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Efficient Variants of the ICPalgorithm

The ICP (Iterative Closest Point) algorithm is widely used for geometric alignment of three-dimensional models when an initial estimate of the relative pose is known. Many variants of ICP have been proposed, affecting all phases of the algorithm from the selection and matching of points to the minimization strategy. We enumerate and classify many of these variants, and evaluate their effect on the speed with which the correct alignment is reached. In order to improve convergence for nearly-flat meshes with small features, such as inscribed surfaces, we introduce a new variant based on uniform sampling of the space of normals. We conclude by proposing a combination of ICP variants optimized for high speed. We demonstrate an implementation that is able to align two range images in a few tens of milliseconds, assuming a good initial guess. This capability has potential application to real-time 3D model acquisition and model-based tracking.






很好用的MATLAB相机标定工具箱,工具箱下载:http://www.vision.caltech.edu/bouguetj/calib_doc/download/index.html 说明文档:http://www.vision.caltech.edu/bouguetj/calib_doc/ 安装:将下载的工具箱文件toolbox_calib.zip解压缩,将目录toolbox_calib拷贝到Matlab的目录下。 采集图像:采集的图像统一命名后,拷贝到toolbox_calib目录中。命名规则为基本名和编号,基本名在前,后面直接跟着数字编号。编号最多为3位十进制数字。



This is a repo for my master thesis research about the Fusion of Visual SLAM and GPS. It contains the research paper, code and other interesting data. Note: This is work in progress. Please take a look at the website that accompanies this research at: https://Master.Kalisz.co There is also a ros-wrapper for DSO, which is used for the real-time part of this work (see https://github.com/JakobEngel/dso_ros). The "catkin" branch by Nikolaus Demmel was actually used here, as the original "rosmake" version did not work for me. License: GPL-v3. ### Direct Sparse Odometry (DSO) This work uses the Direct Sparse Odometry Project by TUM (see: https://vision.in.tum.de/dso and https://github.com/JakobEngel/dso). License: GPL-v3.



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