oracle sisters乐队,Wyvern Oracle

Two Oracle soldiers advanced with a blackout sheet to cover Bell. Her heart stopped momentarily as she made the transition into a creature of the night. I stood up and allowed the two men to scoop up my best friend and looked over my shoulder at Crow. 'No, Kitling. Back in line. I'll finish the ceremony quickly. Promise.'I gave a resigned sigh and padded back to my place, holding my chin up. "It does me great honor to welcome this training season's new recruits to the Oracle!" He swept his arm toward us and the applause started. It stabbed my eardrums and caused a whimper to slip past my tightly clamped jaw. Suddenly, there were earplugs in my ears and my little Siren stood with her hand on my shoulder. "Thank you," I mouthed to her. Crow made quick work of emptying the clearing and releasing the recruits to their dorms. He stopped me as I trotted toward the door and removed my earplugs.

Wingbeats filtered through the sounds of the final people in the entryway. "They're here," I whispered and shifted back to watch the sky. No sooner than I tilted my head up did the mass of flying lizards glide over the tree line. Two blazing white, a gray, deep blue, purple, gray-green, and three were multicolored. Two were white with forest green or blue accents, and the third was black and cream. I took a deep breath and smelled four wolves, a tiger, and a coyote. By their added cucumber-like scent, they were all very distressed. "Crow, what's happening?" I turned to find him standing stock-still by my side.

"It's okay, Kitling. The wolf on the lead wyvern, do you see him? The red one?"

"I smelled him before I saw him, but yes."

"Good. That's my younger brother. He's the middle child. His name is Cliff."

"Good to know." I steeled myself and walked forward to the landing wyverns. "Welcome, Cliff."

The armored wolf hopped down to stand in front of me. The sheer size of him made me want to cower, well, that and the fact that he looked ready for war at any moment, but I refused. Instead, Freya decided it was a good idea to shift me into a wolf and changed our eyes. She eventually shoved me into the backseat and took over our new form. A growl rolled through my chest at the Alpha before me. "Hey!" Crow snatched my scruff and yanked me back. "No." He dropped to one knee and put me to the ground. Freya and I began fighting for control.

His grip on me didn't change. And it's a good thing too because I was sucker-punched with an overwhelming instinct to jump Cliff. Snarls and growls ripped from my maw as I thrashed. "It's okay." Cliff barked. "She's a new wolf and feels the instinct to establish her position. I accept her challenge."

"Take your position now, brother." Crow's voice was strained as he struggled to keep me down.

I relaxed and his grip loosened. Taking advantage of it, I tore away from him and rushed the red wolf in front of me. He lowered his head and bared his teeth, bounding to meet me halfway. Instead of slamming into him like he thought I would, I dipped my head to snatch his front leg in my mouth and continued past him. He flipped over himself and I dropped the appendage, jumping on him. I lunged for his throat, but he batted me away with his paw and kicked me off. I cracked my head off the ground and lay there dazed as he secured his teeth over my throat. His grip wasn't enough to draw blood, but it had me flailing and gasping for air. Somehow, his canine pierced the soft skin of my neck and his eyes went feral, turning a warm amber.

Even I knew a wolf with blood in his mouth was a horrible thing. His jaws snapped shut, cutting off my yelp. "Cliff!" Crow's voice cracked like a whip as he sprinted over to us. An idea struck me like lightning and I went limp, rolling my eyes back until I could close them. My fur receded and my body morphed itself through the change. My hair drifted over my face and I smelled Crow as he dropped beside his brother. "He has blood in his mouth!" He shouted, then began trying to pry his jaws off his "kill", AKA me. A moment later, a wave of water soaked us, but I force myself not to react. A struggle ensued behind me. A very angry wyvern and two calmer ones. I assumed two of them were holding down the angry male. "Oh God," The hushed whispered belonged to a female. The coyote. "Is she alive?" I internally chuckled and snapped to a different form. I didn't know what this one was but looking down at Crow's shocked face, and the wings, I'd say wyvern.

"Yup, I'm alive." I shook myself, rattling spikes.

"Felinity, were you made aware that we were coming?" The white male strutted forward, and oozed power from every movement.

"I was. You are?" I was taller than he was, so I had to bend my neck uncomfortably.

"Polar Wing. Heir to the Air Kingdom." I nodded, dismissing him. A chuckle from the gray-green wyvern put a small smile on my face.

"All well and good, but why are you here."

"You have two sisters." His matching female stepped forward with the blue accented male. From their scent, they were mated.

She raised her head so her electric blue eyes made contact with mine, "I'm your younger sister, Blade. Your twin, Quinzel, was taken by Alpha Jerimaya and we need you to track him."

"Wonderful. I just got a power boost so this'll be a piece of cake."

"Excellent. Now, can we go get my mate?" The stormy gray wyvern was pacing.

"Well, Alpha Jerimaya has a large pack, am I correct?"

"You are." Crow confirmed.

A grin stretched across my face, "Then I'll bring in the calvary." I snapped back to my Jaguar and bounded down the halls. I heard Crow talking to his brother as I finally skid to a stop in front of my family. "There you guys are! Come on, no time to explain, don't freak out, lets go." I streaked back to the entryway and slammed through the doors.

"They're coming! I'll be back. Gotta grab the Vampire." I once again sprinted past Lumina, my bewildered brothers, Ellie, Adrien, Jake, Max, Veronica, and Alex. On my way past, I accepted the vial offered to me by Screech that looked to be a sun protection for Bell.

After sticking my head through doors and sniffing until my nose hurt, I found my best friend in the medical wing. Thankfully, Vampires no longer experienced blood lust and could survive off animal blood until they could get to a human. "Bell! Thank God you're okay. Here, drink this." She smiled at me and tipped the dark blue liquid back and into her mouth. It quickly twisted into a grimace.

"Ack! That was nasty!"

"I feel bad for you," I chuckled, "but we have to get my twin back, you up for it?"

"You betcha." She popped herself up onto my back and I took off back toward the clearing, picking up Lilith along the way. I leaped through the doors and shifted in midair, crash landing onto Crow. I boosted myself off of him and smacked his chest.

"Shift, you're carrying some people. Vampires are strong and can run as fast as we can fly, so Bell, can you carry Elle?" She nodded. "Good. Lilith, how many people can you carry?"

She tilted her large head, twitching her small ears. "I can carry Alex, Lumina, and Veronica."

"Good. Boys, load up. I know a wyvern's weight limit and you're well within it!" I shifted and dipped my head to allow Hawk, and Talon onto my back.

"Is this what that mark does?" Hawk asked in awe.

"Nope, this is what the concoction of doom does. Haven't you done the ceremony?"

"Nope. I was supposed to do it this year, but backed out."

"We'll have to remedy that, won't we, Crow?" I looked over at the dragon who carried Screech and Tyger.

"We certainly will, Kitling." I grinned and leaped into the air, rising with the rest of the flock.

"I appreciatly this deeply." The gray wyvern growled. "Your twin is my mate and you're our best shot at finding her."

"You're mated to her?" He nodded. "Then I can track her off your scent." I inhaled deeply then my eyes flew open, nostrils flaring. "Got the scent, let's go." I snapped open my wings and shot off across the sky. They scrambled to follow me as Bell scooped up Ellie and took off in a blur with Lilith and Adrien flapping along beside them.

After about two hours of stupid jokes from my brothers, I was ready to dump them in a volcano, but I was a good little sister and only dropped them once. I caught them, but Talon nearly wet himself. Highlight. Of. My. Day. The ribbon of her scent lead me slightly toward the West. "Ah! No. Don't even try taking me into the Water Kingdom." Hawk snapped.

"Hey, I just realized, that I know almost none of your names."

"Then why'd you come with us so willingly?" Cliff asked me. He'd been apologizing profusely for the better part of our journey, no matter how many times I tell him its fine.

"Crow trusts you." I kept my answer short, but the very thing I was trying to avoid, surfaced.

"Oooooh, Fel's in looooove."

"Max, shut your mouth before I maul you!"

The Djinn gave me a cocky grin. "You gotta catch me first, beautiful." He blew me a kiss and jumped, leaving behind a puff of smoke. He reappeared on Blade's back.

"Challenge accepted for a later date. Now who are you all?"

"I'll answer that for you!" The small coyote urged Blade forward until she was level with me. She began pointing at everyone as she said their names. "I'm Clover, and mine are, of course, Cliff, Blade, Corian, Jasper, Collin, Tony, and Dean. Quinzel's are Everest, Daniel, Polar, Glacier, Hurricane, Meek, and Aspen. I think that's everybody." She nodded.

"Ok, my small clan. I'll tell you their magic as well, so you know who you're fighting with."

"Oh, that's smart. Dean, Tony, and Collin are wolves, I'm a coyote, Jasper is a-"

"Honey," I stopped her with a smile, "I can smell them."

"Oh, right. Carry on."

"The two on my back are Hawk, my full brother, and Talon, my adopted. T is an Astral Projector and Hawk is like me. Tyger is Talon's twin and an Illusionist. Screech is a witch and Max is a Djinn. The ones on the ground are Lilith, my companion, Veronica's a tiger, Alex is a Mage, Adrien and Crow are Angels, of course, Ellie is a Siren, Lumina is an Empath, and Belladonna is a Vampire. Also, my name is Felinity." I took a deep exaggerated breath. "That was a lot of work."

"Yeah, yeah, Kitling. Keep it up." He smacked me with his tail.

"Oh, its on." I beat my wings to rise up over him, then shifted into my jaguar, leaving my brothers to free fall.

"Felinityyy!" I landed heavily on Crow and nipped lightly at his wing.

"Stop it! That tickles!" I continued for a few seconds, then resumed my previous form and caught my brothers.

"Talon! Did you pee yourself!?" Hawk said in disgust.

"No, but I almost did." I felt him cross his legs tightly. "Restroom break anyone?"

"No, Talon!" Everyone yelled in tandem.

"You can hold it until we get there." The sudden voice next to my ear caused me to jump.

"Adrien!" I snapped, "Don't sneak up on me like that."

"Sorry," He squeaked. I flipped my tail, throwing spikes.

"Watch it!" Crow growled.

"I didn't know they did that." I said in awe.

"You're not a very good wyvern." He grumbled, flapping further away from my tail.

"Hush it, I'm awesome." A smattering of chuckles filled the air around us. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Daniel shaking his head at us like we were a couple of hatchlings.

"The Queen of awesome, I assume?" He raised a scaled eyebrow at me.

"Well, yeah."

"Of course-" I scent invaded my snout and I backpedaled so hard I slammed into Aspen and nearly lost my cargo.

"Fel, what is it?" Crow asked, worry gleaming in his eyes. I shook my head to try and clear it.

"That's a whole lot of Dark Magic." I exhaled in a failed attempt to get the rotting stench out of my nostrils. "Screech, Adrien, y'all are up. Hawk, call Bell and tell here we've halted."

"On it!" They responded. After many mumbled words, flashes of light, and a request to order pizza, the decomposing body smell left my lungs and was replaced with warm vanilla. I sighed and began lowering myself to the ground.

"We're close, I can smell it. I'm assuming Glacier is the head of your army?"

"A general, yes." The wyvern in question answered. My claws sunk into the soft moss and I signaled everyone to shift and gather round.

"Good, who here doesn't know how to fight fang and claw?" No hands were raised. "Thank God. Crow, you take the twins, both sets, and take the Western side. Take Adrien and Lilith as well. They're for the Dark Magic. Glacier, you, Polar, Meek, and Hurricane go East. That's the least defended and doesn't smell like Death. Only the best for the heir." I gave him a mocking bow with a smirk. "Bell, Alex, Screech, Blade, and Veronica, with me for head-on and extracting Quinzel. The rest of you are with Corian as the second wave from the North. Ellie, come with me. I have a special mission for our Gen 2." I looked around our circle to see nods of agreement. "Alright. Let's go get my sister."





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