
Hi everyone,

I''m from Java Background. And obviously, I''m quite used to the concept of package and strong association of file name & Class name in Java. My concern is - How to implement such meaning of package of Java in .NET?

For example to create a class Person in Java in com.satyam.contactManger.domain package,

we would firstly create the package and then create the Person class in it.

similarly to create another class let''s say Address, we would repeat the same process.

But in .NET, it''s hard to maintain such organization of code in terms of hierarchy. namespace is there, but I think it''s not enough to maintain the code organization and the hierarchy. Is there any good way to resolve this issue?

Please do sent in some useful suggestion for code organization.

Thanking in Advance



Thanks goodness, developers of .NET avoided that ill-conceived Java concept of modularity and packaging!

First, C# source code file structure has nothing to do with the code. Essentially, file/directory names are completely forgotten after compilation. With some other languages like F#, order of compilation is essential, the file structure must be plain; and order of compilation is preserved in the project structure (VS provides "up" and "down" commands).

Secondly, you can use name spaces (highly recommended). Again, name spaces do not effect any functionality, scope or data visibility and can be chosen arbitrarily. Even though certain naming rules for name spaces is suggested when some code is auto-generated (following directory structure pretty much as in Java), this name have nothing to do with file/directory names and allowed to be different.

The concepts of modularity, packaging and deployment of .NET is based on the concept of Assembly and Module (but Visual Studio does not support creation of multi-module assembly, so usually people use the schema "one assembly in one module and one executable file"). All the information needed to like different assemblies is comprehensively contained in assembly meta-data; so no other information is ever needed (no include files or other stupid approaches we all learned in the past). You will certainly need to read introductory pages from Microsoft help on .NET programming to catch the concepts of Assemblies and their development and usage; and this is quite easy.

That said, with all the freedom of .NET modularity, you can apply any discipline for project structure and name spaces you may feel comfortable with, including that of Java.

So... rejoice!

Usually, when changing programming language and programming technology, it is not recommended to simulate features of another language you like and experienced with. Instead, one needs to try to understand the ideas of new language/technology without any preoccupation, expand your mind and then look critically at both languages and try to get the best of all, using your critical thinking. This is my best wish for you.

Thank you and good luck.

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package com.wsy.dao; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.wsy.model.Back; import com.wsy.model.BookInfo; import com.wsy.model.BookType; import com.wsy.model.Borrow; import com.wsy.model.Operater; import com.wsy.model.Order; import com.wsy.model.OrderAndBookInfo; import com.wsy.model.Reader; import com.wsy.model.user; public class Dao { protected static String dbClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; protected static String dbUrl = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql"; protected static String dbUser = "root"; protected static String dbPwd = ""; protected static String second = null; private static Connection conn = null; private Dao() { try { if (conn == null) { Class.forName(dbClassName); conn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl, dbUser, dbPwd); } else return; } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); } } private static ResultSet executeQuery(String sql) { try { if(conn==null) new Dao(); return conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE).executeQuery(sql); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } finally { } } private static int executeUpdate(String sql) { try { if(conn==null) new Dao(); return conn.createStatement().executeUpdate(sql); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); //if(e.getMessage().equals("[Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC][SQLServer]DELETE 语句与 COLUMN REFERENCE 约束 'FK_TB_BORRO_REFERENCE_TB_BOOKI' 冲突。该冲突发生于数据库 'db_library',表 'tb_borrow', column 'bookISBN'。")) return -1; } finally { } } public static void close() { try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ conn = null; } } /* * 管理员登录方法 */ public static Operater check(String name, String password) { int i = 0; Operater operater=new Operater(); String sql = "select * from tb_operator where name='" + name + "' and password='" + password + "'and admin=1"; ResultSet rs = Dao.executeQuery(sql); try { while (rs.next()) { String names = rs.getString(1); operater.setId(rs.getString("id")); operater.setName(rs.getString("name")); operater.setGrade(rs.getString("admin")); operater.setPassword(rs.getString("password")); if (names != null) { i = 1; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Dao.close(); return operater; } /* * 查询类别方法 */ public static List selectBookCategory() { List list=new ArrayList(); String sql = "select * from tb_bookType"; ResultSet rs = Dao.executeQuery(sql); try { while (rs.next()) { BookType bookType=new BookType(); bookType.setId(rs.getString("id")); bookType.setTypeName(rs.getString("typeName")); bookType.setDays(rs.getString("days")); bookType.setFk(rs.getString("fk")); list.add(bookType); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Dao.close(); return list; } public static List selectBookCategory(String bookType) { List list=new ArrayList(); String sql = "select days from tb_bookType where typeName='"+bookType+"'"; ResultSet rs = Dao.executeQuery(sql); try { while (rs.next()) { BookType type=new BookType(); type.setDays(rs.getString("days")); list.add(type); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Dao.close(); return list; } /* * 图书类别表相关操作 * */ public static int InsertBookType(String bookTypeName,String days,Double fk){ int i=0; try{ String sql="insert into tb_bookType(typeName,days,fk) values('"+bookTypeName+"','"+days+"',"+fk+")"; i=Dao.executeUpdate(sql); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return i; } public static int UpdatebookType(String id,String typeName,String days,String fk){ int i=0; try{ String sql="update tb_bookType set typeName='"+typeName+"',days='"+days+"',fk='"+fk+"' where id='"+id+"'"; //System.out.println(sql); i=Dao.executeUpdate(sql); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } Dao.close(); return i; } // public static int DelbookType(String id){ // int i=0; // try{ // String sql="delete from tb_bookType where id='"+id+"'"; // //System.out.println(sql); // i=Dao.executeUpdate(sql); // }catch(Exception e){ // e.printStackTrace(); // } // Dao.close(); // return i; // } public static List selectBookTypeFk(String bookType) {//取每种书超过规定时间罚款金额 List list=new ArrayList(); String sql = "select * from tb_bookType where typeName='"+bookType+"'"; ResultSet rs = Dao.executeQuery(sql); try { while (rs.next()) { BookType type=new BookType(); type.setFk(rs.getString("fk")); type.setDays(rs.getString("days")); list.add(type); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Dao.close(); return list; } /* * 图书信息表相关操作 */ /* * 插入图书信息方法 */ public static int Insertbook(String ISBN,String typeId,String bookname,String writer,String translator,String publisher,Date date,Double price){ int i=0; try{ String sql="insert into tb_bookInfo(ISBN,typeId,bookname,writer,translator,publisher,date,price) values('"+ISBN+"','"+typeId+"','"+bookname+"','"+writer+"','"+translator+"','"+publisher+"','"+date+"',"+price+")"; //System.out.println(sql); i=Dao.executeUpdate(sql); }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } Dao.close(); return i; } /* * 查询图书相关信息 * */ public static List selectBookInfo() { List list=new ArrayList(); String sql = "select * from tb_bookInfo"; ResultSet rs = Dao.executeQuery(sql); try { while (rs.next()) { BookInfo bookinfo=new BookInfo(); bookinfo.setISBN(rs.getString("ISBN")); bookinfo.setTypeid(rs.getString("typeid")); bookinfo.setBookname(rs.getString("bookname")); bookinfo.setWriter(rs.getString("writer")); bookinfo.setTranslator(rs.getString("translator")); bookinfo.setPublisher(rs.getString("publisher")); bookinfo.setDate(rs.getDate("date")); bookinfo.setPrice(rs.getDouble("price")); list.add(bookinfo); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Dao.close(); return list; } public static List selectBookInfo(String ISBN) { List list=new ArrayList(); String sql = "select * from tb_bookInfo where ISBN='"+ISBN+"'"; ResultSet rs = Dao.executeQuery(sql); try { while (rs.next()) { BookInfo bookinfo=new BookInfo(); bookinfo.setISBN(rs.getString("ISBN")); bookinfo.setTypeid(rs.getString("typeid")); bookinfo.setBookname(rs.getString("bookname")); bookinfo.setWriter(rs.getString("writer")); bookinfo.setTranslator(rs.getString("translator")); bookinfo.setPublisher(rs.getString("publisher")); bookinfo.setDate(rs.getDate("date")); bookinfo.setPrice(rs.getDouble("price")); list.add(bookinfo); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Dao.close(); return list; } /* * 修改图书信息方法 */ public static int Updatebook(String ISBN,String typeId,String bookname,String writer,String translator,String publisher,Date date,Double price){ int i=0; try{ String sql="update tb_bookInfo set ISBN='"+ISBN+"',typeId='"+typeId+"',bookname='"+bookname+"',writer='"+writer+"',translator='"+translator+"',publisher='"+publisher+"',date='"+date+"',price="+price+" where ISBN='"+ISBN+"'"; //System.out.println(sql); i=Dao.executeUpdate(sql); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } Dao.close(); return i; } // /* // * 删除图书信息方法 // */ // public static int Delbook(String ISBN){ // int i=0; // try{ // String sql="delete from tb_bookInfo where ISBN='"+ISBN+"'"; // //System.out.println(sql); // i=Dao.executeUpdate(sql); // }catch(Exception e){ // e.printStackTrace(); // // } // Dao.close(); // return i; // } /* * 对读者信息表执行的相关操作 */ public static int InsertReader(String name,String sex,String age,String identityCard,Date date,String maxNum,String tel,Double keepMoney,String zj,String zy,Date bztime,String ISBN){ int i=0; try{ String sql="insert into tb_reader(name,sex,age,identityCard,date,maxNum,tel,keepMoney,zj,zy,bztime,ISBN) values('"+name+"','"+sex+"','"+age+"','"+identityCard+"','"+date+"','"+maxNum+"','"+tel+"',"+keepMoney+",'"+zj+"','"+zy+"','"+bztime+"','"+ISBN+"')"; System.out.println(sql); i=Dao.executeUpdate(sql); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } Dao.close(); return i; } public static List selectReader() { List list=new ArrayList(); String sql = "select * from tb_reader"; ResultSet rs = Dao.executeQuery(sql); try { while (rs.next()) { Reader reader=new Reader(); //reader.setId(rs.getString("id")); reader.setName(rs.getString("name")); reader.setSex(rs.getString("sex")); reader.setAge(rs.getString("age")); reader.setIdentityCard(rs.getString("identityCard")); reader.setDate(rs.getDate("date")); reader.setMaxNum(rs.getString("maxNum")); reader.setTel(rs.getString("tel")); reader.setKeepMoney(rs.getDouble("keepMoney")); reader.setZj(rs.getInt("zj")); reader.setZy(rs.getString("zy")); reader.setISBN(rs.getString("ISBN")); reader.setBztime(rs.getDate("bztime")); list.add(reader); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Dao.close(); return list; } public static List selectReader(String readerISBN) { List list=new ArrayList(); String sql = "select * from tb_reader where ISBN='"+readerISBN+"'"; ResultSet rs = Dao.executeQuery(sql); try { while (rs.next()) { Reader reader=new Reader(); reader.setName(rs.getString("name")); reader.setSex(rs.getString("sex")); reader.setAge(rs.getString("age")); reader.setIdentityCard(rs.getString("identityCard")); reader.setDate(rs.getDate("date")); reader.setMaxNum(rs.getString("maxNum")); reader.setTel(rs.getString("tel")); reader.setKeepMoney(rs.getDouble("keepMoney")); reader.setZj(rs.getInt("zj")); reader.setZy(rs.getString("zy")); reader.setISBN(rs.getString("ISBN")); reader.setBztime(rs.getDate("bztime")); list.add(reader); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Dao.close(); return list; } public static int UpdateReader(String id,String name,String sex,String age,String identityCard,Date date,String maxNum,String tel,Double keepMoney,String zj,String zy,Date bztime,String ISBN){ int i=0; try{ String sql="update tb_reader set name='"+name+"',sex='"+sex+"',age='"+age+"',identityCard='"+identityCard+"',date='"+date+"',maxNum='"+maxNum+"',tel='"+tel+"',keepMoney="+keepMoney+",zj='"+zj+"',zy='"+zy+"',bztime='"+bztime+"'where ISBN='"+ISBN+"'"; i=Dao.executeUpdate(sql); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } Dao.close(); return i; } public static int DelReader(String ISBN){ int i=0; try{ String sql="delete from tb_reader where ISBN='"+ISBN+"'"; //System.out.println(sql); i=Dao.executeUpdate(sql); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } Dao.close(); return i; } /* * 对订购信息表操作 */ public static int InsertBookOrder(String ISBN,Date date,String number,String operator,String checkAndAccept,Double zk){ int i=0; try{ String sql="insert into tb_order(ISBN,date,number,operator,checkAndAccept,zk) values('"+ISBN+"','"+date+"','"+number+"','"+operator+"',"+checkAndAccept+",'"+zk+"')"; i=Dao.executeUpdate(sql); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } Dao.close(); return i; } public static List selectBookOrder() { List list=new ArrayList(); String sql = "SELECT * FROM tb_order a INNER JOIN tb_bookInfo b ON a.ISBN = b.ISBN"; ResultSet rs = Dao.executeQuery(sql); try { while (rs.next()) { OrderAndBookInfo order=new OrderAndBookInfo(); order.setISBN(rs.getString(1)); order.setOrderdate(rs.getDate(2)); order.setNumber(rs.getString(3)); order.setOperator(rs.getString(4)); order.setCheckAndAccept(rs.getString(5)); order.setZk(rs.getDouble(6)); order.setTypeId(rs.getString(8)); order.setBookname(rs.getString(9)); order.setWriter(rs.getString(10)); order.setTraslator(rs.getString(11)); order.setPublisher(rs.getString(12)); order.setDate(rs.getDate(13)); order.setPrice(rs.getDouble(14)); list.add(order); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Dao.close(); return list; } public static List selectBookOrder(String ISBN) { List list=new ArrayList(); String sql = "SELECT * FROM tb_order where ISBN='"+ISBN+"'"; ResultSet rs = Dao.executeQuery(sql); try { while (rs.next()) { Order order=new Order(); order.setISBN(rs.getString("ISBN")); order.setDate(rs.getDate("date")); order.setNumber(rs.getString("number")); order.setOperator(rs.getString("operator")); order.setZk("zk"); order.setCheckAndAccept("checkAndAccept"); list.add(order); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Dao.close(); return list; } public static int UpdateCheckBookOrder(String ISBN){ int i=0; try{ String sql="update tb_order set checkAndAccept=0 where ISBN='"+ISBN+"'"; i=Dao.executeUpdate(sql); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } Dao.close(); return i; } /* * 对借阅表进行操作 */ public static int InsertBookBorrow(String bookISBN,String readerISBN,String operatorId,Timestamp borrowDate,Timestamp backDate){ int i=0; try{ String sql="insert into tb_borrow(bookISBN,readerISBN,operatorId,borrowDate,backDate)values('"+bookISBN+"','"+readerISBN+"','"+operatorId+"','"+borrowDate+"','"+backDate+"')"; i=Dao.executeUpdate(sql); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } Dao.close(); return i; } public static List selectBorrow(String readerISBN) { List list=new ArrayList(); String sql = "select * from tb_borrow where readerISBN='"+readerISBN+"'"; ResultSet rs = Dao.executeQuery(sql); try { while (rs.next()) { Borrow borrow=new Borrow(); borrow.setId(rs.getInt("id")); borrow.setBookISBN(rs.getString("bookISBN")); borrow.setReaderISBN(rs.getString("readerISBN")); borrow.setBorrowDate(rs.getString("borrowDate")); borrow.setBackDate(rs.getString("backDate")); borrow.setBookName(rs.getString("borrowBookName")); list.add(borrow); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Dao.close(); return list; } /* * 查询还书内容,tb_bookinfo tb_reader tb_borrow之间的查询 */ public static List selectBookBack(String readerISBN) { List list=new ArrayList(); String sql = "SELECT a.ISBN AS bookISBN, a.bookname, a.typeId ,b.id,b.operatorId, b.borrowDate, b.backDate, c.name AS readerName, c.ISBN AS readerISBN FROM tb_bookInfo a INNER JOIN tb_borrow b ON a.ISBN = b.bookISBN INNER JOIN tb_reader c ON b.readerISBN = c.ISBN WHERE (c.ISBN = '"+readerISBN+"' and isback=1)"; System.out.println(sql); ResultSet rs = Dao.executeQuery(sql); try { while (rs.next()) { Back back=new Back(); back.setBookISBN(rs.getString("bookISBN")); back.setBookname(rs.getString("bookname")); back.setTypeId(rs.getInt("typeId")); back.setOperatorId(rs.getString("operatorId")); back.setBorrowDate(rs.getString("borrowDate")); back.setBackDate(rs.getString("backDate")); back.setReaderName(rs.getString("readerName")); back.setReaderISBN(rs.getString("readerISBN")); back.setId(rs.getInt("id")); list.add(back); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Dao.close(); return list; } public static int UpdateBookBack(String bookISBN,String readerISBN,int id){//归还图书操作 int i=0; try{ String sql="update tb_borrow set isback=0 where bookISBN='"+bookISBN+"'and readerISBN='"+readerISBN+"' and id="+id+""; System.out.println(sql); i=Dao.executeUpdate(sql); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } Dao.close(); return i; } //new public static List selectbookserch() { List list=new ArrayList(); String sql = "select * from tb_bookInfo"; ResultSet s = Dao.executeQuery(sql); try { while (s.next()) { BookInfo bookinfo=new BookInfo(); bookinfo.setISBN(s.getString(1)); bookinfo.setTypeid(s.getString(2)); bookinfo.setBookname(s.getString(3)); bookinfo.setWriter(s.getString(4)); bookinfo.setTranslator(s.getString(5)); bookinfo.setPublisher(s.getString(6)); bookinfo.setDate(s.getDate(7)); bookinfo.setPrice(s.getDouble(8)); list.add(bookinfo); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Dao.close(); return list; } public static List selectbookmohu(String bookname){ List list=new ArrayList(); String sql="select * from tb_bookInfo where bookname like '%"+bookname+"%'"; System.out.print(sql); ResultSet s=Dao.executeQuery(sql); try { while(s.next()){ BookInfo bookinfo=new BookInfo(); bookinfo.setISBN(s.getString(1)); bookinfo.setTypeid(s.getString(2)); bookinfo.setBookname(s.getString(3)); bookinfo.setWriter(s.getString(4)); bookinfo.setTranslator(s.getString(5)); bookinfo.setPublisher(s.getString(6)); bookinfo.setDate(s.getDate(7)); bookinfo.setPrice(s.getDouble(8)); list.add(bookinfo); } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO 自动生成 catch 块 e.printStackTrace(); } return list; } public static List selectbookmohuwriter(String writer){ List list=new ArrayList(); String sql="select * from tb_bookInfo where writer like '%"+writer+"%'"; System.out.print(sql); ResultSet s=Dao.executeQuery(sql); try { while(s.next()){ BookInfo bookinfo=new BookInfo(); bookinfo.setISBN(s.getString(1)); bookinfo.setTypeid(s.getString(2)); bookinfo.setBookname(s.getString(3)); bookinfo.setWriter(s.getString(4)); bookinfo.setTranslator(s.getString(5)); bookinfo.setPublisher(s.getString(6)); bookinfo.setDate(s.getDate(7)); bookinfo.setPrice(s.getDouble(8)); list.add(bookinfo); } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO 自动生成 catch 块 e.printStackTrace(); } return list; } public static int Insertoperator(String name,String sex,int age,String identityCard,Date workdate,String tel,String password){ int i=0; try{ String sql="insert into tb_operator(name,sex,age,identityCard,workdate,tel,password) values('"+name+"','"+sex+"',"+age+",'"+identityCard+"','"+workdate+"','"+tel+"','"+password+"')"; System.out.println(sql); i=Dao.executeUpdate(sql); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } Dao.close(); return i; } public static List selectuser() { List list=new ArrayList(); String sql = "select id,name,sex,age,identityCard,workdate,tel,password from tb_operator where admin=0"; ResultSet rs = Dao.executeQuery(sql); try { while (rs.next()) { user user=new user(); user.setId(rs.getInt(1)); user.setName(rs.getString(2)); user.setSex(rs.getString(3)); user.setAge(rs.getInt(4)); user.setIdentityCard(rs.getString(5)); user.setWorkdate(rs.getDate(6)); user.setTel(rs.getString(7)); user.setPassword(rs.getString(8)); list.add(user); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Dao.close(); return list; } public static int Deluser(int id){ int i=0; try{ String sql="delete from tb_operator where id='"+id+"'"; //System.out.println(sql); i=Dao.executeUpdate(sql); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } Dao.close(); return i; } public static int Updateuser(int id,String name,String sex,int age,String identityCard,Date workdate,String tel,String password){ int i=0; try{ String sql="update tb_operator set name='"+name+"',sex='"+sex+"',age="+age+",identityCard='"+identityCard+"',workdate='"+workdate+"',tel='"+tel+"',password='"+password+"' where id='"+id+"'"; i=Dao.executeUpdate(sql); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } Dao.close(); return i; } public static int Updatepass(String password,String name){ int i=0; try{ String sql="update tb_operator set password='"+password+"' where name='"+name+"'"; i=Dao.executeUpdate(sql); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } Dao.close(); return i; } }




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