X【关闭日历】 、<【上一月份】、>【下一月份】、≤ 【上一年】、≥ 【下一年】、今天:2020/10/20 【 显示今天日期 】
3).如被其它控件遮住;可以在窗体open事件中使用 控件名称.setposition(ToTop!) 使日历显示在最上层
1、创建Custom Visual对象,命名为vo_calendar
global type vo_calendar from userobject
end type
type st_1 from statictext within vo_calendar
end type
type dw_1 from datawindow within vo_calendar
end type
type st_2 from statictext within vo_calendar
end type
type em_date from editmask within vo_calendar
end type
end forward
global type vo_calendar from userobject
integer width = 995
integer height = 1053
long backcolor = 16777215
string text = "none"
long tabtextcolor = 33554432
long picturemaskcolor = 536870912
st_1 st_1
dw_1 dw_1
st_2 st_2
em_date em_date
end type
global vo_calendar vo_calendar
type variables
long il_headerColor = rgb(84,110,122),il_Color = rgb(166,166,166)
int ii_Days[12]
string is_arrDdate[6,7],is_arrNull[6,7]
string is_modifyLeft,is_modifyRight
boolean ib_bool = false
long il_DWHeight
end variables
forward prototypes
public subroutine of_draw_day (integer ai_year, integer ai_month)
public subroutine of_set_ii_days (integer ai_year)
public subroutine of_selected_day ()
public subroutine of_visible (boolean ab_bool)
end prototypes
public subroutine of_draw_day (integer ai_year, integer ai_month);//==================
int li_insertrow,li_for,li_weet,li_for2,li_for3
int li_number,li_val = 0,li_w,li_mod,ll_row,li_month,li_year
string ls_value,ls_ifCon
string ls_ifCon1='', ls_ifCon2='', ls_ifCon3='', ls_ifCon4='', ls_ifCon5='', ls_ifCon6='', ls_ifCon7=''
//long ll_arrVlaueR[]
string ls_arrVlaue[],ls_Null[]
any lany_arrVlaueR[]
date ldt_date
is_arrDdate = is_arrNull
dw_1.reset( )
for li_for = 1 to 6
lany_arrVlaueR[li_for] = ls_Null
ldt_date = date(string(ai_year)+'-'+string(ai_month)+'-01')
dw_1.object.ldate[1] = ldt_date
dw_1.object.t_years.text =string(ldt_date,'yyyy年mm月')
li_insertrow = 1
for li_for = 1 to ii_Days[ai_month]
li_weet = daynumber(date(string(ai_year)+'-'+string(ai_month)+'-'+string(li_for)+''))
if li_weet = 1 then
li_weet = 7
li_weet = li_weet -1
if li_weet = 1 and li_for <> 1 then li_insertrow = li_insertrow + 1
end if
dw_1.setitem(li_insertrow,'d_'+string(li_weet), string(li_for))
is_arrDdate[li_insertrow ,li_weet] = string(date(string(ai_year)+'-'+string(ai_month)+'-'+string(li_for)),'yyyy-mm-dd')
if li_for = 1 then
for li_for2 = li_weet -1 to 1 step -1
if ai_month -1 <=0 then
li_month = 12
li_year = ai_year -1
li_year = ai_year
li_month = ai_month -1
end if
ls_value = string(ii_Days[li_month] -(li_weet - li_for2 - 1))
dw_1.setitem(li_insertrow,'d_'+string(li_for2), ls_value)
is_arrDdate[li_insertrow ,li_for2] = string(date(string(li_year)+'-'+string(li_month)+'-'+ls_value),'yyyy-mm-dd')
ls_arrVlaue[upperbound(ls_arrVlaue) + 1] = ls_value
lany_arrVlaueR[li_insertrow] = ls_arrVlaue
elseif ii_Days[ai_month] = li_for then
ls_value = '0'
ls_arrVlaue = ls_Null
if li_weet = 6 then //
li_number = (li_insertrow ) * 7
li_number = (li_insertrow ) * 7 -(6 -li_weet)
end if
for li_for2 = li_number to 42
ls_value = string(long(ls_value) + 1)
li_mod = mod(li_for2,7)
ll_row = int(long(li_for2)/7)
if li_mod = 0 then
li_mod = 7
ll_row = ll_row + 1
end if
//if ll_row = 6 then ls_arrVlaue = ls_Null
if ai_month + 1 > 12 then
li_month =1
li_year = ai_year +1
li_year = ai_year
li_month = ai_month + 1
end if
dw_1.setitem(ll_row,'d_'+string(li_mod), ls_value)
is_arrDdate[ll_row,li_mod] = string(date(string(li_year)+'-'+string(li_month)+'-'+string(ls_value)),'yyyy-mm-dd')
ls_arrVlaue[upperbound(ls_arrVlaue) + 1] = ls_value
lany_arrVlaueR[ll_row] = ls_arrVlaue
end if
for li_for = 1 to upperbound(lany_arrVlaueR)
ls_arrVlaue = lany_arrVlaueR[li_for]
if upperbound(ls_arrVlaue) > 0 then
for li_for3 = 1 to 7
ls_ifCon = ''
for li_for2 = 1 to upperbound(ls_arrVlaue)
ls_value = ls_arrVlaue[li_for2]
if ls_ifCon = '' then
ls_ifCon = "(d_"+string(li_for3)+" = '"+ls_value+"'"
ls_ifCon = ls_ifCon + "or d_"+string(li_for3)+" = '"+ls_value+"'"
end if
if ls_ifCon <> '' then
ls_ifCon = ls_ifCon + ') and (getrow()='+string(li_for)+')'
if li_for3 = 1 then
if ls_ifCon1 = '' then
ls_ifCon1= "("+ls_ifCon
ls_ifCon1 =ls_ifCon1 + " or ("+ls_ifCon
end if
ls_ifCon1 = ls_ifCon1+")"
elseif li_for3 = 2 then
if ls_ifCon2 = '' then
ls_ifCon2= "("+ls_ifCon
ls_ifCon2 =ls_ifCon2 + " or ("+ls_ifCon
end if
ls_ifCon2 = ls_ifCon2+")"
elseif li_for3 = 3 then
if ls_ifCon3 = '' then
ls_ifCon3= "("+ls_ifCon
ls_ifCon3 =ls_ifCon3 + " or ("+ls_ifCon
end if
ls_ifCon3 = ls_ifCon3+")"
elseif li_for3 = 4 then
if ls_ifCon4 = '' then
ls_ifCon4= "("+ls_ifCon
ls_ifCon4 =ls_ifCon4 + " or ("+ls_ifCon
end if
ls_ifCon4 = ls_ifCon4+")"
elseif li_for3 = 5 then
if ls_ifCon5 = '' then
ls_ifCon5= "("+ls_ifCon
ls_ifCon5 =ls_ifCon5 + " or ("+ls_ifCon
end if
ls_ifCon5 = ls_ifCon5+")"
elseif li_for3 = 6 then
if ls_ifCon6 = '' then
ls_ifCon6= "("+ls_ifCon
ls_ifCon6 =ls_ifCon6 + " or ("+ls_ifCon
end if
ls_ifCon6 = ls_ifCon6+")"
elseif li_for3 = 7 then
if ls_ifCon7 = '' then
ls_ifCon7= "("+ls_ifCon
ls_ifCon7 =ls_ifCon7 + " or ("+ls_ifCon
end if
ls_ifCon7 = ls_ifCon7+")"
end if
end if
end if
dw_1.modify("d_"+string(1)+".color =~"0~tif("+ls_ifCon1+" ,"+string(il_Color)+",0)~"")
dw_1.modify("d_"+string(2)+".color =~"0~tif("+ls_ifCon2+" ,"+string(il_Color)+",0)~"")
dw_1.modify("d_"+string(3)+".color =~"0~tif("+ls_ifCon3+" ,"+string(il_Color)+",0)~"")
dw_1.modify("d_"+string(4)+".color =~"0~tif("+ls_ifCon4+" ,"+string(il_Color)+",0)~"")
dw_1.modify("d_"+string(5)+".color =~"0~tif("+ls_ifCon5+" ,"+string(il_Color)+",0)~"")
dw_1.modify("d_"+string(6)+".color =~"0~tif("+ls_ifCon6+" ,"+string(il_Color)+",0)~"")
dw_1.modify("d_"+string(7)+".color =~"0~tif("+ls_ifCon7+" ,"+string(il_Color)+",0)~"")
end subroutine
public subroutine of_set_ii_days (integer ai_year);//==================================
ii_Days = {31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}
If ( (Mod(ai_year,4) = 0 And Mod(ai_year,100) <> 0) Or (Mod(ai_year,400) = 0) ) Then
ii_Days[2] = 29
End If
end subroutine
public subroutine of_selected_day ();//========================================
int li_years,li_month,li_day
date ldt_date
int li_for ,li_for2
ldt_date = date(em_date.text)
if ldt_date <> date('1900-01-01') then
for li_for =1 to 7
dw_1.modify("d_"+string(li_for)+".background.color =536870912")
for li_for =1 to 6
for li_for2 = 1 to 7
if is_arrDdate[li_for,li_for2] = string(ldt_date,'yyyy-mm-dd') then
li_day = day(ldt_date)
dw_1.modify("d_"+string(li_for2)+".background.color =~"0~tif(d_"+string(li_for2)+"='"+string(li_day)+"' and getrow() = "+string(li_for)+" and '"+string(ldt_date)+"' = '"+string(ldt_date)+"',"+string(il_headerColor)+",536870912)~"")
end if
end if
end subroutine
public subroutine of_visible (boolean ab_bool);//======================
date ldt_date
int li_year,li_month,li_for
if ab_bool then
this.height = il_DWHeight
ldt_date = date(em_date.text)
if ldt_date <> date('1900-01-01') then
li_year = year(ldt_date)
li_month = month(ldt_date)
end if
ib_bool = true
this.width = dw_1.width
for li_for = 1 to 7 //重置背景
dw_1.modify("d_"+string(li_for)+".border ='0'")
dw_1.modify("t_close.color ='0'")
ib_bool = false
this.height = em_date.height
this.width = em_date.width
end if
dw_1.x = 0
dw_1.y = em_date.y + em_date.height
end subroutine
on vo_calendar.create
this.st_1=create st_1
this.dw_1=create dw_1
this.st_2=create st_2
this.em_date=create em_date
end on
on vo_calendar.destroy
end on
event constructor;string ls_syanx
ls_syanx = 'release 9;&
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string ls_date
date ld_date
int li_year,li_month
ld_date =today()//dw_1.getitemdate(1, 'ld_date')
li_year = year(ld_date)
li_month = month(ld_date)
ls_date = string(ld_date,'yyyy年mm')
dw_1.modify("t_years.text = "+ls_date+"")
dw_1.modify("t_years.Background.Mode = 1")
dw_1.modify("t_left.Background.Mode = 1")
dw_1.modify("t_1.Background.Mode = 1")
dw_1.modify("t_2.Background.Mode = 1")
dw_1.modify("t_right.Background.Mode = 1")
dw_1.modify("t_years.color = '16777215'")
dw_1.modify("t_1.color = '16777215'")
dw_1.modify("t_2.color = '16777215'")
dw_1.modify("t_left.color = '16777215'")
dw_1.modify("t_right.color = '16777215'")
dw_1.modify("r_backcolor.brush.color ='"+string(il_headerColor)+"'")
dw_1.modify("d_1.Background.Mode = 2")
dw_1.modify("d_2.Background.Mode = 2")
dw_1.modify("d_3.Background.Mode = 2")
dw_1.modify("d_4.Background.Mode = 2")
dw_1.modify("d_5.Background.Mode = 2")
dw_1.modify("d_6.Background.Mode = 2")
dw_1.modify("d_7.Background.Mode = 2")
dw_1.modify("w_1.Background.Mode = 1")
dw_1.modify("w_2.Background.Mode = 1")
dw_1.modify("w_3.Background.Mode = 1")
dw_1.modify("w_4.Background.Mode = 1")
dw_1.modify("w_5.Background.Mode = 1")
dw_1.modify("w_6.Background.Mode = 1")
dw_1.modify("w_7.Background.Mode = 1")
il_DWHeight = em_date.height + dw_1.height
text= ''
//dw_1.modify('posmsg.values="2012 2012/')
//this.backcolor= parent.backcolor
end event
type st_1 from statictext within vo_calendar
boolean visible = false
integer x = 373
integer y = 6
integer width = 102
integer height = 70
integer textsize = -14
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = gb2312charset!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
string facename = "宋体"
long textcolor = 33554432
long backcolor = 16777215
string text = "▼"
alignment alignment = center!
borderstyle borderstyle = styleshadowbox!
boolean focusrectangle = false
end type
event clicked;//of_visible()
end event
type dw_1 from datawindow within vo_calendar
event ue_dwmousemove pbm_dwnmousemove
integer y = 131
integer width = 976
integer height = 902
integer taborder = 10
string title = "none"
boolean livescroll = true
end type
event ue_dwmousemove;int li_for
string ls_date
this.setredraw( false)
if dwo.name = 't_left' or dwo.name = 't_right' or dwo.name = 't_2' or dwo.name = 't_1' then
this.modify(string(dwo.name)+".color =255")
elseif pos(dwo.name,'d_') > 0 and row > 0 then
for li_for = 1 to 7 //重置border
this.modify("d_"+string(li_for)+".border ='0'")
ls_date = this.getitemstring( row, string(dwo.name))
if ls_date <> '' and not isnull(ls_date) then this.modify(string(dwo.name)+".border ='0~tif(getrow() = "+string(row)+",2,0)'")
elseif dwo.name = 't_close' then
this.modify("t_close.color ='255'")
this.modify("t_1.color =536870912")
this.modify("t_2.color =536870912")
this.modify("t_left.color =536870912")
this.modify("t_right.color =536870912")
for li_for = 1 to 7 //重置border
this.modify("d_"+string(li_for)+".border ='0'")
this.modify("t_close.color ='0'")
end if
this.setredraw( true)
end event
event clicked;string ls_years,ls_month
int li_years,li_month,li_for
date ldt_date
string ls_data,ls_name
this.setredraw( false)
if dwo.name = 't_left' or dwo.name = 't_right' then
ldt_date = dw_1.getitemdate(1, 'ldate')
li_years = year(ldt_date)
li_month = month(ldt_date)
if dwo.name = 't_left' then
if li_month -1 > 0 then
li_month = li_month -1
li_month = 12
li_years = li_years -1
end if
elseif dwo.name = 't_right' then
if li_month +1 < 13 then
li_month = li_month +1
li_month = 1
li_years = li_years +1
end if
end if
elseif dwo.name = 't_1' or dwo.name = 't_2' then
ldt_date = dw_1.getitemdate(1, 'ldate')
li_years = year(ldt_date)
li_month = month(ldt_date)
if dwo.name = 't_1' then
li_years = li_years + 1
elseif dwo.name = 't_2' then
li_years = li_years - 1
end if
elseif pos(dwo.name,'d_') > 0 and row > 0 then
ls_name = dwo.name
ls_data = is_arrDdate[row ,long(right(ls_name,1))]
if ls_data <> '' then
em_date.text = ls_data
text = ls_data
end if
elseif dwo.name = 'today' then
ldt_date = date(dw_1.getitemdatetime(1, 'today'))
em_date.text = string(ldt_date)
text = string(ldt_date)
elseif dwo.name = 't_close' then
end if
this.setredraw( true)
end event
type st_2 from statictext within vo_calendar
integer x = 563
integer y = 16
integer width = 121
integer height = 83
boolean bringtotop = true
integer textsize = -20
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = gb2312charset!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
string facename = "宋体"
long textcolor = 33554432
long backcolor = 10789024
string text = "▼"
alignment alignment = center!
borderstyle borderstyle = styleshadowbox!
boolean focusrectangle = false
end type
event clicked;if ib_bool = false then
end if
end event
type em_date from editmask within vo_calendar
integer width = 699
integer height = 115
integer taborder = 10
integer textsize = -18
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = gb2312charset!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
string facename = "宋体"
long textcolor = 33554432
string text = "none"
maskdatatype maskdatatype = datemask!
string mask = "yyyy-mm-dd"
end type
event getfocus;of_visible(false)
end event