

<groupId>org.apache.poi </groupId>
<artifactId>poi-ooxml-schemas </artifactId>
<version>3.16 </version>

<groupId>org.apache.poi </groupId>
<artifactId>poi-examples </artifactId>
<version>3.16 </version>

<groupId>org.apache.poi </groupId>
<artifactId>poi-ooxml </artifactId>
<version>3.16 </version>

<groupId>org.apache.poi </groupId>
<artifactId>poi-scratchpad </artifactId>
<version>3.16 </version>

Map<String , Object> params = couponDetailsTemporaryVOPage.getCondition() == null ? new HashMap<>()
: couponDetailsTemporaryVOPage.getCondition() ;
List<CouponDetailsTemporaryVO> couponList = this . baseMapper
.findCouponDetailsTemporaryPage(couponDetailsTemporaryVOPage , params) ;
public static final String[] voucherColumnNames = { "批次" , "兑换码" , "抵用券名称" , "金额" , "生效日期" , "失效日期" , "创建原因" } ;
public static final String[] voucherMethodNames = { " get BatchId" , " get CouponCode" , " get CouponDetailsName" , " get CutAmount" , " get BeginTime" , " get EndTime" , " get Reason" } ;
ExcelEntity<CouponDetailsTemporaryVO> excelEntity = new ExcelEntity<>( "兑换码报表" , ExcelExporter. voucherColumnNames , ExcelExporter. voucherMethodNames , couponList) ;
HSSFWorkbook excel = null;
try {
excel = ExcelExporter. export2Excel (excelEntity) ;
ExcelExporter. saveWorkBook (excel , response) ;
} catch (Exception e) {
e.printStackTrace() ;

package com.jiahui.qwc.hcrm.core.utils ;

import java.util.List ;

* 代表要打印的Excel表格,用于存放要导出为Excel的相关数据
* @author zhrb@cec.jmu
* @param < T > 代表要打印的数据实体,如User等
public class ExcelEntity< T> {
private String sheetName = "Sheet1" ; //默认生成的sheet名称
private String header= "" ; //题头
private String footer= "" ; //脚注
private String fileName ;
private String[] columnNames ; //列名
private String[] methodNames ; //与列名对应的方法名
private List< T> entities ; //数据实体

public ExcelEntity(String fileName , String[] columnNames , String[] methodNames , List< T> entities) {
this( "sheet1" , "" , "" ,fileName ,columnNames ,methodNames ,entities) ;
public ExcelEntity(String sheetName , String header , String footer , String fileName , String[] columnNames ,
String[] methodNames , List< T> entities) {
this. sheetName = sheetName ;
this. header = header ;
this. footer = footer ;
this. fileName = fileName ;
this. columnNames = columnNames ;
this. methodNames = methodNames ;
this. entities = entities ;
public String getHeader() {
return header ;
public void setHeader(String header) {
this. header = header ;
public String getSheetName() {
return sheetName ;
public void setSheetName(String sheetName) {
this. sheetName = sheetName ;
public List< T> getEntities() {
return entities ;
* @param entities 用于导出Excel的实体集合
public void setEntities(List< T> entities) {
this. entities = entities ;
public String getFooter() {
return footer ;
public void setFooter(String footer) {
this. footer = footer ;

public String[] getColumnNames() {
return columnNames ;

public void setColumnNames(String[] columnNames) {
this. columnNames = columnNames ;

public String getFileName() {
return fileName ;

public void setFileName(String fileName) {
this. fileName = fileName ;

public String[] getMethodNames() {
return methodNames ;

public void setMethodNames(String[] methodNames) {
this. methodNames = methodNames ;



package com.jiahui.qwc.hcrm.core.utils ;

import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet ;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook ;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.* ;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse ;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream ;
import java.lang.reflect.Method ;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat ;
import java.util.Date ;
import java.util.List ;

* 一个通用的将List <T> 中数据导出为Excel文档的工具类
* @author zhrb@cec.jmu
public class ExcelExporter {

* 收入报表名
public static final String EXPORT_INCOME_NAME = "收入报表" ;

* 收入报表表头数组
public static final String[] INCOME_HEADERS ={ "系统流水号" , "第三方支付流水号" , "会员注册号码" , "购买方式" , "支付方式" , "是否是企业用户" , "购买途径" , "是否是套餐" , "销售/消耗" ,
"服务利润中心代码" , "服务利润中心名称" , "类别No" , "大类" , "小类" , "支付时间" , "实际签到时间" , "原价" , "收入金额" , "收入金额(不含税)" , "税额" , "账单金额" , "折扣金额"
, "账单净额" , "公司支付金额" , "自付金额" } ;

public static final String[] INCOME_METHOD_NAMES = { "getPayId" , "getPayNo" , "getMobile" , "getWayName" , "getPayWay" , "getIsCompany" , "getBuyWayName" , "getIsPackage" ,
"getSale" , "getProfitCenterNo" , "getProfitCenterName" , "getGoodsTypeId" , "getCategoryName" , "getCategoryItemName" , "getPayTime" , "getSignTime" ,
"getPriceAmount" , "getIncome" , "getIncomeNotTaxAmount" , "getTax" , "getBillAmount" , "getDiscountAmount" , "getBillNoTaxAmount" ,
"getCompanyAmount" , "getPersonalAmount" } ;

* 抵用券/优惠券的表头数组
public static final String[] voucherColumnNames = { "批次" , "兑换码" , "抵用券名称" , "金额" , "生效日期" , "失效日期" , "创建原因" } ;
public static final String[] voucherMethodNames = { "getBatchId" , "getCouponCode" , "getCouponDetailsName" , "getCutAmount" , "getBeginTime" , "getEndTime" , "getReason" } ;
* 根据ExcelEntity等参数生成Workbook
* @param entity
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static < T > HSSFWorkbook export2Excel (ExcelEntity< T > entity) throws Exception{
HSSFWorkbook workbook = export2Excel (entity.getHeader() , entity.getFooter() , entity.getSheetName() , entity.getColumnNames() , entity.getMethodNames() ,
entity.getEntities()) ;
return workbook ;

* 根据给定参数导出Excel文档
* @param headerTitle
* 题头
* @param footerTitle 脚注
* @param sheetName
* @param columnNames
* 表头名称
* @param methodNames
* @param entities
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static < T > HSSFWorkbook export2Excel (String headerTitle , String footerTitle , String sheetName , String[] columnNames ,
String[] methodNames , List< T > entities) throws Exception {
if (methodNames. length != columnNames. length )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "methodNames.length should be equal to columnNames.length:"
+ columnNames. length + " " + methodNames. length ) ;
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook() ;
HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet(sheetName) ;
Header header = sheet.getHeader() ;
header.setCenter(headerTitle) ;
Footer footer = sheet.getFooter() ;
footer.setCenter(footerTitle) ;
int [] columnWidths = new int [columnNames. length ] ;
// 创建表头
createTableHeader (sheet , 0 , headerTitle , columnNames , columnWidths) ;
// 填充表内容
createTableContent (sheet , 1 , methodNames , columnWidths , entities) ;

return wb ;


* 创建表头
* @param sheet
* @param index
* 表头开始的行数
* @param headerTitle
* 题头
* @param columnNames
* @param columnWidths
private static void createTableHeader (Sheet sheet , int index , String headerTitle , String[] columnNames ,
int [] columnWidths) {

Row headerRow = sheet.createRow(index) ;

/* 格式设置 */
// 设置字体
Font font = sheet.getWorkbook().createFont() ;
font.setBoldweight(Font. BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD ) ; // 粗体显示
// 设置背景色
CellStyle style = sheet.getWorkbook().createCellStyle() ;
style.setFillForegroundColor(IndexedColors. PALE_BLUE .getIndex()) ;
style.setFillPattern(CellStyle. SOLID_FOREGROUND ) ;
style.setFont(font) ;

for ( int i = 0 ; i < columnNames. length ; i++) {
Cell headerCell = headerRow.createCell(i) ;
headerCell.setCellStyle(style) ;
headerCell.setCellValue(columnNames[i]) ;

for ( int i = 0 ; i < columnNames. length ; i++) {
columnWidths[i] = (columnNames[i].getBytes(). length + 2 ) * 256 ;
sheet.setColumnWidth(i , columnWidths[i]) ;


* 创建表格内容
* @param sheet
* @param rowIndexBegin
* 表内容开始的行数
* @param methodNames
* T对象的方法名
* @param columnWidths
* @param entities
* @throws Exception
private static < T > void createTableContent (Sheet sheet , int rowIndexBegin , String[] methodNames , int [] columnWidths ,
List< T > entities) throws Exception {
Class<? extends Object> clazz = null;
if (entities.size() > 0 )
clazz = entities.get( 0 ).getClass() ;

String content = null;
for ( T t : entities) {
Row row = sheet.createRow(rowIndexBegin++) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < methodNames. length ; i++) {
Cell cell = row.createCell(i) ;
Method method = clazz.getMethod(methodNames[i] , null ) ;
Object object = method.invoke(t , null ) ;
object = object == null ? "" : object ;
if (object.getClass().equals(Date. class )) { // 对日期格式进行特殊处理
content = formatToString ((Date)object , "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ) ;
// SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
// content = sdf.format((Date) object);
cell.setCellValue(content) ;
} else {
content = object.toString() ;
cell.setCellValue(content) ;
int columnWidth = (content.getBytes(). length + 2 ) * 256 ;
if (columnWidth > columnWidths[i]) { // 如果实际内容宽度大于对应的表头宽度,则设置为实际内容宽度
columnWidths[i] = columnWidth ;
sheet.setColumnWidth(i , columnWidths[i]) ;


// public static <T> void testPOI(String[] columnNames, String[] methodNames, List<T> entities) throws Exception {
// String sheetName = "Test";
// String title = "标题栏";
// String dstFile = "d:/temp/test.xlsx";
// Workbook newWorkBook2007 = new XSSFWorkbook();
// Sheet sheet = newWorkBook2007.createSheet(sheetName);
// int[] columnWidths = new int[columnNames.length];
// // 创建表头
// createTableHeader(sheet, 0, title, columnNames, columnWidths);
// // 填充表内容
// createTableContent(sheet, 1, methodNames, columnWidths, entities);
// // 保存为文件
// saveWorkBook2007(newWorkBook2007, dstFile,res);
// System.out.println("end");
// }

* 将workbook2007存为文件
public static void saveWorkBook (HSSFWorkbook workBook , HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception{
ByteArrayOutputStream baos= new ByteArrayOutputStream() ;
workBook.write(baos) ;
byte [] byteList = baos.toByteArray() ;
response.reset() ;
// 设置response的Header
response.addHeader( "Content-Disposition" , String. format ( "attachment;filename=%s.xls" , UUIDUtil. generateUUID ())) ;
response.setContentType( "application/vnd.ms-excel;charset=utf-8" ) ;
baos.flush() ;
baos.close() ;
response.getOutputStream().write(byteList) ;

* 将workbook2007存为文件
* 导出制定文件名的工作薄
* @param workBook
* @param response
* @param workBookName
* @throws Exception
public static void saveWorkBookName (HSSFWorkbook workBook , HttpServletResponse response , String workBookName) throws Exception{
ByteArrayOutputStream baos= new ByteArrayOutputStream() ;
workBook.write(baos) ;
byte [] byteList = baos.toByteArray() ;
response.reset() ;
// 设置response的Header
response.addHeader( "Content-Disposition" , String. format ( "attachment;filename=%s.xls" , java.net.URLEncoder . encode (workBookName , "UTF-8" ))) ;
response.setContentType( "application/vnd.ms-excel;charset=utf-8" ) ;
baos.flush() ;
baos.close() ;
response.getOutputStream().write(byteList) ;

* 测试方法
* @param args
* @throws Exception
// public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// // 准备数据
// List<Wind> winds = new ArrayList<>();// Wind有三个方法:getLocation、getSpeed、getTimestamp
// for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Wind wind = new Wind();
// wind.setLocation(i);
// wind.setSpeed(i * 10);
// wind.setTimestamp(new Date());
// winds.add(wind);
// }
// String[] columnNames = { "地点", "速度", "时间" };
// String[] methodNames = { "getLocation", "getSpeed", "getTimestamp" };
String fileName = "d:/temp/excel1.xlsx";
// String fileName = "d:/excel1.xlsx";
// // 生成ExcelEntity实体,包含4个必备参数
// ExcelEntity<Wind> excelEntity = new ExcelEntity<>(fileName, columnNames, methodNames, winds);
// //excelEntity.setHeader("题头");
// //excelEntity.setFooter("脚注");
// Workbook excel = ExcelExporter.export2Excel(excelEntity);
// ExcelExporter.export2Excel("题头","脚注", "sheet1", columnNames, methodNames, winds);//也可以这样调用,无需新建ExcelEntity对象
// //将Workbook存为文件
// ByteArrayOutputStream baos=new ByteArrayOutputStream();
// ExcelExporter.saveWorkBook2007(excel, excelEntity.getFileName());
// System.out.println("导出完成!");
// }

* 时间对象转换成字符串 <br />
* Author:zhanglei <br />
* CreateTime:2015年11月17日16:17:07
* @param time Date对象
* @param format 格式化字符串,如:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
* */
public static String formatToString (Date time , String format){
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format) ;
return dateFormat.format(time) ;






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