java 面试基础_Java 基础 面试题

Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

Java is a computer programming language that is concurrent,

class-based and object-oriented. The advantages of object oriented

software development are shown below:

Modular development of code, which leads to easy maintenance

and modification.

Reusability of code.

Improved reliability and flexibility of code.

Increased understanding of code.

Object-oriented programming contains many significant features,

such as encapsulation,

inheritance, polymorphism and

abstraction. We analyze each feature separately in the

following sections.


Encapsulation provides objects with the ability to hide their

internal characteristics and behavior. Each object provides a

number of methods, which can be accessed by other objects and

change its internal data. In Java, there are three access

modifiers: public, private and protected. Each modifier imposes

different access rights to other classes, either in the same or in

external packages. Some of the advantages of using encapsulation

are listed below:

The internal state of every objected is protected by hiding its


It increases usability and maintenance of code, because the

behavior of an object can be independently changed or


It improves modularity by preventing objects to interact with

each other, in an undesired way.

You can refer to our tutorial here for more details and examples on encapsulation.


Polymorphism is the ability of programming languages to present

the same interface for differing underlying data types. A

polymorphic type is a type whose operations can also be applied to

values of some other type.


Inheritance provides an object with the ability to acquire the

fields and methods of another class, called base class. Inheritance

provides re-usability of code and can be used to add additional

features to an existing class, without modifying it.


Abstraction is the process of separating ideas from specific

instances and thus, develop classes in terms of their own

functionality, instead of their implementation details. Java

supports the creation and existence of abstract classes that expose

interfaces, without including the actual implementation of all

methods. The abstraction technique aims to separate the

implementation details of a class from its behavior.

Differences between Abstraction and Encapsulation

Abstraction and encapsulation are complementary concepts. On the

one hand, abstraction focuses on the behavior of an object. On the

other hand, encapsulation focuses on the implementation of an

object’s behavior. Encapsulation is usually achieved by hiding

information about the internal state of an object and thus, can be

seen as a strategy used in order to provide abstraction.

General Questions about Java

1. What is JVM ? Why is Java called the “Platform

Independent Programming Language” ? A Java virtual machine

(JVM) is a process virtual machine that can execute Java bytecode. Each Java source file is compiled into a bytecode

file, which is executed by the JVM. Java was designed to allow

application programs to be built that could be run on any platform,

without having to be rewritten or recompiled by the programmer for

each separate platform. A Java virtual machine makes this possible,

because it is aware of the specific instruction lengths and other

particularities of the underlying hardware platform.

2. What is the Difference between JDK and JRE ?

The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is basically the Java Virtual

Machine (JVM) where your Java programs are being executed. It also

includes browser plugins for applet execution. The Java Development

Kit (JDK) is the full featured Software Development Kit for Java,

including the JRE, the compilers and tools (like

3. What does the “static” keyword mean ? Can you

override private or static method in Java ? The static

keyword denotes that a member variable or method can be accessed,

without requiring an instantiation of the class to which it

belongs. A user cannot override static methods in Java, because method overriding is based upon

dynamic binding at runtime and static methods are statically binded

at compile time. A static method is not associated with any

instance of a class so the concept is not applicable.

4. Can you access non static variable in static context

? A static variable in Java belongs to its class and its

value remains the same for all its instances. A static variable is

initialized when the class is loaded by the JVM. If your code tries

to access a non-static variable, without any instance, the compiler

will complain, because those variables are not created yet and they

are not associated with any instance.

5. What are the Data Types supported by Java ? What is

Autoboxing and Unboxing ? The eight primitive data types

supported by the Java programming language are:









Autoboxing is the automatic conversion made by the Java compiler between the

primitive types and their corresponding object wrapper classes. For

example, the compiler converts an int to an unboxing.

6. What is Function Overriding and Overloading in Java

? Method overloading in Java occurs when two or more

methods in the same class have the exact same name, but different

parameters. On the other hand, method overriding is defined as the

case when a child class redefines the same method as a parent

class. Overridden methods must have the same name, argument list,

and return type. The overriding method may not limit the access of

the method it overrides.

7. What is a Constructor, Constructor Overloading in

Java and Copy-Constructor ? A constructor gets invoked

when a new object is created. Every class has a constructor. In case the programmer does not provide a

constructor for a class, the Java compiler (Javac) creates a

default constructor for that class. The constructor overloading is

similar to method overloading in Java. Different constructors can

be created for a single class. Each constructor must have its own

unique parameter list. Finally, Java does support copy constructors

like C++, but the difference lies in the fact that Java doesn’t

create a default copy constructor if you don’t write your own.

8. Does Java support multiple inheritance ? No,

Java does not support multiple inheritance. Each class is able to

extend only on one class, but is able to implement more than one


9. What is the difference between an Interface and an

Abstract class ? Java provides and supports the creation

both of abstract classes and interfaces. Both implementations share

some common characteristics, but they differ in the following


All methods in an interface are implicitly abstract. On the

other hand, an abstract class may contain both abstract and

non-abstract methods.

A class may implement a number of Interfaces, but can extend

only one abstract class.

In order for a class to implement an interface, it must

implement all its declared methods. However, a class may not

implement all declared methods of an abstract class. Though, in

this case, the sub-class must also be declared as abstract.

Abstract classes can implement interfaces without even

providing the implementation of interface methods.

Variables declared in a Java interface is by default final. An

abstract class may contain non-final variables.

Members of a Java interface are public by default. A member of

an abstract class can either be private, protected or public.

An interface is absolutely abstract and cannot be instantiated.

An abstract class also cannot be instantiated, but can be invoked

if it contains a main method.

10. What are pass by reference and pass by value

? When an object is passed by value, this means that a

copy of the object is passed. Thus, even if changes are made to

that object, it doesn’t affect the original value. When an object

is passed by reference, this means that the actual object is not

passed, rather a reference of the object is passed. Thus, any

changes made by the external method, are also reflected in all


Java Threads

11. What is the difference between processes and threads

? A process is an execution of a program, while a

12. Explain different ways of creating a thread. Which

one would you prefer and why ? There are three ways that

can be used in order for a

A class may extend the

A class may implement the

An application can use the


13. Explain the available thread states in a

high-level. During its execution, a thread can reside in

one of the following

14. What is the difference between a synchronized method

and a synchronized block ? In Java programming, each

object has a lock. A thread can acquire the lock for an object by

using the synchronized keyword. The synchronized keyword can be

applied in a method level (coarse grained lock) or block level of

code (fine grained lock).

15. How does thread synchronization occurs inside a

monitor ? What levels of synchronization can you apply ?

The JVM uses locks in conjunction with monitors. A monitor is

basically a guardian that watches over a sequence of synchronized

code and ensuring that only one thread at a time executes a

synchronized piece of code. Each monitor is associated with an

object reference. The thread is not allowed to execute the code

until it obtains the lock.

16. What’s a deadlock ? A condition that occurs

when two processes are waiting for each other to complete, before

proceeding. The result is that both processes wait endlessly.

17. How do you ensure that N threads can access N

resources without deadlock ? A very simple way to avoid

deadlock while using N threads is to impose an ordering on the

locks and force each thread to follow that ordering. Thus, if all

threads lock and unlock the mutexes in the same order, no deadlocks

can arise.

Java Collections

18. What are the basic interfaces of Java Collections

Framework ?

19. Why Collection doesn’t extend Cloneable and

Serializable interfaces ? The

20. What is an Iterator ? The capable of removing elements from the underlying collection

during the iteration. 21. What differences exist between

Iterator and ListIterator ? The differences of these

elements are listed below:




22. What is difference between fail-fast and fail-safe

? The ConcurrentModificationException, while fail-safe

iterator never throws such an exception.

23. How HashMap works in Java ? A HashMap in Java stores key-value pairs. The

24. What is the importance of hashCode() and equals()

methods ? In Java, a

25. What differences exist between HashMap and Hashtable

? Both the





26. What is difference between Array and ArrayList ?

When will you use Array over ArrayList ? The


For a list of primitive data types, the collections use

autoboxing to reduce the coding effort. However, this approach

makes them slower when working on fixed size primitive data


27. What is difference between ArrayList and LinkedList

? Both the


The Insertion, addition and removal operations of an element

are faster in a


28. What is Comparable and Comparator interface ? List

their differences. Java provides the

29. What is Java Priority Queue ? The

null values, those objects that doesn’t provide natural

ordering, or those objects that don’t have any comparator

associated with them. Finally, the Java

30. What do you know about the big-O notation and can

you give some examples with respect to different data structures

? The Big-O notation simply describes how well an algorithm scales or

performs in the worst case scenario as the number of elements in a

data structure increases. The Big-O notation can also be used to

describe other behavior such as memory consumption. Since the

collection classes are actually data structures, we usually use the

Big-O notation to chose the best implementation to use, based on

time, memory and performance. Big-O notation can give a good

indication about performance for large amounts of data.

31. What is the tradeoff between using an unordered

array versus an ordered array ? The major advantage of an

ordered array is that the search times have time complexity of

O(log n), compared to that of an unordered array, which is O (n).

The disadvantage of an ordered array is that the insertion

operation has a time complexity of O(n), because the elements with

higher values must be moved to make room for the new element.

Instead, the insertion operation for an unordered array takes

constant time of O(1).

32. What are some of the best practices relating to the

Java Collection framework ?

Choosing the right type of the collection to use, based on the

application’s needs, is very crucial for its performance. For

example if the size of the elements is fixed and know a priori, we

shall use an

Some collection classes allow us to specify their initial

capacity. Thus, if we have an estimation on the number of elements

that will be stored, we can use it to avoid rehashing or


Always use Generics for type-safety, readability, and

robustness. Also, by using Generics you avoid the

Use immutable classes provided by the Java Development Kit

(JDK) as a key in a Map, in order to avoid the implementation of


Program in terms of interface not implementation.

Return zero-length collections or arrays as opposed to

returning a null in case the underlying collection is actually


33. What’s the difference between Enumeration and

Iterator interfaces ?

34. What is the difference between HashSet and TreeSet

? The

Garbage Collectors

35. What is the purpose of garbage collection in Java,

and when is it used ? The purpose of garbage collection is

to identify and discard those objects that are no longer needed by

the application, in order for the resources to be reclaimed and


36. What does System.gc() and Runtime.gc() methods do

? These methods can be used as a hint to the JVM, in order

to start a garbage collection. However, this it is up to the Java

Virtual Machine (JVM) to start the garbage collection immediately

or later in time.

37. When is the finalize() called ? What is the purpose

of finalization ? The finalize method is called by the

garbage collector, just before releasing the object’s memory. It is

normally advised to release resources held by the object inside the

finalize method.

38. If an object reference is set to null, will the

Garbage Collector immediately free the memory held by that object

? No, the object will be available for garbage collection

in the next cycle of the garbage collector.

39. What is structure of Java Heap ? What is Perm Gen

space in Heap ? The JVM has a heap that is the runtime data area from which memory

for all class instances and arrays is allocated. It is created at

the JVM start-up. Heap memory for objects is reclaimed by an

automatic memory management system which is known as a garbage

collector. Heap memory consists of live and dead objects. Live

objects are accessible by the application and will not be a subject

of garbage collection. Dead objects are those which will never be

accessible by the application, but have not been collected by the

garbage collector yet. Such objects occupy the heap memory space

until they are eventually collected by the garbage collector.

40. What is the difference between Serial and Throughput

Garbage collector ? The throughput garbage collector uses

a parallel version of the young generation collector and is meant

to be used with applications that have medium to large data sets.

On the other hand, the serial collector is usually adequate for

most small applications (those requiring heaps of up to

approximately 100MB on modern processors).

41. When does an Object becomes eligible for Garbage

collection in Java ? A Java object is subject to garbage

collection when it becomes unreachable to the program in which it

is currently used.

42. Does Garbage collection occur in permanent

generation space in JVM ? Garbage Collection does occur in

PermGen space and if PermGen space is full or cross a threshold, it

can trigger a full garbage collection. If you look carefully at the

output of the garbage collector, you will find that PermGen space

is also garbage collected. This is the reason why correct sizing of

PermGen space is important to avoid frequent full garbage

collections. Also check our article Java 8: PermGen to Metaspace.

Exception Handling

43. What are the two types of Exceptions in Java ? Which

are the differences between them ? Java has two types of

exceptions: checked exceptions and unchecked exceptions. Unchecked

exceptions do not need to be declared in a method or a

constructor’s throws clause, if they can be thrown by the execution

of the method or the constructor, and propagate outside the method

or constructor boundary. On the other hand, checked exceptions must

be declared in a method or a constructor’s throws clause. See here

for tips on Java exception handling.

44. What is the difference between Exception and Error

in java ?

45. What is the difference between throw and throws

? The throw keyword is used to explicitly raise a

exception within the program. On the contrary, the throws clause is

used to indicate those exceptions that are not handled by a method.

Each method must explicitly specify which exceptions does not

handle, so the callers of that method can guard against possible

exceptions. Finally, multiple exceptions are separated by a


45. What is the importance of finally block in exception

handling ? A finally block will always be executed,

whether or not an exception is actually thrown. Even in the case

where the catch statement is missing and an exception is thrown,

the finally block will still be executed. Last thing to mention is

that the finally block is used to release resources like I/O

buffers, database connections, etc.

46. What will happen to the Exception object after

exception handling ? The

47. How does finally block differ from finalize() method

? A finally block will be executed whether or not an

exception is thrown and is used to release those resources held by

the application. Finalize is a protected method of the Object

class, which is called by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) just

before an object is garbage collected.

Java Applets

48. What is an Applet ? A java applet is

program that can be included in a HTML page and be executed in a

java enabled client browser. Applets are used for creating dynamic

and interactive web applications.

49. Explain the life cycle of an Applet. An

applet may undergo the following states:

Init: An applet is initialized

each time is loaded.

Start: Begin the execution of an


Stop: Stop the execution of an


Destroy: Perform a final cleanup,

before unloading the applet.

50. What happens when an applet is loaded ?

First of all, an instance of the applet’s controlling class is

created. Then, the applet initializes itself and finally, it starts


51. What is the difference between an Applet and a Java

Application ? Applets are executed within a java enabled

browser, but a Java application is a standalone Java program that

can be executed outside of a browser. However, they both require

the existence of a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Furthermore, a Java

application requires a main method with a specific signature, in

order to start its execution. Java applets don’t need such a method

to start their execution. Finally, Java applets typically use a

restrictive security policy, while Java applications usually use

more relaxed security policies.

52. What are the restrictions imposed on Java applets

? Mostly due to security reasons, the following

restrictions are imposed on Java applets:

An applet cannot load libraries or define native methods.

An applet cannot ordinarily read or write files on the

execution host.

An applet cannot read certain system properties.

An applet cannot make network connections except to the host

that it came from.

An applet cannot start any program on the host that’s executing


53. What are untrusted applets ? Untrusted

applets are those Java applets that cannot access or execute local

system files. By default, all downloaded applets are considered as


54. What is the difference between applets loaded over

the internet and applets loaded via the file system ?

Regarding the case where an applet is loaded over the internet, the

applet is loaded by the applet classloader and is subject to the

restrictions enforced by the applet security manager. Regarding the

case where an applet is loaded from the client’s local disk, the

applet is loaded by the file system loader. Applets loaded via the

file system are allowed to read files, write files and to load

libraries on the client. Also, applets loaded via the file system

are allowed to execute processes and finally, applets loaded via

the file system are not passed through the byte code verifier.

55. What is the applet class loader, and what does it

provide ? When an applet is loaded over the internet, the

applet is loaded by the applet classloader. The class loader

enforces the Java name space hierarchy. Also, the class loader

guarantees that a unique namespace exists for classes that come

from the local file system, and that a unique namespace exists for

each network source. When a browser loads an applet over the net,

that applet’s classes are placed in a private namespace associated

with the applet’s origin. Then, those classes loaded by the class

loader are passed through the verifier.The verifier checks that the

class file conforms to the Java language specification . Among

other things, the verifier ensures that there are no stack

overflows or underflows and that the parameters to all bytecode

instructions are correct.

56. What is the applet security manager, and what does

it provide ? The applet security manager is a mechanism to

impose restrictions on Java applets. A browser may only have one

security manager. The security manager is established at startup,

and it cannot thereafter be replaced, overloaded, overridden, or


57. What is the difference between a Choice and a List

? A Choice is displayed in a compact form that must be

pulled down, in order for a user to be able to see the list of all

available choices. Only one item may be selected from a Choice. A

List may be displayed in such a way that several List items are

visible. A List supports the selection of one or more List


58. What is a layout manager ? A layout manager

is the used to organize the components in a container.

59. What is the difference between a Scrollbar and a

JScrollPane ? A

60. Which Swing methods are thread-safe ? There

are only three thread-safe methods: repaint, revalidate, and


61. Name three Component subclasses that support

painting. The

62. What is clipping ? Clipping is defined as

the process of confining paint operations to a limited area or


63. What is the difference between a MenuItem and a

CheckboxMenuItem ? The

64. How are the elements of a BorderLayout organized

? The elements of a

65. How are the elements of a GridBagLayout organized

? The elements of a

66. What is the difference between a Window and a Frame

? The Window class

and defines a main application window that can have a menu bar.

67. What is the relationship between clipping and

repainting ? When a window is repainted by the AWT

painting thread, it sets the clipping regions to the area of the

window that requires repainting.

68. What is the relationship between an event-listener

interface and an event-adapter class ? An event-listener

interface defines the methods that must be implemented by an event

handler for a particular event. An event adapter provides a default

implementation of an event-listener interface.

69. How can a GUI component handle its own events

? A GUI component can handle its own events, by

implementing the corresponding event-listener interface and adding

itself as its own event listener.

70. What advantage do Java’s layout managers provide

over traditional windowing systems ? Java uses layout

managers to lay out components in a consistent manner, across all

windowing platforms. Since layout managers aren’t tied to absolute

sizing and positioning, they are able to accomodate

platform-specific differences among windowing systems.

71. What is the design pattern that Java uses for all

Swing components ? The design pattern used by Java for all

Swing components is the Model View Controller (MVC) pattern.


72. What is JDBC ? JDBC is an abstraction layer

that allows users to choose between databases. JDBC enables developers to write database applications in Java,

without having to concern themselves with the underlying details of

a particular database.

73. Explain the role of Driver in JDBC. The

JDBC Driver provides vendor-specific implementations of the

abstract classes provided by the JDBC API. Each driver must provide

implementations for the following classes of the java.sql


74. What is the purpose Class.forName method ?

This method is used to method is used to load the driver that will

establish a connection to the database.

75. What is the advantage of PreparedStatement over

Statement ? PreparedStatements are precompiled and thus,

their performance is much better. Also, PreparedStatement

objects can be reused with different input values to their


76. What is the use of CallableStatement ? Name the

method, which is used to prepare a CallableStatement. A


77. What does Connection pooling mean ? The

interaction with a database can be costly, regarding the opening

and closing of database connections. Especially, when the number of

database clients increases, this cost is very high and a large

number of resources is consumed.A pool of database connections is

obtained at start up by the application server and is maintained in

a pool. A request for a connection is served by a connection residing in the pool. In the end of the connection,

the request is returned to the pool and can be used to satisfy

future requests.

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