

1.Z. Ou*,   J. Dong, S. Dong, J. Wu, A. Ylä-Jääski, P. Hui, R. Wang, A.W. Min, Utilize   Signal Traces from Others? ACrowdsourcing Perspective of Energy Saving in Cellular Data   Communication. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume 14, Issue 1,   pages: 194 – 207.(CCF A类期刊,2017影响因子:4.098)

2.Z. Ou*,H. Zhuang, A. Lukyanenko, J.K. Nurminen, P. Hui, V.   Mazalov, A. Ylä-Jääski.Is the Same Instance Type Created   Equal? Exploiting Heterogeneity of Public Clouds. IEEE Transactions on Cloud   Computing, Volume 1, Issue 2, pages: 201 – 214.(中科院一区,2017影响因子:7.928)

3.Z. Ou*, M. Song, Z.H. Hwang, A.   Ylä-Jääski, R. Wang, Y. Cui, P. Hui. Is Cloud Storage Ready? Performance   Comparison of Representative IP-based Storage Systems. Journal of Systems and   Software, Volume 138, Pages 206-221. (CCF B类,2017影响因子:2.278)

4.M. Song, Z. Ou*, E. Castellanos, T. Ylipiha,   T. Kamarainen, M. Siekkinen, A. Yla-Jaaski, P. Hui.Exploring   Vision-Based Techniques for Outdoor Positioning Systems: A Feasibility Study.   IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume: 16, Issue: 12, Pages: 3361 –   3375.(CCF A类期刊,2017影响因子:4.098)

5.Z. Ou, E. Harjula, O. Kassinen, M. Ylianttila.Performance Evaluation of a Kademlia-Based Communication   Oriented P2P System under Churn, Computer Networks: 54 (2010). Page(s):   689-705.(2017影响因子: 2.522)

6.Z. Ou, E. Harjula, T. Koskela, M. Ylianttila.GTPP: General Truncated Pyramid Peer-to-Peer Architecture   over Structured DHT Networks, ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications.   Page(s): 729-749 (2010).(2017影响因子: 2.497)

7.M. Li, A.   Lukyanenko, Z. Ou, A. Ylä-Jääski,   S. Tarkoma, M. Coudron, S. Secci.Multipath   Transmission for the Internet: A Survey. IEEE Communications Surveys and   Tutorials, 2016. (中科院一区,2017影响因子:   20.230)

8.H. Tang, L. Yang, J. Dong, Z. Ou, Y. Cui, J. Wu. Throughput   Optimization via Association Control in Wireless LANs. ACM/Springer Mobile   Networks and Applications, 2015.(2017影响因子: 2.497)

9.M. Liu, T.   Koskela, Z. Ou, J. Zhou, J.   Riekki, M. Ylianttila.Super-Peer-based Coordinated   Service Provision. Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA),   Volume 34, Issue 4, July 2011, pages: 1210-1224.(2017影响因子:   3.991)

10.T. Koskela,   O. Kassinen, Z. Ou, M. Ylianttila.Improving Community Management   Performance with Two-level Hierarchical DHT Overlays. Journal of Internet   Technology, Volume 11 (2010) No.2: 167-179.(2017影响因子: 1.301)

11.J. Zhou, Z. Ou, M. Rautiainen, T. Koskela, M.   Ylianttila.Digital Television for Mobile   Devices. IEEE Multimedia, Volume 16, Issue 1, Jan.-March 2009 Page(s): 60–71.(2015影响因子: 1.898)


1.Z. Ou, C. Lin, M. Song, H. E. A   CNN-based supermarket auto-counting system. Proceedings of the 17th   International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel   Processing (ICA3PP 2017), Pages: 359-371.

2.J. Dong, Y.   Xiao, Z. Ou, Y. Cui, A. Ylä-Jääski. Indoor Tracking using Crowdsourced Maps.   The 15th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor   Networks (IPSN '16), pp: 1-6.

3.M. Hirki, Z.   Ou, K. N. Khan, J.K. Nurmimen, T. Niemi. Empirical Study of the Power   Consumption of the x86-64 Instruction Decoder. The 2016 USENIX Workshop on   Cool Topics in Sustainable Data Centers (CoolDC '16), pp: 1-6.

4.Z. Ou, ZH.   Hwang, A. Ylä-Jääski, F. Chen, and R. Wang. Is Cloud Storage Ready? A   Comprehensive Study of IP-based Storage Systems.The   8th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC   2015).

5.Z. Ou, J. Wu,   A. Ylä-Jääski. Big-Little-Cell Based “Handprint” Positioning System. Wireless   Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA 2015), 417-426.

6.J. Dong, Y. Xiao, M. Noreikis, Z.   Ou, A. Ylä-Jääski. iMoon: Using Smartphones for Image-based Indoor   Navigation. Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked   Sensor Systems (SenSys 2015), 85-97.

7.V. Looga, Z.   Ou, Y. Deng, A. Ylä-Jääski. Remote Inference Energy Model for Internet of   Things Devices.The 11th IEEE International   Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications   (WiMob 2015).

8.V. Looga, Z.   Ou, Y. Xiao, A. Ylä-Jääski. The Great Expectations of Smartphone Traffic   Scheduling. The Twentieth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC   2015).

9.K.N. Khan, F. Nybäck, Z. Ou, J.K.   Nurminen, T. Niemi, G. Eulisse, P. Elmer, and D. Abdurachmanov.Energy Profiling using IgProf.The 15th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster,   Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid'15).

10.Dong, Y. Xiao, Z. Ou, and A.   Ylä-Jääski.Utilizing   Internet Photo Collections for Indoor Mapping and Localization –   Opportunities and Challenges.International   Workshop on Smart Cities and Urban Informatics (SmartCity 2015) (collocated   with IEEE INFOCOM 2015).

11.Y. Deng, Z. Ou, and A. Ylä-Jääski.Adaptive Packet Size Control for Bulk   Data Transmission in IPv6 over Networks of Resource Constrained Nodes. 12th   European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2015). Volume 8965,   pages: 300-307, 2015.

12.Z Ou, S. Dong, J. Dong, J.K.   Nurminen, A. Ylä-Jääski, and R. Wang.Characterize Energy Impact of Concurrent Network-Intensive Applications   on Mobile Platforms.The 8th ACM Workshop on Mobility   in the Evolving Internet Architecture (ACM MobiArch 2013) (collocated with   Mobicom2013).

13.J. Dong, Z. Ou, A. Ylä-Jääski, and   Y. Cui.Mobile   Hotspots Cooperation Towards Better Energy Efficiency. The 5th IEEE Int.Workshop on Heterogeneous and Small Cell Networks   (HetSNets’13) (collocated with Globecom’13).

14.M. Liu, T.   Leppänen, E. Harjula, Z. Ou, M. Ylianttila, and T. Ojala.Distributed Resource Discovery in the Machine-to-Machine   Applications, The 10th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and   Sensor Systems (IEEE MASS 2013), Hang Zhou, China.

15.M. Liu, T.   Leppänen, E. Harjula, Z. Ou, A. Ramalingam, M. Ylianttila, and T. Ojala.Distributed Resource Directory Architecture in   Machine-to-Machine Communications, The 9th IEEE conference on Wireless and   Mobile Computing, Networking and Communication (WiMob), Workshop on the   Internet of Things Communications and Technologies, Lyon, France.

16.H. Zhuang, X. Liu, Z. Ou, K.   Aberer.Impact of   Instance Seeking Strategies on Resource Allocation in Cloud Data Centers.IEEE 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing (IEEE   Cloud 2013) (acceptance ratio 18%).

17.V. Looga, Z.   Ou, Y. Deng, A. Ylä-Jääski. MAMMotH: A Massive-Scale Emulation Platform for   Internet of Things.The 2nd IEEE International   Conference on Cloud Computing and Intelligence Systems (CCIS ’12) (Best Paper   Award).

18.Y. Deng, Z.   Ou, M. Komu, V. Looga, and A. Ylä-Jääski. Anatomy of the Connecting   Architecture of Internet of Things. The 2nd IEEE International Conference on   Cloud Computing and Intelligence Systems (CCIS ’12), pages: 1230 – 1234.

19.Z. Ou, H.   Zhuang, J.K. Nurminen, A. Ylä-Jääski and P. Hui. Exploiting Hardware   Heterogeneity within the Same Instance Type of Amazon EC2. The 4th USENIX   Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud '12) (acceptance rate:   24/75) (covered by BBC News, The Register, ACM TechNews etc).

20.Z. Ou, H.   Zhuang, A. Ylä-Jääski. How Much Energy Can You Save? An Energy Perspective of   Youtube.The 4th USENIX Workshop on Hot   Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud '12 poster).

21.Z. Ou, B.   Pang, Y. Deng, J.K. Nurminen, A. Ylä-Jääski and P. Hui. Energy- and   Cost-Efficiency Analysis of ARM-Based Clusters. The 12th IEEE/ACM   International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid’12): 9   pages (acceptance rate: 83/302).





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