asm冗余 oracle_ORACLE 11G RAC ASM磁盘的三种冗余模式




External redundancy(1OCR and no copies)

An external redundancy disk group requires a minimum of one disk device.

The effective disk space in an external redundancy disk group is the sum of the disk space in all of its devices.

Because Automatic Storage Management does not mirror data in an external

redundancy disk group, Oracle recommends that you use external redundancy with storage devices such as RAID, or other

similar devices that provide their own data protection mechanisms.


Normal redundancy(1 OCR and 2 copies )

In a normal redundancy disk group, to increase performance and reliability,

Automatic Storage Management by default uses two-way mirroring. A normal

redundancy disk group requires a minimum of two disk devices (or two

failure groups). The effective disk space in a normal redundancy disk group is

half the sum of the disk space in all of its devices.

For Oracle Clusterware files, Normal redundancy disk groups provide 3

voting disk files, 1 OCR and 2 copies (one primary and one secondary mirror).

With normal redundancy, the cluster can survive the loss of one failure group.

For most installations, Oracle recommends that you select normal redundancy.


High redundancy(1 OCR and 3 copies )

In a high redundancy disk group, Automatic Storage Management uses

three-way mirroring to increase performance and provide the highest level of

reliability. A high redundancy disk group requires a minimum of three disk

devices (or three failure groups). The effective disk space in a high redundancy

disk group is one-third the sum of the disk space in all of its devices.

For Oracle Clusterware files, High redundancy disk groups provide 5 voting

disk files, 1 OCR and 3 copies (one primary and two secondary mirrors). With

high redundancy, the cluster can survive the loss of two failure groups.

While high redundancy disk groups do provide a high level of data protection,

you should consider the greater cost of additional storage devices before

deciding to select high redundancy disk groups.


[ID 428681.1]

题目:OCR / Vote disk Maintenance Operations: (ADD/REMOVE/REPLACE/MOVE)


From 11.2, votedisk can be stored on either ASM diskgroup or cluster file systems. The following commands can only be

executed when GI is running either in cluster mode or exclusive mode. As grid user:

1. To add a Voting Disk

a. When votedisk is on cluster file system:

$ crsctl add css votedisk

b. When votedisk is on ASM diskgroup, no add option available. The number of votedisk is determined by the diskgroup

redundancy. If more copy of votedisk is desired, one can move votedisk to a diskgroup with higher redundancy.

2. To delete a Voting Disk

a. When votedisk is on cluster file system:

$ crsctl delete css votedisk

b. When votedisk is on ASM, no delete option available, one can only replace the existing votedisk group with another ASM


3. To move a Voting Disk

a. When votedisk is on cluster file system:

$ crsctl add css votedisk

$ crsctl delete css votedisk

b. When votedisk is on ASM or moving votedisk between cluster file system and ASM diskgroup

$ crsctl replace votedisk |


move to cluster file system:

$ crsctl replace votedisk /shared/vote.dat

Now formatting voting disk: /shared/vote.dat.

CRS-4256: Updating the profile

Successful addition of voting disk 32ff90ab38a04f65bf0c428c8fea9721.

Successful deletion of voting disk 3d34623f09b64f9dbfa44fabf455513e.

Successful deletion of voting disk 7043c38000a24f1abf36473ca7e9cd9e.

Successful deletion of voting disk 18de241007df4f9cbf3fbb4193f0ecb4.

CRS-4256: Updating the profile

CRS-4266: Voting file(s) successfully replaced

more to ASM diskgroup:

$ crsctl replace votedisk +OCRVOTE

CRS-4256: Updating the profile

Successful addition of votin

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