

MRCMove from coprocessor register to CPU registerRn: = cRn{cRm}
MRSMove PSR status/flags to registerRn: = PSR
MSRMove register to PSR status/flagsPSR: = Rm
MULMultiplyRd: = Rm x Rs
MVNMove negtive registerRd: = 0xFFFFFFFF EOR Op2
ORRORRd: = Rn or Op2
RSBReverse subtractRd: = Op2 - Rn
RSCReserve subtract with CarryRd: = Op2 - Rn - 1 + Carry
SBCSubtract with CarryRd: = Rn - Op2 - 1 + Carry
STCStore coprocessor register to memoryaddress: = CRn
STMStore multipleStack manipulation(Push)
STRstore register to memory<address>: = Rd
SUBSubtractRd: = Rn - Op2
SWISoftware interruptOS call
SWPSwap register with memoryRd: = [Rn],[Rn]: = Rm
TEQTest bitwise equalityCPSR flags: = Rn EOR Op2
TSTTest bitsCPSR flags: = Rn and Op2
ADCAdd with carryRd: = Rn + Op2 + carry
ADDAddRd: = Rn + Op2
BBranchR15: = address
BICBit clearRd: = Rn AND NOT Op2
BLBranch with linkR14: = R15,R15 = address
BXBranch with exchangeR15: = Rn, T bit = Rn[0]
CDPCoprocessor data processing(Coprocessor-specific)
CMNCompare NegtiveCPSR flags: = Rn +Op2
CMPCompareCPSR flags: = Rn - Op2
EORExclusive ORRd: = (Rn AND NOT Op2) OR (Op2 AND NOT Rn)
LDCLoad coprocessor from memoryCoprocessor load
LDMLoad multiple registersStack manipulation(Pop)
LDRLoad register from memoryRd: = (address)
MCRMove CPU register to coprocessor registercRn: = rRn{<op>cRm}
MLAMultiply accumulateRd: = (Rm x Rs) + Rn
MOVMove register or constantRd: = Op2


在ARM状态,所有指令根据CPSR条件代码和指令的条件域条件执行。这个域[bit 31:28]决定了指令在何种环境下执行。如果条件中的C,N,Z,V标志在域中被编码,则指令执行,否则忽略。

0000EQZ setequal
0001NEZ clearnot equal
0010CSC setunsigned higher or same
0011CCC clearunsigned lower
0100MIN setnegtive
0101PLN clearpositive or zero
0110VSV setoverflow
0111VCV clearno overflow
1000HIC set and Z clearunsigned higher
1001LSC clear or Z setunsigned lower or same
1010GEN equals Vgreater or equal
1011LTN not equal to Vless than
1100GTZ clear AND (N equals V)greater than
1101LEZ set OR (N not equal to V)less than or equal


BX {cond} Rn
  {cond}----Two character condition mnemonic
  Rn ----is an expression evaluating to a valid register number

  ADR    r0,into_THUMB +1     
  BX     r0    


  ADR   R5, Back_to_ARM
  BX    R5 


 {L}----Used to request the Branch with Link from fof the instruction.
 {cond}----A two-charactor mnemonic of condition field,if absent the AL(always) will be used.
 <expression>----The destination.Theassembler calculatesn the offset.

  here    BAL   here    ;Assembles to 0xEAFFFFFE(note effect of PC offset)
          B     there   ;Always condition used as default.
          CMP  R1,#0    ;Compare R1with zero and branch to fred if R1 was zero,otherwise continue.
          BEQ   fred     ;Continue to next instruction
          BL    sub+ROM  ;Call subroutine at computed address.
          ADDS   r1,#1   ;Add 1 to register 1,setting CPSR flags on the result then call subroutine if the C flag is clear,
                         ;which will be the case unless R1 held 0xFFFFFFFF.
          BLCC     sub     
  • MOV,MVN(single operand instructions).

     <opcode>{cond} Rd,<Op2>
  • CMP,CMN,TEQ,TST(instructions whitch do not produce a result)

     <opcode>{cond} Rn, <Op2>

     <opcode>{cond}{S Rd,Rn,<Op2>

 <Op2>----Rm{,<shift>} or,<#expression>
 {cond}----A two-charactor condition mnimonic
 {S}----Set condition codes if S present(implied for CMP,CMN,TEQ,TST)
  <#shift>----<shiftname><register> or <shiftname>#expression,or RRX
          (rotate right one bit with extend)
  <shiftname>s----ASL,LSL,LSR,ASR,ROR.(ASL is a synonym for
              LSL,they assemble to the same code.)


ADDEQ      R2,R4,R5         ;If the Z flag is set make R2: = R4+R5
 TEQS      R4,#3            ;Test R4 for equality with 3(the S is in fact redundant as the assembler inserts it automatically.)
 SUB       R4,R5,R7,LSR R2  ;Logical right shift R7 by the number in the bottom byte of R2,subtract result from R5,and put the answer into R4.
 MOV       PC,R14           ;Return from subroutine.
 MOVS      PC,R14           ;Return from exception and restore CPSR from SPSR_mode.
  • MRS - transfer PSR contents to a register
     MRS{cond} Rd,<psr>
  • MSR - transfer register contents to PSR
  • MSR - transfer register contents to PSR flag bits only .

 {cond}----Two-charactor condition mnemonic
 Rd and Rm----Expressions evaluating to a register number other than R15
 <psr>----CPSR,CPSR_all,SPSR or SPSR_all.
 <psrf>----CPSR_flg or SPSR_flg
 <#expression> ----Where this is used,the assembler will attempt to generate a shifted immediate 8-bit field to match the expression.If this is impossible,it will give an error.


In User mode the instructions behave as follows:

MSR CPSR_all,Rm            ; CPSR[31:28] <- Rm[31:28]
MSR CPSR_flg,Rm            ; CPSR[31:28] <- Rm[31:28]
MSR CPSR_flg,#0xA0000000   ; CPSR[31:28] <- 0xA(set N,C; clear A,V)

In privileged modes the instructions behave as follows:

MSR  CPSR_all,Rm          ; CPSR[31:0] <- Rm[31:0]
MSR  CPSR_flg,Rm          ; CPSR[31:28] <- Rm[31:28]
MSR  CPSR_flg,#0x50000000 ; CPSR[31:28] <- 0x05(set Z,V; clear N,C)
MSR  SPSR_all,Rm          ; SPSR_\<mode>[31:0] <- Rm[31:0]
MSR  SPSR_flg,Rm          ; SPSR_\<mode>[31:28] <- Rm[31:28]
MSR  SPSR_flg,#0xC0000000 ; SPSR_\<mode>[31:28] <- 0xC(set N,Z; clear C,V)
MSR  Rd,SPSR              ; Rd[31:0] <- SPSR_\<mode>[31:0]
  • MUL{cond} Rd,Rm,Rs
  • MLA{cond} Rd,Rm,Rs,Rn
     {cond}----Two-charactor condition mnimonic
     {S}----Set condition codes if S present
     Rd,Rm,Rs and Rn----Expressions evaluating to a register number other than R15.


MUL R1,R2,R3         ; R1: = R2*R3
MLAEQS  R1,R2,R3,R4  ; Conditionally R1: = R2*R3+R4,Setting condition codes.
  • UMULL{cond} RdLo, RdHi, Rm, Rs
  • UMLAL{cond} RdLo, RdHi, Rm, Rs
  • SMULL{cond} RdLo, RdHi, Rm, Rs
  • SMLAL{cond} RdLo, RdHi, Rm, Rs

 <cond>----Two-charactor condition mneminic.
 {S}----Set condition codes if S present
 RdLo,RdHi,Rm,Rs----Expressions evaluating to a register number other than R15


UMULL R1,R4,R2,R3      ; R4,R1: = R2*R3
UMLALS  R1,R5,R2,R3    ; R5,R1: = R2*R3+R5,R1 also setting condition codes
  • Single data transfer
    <LDR|STR>{cond}{B}{T} Rd,<Address>

     LDR----Load from memory into a register
     STR----Store from a register into memory
     {cond}----Two-character condition mnemonic
     {B}----If B is present the byte transfer, otherwise word transfer.
     {T}----If T is present the W bit will be set in a post-indexed instruction, forcing non-privileged mode for the transfer cycle. T is not allowed when a pre-indexed addressing moed is specified or implied.
     Rd----An expression evaluating to a valid register number
     Rn and Rm----Expressions evaluating to a register number. If Rn is R15 the assembler will subtract 8 from the offset value to allow for ARM920T pipelining. In this case base write-back should not be specified.
STR R1,[R2,R4]!             ; Store R1 at R2+R4(both of which are registers) and write back address to R2

STR R1,[R2],R4              ; Store R1 at R2 and write back R2+R4 to R2
LDR R1,[R2,#16]             ; Load R1 from contents of R2+16,but don't write back
LDR R1,[R2,R3,LSL#2]        ;Load R1 from contents of R2+R3*R4
LDREQB R1,[R6, #5]          ;Conditionally load byte at R6+5 into R1 bits 0 to 7,filling bits 8 to 31 with zeros

STR R1,PLACE                ;Generate PC relative offset to address PLACE
LDR   R1,[R2,-R3]!             ;Load R1 from the contents of the halfword address
                               ;contained in R2-R3(both of witch are registers)
                               ;and write back address to R2
 STRH  R3,[R4,#14]             ;Store the halfword in R3 at R14+14 but don't write back
 LDRSB  R8,[R2],#-223          ;Load R8 with the sign extened contents of the byte
                               ;address contained in R2 and write back R2-223 to R2
 LDRNESH  R11,[R0]             ;Conditionally load R11 with the sign extended contents
                               ;of the halfword address contained in R0
 HERE                          ;Generate PC relative offset to address FRED
 STRH   R5,[PC,#(FRED-HERE-8)] ;Store the halfword in R5 at address FRED
  • Block data transfer

    <LDM|STM>{cond}<FD|ED|FA|EA|IA|IB|DA|DB> Rn{!},{^}
    {cond}----Two charactor contition mnemonic
    Rn----An expression evaluating to a valid number
    ----A list of registers and regiter ranges enclosed in {}(e.g.{R0,R2-R7,R10})
    {!}----If present requests write-back(w=1),otherwise w=0.
    {^}----If present set S bit to load the CPSR along with the PC, or force transfer of user bank when in priviledged mode.
LDMFD   SP!,{R0,R1,R2}  ;Unstack 3 registers.
STMIA   R0,{R0-R15}     ;Save all register.
LDMFD   SP!,{R15}       ;R15 <-(SP),CPSR unchenged.
LDMFD   SP!,{R15}^      ;R15 <-(SP),CPSR <- SPSR_mode

STMFD  R13,{R0-R14}^    ;(allowed only in previledge modes).

These instruction may be used to save state on subroutine entry, and restore it efficiently on return to the calling routine:

STMED   SP!,{R0-R3,R14}    ;Save R0 to R3 to use as 
                           ; workspace and R14 for returning.
 BL  somewhere             ;This nested call will overwrite R14
 LDMED   SP!,{R0-R3,R15}   ;Restore workspace and return.
  • Single data swap

    {cond} Rd, Rm, [Rn]
    {cond}---- Two charactor condition mnemonic
    {B}----If B is present then byte transfer, otherwise word transfer.
    Rd,Rm,Rn----Expressions evaluating to valid register numbers.
SWP     R0,R1,[R2]  ;Load R0 with the word addressed by 
                    ;R2,and Store R1 at R2.
SWPB    R2,R3,[R4]  ;Load R2 with the byte addressed by 
                    ;R4,and store bits 0 to 7 of R3 at R4.
SWPEQ   R0,R0,[R1]  ;Conditionally swap the contents of 
                    ; the word addressed by R1 with R0 
  • Software interrupt

SWI ReadC     ;Get next charactor from read stream.
SWI Write+"k" ; Output a "k" to the write stream
SWINE 0       ;Conditionally call supervisor with 0 in comment field.

Supervisor code

        0x08 B Supervisor   ;SWI entry point
        Entry Table         ;Addresses of supervisor routines
        DCD ZeroRtn
        DCD ReadCRtn
        DCD WriteRtn
        Zero    EQU 0
ReadC   EQU 256
Write   EQU 512

       Supervisor               ;SWI has routine required in bits 8-23 and data (if any) in bits 0-7, Assumes R13_svc points to a  suitable satck
       STMFD R13,{R0-R2,R14}    ;Save work registers and return address.
       LDR R0,[R14,#-4]         ;Get SWI instruction
       BIC R0,R0,#0xFF000000    ;Clear top 8 bits
       MOV R1,R0,LSR#8          ;Get routine offset
       ADR R2,EntryTable        ;Get start address of entry table
       LDR R15,[R2,R1,LSL#2]    ;Branch to appropriate routine.
       WriteRtn                 ;Enter with charactor in R0 bits 0-7
       LDMFD  R13,{R0-R2,R15}^  ;Restore workspace and return ,restoring processor mode and flags.

  • Coprocessor register transfer

    MRC---- Move from coprocessor to ARM920T register(L=1)
    MCR----Move from ARM920T register to coprocessor(L=0)
    {cond}----Two character condition mnemonic
    p#----the unique number of the required coprocessor
    <expression1>----Evaluated to a constant and placed in the CP Opc field
    Rd----An expression evaluating to a valid ARM920T register number
    cn and cm----Expression evaluating to the valid coprocessor register numbers CRn and CRm respectively
    <expression2>----Where present is evaluated to a constant and placed in the CP field
MRC     p2,5,R3,c5,c6           ;Request coproc 2 to perform operation 5 on c5 and c6,and transfer the (single 32-bit word) result back to R3
MCR     p6,0,R4,c5,c6           ;Request coproc 6 to perform operation 0 on R4 and place the result in c6.
MRCEQ   p3,9,R3,c5,c6,2         ;Conditionaly request coproc 3 to perform operation 9 (type 2) on c5 and c6,and transfer the result back to R3. 
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