tmp<fvVectorMatrix> tUEqn
fvm::div(phi, U)
+ MRF.DDt(U)
+ fvm::laplacian(nu, U)
fvVectorMatrix& UEqn = tUEqn.ref();
1. 对流项fvm::div(phi,U)
1.1 对流项的diag()
Info<<"start correcting ldu matrix! "<<endl;
// - save fvm::div(phi, U)'s ldu
fvVectorMatrix fvmDiv(fvm::div(phi, U));
//diag() - owner's contribution
scalarField outerDivDiag(outerCells.size(), 0.0);
scalarField innerDivDiag(outerCells.size(), 0.0);
for(label celli = 0; celli != outerCells.size(); celli++)
outerDivDiag[celli] = fvmDiv.diag()[outerCells[celli]];
Info<<"outerDivDiag: "<<outerDivDiag[celli]<<endl;
Info<<"cell's location"<<mesh.C()[outerCells[celli]]<<endl;
for(label i : mesh.cells()[outerCells[celli]])
Info<<"the "<<i<<"th faces is an internal face, and its flux is: "
else if(isA<wallFvPatch>(mesh.boundary()[mesh.boundaryMesh().whichPatch(i)]))
Info<<"the "<<i<<"th faces is a wall face, and its flux is: "
Info<<"the "<<i<<"th faces is an empty face, and its flux is: "
Info<<"face's Area: "<<mesh.magSf()[interfaceList[celli]]<<endl;
Info<<"cell's volume: "<<mesh.V()[outerCells[celli]]<<endl;
outerDivDiag: 0.1
cell's location(0.95 -0.45 0)
the 18th faces is an internal face, and its flux is: 0.1
the 19th faces is an internal face, and its flux is: 0
the 599th faces is a wall face, and its flux is: 0.0005
the 730th faces is an empty face, and its flux is: 0.0005
the 1030th faces is an empty face, and its flux is: 0.05
the 16th faces is an internal face, and its flux is: 0.1
face's Area: 0.1
cell's volume: 0.01
cell's location(2.05 -0.35 0)
the 99th faces is an internal face, and its flux is: 0.1
the 100th faces is an internal face, and its flux is: 0
the 841th faces is an empty face, and its flux is: 0.0005
the 1141th faces is an empty face, and its flux is: 1.88979e-316
the 41th faces is an internal face, and its flux is: 0
the 97th faces is an internal face, and its flux is: 0.1
face's Area: 0.1
cell's volume: 0.01
internal faces的通量和除以二就是体元的diag()。empty上的通量数值会比较奇怪,计算的时候应该不会算上它们的通量。但是如果多跑几步,结果就会是这样:
outerDivDiag: 0.100109
cell's location(0.95 0.15 0)
the 372th faces is an internal face, and its flux is: 0.099766
the 373th faces is an internal face, and its flux is: -0.000787717
the 736th faces is an empty face, and its flux is: 1.01711
the 1036th faces is an empty face, and its flux is: 0.998378
the 314th faces is an internal face, and its flux is: -0.000343124
the 370th faces is an internal face, and its flux is: 0.0995554
flux's sum is: 0.198191
face's Area: 0.1
cell's volume: 0.01