin, Microwave Circuit Design using Linear and Nonlinear Techniques

    • Bahl, Fundamentals of RF and Microwave Transistor Amplifiers

RF Electronics 


几乎与微波相同,但 E&M 较少

  • Clarke and Hess, Communication Circuits: Analysis and Design

    • One of my favorite books on network analysis and reactive networks (LC tanks, transformer-like networks), as well as transistor-level design and power amplifier design. One of the few books that explains power amplifiers well. || 我最喜欢的关于网络分析和电抗网络(LC 回路、类变压器网络)以及晶体管级设计和功率放大器设计的书籍之一。少数几本很好地解释功率放大器的书之一。

  • Krauss, Solid State Radio Engineering

  • Bowick, RF Circuit Design, 2nd edition.

    • A strong reference book, and small; Bowick is always handy to have around. It's like a skim over Pozar, with most of the key details, though you will find no derivations. The best section is on component parasitics, and use of software design tools is a bonus. || 一本很强的参考书,而且很小;有他的书在身边总是很方便。这就像浏览 Pozar 一样,包含大部分关键细节,尽管您不会发现任何推论。最好的部分是关于组件寄生效应,以及使用软件设计工具是一个意外惊喜。

  • Razavi, RF Microelectronics, 2nd edition.

    • Razavi writes often in electronics, and his perspectives are always refreshing. You can tell he cares about the topics, and wants to explain the insights he's gained, though his books are not the first I reach for. RF Microelectronics is focused towards system-level design, and (as the name implies) MMIC circuit design. Many circuits in the book are the type I could imagine finding in a paper from IEEE, which is to say, modern and yet specific and difficult to apply to everyday work. || 拉扎维经常撰写电子领域的文章,他的观点总是令人耳目一新。你可以看出他关心这些话题,并且想要解释他所获得的见解,尽管他的书并不是我第一本。RF MicroElectronics 专注于系统级设计和(顾名思义)MMIC 电路设计。书中的许多电路都是我可以想象在 IEEE 论文中找到的类型,也就是说,先进且具体但难以应用于日常的工作。

  • Sayre, Complete Wireless Design, 2nd edition.

    • I'm a fan of Sayre's (very ambitious) book. I once showed it to a mentor of mine who worked in RF, and he said "wow, I sure wish I'd had a book like this 20 years ago! But the section on filters is useless." The strengths are in Sayre's emphasis on practical devices, using integrated circuits and cookbook formulas for designs, while still providing good coverage of power amplifiers, link budgets, modulation, and (particularly useful), a grab-bag of secondary circuits such as frequency multipliers, RF switches, AGC, baluns, and more. Many diagrams of realized microstrip, but without any information about how the designs were achieved or the characteristic impedances etc. || 我是Sayre 书的粉丝。我曾经把这本书拿给一位在 RF领域工作的导师看,他说:“哇,我真希望 20 年前就有一本这样的书!但是关于滤波器的部分毫无用处。” Sayre 的优势在于强调实用设备,使用集成电路和手册公式进行设计,同时仍然提供功率放大器、链路预算、调制和(特别有用的)次级电路(例如倍频器)的良好覆盖范围、射频开关、AGC、巴伦等。许多使用微带线已经实现的图,但没有任何有关如何实现设计或特性阻抗等的信息。

  • Dye and Granberg, Radio Frequency Transistors: Principles and Practical Applications.

    • A reasonable reference, especially for its use of CAD tools and its coverage of the particulars of selecting transistors. A bit dated, but still relevant. || 一个合适的参考,特别是它对 CAD 工具的使用以及对选择晶体管细节的涵盖。有点过时,但仍然相关。

  • Carr, Secrets of RF Circuit Design, 2nd edition.

    • For the radio hobbyist, and filled with practical advice for constructing circuits, like the ARRL handbook. I don't reach for it often, but it has its place. || 适合无线电爱好者,其中充满了构建电路的实用建议,例如 ARRL 手册。我不经常接触它,但它有它的位置。

  • Steer, Fundamentals of RF and Microwave Design, 3rd edition.

  • Terman, Radio Engineering

    • Referenced in many later RF reference texts, but can be dense. || 在许多后来的 RF 参考文本中引用,但可能有点难懂。

  • Carson, High-frequency Amplifiers

    • Part of the early RF "canon." Recommended, though I haven't personally used it before. ||  早期 RF“规范”的一部分。推荐,虽然我之前没有亲自使用过。

Filters and Network Analysis/Synthesis


  • Temes and LaPatra, Introduction to Circuit Synthesis and Design

    • Gabor C. Temes is one of my favorite authors in network theory. This book in particular is notable for covering network analysis/synthesis of distributed networks, something not often seen in network synthesis books. || Gabor C. Temes 是我最喜欢的网络理论作者之一。这本书特别值得注意的是涵盖了分布式网络的网络分析/综合,这在网络综合书籍中并不常见。

  • Valkenburg, Network Analysis

  • Valkenburg, Introduction to Modern Network Synthesis

    • The van Valkenburg books go together in my mind, despite the fact that they cover quite different topics. Well worth their weight, I use them as reference reasonably often. || Van Valkenburg的书在我的脑海中是一致的,尽管事实上它们涵盖了完全不同的主题。非常值得它们的重量,我经常使用它们作为参考。

  • Matthaei, Young, and Jones, Design of Microwave Filters Impedance Matching Networks and Coupling Structures, Vols 1-2 (1963)

  • Hong and Lancaster, Microstrip Filters for RF Microwave Applications

  • Cameron, Microwave Filters for Communication Systems

  • Zverev, Handbook of Filter Synthesis

  • Williams, Electronic Filter Design Handbook



  • Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, 3rd edition.

    • A great book, much more readable than Jackson, but sometimes lacking the rigor and advanced mathematics. A superior reference to Jackson many times, because of the stress it places on "important" concepts, but at the cost of being slightly too informal. || 一本伟大的书,比杰克逊的书更具可读性,但有时缺乏严谨性和高等数学。多次引用杰克逊,因为它强调“重要”概念,但代价是有点过于非正式。

  • Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, 3rd edition.

    • One of the most challenging graduate textbooks in physics, and also one of the best (and worst) for its thorough and rigorous coverage of many topics. || 这是物理学中最具挑战性的研究生教科书之一,也是最好(和最差)的教科书之一,因为它对许多主题的全面和严格的覆盖。

  • Portis, Electromagnetic Fields

    • Great reference for physical E&M, I go to this often for more physics-oriented coverage organized in a convenient way, covering a wide range of material. || 对于物理 E&M 来说是很好的参考,我经常去这里寻找以方便的方式,组织的更多以物理为导向的报道,涵盖了广泛的材料。

  • Ulaby, Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics

    • Not worth the paper it's printed on. Terrible formatting, with two-column text, and text boxes that fill multiple pages separating paragraphs or sentences. Coverage is reasonable, if not sporadic. || 不值得打印它。格式很糟糕,有两列文本,文本框填充多个页面,分隔段落或句子。覆盖范围即使不是零星的,也是合理的。

  • Gupta, Garg, Bhartia and Bahl, Microstrip Lines and Slotlines, 2nd edition.

    • While arguably a microwave/RF book, I rarely use this for microwave design. It serves much better as the theoretical microstrip and stripline reference book, and the advanced techniques for electromagnetic analysis are endlessly valuable and interesting, especially where computing is concerned. || 虽然可以说是一本微波/射频书籍,但我很少将其用于微波设计。它更适合作为理论微带线和带状线参考书,电磁分析的先进技术具有无限的价值和有趣,特别是在计算方面。




  • Kraus, Antennas

    • Kraus is arguably the first name in modern antenna theory. His book here is a wonder of useful information and engineering. || 克劳斯可以说是现代天线理论中的第一个名字。他的书是有用信息和工程的奇迹。

  • Balanis, Antenna Theory, 4th edition

    • Balanis is a strong book for learning antenna theory. While you don't need the most up-to-date edition, having code listings in Matlab is probably better than having them in FORTRAN. In any case, the math is the same, and Balanis does a good job guiding the reader through the material. || Balanis 是一本学习天线理论的强书。虽然您不需要最新版本,但在 Matlab 中拥有代码列表可能比在 FORTRAN 中拥有代码列表更好。无论如何,数学是相同的,Balanis 很好地引导读者阅读材料。

Math and Numerical Methods


  • Jain and Ahmad, Textbook of Analytical Geometry (2 books)

    • Love this book for coordinate geometry and conic sections etc. These topics come up more often than one would think. || 喜欢这本书的坐标几何和圆锥曲线等。这些主题出现的频率比人们想象的要多。

  • Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics.

    • A good reference for ODEs, linear algebra, complex analysis, and numerical methods. Tends to be surface level. || 对于常微分方程、线性代数、复分析和数值方法来说,这是一本很好的参考书。往往是表面水平。

  • Beckinbach, Modern Mathematics for the Engineer

    • An older book with some interesting information on numerical methods, PDEs, optimization, and even conformal mapping. || 一本较旧的书,其中包含一些有关数值方法、偏微分方程、优化甚至保角映射的有趣信息。

  • Hamming, Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers

    • Great book for basic numerical methods, up to (but excluding) finite elements and the solution of PDEs. || 关于基本数值方法的好书,但不包括有限元和偏微分方程的解。

  • Zienkiewicz and Morgan, Finite Elements and Approximation

    • Picks up after the material in Hamming to provide detailed information on FEA. Combined with Beckinbach, you have a good strong foundation for computational electromagnetics, ready for specific books (those covering MoM, FDTD, etc). || 在 Hamming 中的材料之后拾取,以提供有关 FEA 的详细信息。与 Beckinbach 相结合,您将在计算电磁学方面打下坚实的基础,为特定书籍(涵盖 MoM、FDTD 等的书籍)做好准备。

  • Churchill, Complex Variables and Applications

    • Great reference for complex analysis, conformal mapping, etc. || 对于复杂分析、保角映射等很有参考价值。

  • Hall and Knight, Higher Algebra

    • A turn-of-the-20th-century treatise on "higher algebra", meaning all those tricky algebra problems in the theory of equations, series, etc, explained well. Essential on my bookshelf. || 20世纪初关于“高等代数”的论文,这意味着方程、级数等理论中所有棘手的代数问题都得到了很好的解释。我的书架上必不可少的。

  • Nise, Control Systems Engineering, 6th edition.

    • Everything relating to Laplace domain and state space analysis and design, root-locus, and more. A really impressive text, which I go to often. || 与拉普拉斯和状态空间分析和设计、根轨迹等相关的所有内容。一篇非常令人印象深刻的文章,我经常阅读。

Spices and Seasonings



  • Maxwell, Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, vols. 1&2.

  • Heaviside, Electromagnetic Theory, vols. 1-3.

  • Markus, Sourcebook of Electronic Circuits.

Missing Pieces



  • S-parameters

    • Surprisingly, no references above contain useful information about S-parameters. Examples in e.g. Pozar do not include distributed networks, despite the fact that many results are later derived which implicitly use them. The way power waves are introduced in Pozar is confusing and ill-motivated based on the examples given. In fact, finding any reference which gives a good example problem of the S-parameters of a distributed network is almost impossible. My notebook is filled will analyses of e.g. 3-port dividers with different characteristic impedances, because I had to solve them myself, and through much struggle. The information on S-parameters, in general, is enough for one to not realize that you can't solve for the basic S-parameters of a mismatched TL. Reference planes are rarely defined well, and the S-parameters themselves are poorly defined, with poor explanation of what voltages and currents (and traveling waves) we're dealing with.

  • Distributed network analysis

    • Related to my gripe with S-parameters. Rarely are non-trivial examples found with sufficient detail. Techniques and understanding must be picked up within other topics, like coupler design or impedance matching, adding more difficulty to rather straightforward topics. Proper coverage should emphasize boundary conditions, the relation to circuit analysis, the role of KVL and KCL, and working in multiple coordinate systems simultaneously.

  • Transistor biasing

    • Many microwave books use highly questionable methods of biasing, and do nothing to explain the design decisions. Topologies which are explained are rarely used in practice. Justification is rare.

  • Voltage-controlled oscillators and sweep generators

    • This is more specific, but it would be really nice to see books cover signal generation.

  • Vector Calculus

    • Vector calc is covered well many times in the first chapter or two of books. But rarely to a satisfying amount. Missing coverage on Helmholtz decomposition, vector calculus Taylor's theorem, vector integration by parts, etc, or not providing useful reference for basic operation behavior and the many gotchas. Tensors and matrices for e.g. vector gradients are usually left out, as are dyads etc.






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