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We recently revised the on-premises data gateway docs. We split them into content that's specific to Power BI and general content that applies to all services that the gateway supports. 你当前正在阅读 Power BI 内容。You're currently in the Power BI content. 若要针对本文或整个网关文档体验提供反馈,请滚动到本文底部。To provide feedback on this article, or the overall gateway docs experience, scroll to the bottom of the article.

After you install the on-premises data gateway, you need to add data sources that can be used with the gateway. 本文介绍如何使用用于计划刷新或 DirectQuery 的网关和 Oracle 数据源。This article looks at how to work with gateways and Oracle data sources either for scheduled refresh or for DirectQuery.

连接到 Oracle 数据库Connect to an Oracle database

要使用本地数据网关连接到 Oracle 数据库,必须在运行此网关的计算机上安装正确的 Oracle 客户端软件。To connect to an Oracle database with the on-premises data gateway, the correct Oracle client software must be installed on the computer running the gateway. 你使用的 Oracle 客户端软件取决于 Oracle 服务器版本,但始终与 64 位网关匹配。The Oracle client software you use depends on the Oracle server version, but will always match the 64-bit gateway.

支持的 Oracle 版本:Supported Oracle versions:

Oracle Server 9 及更高版本Oracle Server 9 and later

Oracle Data Access Client (ODAC) 软件 11.2 及更高版本Oracle Data Access Client (ODAC) software 11.2 and later

安装 Oracle 客户端Install the Oracle client


选择与 Oracle Server 兼容的 Oracle Data Access Client (ODAC) 版本。Choose a version of Oracle Data Access Client (ODAC) which is compatible with your Oracle Server. 例如,ODAC 12.x 并非始终支持 Oracle Server 版本 9。For instance, ODAC 12.x does not always support Oracle Server version 9.

选择 Oracle 客户端的 Windows 安装程序。Choose the Windows installer of the Oracle Client.

在 Oracle 客户端的安装过程中,请在安装向导中选择相应的复选框,确保启用“在计算机范围级别配置 ODP.NET 和/或 Oracle Providers for ASP.NET”。During the setup of the Oracle client, make sure you enable Configure ODP.NET and/or Oracle Providers for ASP.NET at machine-wide level by selecting the corresponding checkbox during the setup wizard. 某些版本的 Oracle 客户端向导默认选中此复选框,其他版本则不选中。Some versions of the Oracle client wizard selects the checkbox by default, others do not. 请确保选中此复选框,以便 Power BI 可以连接到 Oracle 数据库。Make sure that checkbox is selected so that Power BI can connect to your Oracle database.

安装客户端并正确配置 ODAC 后,建议使用 PowerBI Desktop 或其他测试客户端来验证网关上的安装和配置是否正确。After the client is installed and ODAC is configured properly, we recommend using PowerBI Desktop or other test client to verify correct installation and configuration on the Gateway.

添加数据源Add a data source

有关如何添加数据源的详细信息,请参阅添加数据源。For more information about how to add a data source, see Add a data source. 在“数据源类型”下,选择 Oracle 。Under Data Source Type, select Oracle.


选择 Oracle 数据源类型后,填写数据源信息(包括“服务器”和“数据库”) 。After you select the Oracle data source type, fill in the information for the data source, which includes Server and Database.

在“身份验证方法”下,可以选择 Windows 或“基本” 。Under Authentication Method, you can choose either Windows or Basic. 如果计划使用在 Oracle 内创建的帐户而不是 Windows 身份验证,请选择“基本” 。Choose Basic if you plan to use an account that's created within Oracle instead of Windows authentication. 然后输入将用于此数据源的凭据。Then enter the credentials to be used for this data source.


将使用这些凭据运行对数据源的所有查询。All queries to the data source will run using these credentials. 若要详细了解如何存储凭据,请参阅在云中存储加密凭据。To learn more about how credentials are stored, see Store encrypted credentials in the cloud.


填写所有内容之后,选择“添加” 。After you fill in everything, select Add. 现在可以使用此数据源对本地 Oracle 服务器进行计划刷新或 DirectQuery。You can now use this data source for scheduled refresh or DirectQuery against an Oracle server that's on-premises. 如果成功,则会看到“连接成功” 。You see Connection Successful if it succeeded.


高级设置Advanced settings

为数据源配置隐私级别(可选)。Optionally, you can configure the privacy level for your data source. 此设置可控制数据的组合方式。This setting controls how data can be combined. 它仅适用于计划刷新。It's only used for scheduled refresh. 隐私级别设置不适用于 DirectQuery。The privacy-level setting doesn't apply to DirectQuery. 若要详细了解数据源的隐私级别,请参阅隐私级别 (Power Query)。To learn more about privacy levels for your data source, see Privacy levels (Power Query).


使用数据源Use the data source

创建数据源后,可通过 DirectQuery 连接或通过计划刷新使用该数据源。After you create the data source, it's available to use with either DirectQuery connections or through scheduled refresh.


在 Power BI Desktop 和本地数据网关内的数据源之间,服务器名称和数据库名称必须匹配。The server and database names must match between Power BI Desktop and the data source within the on-premises data gateway.

数据集和网关内的数据源之间的链接取决于服务器名称和数据库名称。The link between your dataset and the data source within the gateway is based on your server name and database name. 这些名称必须匹配。These names must match. 例如,如果在 Power BI Desktop 内为服务器名称提供了某 IP 地址,则网关配置中的数据源也必须使用该 IP 地址。For example, if you supply an IP address for the server name within Power BI Desktop, you must use the IP address for the data source within the gateway configuration. 此名称也必须与 tnsnames.ora 文件内定义的别名匹配。This name also has to match an alias defined within the tnsnames.ora file. 有关 tnsnames.ora 文件的详细信息,请参阅安装 Oracle 客户端。For more information about the tnsnames.ora file, see Install the Oracle client.

此要求适用于 DirectQuery 和计划刷新这两种情况。This requirement is the case for both DirectQuery and scheduled refresh.

在 DirectQuery 连接中使用数据源Use the data source with DirectQuery connections

确保 Power BI Desktop 和为网关配置的数据源之间的服务器名称和数据库名称相互匹配。Make sure that the server and database names match between Power BI Desktop and the configured data source for the gateway. 还需确保用户列在数据源的“用户”选项卡中,以便发布 DirectQuery 数据集 。You also need to make sure your user is listed in the Users tab of the data source to publish DirectQuery datasets. 首次导入数据时,需要在 Power BI Desktop 中选择 DirectQuery。The selection for DirectQuery occurs within Power BI Desktop when you first import data. For more information about how to use DirectQuery, see Use DirectQuery in Power BI Desktop.

发布之后,应从 Power BI Desktop 或“获取数据” 启动报表。After you publish, either from Power BI Desktop or Get Data, your reports should start to work. 在网关中创建数据源之后,可能会花费几分钟时间连接才可用。It might take several minutes after you create the data source within the gateway for the connection to be usable.

通过计划刷新使用数据源Use the data source with scheduled refresh

如果你被列于网关内配置的数据源的“用户”选项卡中,并且服务器名称和数据库名称匹配,则你可以看到网关显示为计划刷新的一个选项 。If you're listed in the Users tab of the data source configured within the gateway and the server name and database name match, you see the gateway as an option to use with scheduled refresh.



命名语法不正确或未正确配置时,可能会遇到来自 Oracle 的以下任一错误:You might encounter any of several errors from Oracle when the naming syntax is either incorrect or not configured properly:

ORA-12154:TNS:无法解析指定的连接标识符。ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified.

ORA-12514:TNS:侦听器当前不知道连接描述符中请求的服务。ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor.

ORA-12541:TNS:无侦听器。ORA-12541: TNS:no listener.

ORA-12170:TNS:连接超时。ORA-12170: TNS:connect timeout occurred.

ORA-12504:TNS:侦听器未在 CONNECT_DATA 中获得 SERVICE_NAME。ORA-12504: TNS:listener was not given the SERVICE_NAME in CONNECT_DATA.

如果 Oracle 客户端未安装或未正确配置,则可能出现这些错误。These errors might occur if the Oracle client either isn't installed or isn't configured properly. 如果已安装,请验证是否已对 tnsnames.ora 文件进行了正确配置、你使用的是不是正确的 net_service_name。If it's installed, verify that the tnsnames.ora file is properly configured and you're using the proper net_service_name. 还需确保使用 Power BI Desktop 的计算机和运行网关的计算机具有相同的 net_service_name。You also need to make sure that the net_service_name is the same between the machine that uses Power BI Desktop and the machine that runs the gateway. For more information, see Install the Oracle client.

可能还会遇到 Oracle 服务器版本与 Oracle Data Access Client 版本之间的兼容性问题。You might also encounter a compatibility issue between the Oracle server version and the Oracle Data Access Client version. 通常,最好使二者的版本匹配,因为某些组合不兼容。Typically, you want these versions to match, as some combinations are incompatible. 例如,ODAC 12.x 不支持 Oracle Server 版本 9。For instance, ODAC 12.x does not support Oracle Server version 9.

为了诊断数据源服务器和网关计算机之间的连接问题,建议在网关计算机上安装客户端(例如 PowerBI Desktop 或 Oracle ODBC Test)。For diagnosing connectivity issues between the data source server and the Gateway machine, we recommend installing a client(such as PowerBI Desktop or Oracle ODBC Test) on the gateway machine. 可以使用客户端检查与数据源服务器的连接。You can use the client to check connectivity to the data source server.

有关与网关相关的其他故障排除信息,请参阅本地数据网关故障排除。For additional troubleshooting information that relates to the gateway, see Troubleshooting the on-premises data gateway.

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