LocalExpansionStereo main.cpp



#include <omp.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include "FastGCStereo.h"

struct Options
	std::string mode = ""; // "MiddV2" or "MiddV3"
	std::string outputDir = "";
	std::string targetDir = "";

	int iterations = 5;
	int pmIterations = 2;
	bool doDual = false;

	int ndisp = 0;
	float smooth_weight = 1.0;
	float mc_threshold = 0.5;
	int filterRadious = 20;

	int threadNum = -1;

	void loadOptionValues(ArgsParser& argParser)
		argParser.TryGetArgment("outputDir", outputDir);
		argParser.TryGetArgment("targetDir", targetDir);
		argParser.TryGetArgment("mode", mode);

		if (mode == "MiddV2")
			smooth_weight = 1.0;
		else if (mode == "MiddV3")
			smooth_weight = 0.5;

		argParser.TryGetArgment("threadNum", threadNum);
		argParser.TryGetArgment("doDual", doDual);
		argParser.TryGetArgment("iterations", iterations);
		argParser.TryGetArgment("pmIterations", pmIterations);

		argParser.TryGetArgment("ndisp", ndisp);
		argParser.TryGetArgment("filterRadious", filterRadious);
		argParser.TryGetArgment("smooth_weight", smooth_weight);
		argParser.TryGetArgment("mc_threshold", mc_threshold);

	void printOptionValues(FILE * out = stdout)
		fprintf(out, "----------- parameter settings -----------\n");
		fprintf(out, "mode           : %s\n", mode.c_str());
		fprintf(out, "outputDir      : %s\n", outputDir.c_str());
		fprintf(out, "targetDir      : %s\n", targetDir.c_str());

		fprintf(out, "threadNum      : %d\n", threadNum);
		fprintf(out, "doDual         : %d\n", (int)doDual);
		fprintf(out, "pmIterations   : %d\n", pmIterations);
		fprintf(out, "iterations     : %d\n", iterations);

		fprintf(out, "ndisp          : %d\n", ndisp);
		fprintf(out, "filterRadious  : %d\n", filterRadious);
		fprintf(out, "smooth_weight  : %f\n", smooth_weight);
		fprintf(out, "mc_threshold   : %f\n", mc_threshold);

const Parameters paramsBF = Parameters(20, 20, "BF", 10);
const Parameters paramsGF = Parameters(1.0f, 20, "GF", 0.0001f);
const Parameters paramsGFfloat = Parameters(1.0f, 20, "GFfloat", 0.0001f); // Slightly faster

struct Calib
	float cam0[3][3];
	float cam1[3][3];
	float doffs;
	float baseline;
	int width;
	int height;
	int ndisp;
	int isint;
	int vmin;
	int vmax;
	float dyavg;
	float dymax;
	float gt_prec; // for V2 only

	// ----------- format of calib.txt ----------
	//cam0 = [2852.758 0 1424.085; 0 2852.758 953.053; 0 0 1]
	//cam1 = [2852.758 0 1549.445; 0 2852.758 953.053; 0 0 1]
	//doffs = 125.36
	//baseline = 178.089
	//width = 2828
	//height = 1924
	//ndisp = 260
	//isint = 0
	//vmin = 36
	//vmax = 218
	//dyavg = 0.408
	//dymax = 1.923

		: doffs(0)
		, baseline(0)
		, width(0)
		, height(0)
		, ndisp(0)
		, isint(0)
		, vmin(0)
		, vmax(0)
		, dyavg(0)
		, dymax(0)
		, gt_prec(-1)

	Calib(std::string filename)
		: Calib()
		FILE* fp = fopen(filename.c_str(), "r");
		char buff[512];

		if (fp != nullptr)
			if (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fp) != nullptr) sscanf(buff, "cam0 = [%f %f %f; %f %f %f; %f %f %f]\n", &cam0[0][0], 
				&cam0[0][1], &cam0[0][2], &cam0[1][0], &cam0[1][1], &cam0[1][2], &cam0[2][0], &cam0[2][1], &cam0[2][2]);
			if (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fp) != nullptr) sscanf(buff, "cam1 = [%f %f %f; %f %f %f; %f %f %f]\n", &cam1[0][0],
				&cam1[0][1], &cam1[0][2], &cam1[1][0], &cam1[1][1], &cam1[1][2], &cam1[2][0], &cam1[2][1], &cam1[2][2]);
			if (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fp) != nullptr) sscanf(buff, "doffs = %f\n", &doffs);
			if (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fp) != nullptr) sscanf(buff, "baseline = %f\n", &baseline);
			if (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fp) != nullptr) sscanf(buff, "width = %d\n", &width);
			if (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fp) != nullptr) sscanf(buff, "height = %d\n", &height);
			if (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fp) != nullptr) sscanf(buff, "ndisp = %d\n", &ndisp);
			if (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fp) != nullptr) sscanf(buff, "isint = %d\n", &isint);
			if (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fp) != nullptr) sscanf(buff, "vmin = %d\n", &vmin);
			if (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fp) != nullptr) sscanf(buff, "vmax = %d\n", &vmax);
			if (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fp) != nullptr) sscanf(buff, "dyavg = %f\n", &dyavg);
			if (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fp) != nullptr) sscanf(buff, "dymax = %f\n", &dymax);

void fillOutOfView(cv::Mat& volume, int mode, int margin = 0)
	int D = volume.size.p[0];
	int H = volume.size.p[1];
	int W = volume.size.p[2];

	if (mode == 0)
	for (int d = 0; d < D; d++)
	for (int y = 0; y < H; y++)
		auto p = volume.ptr<float>(d, y);
		auto q = p + d + margin;
		float v = *q;
		while (p != q){
			*p = v;
	for (int d = 0; d < D; d++)
	for (int y = 0; y < H; y++)
		auto q = volume.ptr<float>(d, y) + W;
		auto p = q - d - margin;
		float v = p[-1];
		while (p != q){
			*p = v;

cv::Mat convertVolumeL2R(cv::Mat& volSrc, int margin = 0)
	int D = volSrc.size[0];
	int H = volSrc.size[1];
	int W = volSrc.size[2];
	cv::Mat volDst = volSrc.clone();

	for (int d = 0; d < D; d++)
		cv::Mat_<float> s0(H, W, volSrc.ptr<float>() + H*W*d);
		cv::Mat_<float> s1(H, W, volDst.ptr<float>() + H*W*d);
		s0(cv::Rect(d, 0, W - d, H)).copyTo(s1(cv::Rect(0, 0, W - d, H)));

		cv::Mat edge1 = s0(cv::Rect(W - 1 - margin, 0, 1, H)).clone();
		cv::Mat edge0 = s0(cv::Rect(d + margin, 0, 1, H)).clone();
		for (int x = W - 1 - d - margin; x < W; x++)
		for (int x = 0; x < margin; x++)
	return volDst;

bool loadData(const std::string inputDir, cv::Mat& im0, cv::Mat& im1, cv::Mat& dispGT, cv::Mat& nonocc, Calib& calib)
	if (calib.ndisp <= 0)
		printf("Try to retrieve ndisp from files [info.txt, calib.txt].\n");
	FILE *fp = fopen((inputDir + "info.txt").c_str(), "r");
	if (fp != nullptr) {
		int gt_scale;
		int ndisp;
		fscanf(fp, "%d", &gt_scale); // Scaling factor of intensity to disparity for ground truth
		fscanf(fp, "%d", &ndisp);
		calib.gt_prec = 1.0f / gt_scale;
		if(calib.ndisp <= 0) calib.ndisp = ndisp;
		int ndisp = calib.ndisp;
		calib = Calib(inputDir + "calib.txt");
		if (ndisp > 0) calib.ndisp = ndisp;
	if (calib.ndisp <= 0)
		printf("ndisp is not speficied.\n");
		return false;

	im0 = cv::imread(inputDir + "imL.png");
	im1 = cv::imread(inputDir + "imR.png");
	if (im0.empty() || im1.empty())
		im0 = cv::imread(inputDir + "im0.png");
		im1 = cv::imread(inputDir + "im1.png");

		if (im0.empty() || im1.empty())
			printf("Image pairs (im0.png, im1.png) or (imL.png, imR.png) not found in\n");
			printf("%s\n", inputDir.c_str());
			return false;

	dispGT = cv::imread(inputDir + "groundtruth.png", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
	if (!dispGT.empty())
		if(calib.gt_prec > 0)
			dispGT.convertTo(dispGT, CV_32F, calib.gt_prec);
		dispGT.setTo(cv::Scalar(INFINITY), dispGT == 0);
		dispGT = cvutils::io::read_pfm_file(inputDir + "disp0GT.pfm");
	if (dispGT.empty())
		dispGT = cv::Mat_<float>::zeros(im0.size());

	nonocc = cv::imread(inputDir + "nonocc.png", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
		nonocc = cv::imread(inputDir + "mask0nocc.png", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);

	if (!nonocc.empty()) 
		nonocc = nonocc == 255;
		nonocc = cv::Mat_<uchar>(im0.size(), 255);

	return true;

void MidV2(const std::string inputDir, const std::string outputDir, const Options& options)
	cv::Mat imL, imR, dispGT, nonocc;
	Calib calib;

	calib.ndisp = options.ndisp; // ndisp of argument option has higher priority
	if (loadData(inputDir, imL, imR, dispGT, nonocc, calib) == false)
	printf("ndisp = %d\n", calib.ndisp);

	float errorThresh = 0.5f;
	float vdisp = 0; // Purtubation of vertical displacement in the range of [-vdisp, vdisp]
	float maxdisp = (float)calib.ndisp - 1;

	Parameters param = paramsGF;
	param.windR = options.filterRadious;
	param.lambda = options.smooth_weight;

		_mkdir((outputDir + "debug").c_str());

		Evaluator *eval = new Evaluator(dispGT, nonocc, 255.0f / (maxdisp), "result", outputDir + "debug\\");
		eval->showProgress = false;

		FastGCStereo stereo(imL, imR, param, maxdisp, 0, vdisp);
		stereo.saveDir = outputDir + "debug\\";

		IProposer* prop1 = new ExpansionProposer(1);
		IProposer* prop2 = new RandomProposer(7, maxdisp);
		IProposer* prop3 = new ExpansionProposer(2);
		IProposer* prop4 = new RansacProposer(1);
		stereo.addLayer(5, { prop1, prop4, prop2 });
		stereo.addLayer(15, { prop3, prop4 });
		stereo.addLayer(25, { prop3, prop4 });

		cv::Mat labeling, rawdisp;
		if (options.doDual)
			stereo.run(options.iterations, { 0, 1 }, options.pmIterations, labeling, rawdisp);
			stereo.run(options.iterations, { 0 }, options.pmIterations, labeling, rawdisp);

		delete prop1;
		delete prop2;
		delete prop3;
		delete prop4;

		cvutils::io::save_pfm_file(outputDir + "disp0.pfm", stereo.getEnergyInstance().computeDisparities(labeling));
		if (options.doDual)
			cvutils::io::save_pfm_file(outputDir + "disp0raw.pfm", stereo.getEnergyInstance().computeDisparities(rawdisp));

			FILE *fp = fopen((outputDir + "time.txt").c_str(), "w");
			if (fp != nullptr) { fprintf(fp, "%lf\n", eval->getCurrentTime()); fclose(fp); }
		delete eval;

void MidV3(const std::string inputDir, const std::string outputDir, const Options& options)
	cv::Mat imL, imR, dispGT, nonocc;
	Calib calib;

	calib.ndisp = options.ndisp; // ndisp of argument option has higher priority
	if (loadData(inputDir, imL, imR, dispGT, nonocc, calib) == false)
	printf("ndisp = %d\n", calib.ndisp);

	float maxdisp = (float)calib.ndisp - 1;
	float errorThresh = 1.0f;
	if (cvutils::contains(inputDir, "trainingQ") || cvutils::contains(inputDir, "testQ"))
		errorThresh = errorThresh / 2.0f;
	else if (cvutils::contains(inputDir, "trainingF") || cvutils::contains(inputDir, "testF"))
		errorThresh = errorThresh * 2.0f;

	Parameters param = paramsGF;
	param.windR = options.filterRadious;
	param.lambda = options.smooth_weight;
	param.th_col = options.mc_threshold; // tau_CNN in the paper

	int sizes[] = { calib.ndisp, imL.rows, imL.cols };
	cv::Mat volL = cv::Mat_<float>(3, sizes);
	if (cvutils::io::loadMatBinary(inputDir + "im0.acrt", volL, false) == false) {
		printf("Cost volume file im0.acrt not found\n");
	int interp_margin = 0; // Disabled as the use of margin worsens the results...
	fillOutOfView(volL, 0, interp_margin);

#if 1
	cv::Mat volR = cv::Mat_<float>(3, sizes);
	if (cvutils::io::loadMatBinary(inputDir + "im1.acrt", volR, false) == false) {
		printf("Cost volume file im1.acrt not found so recovered from im0.acrt.\n");
		volR = convertVolumeL2R(volL, interp_margin);
	fillOutOfView(volR, 1, interp_margin);
	// This way we can save the file space for im1.acrt.
	// To exactly recover volR from volL, we need to run MC-CNN without using "fixborder" func.
	// Plan to make cost volume files again in future...
	cv::Mat volR = convertVolumeL2R(volL, interp_margin);

		_mkdir((outputDir + "debug").c_str());

		Evaluator *eval = new Evaluator(dispGT, nonocc, 255.0f / (maxdisp), "result", outputDir + "debug\\");
		eval->showProgress = false;

		FastGCStereo stereo(imL, imR, param, maxdisp);
		stereo.setStereoEnergyCPU(std::make_unique<CostVolumeEnergy>(imL, imR, volL, volR, param, maxdisp));
		stereo.saveDir = outputDir + "debug\\";

		int w = imL.cols;
		IProposer* prop1 = new ExpansionProposer(1);
		IProposer* prop2 = new RandomProposer(7, maxdisp);
		IProposer* prop3 = new ExpansionProposer(2);
		IProposer* prop4 = new RansacProposer(1);
		stereo.addLayer(int(w * 0.01), { prop1, prop4, prop2 });
		stereo.addLayer(int(w * 0.03), { prop3, prop4 });
		stereo.addLayer(int(w * 0.09), { prop3, prop4 });

		cv::Mat labeling, rawdisp;
		if (options.doDual)
			stereo.run(options.iterations, { 0, 1 }, options.pmIterations, labeling, rawdisp);
			stereo.run(options.iterations, { 0 }, options.pmIterations, labeling, rawdisp);

		delete prop1;
		delete prop2;
		delete prop3;
		delete prop4;

		cvutils::io::save_pfm_file(outputDir + "disp0.pfm", stereo.getEnergyInstance().computeDisparities(labeling));
			cvutils::io::save_pfm_file(outputDir + "disp0raw.pfm", stereo.getEnergyInstance().computeDisparities(rawdisp));

			FILE *fp = fopen((outputDir + "time.txt").c_str(), "w");
			if (fp != nullptr){ fprintf(fp, "%lf\n", eval->getCurrentTime()); fclose(fp); }

		delete eval;

int main(int argc, const char** args)
	ArgsParser parser(argc, args);
	Options options;
	unsigned int seed = (unsigned int)time(NULL);
#if 0
	// For debugging
	//  1  99.4        262247  252693  9554    10.51   8.54
	options.targetDir = "../data/MiddV3/trainingH/Adirondack";
	options.outputDir = "../results/Adirondack";
	options.mode = "MiddV3";
	options.smooth_weight = 0.5;
	options.pmIterations = 2;
	//options.threadNum = 1;
	seed = 0;

	int nThread = omp_get_max_threads();
	#pragma omp parallel for
	for (int j = 0; j < nThread; j++)
		srand(seed + j);
		cv::theRNG() = seed + j;

	if (options.threadNum > 0)

	if (options.outputDir.length())


	if (options.mode == "MiddV2")
		printf("Running by Middlebury V2 mode.\n");
		MidV2(options.targetDir + "/", options.outputDir + "/", options);
	else if (options.mode == "MiddV3")
		printf("Running by Middlebury V3 mode.\n");
		printf("This mode assumes MC-CNN matching cost files (im0.acrt, im1.acrt) in targetDir.\n");
		MidV3(options.targetDir + "/", options.outputDir + "/", options);
		printf("Specify the following arguments:\n");
		printf("  -mode [MiddV2, MiddV3]\n");
		printf("  -targetDir [PATH_TO_IMAGE_DIR]\n");
		printf("  -outputDir [PATH_TO_OUTPUT_DIR]\n");

	return 0;

/* Make a bat file....

echo off

set bin=%~dp0x64\Release\LocalExpansionStereo.exe
set datasetroot=%~dp0data
set resultsroot=%~dp0results

mkdir "%resultsroot%"
"%bin%" -targetDir "%datasetroot%\MiddV2\cones" -outputDir "%resultsroot%\cones" -mode MiddV2 -smooth_weight 1 -doDual 1
"%bin%" -targetDir "%datasetroot%\MiddV2\teddy" -outputDir "%resultsroot%\teddy" -mode MiddV2 -smooth_weight 1
"%bin%" -targetDir "%datasetroot%\MiddV3\Adirondack" -outputDir "%resultsroot%\Adirondack" -mode MiddV3 -smooth_weight 0.5

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