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Multicraft 2.3.5 已更新

03. 五月 2020

我们将发布Multicraft 2.3.5,以解决某些安装中遇到的插件下载问题,并促进以后与下载问题相关的更新。 为此,我们实现了一个外部下载程序二进制文件,守护程序将使用该二进制文件来下载插件。


要从2.3.2及更高版本升级,只需替换守护程序的“ bin / multicraft”文件并将“ downloader”目录从存档复制到守护程序目录即可。 请确保这些文件都不能被“其他”写成,并且“ downloader / downloader”二进制文件是可执行的。

Update - 05 三月 2020


Update - 10 三月 2020


该发行软件包已使用新的下载程序二进制文件进行了更新,因此,如果遇到这些问题并且已经在运行版本2.3.5,则只需替换守护程序的“ downloader”目录。 新软件包的SHA256校验和已更新。

SHA256 Checksums




Multicraft 2.3.4

12. 十二月 2019

我们将发布Multicraft 2.3.4,以解决某些安装中遇到的插件下载问题。 这些问题是由托管插件和/或它们用于提供下载内容的CDN的列表引起的。 要从2.3.2和更高版本进行升级,只需替换守护程序的“ bin / multicraft”文件即可。

Multicraft 2.3.3 已更新

24. Sep 2019

Multicraft 2.3.3版是一个维护版本,旨在解决由于这些插件的托管方式发生更改而导致的插件下载问题。




downloadHeadersPlugins = {"Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", "Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.5", "Accept-Encoding":"gzip, deflate", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Multicraft Plugin Manager) like FireFox/45.0", "DNT": "1", "Connection": "keep-alive"}

downloadHeaders = {"Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", "Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.5", "Accept-Encoding": "deflate", "User-Agent": ""}

Multicraft 2.3.2

24. 九月 2019

Multicraft 2.3.2版是一个维护版本,解决了由于这些插件的托管方式发生更改而导致的插件下载问题。



Multicraft 2.4.0 测试版公布

08. 八月 2019

最后版本号: 908070 - 于8月8日公布.

为2.4.0版本公布,我们制作了2.4.0测试版给公众测试. 该版本仍有待确定是否为实验版本.


















Linux: Multicraft 2.4.0 64位测试版本下载


Multicraft 2.3.1正式版

16. 五月 2019

Multicraft版本2.3.1是一个维护版本,它解决了一些小问题,并更新了Multicraft使用的一些库。 使用插件下载器时某些下载失败的最新问题也已得到解决。


Fixed downloader for certain plugin lists

Fixed json encode on installations with broken iconv libraries

Fixed user creation under certain conditions

Fixes for legacy PHP versions as well as PHP 7.2

Set correct quota when initializing a server

Updated Yii to latest version

Updated default options



Multicraft 2.3.0

07. 一月 2019

Multicraft 2.3.0正式版由于没有什么新的特性以及Bug需要修改,所以我们直接用了preview1来发布。如果发现了大量的Bug,直接反馈给我们就好。



Implemented additional ports feature allowing users to assign a random port to their server

Implemented default server settings override page

Implemented global FTP access feature

Implemented partial console updates for improved performance and less bandwidth usage

Created new installer for Windows

Added header based clickjacking protection

Plus additional small and large features, improvements and fixes!


Multicraft 2.3.0 修改日志


查看 完整Multicraft 2.3.0修改日志


Multicraft 2.3.0测试版发行

05. Oct 2018

构建编号:: 810041 - 更新于 Oct 05.

为了更新2.3.0版本,我们提前发布测试版. 由于是测试版,所以部分内容可能出现错误。.


- 实现了额外的端口功能,允许用户为其服务器分配随机端口

- 实现可配置的崩溃服务器重启限制,以避免无限重启

- 为Web FTP客户端实现守护进程侧拉链/解压缩功能

- 已实施默认服务器设置覆盖页面

- 实现全局FTP访问功能

- 实施部分控制台更新,以提高性能和减少带宽使用

- 为服务器移动添加了FTPS支持

- 添加了守护程序组设置,并允许基于守护程序组的conf文件过滤

- 添加了恢复到传统FTP客户端zip功能的设置

- 添加了使用CloudFlare子域功能创建子子域的支持

- 修复了从播放器中删除用户分配时的DB约束错误

- 修复了某些带有路径样式URL的FTP客户端链接

- 修复了某些字符集的Docker容器的编码问题

- 修复了在FireFox中复制控制台内容时丢失的换行符

- 修复了非常小的屏幕上的导航栏重叠日期选择

- 修复了CloudFLare API更改导致的子域功能

- 当主IP无效时,通过对子域使用“显示的IP”修复子域功能无法在路由器后面工作

- 改进了守护程序命令处理性能

- 尝试使用空数据库登录时改进了错误消息

- 在服务器视图中显示其他端口

- 在配置文件中显示超级用户的名称和全局角色

- 切换到基于标题的点击劫持保护

- 更新了解析设置以使用最新的服务器版本

- 更新了Windows版本附带的zip / unzip版本

- 使用workingDirectory设置接受EULA功能


Linux , Windows整合版,Windows 进阶版: 麦草网盘高速下载



24. May 2018

我们致力于保护您的个人信息和隐私权。 我们一直非常谨慎地处理客户的所有个人数据并遵守GDPR,我们现在还发布了新的隐私政策供您在我们的网站上查看:



Multicraft 2.2.1

10. May 2018

我们宣布推出Multicraft的新维护版本。 2.2.1版修复了使用在线插件列表与插件下载相关的问题,与Docker端口范围功能不兼容以及其他一些小问题。









Multicraft 2.2.0

30. November 2017

我们非常高兴地宣布推出Multicraft 2.2.0版本! 经过几个月的预览版发布之后,经过我们和希望尽早获得新软件包的客户的几周发布候选测试后,我们将当前版本标记为2.2.0版的最终版本。


Implemented automatic JAR update feature on startup

Implemented support for JAR categories and categorized listing

Implemented getOwnApiKey function to better support apps using the API

Added support for FTPS

Fixes for PHP 7.1

Improved clickjacking protection

Added additional ports setting for servers, map additional ports to Docker containers

Improved brute-force protection

Increased time between ingame messages for free version

Many, many more small and large features, improvements and fixes!


Multicraft 2.2.0 Changelog


Multicraft 2.1.1

09. December 2016

Multicraft 2.1.1已作为最新Multicraft版本的首次维护版本发布。 此版本主要包含轻微的外观修改和修复,以及对Docker支持的改进,因此升级是可选的,只有在遇到更改日志中列出的任何问题时才需要。

在守护进程上,替换“bin / multicraft”二进制文件就足够了。 在面板上,您可以替换面板文件而无需运行install.php,因为没有数据库更改。


Show warning when Docker is enabled multiuser mode isn't

Implemented IP lookup for DOCKER_IP variable since Docker doesn't support hostnames

Fixed misplaced condition on login screen

Fixed default settings for new versions of Docker

Fixed several net2ftp translation encodings

Fixed resource usage reporting for servers running in Docker

BukGet Shutdown

07. December 2016


如果您使用的是Multicraft 2.1版,则插件浏览器应该按预期继续工作。

在旧版本的Multicraft中,插件浏览器将不再有效,因此我们建议您更新到最新版本以解决此问题。 如果您还没有(可能),可以通过使用以下内容替换“protected / models / BgPlugin.php”文件的第14行(API URL)来暂时解决该问题:

static $apiUrl = '';

Multicraft 2.1.0

25. November 2016

我们很自豪地宣布推出Multicraft 2.1.0版本! 与之前的版本一样,我们已经开始在较长时间内为此版本提供预览版本,主要是为了能够快速实现和调整用户建议的新功能,而不会影响希望保持稳定版本的用户。 此版本再次是大量用户建议的结果,我们鼓励对下一版本提出任何反馈和功能请求。 如果您正在运行预览版,我们强烈建议您升级到最终的2.1.0版本。

The full changelog is once more too long to fit into the news entry so here's a short list of the most important changes with the full list available below:

Support for running servers in Docker containers

Two-factor authentication using Google Authenticator

Subdomain and SRV record creation using CloudFlare (allows connecting to servers without specifying a port)

Spigot and Pocketmine support for plugin browser

User role customization

IP filter for staff users

Security improvements

Many, many more small and large features, improvements and fixes!


Multicraft 2.1.0 Changelog


See the Full Multicraft 2.1.0 Changelog

We highly appreciate all feedback, bugreports and suggestions and we will continue improving Multicraft based on your feedback.

Multicraft Apps

14. Nov 2016

The steady growth of Multicraft has motivated the creation of several apps for different platforms. While Multicraft comes with a mobile theme that works on most devices out of the box we wanted to highlight some community created apps that can help control your servers. Most apps support basic controls and server access and even multi-server management. All of these highlighted apps are completely free and they have been created independently, we are not affiliated with them in any way.

To use these apps a recent version of the control panel is required (2.0+), also the hosting provider needs to supply an API key for you to enter to use the app.

(in order of last update)

server stats: RAM, CPU, player count

power controls: start/stop/kick/ban/pardon

player list and info: level, online/offline, last seen time

status check of Minecraft's and Mojang's services

Server management (start, stop, restart, delete, suspend, resume)

Console (view console, and send console commands)

Online players (kick and ban players directly from the app with a button)

User management (change password, delete users, list servers)

MYSQL database (create, change password)

And many more!

Control your server with actions like start, stop, restart and more.

Check your console and run commands.

For panel administrators, create servers, delete them and control servers globally.

Billing System Modules

25. February 2016

All Multicraft billing system modules are being updated for Multicraft 2.0. The Blesta module has already supported features that the other modules lacked but it's also being updated for the latest changes in Multicraft. The WHMCS module is currently in beta at a lowered price and it's expected to be released soon. The BoxBilling module has already been released and its documentation updated.


The module supports most functions already, some new server fields will be added with the next release. The module is developed and maintained by Blesta so it's included for free with the billing system.


The module has been overhauled to allow all settings to be configured with added support for configurable options and custom fields for any server/module setting. Changes and documentation can be found here. Once it's released the new module can be requested through a support ticket from an address that has previously purchased the module.


The module has been updated for the latest version of BoxBilling and additional server/module settings have been added. The updated documentation can be found here. The new module can be requested through a support ticket from an address that has previously purchased the module.

Multicraft 2.0.1

02. February 2016

Multicraft 2.0.1 has been released as a first maintenance release of the latest Multicraft version. This release contains mostly minor cosmetic changes and fixes so upgrading is optional and only required if you are encountering any of the issues listed in the changelog.

On the daemon it is sufficient to replace the "bin/multicraft" binary. On the panel you can replace the panel files without running the install.php since there have been no database changes.

Fixed missing server suspend icon in classic theme

Fixed some potentially unhandled exceptions on the daemon

Fixed password length not being enforced on password reset

Fixed PHP7 error in net2ftp

Improved FTP login error message for clarity

Updated Yii to latest version

Updated copyright notices for 2016

Updated library links on about page

Installation: Hide typed value on password in put in and fixed escaping of certain characters

Installation: Remove other access rights to setup.config for safety

Installation: Work around Chrome autocomplete in install.php

MulticraftAPI.php: Added missing parameter for createPlayer

MulticraftAPI.php: Fixed potential warning

MulticraftAPI.php: Improved error reporting

As always, we highly appreciate all feedback, bugreports and suggestions and we will continue improving Multicraft based on your feedback.

Multicraft 2.0.0

12. December 2015

We are proud to announce the release of version 2.0.0 of Multicraft! A lot of effort has gone into making sure that we can implement as many user suggestions as possible with this new version of Multicraft to make it even more powerful and easy to use. The release has been postponed a number of times because of feature requests that we consider to be very useful to the vast majority of Multicraft users. Due to this we have begun offering preview releases for download longer before the final release than usual. If you're running a preview release we strongly recommend upgrading to the final 2.0.0 version.

In addition to implementing countless new features and improvements we have also been able to make Multicraft even more secure thanks to the researchers who have contributed to our Bug Bounty Program we have running with Bugcrowd.

As part of this release we are replacing the Windows all-in-one package with the Multicraft Bitnami Stack for Windows for personal use. There is also a Multicraft Bitnami Stack for Linux that we recommend for personal use if you cannot install all requirements for Multicraft. For hosting providers we still recommend using our Linux packages for maximum security and flexibility.

In good Multicraft tradition the length of the changelog is record breaking. There have been so many new features and changes that even a summarized list of the most important changes would be too long for this news entry so here's just a small selection:

New theme using Bootstrap

Improved server crash and console handling, including the option to use .conf files for arbitrary JAR names

New Staff role for full access to all servers without giving access to panel settings

Server template system

Improved Bukkit plugin list

Optional startup parameters

API improvements and additions

Security improvements

Linux filesystem quota support

Configuration reloading

Improved performance, particularly for very large installations (1000+ servers)

Removed single instance restriction so you can run multiple daemons with different Owned license keys on the same system

Reduced the number of times the banner is shown in the free version

Many, many more small and large features, improvements and fixes!


Multicraft 2.0.0 Changelog


See the Full Multicraft 2.0.0 Changelog

We highly appreciate all feedback, bugreports and suggestions and we will continue improving Multicraft based on your feedback.

Multicraft Bug Bounty Program

22. May 2015

As a last step before the finalization of the new release we have ordered a security review for Multicraft and we have launched a Bug Bounty program with the good folks over at Bugcrowd.

The program has initially been launched as private so if you're interested in participating and earning monetary rewards for reporting security critical bugs please head over to to register for a researcher account.

Once you have done so please let us know so we can add you as a researcher to our program.

The bug bounty program will be made public in the future once we have left the initial selection of researchers enough time to review the code.

Blesta Multicraft Module - Updated

29. September 2014

We are happy to announce that the good folks over at Blesta have developed a module to fully support Multicraft with their billing software platform. A video of the module in action can be seen in their blog entry regarding this development:

Blesta Blog: New Multicraft Module

The module is part of the official v3.3 release of Blesta so you do not have to install any addons to use this module. If you are using an older version of Blesta you can download the module separately from this forum post.

The documentation for this new module can be found here:

Blesta Multicraft Module Documentation

You can try the new module without obligation by installing the free trial of Blesta and connecting it to your existing Multicraft installation.

We will also be sending out 15% discount coupons for Blesta owned licenses with every new purchase of any Multicraft license.

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