

public class PIN {


* 加密PIN明文


* @param pin

* @param pan

* @param key

* @return

* @throws InvalidKeyException

* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException

* @throws NoSuchProviderException

* @throws NoSuchPaddingException

* @throws ShortBufferException

* @throws IllegalBlockSizeException

* @throws BadPaddingException

* @throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException

* @throws InvalidKeySpecException

* @throws IllegalArgumentException

* @throws SecurityException

* @throws IOException


public static String encrypt(String pin, String pan, String pik)

throws InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException, NoSuchPaddingException,

ShortBufferException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException,

InvalidKeySpecException, IllegalArgumentException, SecurityException, IOException {

return encrypt(pin, pan, pik, PINFormat.ANSIX98);


public static String encrypt(String pin, String pan, String pik, PINFormat format)

throws InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException, NoSuchPaddingException,

ShortBufferException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException,

InvalidKeySpecException, IllegalArgumentException, SecurityException, IOException {

String pinBlock = Format.formatPin(pin, pan, format);

byte[] cipherPin = SM4.encryptECB(Convert.hexToByte(pik), Convert.hexToByte(pinBlock));

return Convert.byteToHexStr(cipherPin);



* 解密pin密文


* @param pinBlock

* @param pan

* @param key

* @return

* @throws InvalidKeyException

* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException

* @throws NoSuchProviderException

* @throws NoSuchPaddingException

* @throws ShortBufferException

* @throws IllegalBlockSizeException

* @throws BadPaddingException

* @throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException

* @throws InvalidKeySpecException

* @throws IllegalArgumentException

* @throws SecurityException

* @throws IOException


public static String decrypt(String pinBlock, String pan, String pik)

throws InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException, NoSuchPaddingException,

ShortBufferException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException,

InvalidKeySpecException, IllegalArgumentException, SecurityException, IOException {

return decrypt(pinBlock, pan, pik, PINFormat.ANSIX98);


public static String decrypt(String pinBlock, String pan, String pik, PINFormat format)

throws InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException, NoSuchPaddingException,

ShortBufferException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException,

InvalidKeySpecException, IllegalArgumentException, SecurityException, IOException {

byte[] cipherPin = SM4.decryptECB(Convert.hexToByte(pik), Convert.hexToByte(pinBlock));

String pin = Format.formatPinBack(Convert.byteToHexStr(cipherPin), pan, format);

return pin;



* 字符pin加密


* @param pin

* @param pik

* @return

* @throws InvalidKeyException

* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException

* @throws NoSuchProviderException

* @throws NoSuchPaddingException

* @throws ShortBufferException

* @throws IllegalBlockSizeException

* @throws BadPaddingException

* @throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException

* @throws InvalidKeySpecException

* @throws IllegalArgumentException

* @throws SecurityException

* @throws IOException


public static String encryptCharPin(String pin, String pik)

throws InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException, NoSuchPaddingException,

ShortBufferException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException,

InvalidKeySpecException, IllegalArgumentException, SecurityException, IOException {

String pinBlock = Format.formatPin(pin, pin, PINFormat.CHARPIN);

byte[] cipherPin = SM4.encryptECB(Convert.hexToByte(pinBlock), Convert.hexToByte(pik));

return Convert.byteToHexStr(cipherPin);



* 字符pin解密


* @param pinBlock

* @param pik

* @return

* @throws InvalidKeyException

* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException

* @throws NoSuchProviderException

* @throws NoSuchPaddingException

* @throws ShortBufferException

* @throws IllegalBlockSizeException

* @throws BadPaddingException

* @throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException

* @throws InvalidKeySpecException

* @throws IllegalArgumentException

* @throws SecurityException

* @throws IOException


public static String decryptCharPin(String pinBlock, String pik)

throws InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException, NoSuchPaddingException,

ShortBufferException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException,

InvalidKeySpecException, IllegalArgumentException, SecurityException, IOException {

byte[] cipherPin = SM4.decryptECB(Convert.hexToByte(pinBlock), Convert.hexToByte(pik));

String pin = Format.formatPinBack(Convert.byteToHexStr(cipherPin), "", PINFormat.CHARPIN);

return pin;



public static final String D_TABLE = "0123456789012345";


* IBM3624计算自然PIN


* @param pan

* @param pinLength

* @param pvk

* @return

* @throws SecurityException

* @throws InvalidKeyException

* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException

* @throws NoSuchProviderException

* @throws NoSuchPaddingException

* @throws ShortBufferException

* @throws IllegalBlockSizeException

* @throws BadPaddingException

* @throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException

* @throws InvalidKeySpecException

* @throws IOException


public static String calculateNaturalPin(String pan, int pinLength, String pvk)

throws SecurityException, InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException,

NoSuchPaddingException, ShortBufferException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException,

InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, InvalidKeySpecException, IOException {

String formatPan = String.format("%-16s", pan).replace(' ', 'F');

byte[] cipherPan = SM4.encryptECB(Convert.hexToByte(formatPan), Convert.hexToByte(pvk));

String cpStr = Convert.byteToHexStr(cipherPan);

StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("");

for (int i = 0; i < pinLength; i++) {

builder.append(D_TABLE.charAt(Integer.parseInt(cpStr.substring(i, i + 1), 16)));


return builder.toString();



* ibm3624计算pinoffset


* @param pan

* @param pin

* @param pinLength

* @param pvk

* @return

* @throws Exception


public static String calculatePINOffset(String pan, String pin, int pinLength, String pvk) throws Exception {

if (pin.length() != pinLength) {

throw new SecurityException("bad pinLength");


String natrualPin = calculateNaturalPin(pan, pinLength, pvk);

StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("");

int cpin;

int npin;

for (int i = 0; i < pinLength; i++) {

cpin = Integer.parseInt(pin.substring(i, i + 1));

npin = Integer.parseInt(natrualPin.substring(i, i + 1));

builder.append(Integer.toString(cpin >= npin ? cpin - npin : 10 + cpin - npin));


return builder.toString();



* ibm3624校验pin


* @param pan

* @param pin

* @param pinLength

* @param offset

* @param pvk

* @return

* @throws Exception


public static boolean validatePINOffset(String pan, String pin, int pinLength, String offset, String pvk)

throws Exception {

if (pin.length() != pinLength) {

throw new SecurityException("bad pinLength");


String natrualPin = calculateNaturalPin(pan, pinLength, pvk);

StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("");

int opin;

int npin;

for (int i = 0; i < pinLength; i++) {

opin = Integer.parseInt(offset.substring(i, i + 1));

npin = Integer.parseInt(natrualPin.substring(i, i + 1));

builder.append(Integer.toString(opin + npin >= 10 ? opin + npin - 10 : opin + npin));


return builder.toString().equals(pin);


public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

System.out.println(String.format("%-14s", "11").replace(" ", "F"));

String pinc = encrypt("123456", "123456789012345678",



// ;

// System.out.println(decrypt(pinc, "123456789012345678",

// "0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF"));

System.out.println(calculatePINOffset("1234567899876543", "3096", 4, "0123456789ABCDEFFEDCBA9876543210"));


.println(validatePINOffset("1234567899876543", "3096", 4, "0900", "0123456789ABCDEFFEDCBA9876543210"));

System.out.println(encryptCharPin("oracle9i", "0123456789ABCDEFFEDCBA9876543210"));

System.out.println(decryptCharPin("1E716BD9406500C9B8D9F178DCD52F26058AAFCE50FDFC69", "0123456789ABCDEFFEDCBA9876543210"));






* 参考以上链接-IBM Knowledge Center

* PIN 格式化


* P = 一个4位十进制数字,是PIN值的一位数。 C = 一个4位十六进制控制值。有效值为X'0',X'1'和X'2'。 L =

* 一个4位十六进制值,指定PIN数字的数量。值范围为4到12,包括4和12。 F = 值为X'F'的 4位字段定界符。 f =

* 一个4位分隔符填充符,它是P或F,具体取决于PIN的长度。 D = 一个4位十进制填充值。PIN块中的所有填充数字具有相同的值。 X =

* 一个4位十六进制填充值。PIN块中的所有填充数字具有相同的值。 x = 一个4位十六进制填充符,它是P或X,具体取决于PIN的长度。 R =

* 一个4位十六进制随机数字。R位的序列可以各自取不同的值。 r = 4位随机填充,P或R,取决于PIN的长度。 Z = 一个4位十六进制零(X'0')。 z

* = 一个4位零填充,可以是P或Z,具体取决于PIN的长度。 S = 一个4位十六进制数字,构成序列号的一位数。 A =

* 一个4位十进制数字,构成用户指定常量的一位数。


* @author Administrator



public class Format {




* P1 = CLPPPPffffffffFF P2 = ZZZZAAAAAAAAAAAA PIN Block = P1 XOR P2 where C =

* X'0' L = X'4' to X'C'



* 中国银联银行卡交换系统技术规范(国际卷)第4部分



* PIN域:共64bit,每4bit为1位十六进制数字,共16位十六进制数字 第1位(1~4bit):固定值0x0(0000)

* 第2位(5~8bit):PIN长度,取值范围0x4(0100) ~ 0xC(1100)

* 第3~16位(9~64bit):PIN,不足14位右补0xF(1111),因为PIN最多12位,所以最后2位一定是0xFF(1111,1111)


* PAN域:共64bit,每4bit为1位十六进制数字,共16位十六进制数字

* 第1~4位(1~16bit):固定值0x0000(0000,0000,0000,0000)

* 第5~16位(17~64bit):PAN,去掉最右边1位校验数字后,从右边数12位,不足12位左补0x0(0000)


* @param pin

* 密码

* @param pan

* 账号

* @return Format 0 PIN block 十六进制字符串

* @throws SecurityException


private static String formatPin0(String pin, String pan) throws SecurityException {

if (pin.length() > 12 || pin.length() < 4) {

throw new SecurityException("bad pin");


// PIN域,64bit,16位十六进制数字

// 固定值0x0 + PIN长度 + PIN(不足14位右补F)

String PINField = "0" + Integer.toHexString(pin.length()) + String.format("%-14s", pin).replace(' ', 'F');

// PAN域,64bit,16位十六进制数字

// 固定值0x0000 + PAN,去掉校验数字,从右边数12位,不足12位左补0x0

String PANWithoutCheckDigit = pan.substring(0, pan.length() - 1);

String PANField = "0000" + (PANWithoutCheckDigit.length() > 12

? PANWithoutCheckDigit.substring(PANWithoutCheckDigit.length() - 12, PANWithoutCheckDigit.length())

: String.format("%12s", PANWithoutCheckDigit).replace(' ', '0'));

// 十六进制转byte数组

byte[] PINFieldByteArray = Convert.hexToByte(PINField);

// 十六进制转byte数组

byte[] PANFieldByteArray = Convert.hexToByte(PANField);

// 异或

byte[] PINBlockByteArray = new byte[8];

for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {

PINBlockByteArray[i] = (byte) (PINFieldByteArray[i] ^ PANFieldByteArray[i]);


// 返回十六进制

return Convert.byteToHexStr(PINBlockByteArray).toUpperCase();


private static String formatPin0Back(String pinBlock, String pan) throws SecurityException {

// 十六进制转byte数组

byte[] pinBlockByteArray = Convert.hexToByte(pinBlock);

// 十六进制转byte数组

String PANWithoutCheckDigit = pan.substring(0, pan.length() - 1);

String PANField = "0000" + (PANWithoutCheckDigit.length() > 12

? PANWithoutCheckDigit.substring(PANWithoutCheckDigit.length() - 12, PANWithoutCheckDigit.length())

: String.format("%12s", PANWithoutCheckDigit).replace(' ', '0'));

byte[] panByteArray = Convert.hexToByte(PANField);

// 异或

byte[] pinByteArray = new byte[8];

for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {

pinByteArray[i] = (byte) (pinBlockByteArray[i] ^ panByteArray[i]);


String pinBlockStr = Convert.byteToHexStr(pinByteArray);

int lengh = Integer.parseInt(pinBlockStr.substring(1, 2), 16);

return pinBlockStr.substring(2, 2 + lengh);





* PIN Block = CLPPPPrrrrrrrrRR where C = X'1' L = X'4' to X'C'


* @param PIN

* @return

* @throws SecurityException


private static String formatPin1(String pin) throws SecurityException {

if (pin.length() > 12 || pin.length() < 4) {

throw new SecurityException("bad pin");


// PIN block,64bit,16位十六进制数字

// 固定值0x1 + PIN长度 + PIN,不足14位右补交易域

String PINBlock = "1" + Integer.toHexString(pin.length()) + pin;

// 交易域使用随机数,取值范围是0x0~0xF

Random r = new Random();

for (int i = 0; i < 14 - pin.length(); i++) {

PINBlock += Integer.toHexString(r.nextInt(16));


return PINBlock.toUpperCase();


private static String formatPin1Back(String pinBlock) {

int length = Integer.parseInt("" + pinBlock.charAt(1), 16);

return pinBlock.substring(2, 2 + length);



* ISO2


* PIN Block = CLPPPPffffffffFF where C = X'2' L = X'4' to X'C'


* @param PIN

* @return

* @throws SecurityException


private static String formatPin2(String pin) throws SecurityException {

if (pin.length() > 12 || pin.length() < 4) {

throw new SecurityException("bad pin");


// PIN block,64bit,16位十六进制数字

// 固定值0x1 + PIN长度 + PIN,不足14位0xF

String PINBlock = "2" + Integer.toHexString(pin.length()) + String.format("%-14s", pin).replace(' ', 'F');

return PINBlock.toUpperCase();


private static String formatPin2Back(String pinBlock) {

int length = Integer.parseInt("" + pinBlock.charAt(1), 16);

return pinBlock.substring(2, 2 + length);



* ISO3


* P1 = CLPPPPrrrrrrrrRR P2 = ZZZZAAAAAAAAAAAA PIN Block = P1 XOR P2 where C =

* X'3' L = X'4' to X'C'


* @param pin

* @param pan

* @return

* @throws SecurityException


private static String formatPin3(String pin, String pan) throws SecurityException {

if (pin.length() > 12 || pin.length() < 4) {

throw new SecurityException("bad pin");


// PIN block,64bit,16位十六进制数字

// 固定值0x1 + PIN长度 + PIN,不足14位右补交易域

String PINField = "3" + Integer.toHexString(pin.length()) + pin;

// 交易域使用随机数,取值范围是0x0~0xF

Random r = new Random();

for (int i = 0; i < 14 - pin.length(); i++) {

PINField += Integer.toHexString(r.nextInt(16));


// PAN域,64bit,16位十六进制数字

// 固定值0x0000 + PAN,去掉校验数字,从右边数12位,不足12位左补0x0

String PANWithoutCheckDigit = pan.substring(0, pan.length() - 1);

String PANField = "0000" + (PANWithoutCheckDigit.length() > 12

? PANWithoutCheckDigit.substring(PANWithoutCheckDigit.length() - 12, PANWithoutCheckDigit.length())

: String.format("%12s", PANWithoutCheckDigit).replace(' ', '0'));

// 十六进制转byte数组

byte[] PINFieldByteArray = Convert.hexToByte(PINField);

// 十六进制转byte数组

byte[] PANFieldByteArray = Convert.hexToByte(PANField);

// 异或

byte[] PINBlockByteArray = new byte[8];

for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {

PINBlockByteArray[i] = (byte) (PINFieldByteArray[i] ^ PANFieldByteArray[i]);


// 返回十六进制

return Convert.byteToHexStr(PINBlockByteArray).toUpperCase();


private static String formatPin3Back(String pinBlock, String pan) throws SecurityException {

// PAN域,64bit,16位十六进制数字

// 固定值0x0000 + PAN,去掉校验数字,从右边数12位,不足12位左补0x0

String PANWithoutCheckDigit = pan.substring(0, pan.length() - 1);

String PANField = "0000" + (PANWithoutCheckDigit.length() > 12

? PANWithoutCheckDigit.substring(PANWithoutCheckDigit.length() - 12, PANWithoutCheckDigit.length())

: String.format("%12s", PANWithoutCheckDigit).replace(' ', '0'));

// 十六进制转byte数组

byte[] PINFieldByteArray = Convert.hexToByte(pinBlock);

// 十六进制转byte数组

byte[] PANFieldByteArray = Convert.hexToByte(PANField);

// 异或

byte[] PINBlockByteArray = new byte[8];

for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {

PINBlockByteArray[i] = (byte) (PINFieldByteArray[i] ^ PANFieldByteArray[i]);


String pb = Convert.byteToHexStr(PINBlockByteArray);

int length = Integer.parseInt("" + pb.charAt(1), 16);

return pb.substring(2, 2 + length);





* PIN Block = LPPPPzzDDDDDDDDD where L = X'4' to X'6'


* @param pin

* @return

* @throws SecurityException


private static String formatPin4(String pin) throws SecurityException {

if (pin.length() > 6 || pin.length() < 4) {

throw new SecurityException("bad pin");


// PIN block,64bit,16位十六进制数字

// 固定值0x1 + PIN长度 + PIN,不足14位十进制9

String PINBlock = "" + Integer.toHexString(pin.length()) + String.format("%-6s", pin).replace(' ', '0')

+ "999999999";

return PINBlock.toUpperCase();


private static String formatPin4Back(String pinBlock) {

int length = Integer.parseInt("" + pinBlock.charAt(0), 16);

return pinBlock.substring(1, 1 + length);



* visa3




* @param pin

* @return

* @throws SecurityException


private static String formatPin5(String pin) throws SecurityException {

if (pin.length() > 12 || pin.length() < 4) {

throw new SecurityException("bad pin");


// PIN block,64bit,16位十六进制数字

// 固定值0x1 + PIN长度 + PIN,不足14位十进制9

String PINBlock = pin + "F";

while (PINBlock.length() < 16) {

PINBlock += "9";


return PINBlock.toUpperCase();


private static String formatPin5Back(String pinBlock) {

int length = pinBlock.indexOf("F");

return pinBlock.substring(0, length);



* IBM4700


* PIN Block = LPPPPffffffffFSS where L = X'4' to X'C'


* @param pin

* @return

* @throws SecurityException


private static String formatPin6(String pin) throws SecurityException {

if (pin.length() > 12 || pin.length() < 4) {

throw new SecurityException("bad pin");


// PIN block,64bit,16位十六进制数字

// 固定值0x1 + PIN长度 + PIN,不足14位十进制9

String PINBlock = "" + Integer.toHexString(pin.length()) + String.format("%-12s", pin).replace(' ', '9')

+ "F00";

for (int i = PINBlock.length(); i < 16; i++) {

PINBlock += "9";


return PINBlock.toUpperCase();


private static String formatPin6Back(String pinBlock) {

int length = Integer.parseInt("" + pinBlock.charAt(0), 16);

return pinBlock.substring(1, 1 + length);



* IBM3624


* PIN Block = PPPPxxxxxxxxXXXX


* @param pin

* @return

* @throws SecurityException


private static String formatPin7(String pin) throws SecurityException {

if (pin.length() > 12 || pin.length() < 4) {

throw new SecurityException("bad pin");


// PIN block,64bit,16位十六进制数字

// 固定值0x1 + PIN长度 + PIN,不足14位十进制9

String PINBlock = String.format("%-16s", pin).replace(' ', 'F');

return PINBlock.toUpperCase();


private static String formatPin7Back(String pinBlock) {

int length = pinBlock.indexOf("F");

return pinBlock.substring(0, length);



* IBM3621


* PIN Block = SSSSPPPPxxxxxxxx


* @param pin

* @return

* @throws SecurityException


private static String formatPin8(String pin) throws SecurityException {

if (pin.length() > 12 || pin.length() < 4) {

throw new SecurityException("bad pin");


// PIN block,64bit,16位十六进制数字

// 固定值0x1 + PIN长度 + PIN,不足14位十进制9

String PINBlock = "0000" + String.format("%-14s", pin).replace(' ', 'A');

return PINBlock.toUpperCase();


private static String formatPin8Back(String pinBlock) {

int length = pinBlock.indexOf("A");

return pinBlock.substring(4, length);



* ECI2




* @param pin

* @return

* @throws SecurityException


private static String formatPin9(String pin) throws SecurityException {

if (pin.length() != 4) {

throw new SecurityException("bad pin");


// PIN block,64bit,16位十六进制数字

// 固定值0x1 + PIN长度 + PIN,不足14位十进制9

String PINBlock = pin;

Random r = new Random();

for (int i = 0; i < 16 - pin.length(); i++) {

PINBlock += Integer.toHexString(r.nextInt(16));


return PINBlock.toUpperCase();


private static String formatPin9Back(String pinBlock) {

return pinBlock.substring(0, 4);



* ECI3


* PIN Block = LPPPPzzRRRRRRRRR where L = X'4' to X'6'


* @param pin

* @return

* @throws SecurityException


private static String formatPin10(String pin) throws SecurityException {

if (pin.length() > 6 || pin.length() < 4) {

throw new SecurityException("bad pin");


// PIN block,64bit,16位十六进制数字

// 固定值0x1 + PIN长度 + PIN,不足14位十进制9

String PINBlock = "" + Integer.toHexString(pin.length()) + String.format("%-6s", pin).replace(' ', '0');

Random r = new Random();

for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {

PINBlock += Integer.toHexString(r.nextInt(16));


return PINBlock.toUpperCase();


private static String formatPin10Back(String pinBlock) {

int length = Integer.parseInt(pinBlock.substring(0, 1), 16);

return pinBlock.substring(1, 1 + length);



* 格式化字符PIN

* @param charPin

* @return

* @throws SecurityException


private static String formatCharPin(String charPin) throws SecurityException {

if(charPin.length() > 20 || charPin.length() < 6) {

throw new SecurityException("bad pin");


String pinBlock = "";


if(charPin.length() < 16) {

pinBlock += ("0" + Integer.toHexString(charPin.length()));

}else {

pinBlock += Integer.toHexString(charPin.length());



pinBlock += String.format("%-22s", charPin).replace(' ', 'F');

byte[] pbByte = ASCII.stringToByteArr(pinBlock);

return Convert.byteToHexStr(pbByte);


private static String formatCharPinBack(String charPinBlock) throws SecurityException {

byte[] pbByte = Convert.hexToByte(charPinBlock);

String pinBlock = new String(ASCII.byteArrToCharArr(pbByte));

return pinBlock.substring(2, 2 + Integer.parseInt(pinBlock.substring(0, 2), 16));


private static String formatPinGM(String pin, String pan) throws SecurityException {

if (pin.length() > 12 || pin.length() < 4) {

throw new SecurityException("bad pin");


// PIN域,64bit,16位十六进制数字

// 固定值0x0 + PIN长度 + PIN(不足14位右补F)

String PINField = "0" + Integer.toHexString(pin.length()) + String.format("%-30s", pin).replace(' ', 'F');

// PAN域,64bit,16位十六进制数字

// 固定值0x0000 + PAN,去掉校验数字,从右边数12位,不足12位左补0x0

String PANWithoutCheckDigit = pan.substring(0, pan.length() - 1);

String PANField = "00000000000000000000" + (PANWithoutCheckDigit.length() > 12

? PANWithoutCheckDigit.substring(PANWithoutCheckDigit.length() - 12, PANWithoutCheckDigit.length())

: String.format("%12s", PANWithoutCheckDigit).replace(' ', '0'));

// 十六进制转byte数组

byte[] PINFieldByteArray = Convert.hexToByte(PINField);

// 十六进制转byte数组

byte[] PANFieldByteArray = Convert.hexToByte(PANField);

// 异或

byte[] PINBlockByteArray = new byte[16];

for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {

PINBlockByteArray[i] = (byte) (PINFieldByteArray[i] ^ PANFieldByteArray[i]);


// 返回十六进制

return Convert.byteToHexStr(PINBlockByteArray).toUpperCase();


private static String formatPinGMBack(String pinBlock, String pan) throws SecurityException {

// 十六进制转byte数组

byte[] pinBlockByteArray = Convert.hexToByte(pinBlock);

// 十六进制转byte数组

String PANWithoutCheckDigit = pan.substring(0, pan.length() - 1);

String PANField = "00000000000000000000" + (PANWithoutCheckDigit.length() > 12

? PANWithoutCheckDigit.substring(PANWithoutCheckDigit.length() - 12, PANWithoutCheckDigit.length())

: String.format("%12s", PANWithoutCheckDigit).replace(' ', '0'));

byte[] panByteArray = Convert.hexToByte(PANField);

// 异或

byte[] pinByteArray = new byte[16];

for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {

pinByteArray[i] = (byte) (pinBlockByteArray[i] ^ panByteArray[i]);


String pinBlockStr = Convert.byteToHexStr(pinByteArray);

int lengh = Integer.parseInt(pinBlockStr.substring(1, 2), 16);

return pinBlockStr.substring(2, 2 + lengh);



* 格式化PIN


* @param pin

* @param pan

* @param format

* @return

* @throws SecurityException


public static String formatPin(String pin, String pan, PINFormat format) throws SecurityException {

String pinBlock = "";

switch (format) {

case ANSIX98:

case ISO0:

case VISA1:

case VISA4:

case ECI1:

pinBlock = formatPin0(pin, pan);


case ISO1:

case ECI4:

pinBlock = formatPin1(pin);


case ISO2:

pinBlock = formatPin2(pin);


case ISO3:

pinBlock = formatPin3(pin, pan);


case VISA2:

pinBlock = formatPin4(pin);


case VISA3:

pinBlock = formatPin5(pin);


case IBM4700:

pinBlock = formatPin6(pin);


case IBM3624:

pinBlock = formatPin7(pin);


case IBM3621:

pinBlock = formatPin8(pin);


case ECI2:

pinBlock = formatPin9(pin);


case ECI3:

pinBlock = formatPin10(pin);



pinBlock = formatCharPin(pin);


case GMANSI98:

pinBlock = formatPinGM(pin, pan);





return pinBlock;



* 反解PIN


* @param pin

* @param pan

* @param format

* @return

* @throws SecurityException


public static String formatPinBack(String pinBlock, String pan, PINFormat format) throws SecurityException {

String pin = "";

switch (format) {

case ANSIX98:

case ISO0:

case VISA1:

case VISA4:

case ECI1:

pin = formatPin0Back(pinBlock, pan);


case ISO1:

case ECI4:

pin = formatPin1Back(pinBlock);


case ISO2:

pin = formatPin2Back(pinBlock);


case ISO3:

pin = formatPin3Back(pinBlock, pan);


case VISA2:

pin = formatPin4Back(pinBlock);


case VISA3:

pin = formatPin5Back(pinBlock);


case IBM4700:

pin = formatPin6Back(pinBlock);


case IBM3624:

pin = formatPin7Back(pinBlock);


case IBM3621:

pin = formatPin8Back(pinBlock);


case ECI2:

pin = formatPin9Back(pinBlock);


case ECI3:

pin = formatPin10Back(pinBlock);



pin = formatCharPinBack(pinBlock);


case GMANSI98:

pin = formatPinGMBack(pinBlock, pan);





return pin;


public static void main(String[] args) throws SecurityException {

String pin = "851019";

String pan = "6225881297078266";

System.out.println(formatPin0(pin, pan));

//PINFormat[] ps = PINFormat.values();

//for (PINFormat pinFormat : ps) {

//if(PINFormat.ECI2 == pinFormat || PINFormat.CHARPIN == pinFormat) {



//String pinBlock = formatPin(pin, pan, pinFormat);


//System.out.println(formatPinBack(pinBlock, pan, pinFormat));



//String pinBlock = formatPin("oracle9i", pan, PINFormat.CHARPIN);


//System.out.println(formatPinBack(pinBlock, pan, PINFormat.CHARPIN));








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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


