
1、This is our initial concentration.

2、Financial markets' initial response was euphoric.

3、But the initial results are quite promising.

4、After initial logarithmic progress growth plateaued sharply.

5、recovering the initial outlay plus imputed interest.

6、Do not change anything in this initial sample.

7、The government underwrotethe initial costs of the operation.

8、You can configure a separate initial context for each one.

9、An initial investigation showed a gas water heater could have caused the accident.

10、For the initial test, start the server then deploy all four modules.

11、Peirson disagreed with Johnson's initial assessment that there was likely only one assailant.

12、Mr Bainimarama's initial, unscripted reaction was belligerent, likening the ultimatum to a declaration of war.

13、The initial symptoms include tingling and cramps in the arms and legs, followed by muscular weakness.

14、The mean time from study arrival until the initial radiologist review was 21.83 minutes, while the mean time from study arrival until initial ED physician review was 21.7 minutes.

15、But being able to get an initial implementation up and running quickly, and having an initial view template for your scenario that you can then easily tweak is really useful.

16、For each task force, recruit one or two professionals in that area to serve as the initial convenors.

17、Starting from an initial class, the analyzer chains through all referenced classes, handling substitution of generic types as it goes.

18、The initial designs of the reek were inspired by Placerias, a stout, four-legged tusked species from the Triassic era.

19、The Solar Dynamics Observatory caught sight of the initial explosive flare emanating from a giant group of sunspots.

20、It wants the government to restrain speculative inflows by imposing far higher initial margin requirements on currency futures.

21、Because the initial estimate is so coarse-grained, a fair amount of wiggle room exists to handle emergent design, refactoring, and other technical-hygiene activities.

22、A lowered temperature reverses that process, but how the initial state is regained depends on where the pathways were formed, and therefore on the cell's internal history.

23、The initial reaction of law students and laymen alike, when they are first told about international law, is usually highly sceptical.

24、This feature would make this policy radically different from the initial TARP proposal and from the treasuries' piecemeal interventions in bailing out institutions such as AIG and Citigroup.

25、If the proxy servers in the initial transaction flows have added themselves to the transaction through requests to record the route, the acknowledgement is sent through those servers.

26、All in all, it was a site that everyone could understand and gain some amusement from upon initial glance. This was enough motivation for people to want tell friends about it.

27、The initial hot passion you might feel for a person at the beginning of a relationship will mellow out over time and be replaced by something much more magnificent.

28、"Gold really didn't do that well - it had an initial pop but it really didn't provide the hedge... I wish I could tell you categorically that gold is a hedge," he said.

29、This activity brings a project from the initial germ of an idea to a point at which a reasoned decision can be made to continue or abandon the project.

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