Guava RateLimiter源码解析

	RateLimiter limiter = RateLimiter.create(10.0); // 每秒不超过10个任务被提交
        for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
        // 返回值是等待的时间
            double acquire = limiter.acquire();// 请求RateLimiter, 超过permits会被阻塞
//            System.out.println("call execute.." + acquire);

public static RateLimiter create(double permitsPerSecond) {
     * The default RateLimiter configuration can save the unused permits of up to one second. This
     * is to avoid unnecessary stalls in situations like this: A RateLimiter of 1qps, and 4 threads,
     * all calling acquire() at these moments:
     * T0 at 0 seconds
     * T1 at 1.05 seconds
     * T2 at 2 seconds
     * T3 at 3 seconds
     * Due to the slight delay of T1, T2 would have to sleep till 2.05 seconds, and T3 would also
     * have to sleep till 3.05 seconds.
    return create(permitsPerSecond, SleepingStopwatch.createFromSystemTimer());

  static RateLimiter create(double permitsPerSecond, SleepingStopwatch stopwatch) {
    RateLimiter rateLimiter = new SmoothBursty(stopwatch, 1.0 /* maxBurstSeconds */);
    return rateLimiter;

// create中  maxBurstSeconds 默认为1.0s

   * This implements a "bursty" RateLimiter, where storedPermits are translated to zero throttling.
   * The maximum number of permits that can be saved (when the RateLimiter is unused) is defined in
   * terms of time, in this sense: if a RateLimiter is 2qps, and this time is specified as 10
   * seconds, we can save up to 2 * 10 = 20 permits.
  static final class SmoothBursty extends SmoothRateLimiter {
    /** The work (permits) of how many seconds can be saved up if this RateLimiter is unused? */
    final double maxBurstSeconds;

    SmoothBursty(SleepingStopwatch stopwatch, double maxBurstSeconds) {
      this.maxBurstSeconds = maxBurstSeconds;

    void doSetRate(double permitsPerSecond, double stableIntervalMicros) {
      double oldMaxPermits = this.maxPermits;
      // 最大令牌数 = maxBurstSeconds * permitsPerSecond;
      maxPermits = maxBurstSeconds * permitsPerSecond;
      if (oldMaxPermits == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
        // if we don't special-case this, we would get storedPermits == NaN, below
        storedPermits = maxPermits;
      } else {
        storedPermits =
            (oldMaxPermits == 0.0)
                ? 0.0 // initial state
                : storedPermits * maxPermits / oldMaxPermits;

    long storedPermitsToWaitTime(double storedPermits, double permitsToTake) {
      return 0L;

    double coolDownIntervalMicros() {
      return stableIntervalMicros;

  /** The currently stored permits. */
  // 当前桶内的令牌数
  double storedPermits;

  /** The maximum number of stored permits. */
  // 桶内能存放的最大令牌数 = maxBurstSeconds * permitsPerSecond
  double maxPermits;

   * The interval between two unit requests, at our stable rate. E.g., a stable rate of 5 permits
   * per second has a stable interval of 200ms.
   // 每个令牌产生的时间间隔 = 1 / permitsPerSecond;
  double stableIntervalMicros;

   * The time when the next request (no matter its size) will be granted. After granting a request,
   * this is pushed further in the future. Large requests push this further than small requests.
   // 下个令牌产生的时间
  private long nextFreeTicketMicros = 0L; // could be either in the past or future

  private SmoothRateLimiter(SleepingStopwatch stopwatch) {

  final void doSetRate(double permitsPerSecond, long nowMicros) {
    double stableIntervalMicros = SECONDS.toMicros(1L) / permitsPerSecond;
    this.stableIntervalMicros = stableIntervalMicros;
    doSetRate(permitsPerSecond, stableIntervalMicros);

  abstract void doSetRate(double permitsPerSecond, double stableIntervalMicros);

  final double doGetRate() {
    return SECONDS.toMicros(1L) / stableIntervalMicros;

  final long queryEarliestAvailable(long nowMicros) {
    return nextFreeTicketMicros;

  final long reserveEarliestAvailable(int requiredPermits, long nowMicros) {
    long returnValue = nextFreeTicketMicros;
    // 减少的令牌数 = min(需要的令牌数,桶内剩余的令牌数)
    double storedPermitsToSpend = min(requiredPermits, this.storedPermits);
    // 如果桶内的令牌数 < 需要的令牌数,则 差值为需要等待的令牌数
    double freshPermits = requiredPermits - storedPermitsToSpend;
    // 等待时间 =  0 + 需要等待的令牌数 * 产生令牌的时间间隔
    long waitMicros =
        storedPermitsToWaitTime(this.storedPermits, storedPermitsToSpend)
            + (long) (freshPermits * stableIntervalMicros);
	// 新的 下一个令牌产生时间 = 旧的 下一个令牌产生时间  + 等待时间
    this.nextFreeTicketMicros = LongMath.saturatedAdd(nextFreeTicketMicros, waitMicros);
    //桶内的令牌数 = 桶内的令牌数 - 减少的令牌数
    this.storedPermits -= storedPermitsToSpend;
    return returnValue;

   * Translates a specified portion of our currently stored permits which we want to spend/acquire,
   * into a throttling time. Conceptually, this evaluates the integral of the underlying function we
   * use, for the range of [(storedPermits - permitsToTake), storedPermits].
   * <p>This always holds: {@code 0 <= permitsToTake <= storedPermits}
  abstract long storedPermitsToWaitTime(double storedPermits, double permitsToTake);

   * Returns the number of microseconds during cool down that we have to wait to get a new permit.
  abstract double coolDownIntervalMicros();

  /** Updates {@code storedPermits} and {@code nextFreeTicketMicros} based on the current time. */
  void resync(long nowMicros) {
    // if nextFreeTicket is in the past, resync to now
    // 当前时间 > 下一个令牌产生的时间 
    if (nowMicros > nextFreeTicketMicros) {
    // newPermits  = (nextFreeTicketMicros - nowMicros)时间段内间产生的令牌
      double newPermits = (nowMicros - nextFreeTicketMicros) / coolDownIntervalMicros();
      // 重新计算令牌桶内令牌的数量,加上(nextFreeTicketMicros - nowMicros)时间段内间产生的令牌
      storedPermits = min(maxPermits, storedPermits + newPermits);
      // 下一个令牌产生的时间 是 现在
      nextFreeTicketMicros = nowMicros;

   * Acquires a single permit from this {@code RateLimiter}, blocking until the request can be
   * granted. Tells the amount of time slept, if any.
   * <p>This method is equivalent to {@code acquire(1)}.
   * @return time spent sleeping to enforce rate, in seconds; 0.0 if not rate-limited
   * @since 16.0 (present in 13.0 with {@code void} return type})
  public double acquire() {
    return acquire(1);

   * Acquires the given number of permits from this {@code RateLimiter}, blocking until the request
   * can be granted. Tells the amount of time slept, if any.
   * @param permits the number of permits to acquire
   * @return time spent sleeping to enforce rate, in seconds; 0.0 if not rate-limited
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the requested number of permits is negative or zero
   * @since 16.0 (present in 13.0 with {@code void} return type})
  public double acquire(int permits) {
    long microsToWait = reserve(permits);
    return 1.0 * microsToWait / SECONDS.toMicros(1L);
final long reserve(int permits) {
    synchronized (mutex()) {
      return reserveAndGetWaitLength(permits, stopwatch.readMicros());

final long reserveAndGetWaitLength(int permits, long nowMicros) {
    long momentAvailable = reserveEarliestAvailable(permits, nowMicros);
    return max(momentAvailable - nowMicros, 0);
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