python图像颜色方法在两幅图片转换_如何使用Python Imaging Library将任何图像转换为4色调色板图像?...

I have a device that supports 4-color graphics (much like CGA in the old days).

I wanted to use PIL to read the image and convert it using my 4-color palette (of red, green, yellow, black), but I can't figure out if it's even possible at all. I found some mailing list archive posts that seem to suggest other people have tried to do so and failed.

A simple python example would be much appreciated!

Bonus points if you add something that then converts the image to a byte string where each byte represents 4 pixels of data (with each two bits representing a color from 0 to 3)


First: your four colour palette (black, green, red, yellow) has no blue component. So, you have to accept that your output image will hardly approximate the input image, unless there is no blue component to start with.

Try this code:

import Image

def estimate_color(c, bit, c_error):

c_new= c - c_error

if c_new > 127:

c_bit= bit

c_error= 255 - c_new


c_bit= 0

c_error= -c_new

return c_bit, c_error

def image2cga(im):

"Produce a sequence of CGA pixels from image im"

im_width= im.size[0]

for index, (r, g, b) in enumerate(im.getdata()):

if index % im_width == 0: # start of a line

r_error= g_error= 0

r_bit, r_error= estimate_color(r, 1, r_error)

g_bit, g_error= estimate_color(g, 2, g_error)

yield r_bit|g_bit

def cvt2cga(imgfn):

"Convert an RGB image to (K, R, G, Y) CGA image"

inp_im= # assume it's RGB

out_im="P", inp_im.size, None)

out_im.putpalette( (

0, 0, 0,

255, 0, 0,

0, 255, 0,

255, 255, 0,

) )


return out_im

if __name__ == "__main__":

import sys, os

for imgfn in sys.argv[1:]:

im= cvt2cga(imgfn)

dirname, filename= os.path.split(imgfn)

name, ext= os.path.splitext(filename)

newpathname= os.path.join(dirname, "cga-%s.png" % name)

This creates a PNG palette image with only the first four palette entries set to your colours. This sample image:


It's trivial to take the output of image2cga (yields a sequence of 0-3 values) and pack every four values to a byte.

If you need help about what the code does, please ask and I will explain.

EDIT1: Do not reinvent the wheel

Of course, turns out I was too enthusiastic and —as Thomas discovered— the Image.quantize method can take a palette image as argument and do the quantization with far better results than my ad-hoc method above:

def cga_quantize(image):

pal_image="P", (1,1))

pal_image.putpalette( (0,0,0, 0,255,0, 255,0,0, 255,255,0) + (0,0,0)*252)

return image.convert("RGB").quantize(palette=pal_image)

EDIT1, cont: Pack the pixels into bytes

For "added value", here follows code to produce the packed string (4 pixels per byte):

import itertools as it

# setup: create a map with tuples [(0,0,0,0)‥(3,3,3,3)] as keys

# and values [chr(0)‥chr(255)], because PIL does not yet support

# 4 colour palette images


# Assume (b7, b6) are pixel0, (b5, b4) are pixel1…

# Call it "big endian"


(0, 64, 128, 192), # pixel0 value used as index

(0, 16, 32, 48), # pixel1

(0, 4, 8, 12), # pixel2

(0, 1, 2, 3), # pixel3


# For "little endian", uncomment the following line

## KEY_BUILDER.reverse()

# python2.6 has itertools.product, but for compatibility purposes

# let's do it verbosely:

for ix0, px0 in enumerate(KEY_BUILDER[0]):

for ix1, px1 in enumerate(KEY_BUILDER[1]):

for ix2, px2 in enumerate(KEY_BUILDER[2]):

for ix3, px3 in enumerate(KEY_BUILDER[3]):

TUPLE2CHAR[ix0,ix1,ix2,ix3]= chr(px0+px1+px2+px3)

# Another helper function, copied almost verbatim from itertools docs

def grouper(n, iterable, padvalue=None):

"grouper(3, 'abcdefg', 'x') --> ('a','b','c'), ('d','e','f'), ('g','x','x')"

return it.izip(*[it.chain(iterable, it.repeat(padvalue, n-1))]*n)

# now the functions

def seq2str(seq):

"""Takes a sequence of [0..3] values and packs them into bytes

using two bits per value"""

return ''.join(


for four_pixel in grouper(4, seq, 0))

# and the image related function

# Note that the following function is correct,

# but is not useful for Windows 16 colour bitmaps,

# which start at the *bottom* row…

def image2str(img):

return seq2str(img.getdata())





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