java quicktime_请问各位高手下面这个java for quicktime的问题应该怎么回答呢?(100分)...

The aim of this assignment is to:

1.Introduce you to programming in QuickTime for Java, and

2.Develop an image processing application in QuickTime for Java

You are to write a multimedia application in QuickTime for Java to open a movie and produce an index file of thumbnails from the movie that you can index through the movie. A number of movies for use in this assignment are on the Multimedia Laboratory server grue in the folder Multimedia Studiesdo

cs. PDF tutorial files on the laboratory tools are also found in this folder.

You are to write a program to create an index file of thumbnail images (in same or separate files) from a movie, including:

1.Open and play a movie in a movie window with a movie controller,

2.Stop the movie at any frame (selected by user)

3.Move back and forward in movie by one frame

4.In response to pressing a capture button

1.Capture the image in the current frame and record the time code of the image

2.Display the image in a separate image window

3.Save a reference to the image and the time code in a data structure

5.In response to buttons on the image window create a "Movie Index"

1.Make a set of thumbnail images for use as an index to the movie

2.Move back and forward through the thumb nail images

3.Delete current thumbnail and image

4.In response to a go button: seek the movie to the frame specified by the current (index) thumbnail image

6.In response to a button or menu save the Movie Index and thumbnails in an index file

7.In response to a load button

1.Open an index file that has been previously created by your program,

2.Use the index as in 5.2. Above

3.In response to a confirm button confirm that the index file is the correct one for he movie you have open by:

1.Seek to the first index and read an image

2.Convert the image and the thumbnail image to an appropriate format and compare them.

Marks will be based on the degree to which the program meets the specification, correctness, robustness, cleanness of design, code style, flexibility in choosing actions, quality of user interface design, fluidity of the user process, and quality ofdo

cumentation (including answers to questions).

You are to submit

1.A project builder project for your working program and associated media (movie and file of at least 10 thumbnail images) in a folder via the drop box,.

2.Answers to the questions:

1.What file structure are you storing your movie index in and why did you choose that format?

2.What data structure are you using to manipulate the movie index and why did you choose it?

3.Documentation including a user tutorial, a method call diagram, and a signed cover page with all field filled in.

Assignment 2

·This assignment is worth 20%

·This assignment is due on Monday 14th April - Week 7.

·You are todo

this assignment in groups of 2

·You are to submit a video between 0.5 and 1 minutes long, with a story board and a script

·You will present you video to your turotial group as a QuickTime movie, running on an Macintosh in the laboratory in week 8.

·The aim of this assignment is to

1.introduce you to Video capture and editing with Final Cut Pro.

2.To film, capture and edit a digital video.


Assignment 1

Find a partner to work on this assignment. Your partner should be in the same laboratory class as you. You are to submit the group member form (handed out in week 3) to you tutor on Monday 24th March so that group directories can be set up.

You are to produce a video between 0.5 and 1 minutes long about food: growing it, preparing it, cooking it, eating it etc. Examples include: growing bananas, cooking yum cha, eating at Stephanies, advertising Ice Cream, etc. Your video should tell people why it is special.

Your video must include 10..20 individual clips that have been edited into a sequence with Final Cut Pro. It should include music, voice and titles. It may include graphics, still images and special effects. Marks will be lost for videos shorter than 30 seconds and longer than 1 minute.


1.Select a partner - you are to submit the group member form to you tutor on Monday 24th March .

2.Select your food topic

3.What are you trying to communicate?

4.Design a story board = sequence of shots to achieve your communication goal

5.Write the script

6.Plan the shots

7.Borrow the camera and shoot the video clips

8.Copy the video clips into the computer and save on the server (transfer from server to local hard drive for editing as needed) - always keep a backup copy of the data file (media can be reclipped from tape)

9.Edit your movie with Final Cut Pro at DV-PAL quality (for all stages - input and sequence)

10.Export it as a QuickTime Movie in multimedia size (360 * 288), Video compressor for video compression, and IMA4:1 for audio compression for submission

11.Put a copy of your movie into the assignment drop box on the server with your student number on it (see below)

12.Submit a signed cover sheet (by both students), story board and script in hard copy.

13.Present your movie to your tutorial group in the Laboratory tutorial

You are to submit an edited QuickTime video via a drop box, and a story board and script via hard copy .

Marks will be based on: achievement of communication goal, video editing, story line, story board, script, use of audio, use of titles, and sequencing of clips.


Five DV camcorders are available for borrowing from the school for this subject. The cameras can be borrowed for 24 hour periods (or over the weekend). The cameras must be returnedthe following working day. Cameras must be booked in advance. Students are required to sign a form stating what they have borrowed. Any equipment missing on return must be replaced by the borrower.

Video tapes

Each pair will require a Sony Hi8 video tape (which will store up to 60 minutes of digital video - part no P5-90HMP. These can be purchased from Sturman's Electronics, 443 Crown St, West Wollongong. Students are also advised to purchase quality CD-R discs for backup (DON'T buy cheap ones - theydo

n't burn properly) for burning backups of your video clips.


You are to put a copy of your movie into the assignment drop box (grue/MultimediaAssignments) on the server with your on it before your laboratory class in week 5. e.g. If you put in additional copies then

number them etc.

· You are to submit a signed cover sheet with all the fields filled in, story board and script in hard copy in your laboratory class in week 5.

You will demonstrate and talk about your production in your laboratory class in week 8.





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