linux cickout svn,iscsi + suse linux

Open-iSCSI and SUSE Linux

From openSUSE

This is a small description on how to get the open-iscsi initiator to

work on SUSE Linux. The software technology is pretty new, so not many

findings has been documented.

Note that iSCSI target is not supplied with OpenSuSE 10.2, either

as a module with the kernel(s) or as source code. Oddly, the utilities

for use with it *are* supplied, but don't be misled by this. It won't

work unless you manually install and compile some stuff. Indeed, it may

not work at all— these instructions are for 10.1.

This document describes how to build, install and modify for use

with SUSE Linux. I do not guarantee this to be "the solution", but at

least a guide to get started.

I do not offer any extended help or support, for that I strongly

recommend that you join the and the

10.2 ships with iscsitarget and open-iscsi packages but kernel rpm

package is missing the iscsi_trgt.ko. Look at for a pretty easy fix.


I've been wanting to use iSCSI for some time, and the base package of

open-iscsi that was included in SUSE Linux 10.1 looked interesting.

However, it just did not work. So, I started to find out why, and after

many hours of testing, debugging and swearing, it now seems stable

enough to experiment with. Some issues are still to be solved, more on

that later.

Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2006 by /

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this

document under the terms of the GNU Free

Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by

the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no

Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts.


If you know of any translations for this document, or you are

interested in translating it, please email me at .


I've had much help to figure things out, here are just a couple of

those who has contributed most to these findings


Mike Christie ()

Ming Zhang ()


Find something wrong with this document? (Or perhaps something

right?) I would love to hear from you. Please email me at

Revision history

(If you edit/update this document, please make your entry here!)

Table: Document revisionsRevisionDateSignature


Added minor note for kernel build error.


Started addition of chapter 12.


Edited TOC and fixed some smaller errors.


Updated to match open-iscsi svn r593


First public release


The base platform to use with this how-to is of course a working

setup of SUSE Linux... More precisely, you will need the following

Installed SUSE Linux 10.1 system.

Access to SUSE installation CDs/DVD or online installation


Above new-to-Linux knowledge.

A functional and online iSCSI target.

Knowledge of your systems.

Distribution News

Keep your system updated, you need at least kernel 2.6.16 on your

SUSE to run this successfully.

The initial document was based on open-iscsi svn release 571.

Beware that things change all the time, and will be reflected in the at the top of this document as they are

added to the document.

Basic installation

Here I describe what you need to have installed, and how and when to

install it.

SUSE Linux 10.2

10.2 ships with iscsitarget and open-iscsi packages but kernel rpm

package is missing the iscsi_trgt.ko. Look at for a pretty easy fix.

SUSE Linux 10.1

This is, of course, the first thing to install, you can have anything

from a minimal installation to a full blown graphical environment,

we'll go through all steps anyway. Since quite a few of these steps

involve handling of kernel modules I recommend that you either login as

root, or su to root.

Process-stop.pngWarningYou are root! Being logged in as root, or su-ing to root

makes you a potential dangerous user! Please do take your time to think

before entering commands. You may accidentaly erase your whole system,

or make it inoperable and useless.

Additionally needed SUSE packages

The easiest way to install these additional packages is of course by

using SUSE's YaST2 package manager, if you prefer to install all

packages and it's dependancies manually, feel free to do it, but it's

beyond the scope of this document.

Dialog-info.pngWe will not use the open-iscsi package provided by SUSE

on your installation media (or online source). This simply beacuse if we

install the RPM provided, your online update will overwrite our version

when SUSE release a newer version on the update servers. Of course a

newer release may be fully functional, but for now, this is the easiest

way to avoid a mess.

Also be aware of that the kernel distributed with SUSE Linux includes

the kernel space modules from open-iscsi, but unfortunately not all of

them, and not up-to-date versions. This means that if you update your

kernel, your compiled modules will be overwritten, and render your iSCSI

system unusable.

If you're using KDE or Gnome, click your way to start YaST2, then choose

Software+Software Management to start the package

chooser. If you're running in runlevel 3 and use the ncurses (text

based) version, issue the yast2 sw_single command to get the

manager started.


using the YaST2 utility

Click the Filter drop-down box, and select Selections.

Select the C/C++ Compiler and Tools selection.

Change filter and either look manually, or use the search


Select the kernel-source package.

Select the db-devel package.

Select the patch package.

Accept and install the selected packages.


the open-iscsi software

We pull this directly from the open-iscsi project's svn repositary.

The packages available in either rpm or tar.gz format are simply not

updated to be useful.

If you're using X, open a terminal window.

Change working directory to your sources directory, usually

/usr/src: cd /usr/src

We use the svn command to download the source code from the

repositary. If you want to learn more about svn, use man svn. The

open-iscsi repositary is located on Berlios' servers. To check out the

files, issue the command svn co

You should now see something like this happen on your screen (Only

first and last lines showed)

labb:/usr/src # svn co svn://

A open-iscsi/test

A open-iscsi/test/regression.dat

A open-iscsi/test/

A open-iscsi/test/README


A open-iscsi/etc/initd/initd.redhat

A open-iscsi/Makefile

A open-iscsi/README

Checked out revision 593.

labb:/usr/src #

IIf this does not happen, please check that you have svn installed,

it should be together with the C/C++ Compiler and Tools you installed in

the previous step. Also check for changes to the project repositary at

Prepare your system

Process-stop.pngWarningSkip this section if your kernel is already prepared.

OpenSUSE kernels are prepared, as well as some 3rd-party rpm packages.

If the file /lib/modules/kver/build/include/linux/autoconf.h

exists, everything is already set.

To be able to compile the open-iscsi modules, we need to prepare

the kernel source.

Change working directory to your kernel sources directory,

usually /usr/src/linux: cd /usr/src/linux

When building external modules the kernel is expected to be

prepared. This includes the precense of certain binaries, the kernel

configuration and the symlink to include/asm. We will make clone of the

current kernel configuration, and prepare the modules for compilation of

external modules. To do this, issue the command: make cloneconfig

&& make modules_prepare

You should now see a long screen output scroll away in front of

you, like this

labb:/usr/src/linux # make cloneconfig && make modules_prepare

Cloning configuration file /proc/config.gz

Linux Kernel Configuration

Code maturity level options

Prompt for development and/or incomplete code/drivers (EXPERIMENTAL) [Y/n/?] y

General setup


HOSTLD scripts/mod/modpost

HOSTCC scripts/kallsyms

HOSTCC scripts/conmakehash

HOSTCC scripts/bin2c

labb:/usr/src/linux #

Your system is now prepared for compilation of the open-iscsi package!

Build and install open-iscsi

Building the open-iscsi modules and applications is pretty

straight-forward, but I've noticed that a small change to the init

script has to be made on several systems while other can do without it.

Prepare the open-iscsi source code

This is true if you use an erlier version than svn r593

Open up your favorite text editor and load the file Makefile

located in the base open-iscsi directory (/usr/src/open-iscsi)

Locate the line exec_prefix = /usr and change it to look

like this:


prefix = /usr

exec_prefix = /

sbindir = $(exec_prefix)/sbin

bindir = $(exec_prefix)/bin

mandir = $(prefix)/share/man

Save the file and exit your editor.

Dialog-info.pngThe following step is optional, we can do it afterwards as


You can choose to make the change after installation with your favorite

text editor, or you can use the small patch I've prepared.

The patch way.. It's simple, the patch is this:

--- etc/initd/initd.suse.old 2006-05-24 13:57:23.000000000 +0200

+++ etc/initd/initd.suse 2006-05-24 16:00:34.000000000 +0200

@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@



+ sleep 4

TARGETS=$($ISCSIADM -m node 2> /dev/null | sed 's@\[\(.*\)\] .*@\1@g')

for rec in $TARGETS; do

You can also download it (Right click and save as).

Go to the open-iscsi source directory cd /usr/src/open-iscsi

To apply the patch, enter patch --verbose -p0 <

/path-to/initd.patch and watch it happen:

labb:/usr/src/open-iscsi # patch --verbose -p0 < initd.patch

Hmm... Looks like a unified diff to me...

The text leading up to this was:


|--- etc/initd/initd.suse.old 2006-05-24 13:57:23.000000000 +0200

|+++ etc/initd/initd.suse 2006-05-24 16:00:34.000000000 +0200


Patching file etc/initd/initd.suse using Plan A...

Hunk #1 succeeded at 35.


Compile open-iscsi

This step is really simple. Go to the open-iscsi source directory cd

/usr/src/open-iscsi, then simply issue the make command,

watch it compile..labb:/usr/src/open-iscsi # make

make -C usr

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/open-iscsi/usr'

cc -O2 -g -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -I../include -DLinux -DNETLINK_ISCSI=8 -c -o util.o util.c

cc -O2 -g -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -I../include -DLinux -DNETLINK_ISCSI=8 -c -o io.o io.c


make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/open-iscsi/kernel'

Compilation complete Output file

----------------------------------- ----------------

Built iSCSI Open Interface module: kernel/scsi_transport_iscsi.ko

Built iSCSI library module: kernel/libiscsi.ko

Built iSCSI over TCP kernel module: kernel/iscsi_tcp.ko

Built iSCSI daemon: usr/iscsid

Built management application: usr/iscsiadm

Read README file for detailed information.


10.1On kernel version you may receive an

"UNSUPPORTED KERNEL" message when running make. Update your

/lib/modules/ and set SUBLEVEL to 16

Install the open-iscsi modules and apps

This is almost as simple as the build itself.

Issue the make install command.

labb:/usr/src/open-iscsi # make install

make -C kernel install_kernel

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/open-iscsi/kernel'


install -m 755 etc/initd/initd.suse \


make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/open-iscsi'

Set the kernel module dependencies, issue the depmod -aq

command, it takes a couple of seconds to complete.

Edit the start/stop script

Dialog-info.pngJump over this step if you applied the patch above!

If you didn't apply the patch above, you should edit the open-iscsi

start/stop script to introduce a small delay in service startup,

otherwise the connections may not be restored at boot time.

To do this, start up your favorite text editor and open the file /etc/init.d/open-iscsi

Look up the following (It's just below the init part):



$ISCSIADM -m discovery --type=$ISCSI_DISCOVERY --portal=$ISCSI_PORTAL > /dev/null




TARGETS=$($ISCSIADM -m node 2> /dev/null | sed 's@\[\(.*\)\] .*@\1@g')

for rec in $TARGETS; do

STARTUP=`$ISCSIADM -m node -r $rec | grep "node.conn\[0\].startup" | cut -d' ' -f3`

NODE=`$ISCSIADM -m node -r $rec | grep "" | cut -d' ' -f3`

if [ $STARTUP = "automatic" ] ; then

echo -n "Logging into $NODE: "

$ISCSIADM -m node -r $rec -l

rc_status -v




And in the functioniscsi_login_all_nodes() we should add a

line with sleep 4 for the delay, like this:



sleep 4

TARGETS=$($ISCSIADM -m node 2> /dev/null | sed 's@\[\(.*\)\] .*@\1@g')

Save the file and exit your editor.

Add the sysconfig entry

We also need to add an entry for the sysconfig.

Open your text editor, and create the file: /etc/sysconfig/open-iscsi

In the file opened for editing, enter the following:

## Path: Network/iSCSI/Client

## Description: iSCSI Default Portal

## Type: string

## Default: ""


# The iSCSI Default Portal to use on startup. Use either the hostname

# or IP number of the machine providing the iSCSI Targets to use



## Type: list(sendtargets,isns,slp)

## Default: sendtargets


# The iSCSI discovery method to use. Currently only 'sendtargets' is

# implemented.



Then save the file, and exit your editor. You can also download it (Right click and save as).

Add the initiatorname config file

We must have a config file with the initiator name for the daemon to

use, without this, it cannot start.

You need to create a name for your initiator, and the name has

to follow certain standards. You can read about iSCSI naming in IETF . To make it a

bit easier for you, I'll quote the essentials here.

1.1. Constructing iSCSI names using the iqn. format

The iSCSI naming scheme was constructed to give an organizational

naming authority the flexibility to further subdivide the

responsibility for name creation to subordinate naming authorities.

The iSCSI qualified name format is defined in [RFC3720] and contains

(in order):

- The string "iqn."

- A date code specifying the year and month in which the

organization registered the domain or sub-domain name used as the

naming authority string.

- The organizational naming authority string, which consists of a

valid, reversed domain or subdomain name.

- Optionally, a ':', followed by a string of the assigning

organization's choosing, which must make each assigned iSCSI name


The following is an example of an iSCSI qualified name from an

equipment vendor:

Organizational Subgroup Naming Authority

Naming and/or string Defined by

Type Date Auth Org. or Local Naming Authority

+--++-----+ +---------+ +--------------------------------+

| || | | | | |


"iqn" specifies the use of the iSCSI qualified name as the


"2001-04" is the year and month on which the naming authority

acquired the domain name used in this iSCSI name. This is used to

ensure that when domain names are sold or transferred to another

organization, iSCSI names generated by these organizations will be


"com.example" is a reversed DNS name, and defines the

organizational naming authority. The owner of the DNS name

"" has the sole right of use of this name as this part

of an iSCSI name, as well as the responsibility to keep the

remainder of the iSCSI name unique. In this case,

happens to manufacture disk arrays.

"diskarrays" was picked arbitrarily by to identify the

disk arrays they manufacture. Another product that ACME makes

might use a different name, and have its own namespace independent

of the disk array group. The owner of "" is

responsible for keeping this structure unique.

"sn" was picked by the disk array group of ACME to show that what

follows is a serial number. They could have just assumed that all

iSCSI Names are based on serial numbers, but they thought that

perhaps later products might be better identified by something

else. Adding "sn" was a future-proof measure.

"a8675309" is the serial number of the disk array, uniquely

identifying it from all other arrays.

Despite what you read above, the naming schema gives you a bit of

freedom. Let's break it down a little and take a look at the following,

perfectly legal, initiator name.

iqn is static, it must be there.

2000-05 is the year and month where the domain name below

became valid.

net.anything the domain name in "reverse order", the

domain here is

:01 is the initiator number.

189fbf1f2ac1 is an arbitrary value to make the name


Open your text editor, and create the new file: /etc/initiatorname.iscsi

In the file opened for editing, enter the following, but use

your own, unique initiator name!:


## If you remove this file, the iSCSI daemon will not start.

## If you change the InitiatorName, existing access control lists

## may reject this initiator. The InitiatorName must be unique

## for each iSCSI initiator. Do NOT duplicate iSCSI InitiatorNames.

Then save the file, and exit your editor.


the database directory

open-iscsi needs its database to keep track of targets and sessions,

the default location is /var/db/iscsi which does not exist on a

SUSE system. So, we'll create it before attempting to use the apps.

Give the command: mkdir -p /var/db/iscsi

Finish the installation

To make the daemon start and stop more SUSE-like, we'll add a symlink

for the start and stop script.

Those symlinks are stored in /sbin, so we issue the

command: ln -s /etc/init.d/open-iscsi /sbin/rcopen-iscsi

Let's go configure and test things!


up and check functionality

Now we should be ready to test that everything went well.

Test to load the modules and daemon

The easiest way is simply to issue the command: rcopen-iscsi start

That should be followed by this screen output:

labb:~ # rcopen-iscsi start

Starting iSCSI initiator service: done

labb:~ #

To double check, give the command: rcopen-iscsi status

Which should produce the following

labb:~ # rcopen-iscsi status

Checking for iSCSI initiator service: running

labb:~ #

The daemon process puts its log entries in the syslog, you can check

by simply: cat /var/log/messages

In there you should see something like this if the load was


May 24 21:07:29 labb kernel: scsi_transport_iscsi: no version for "struct_module" found: kernel tainted.

May 24 21:07:29 labb kernel: scsi_transport_iscsi: module not supported by Novell, setting U taint flag.

May 24 21:07:29 labb kernel: libiscsi: module not supported by Novell, setting U taint flag.

May 24 21:07:29 labb kernel: iscsi_tcp: module not supported by Novell, setting U taint flag.

May 24 21:07:29 labb kernel: iscsi: registered transport (tcp)

May 24 21:07:29 labb iscsid: iSCSI logger with pid=2893 started!

May 24 21:07:30 labb iscsid: iSCSI daemon with pid=2894 started!

May 24 21:07:30 labb iscsid: version 1.0-574

May 24 21:07:30 labb iscsid: iSCSI sync pid=2895 started


discovery and connectivity

The first thing you need to check at this stage is that your target

is in fact up and running...

The tool used to discover, connect, edit and delete targets from

the initiator is the iscsiadm (See man iscsiadm)

To check for the target (discovery) and add it to the initiator

database, we of course need to know the target's IP address and iSCSI

port (standard is TCP port 3260). Let's check for our target that is

located at IP by giving the command: iscsiadm -m discovery

-t st -p

That should render an output similar to this:

labb:~ # iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p


That means we have found our target! The target in this case presents

itself as, a syntax you know

since the above, and from configuring the target

(if you did that..).

If you want to see that the target was actually saved to the

initiator database, just issue the command: iscsiadm -m discovery

You should then see something like the below if the target was

successfully added to the database:

labb:~ # iscsiadm -m discovery

[71be71] via sendtargets

Here the [71be71] part is the resource id used in other

actions involving the discovery method. (See man iscsiadm)

You can also check the initiator node database by issuing the

command: iscsiadm -m node

You should then see something like the below if the target was

successfully added to the database:

labb:~ # iscsiadm -m node


Here the [a3f400] part is the resource id used in other

actions involving the node method. (See man 8 iscsiadm) You also

see the target's iqn name, discussed above.

To see the node data stored in the database, the node

parameters, we use the same syntax as above, and add the node record,

like command: iscsiadm -m node -r a3f400

All the related node data is then listed on screen, We'll learn how

to edit them later

labb:~ # iscsiadm -m node -r a3f400 =

node.transport_name = tcp

node.tpgt = 1

node.active_conn = 1

node.startup = manual

node.session.initial_cmdsn = 0

node.session.auth.authmethod = None

node.session.auth.username = node.session.auth.password = node.session.auth.username_in = node.session.auth.password_in = node.session.timeo.replacement_timeout = 120

node.session.err_timeo.abort_timeout = 10

node.session.err_timeo.reset_timeout = 30

node.session.iscsi.InitialR2T = No

node.session.iscsi.ImmediateData = Yes

node.session.iscsi.FirstBurstLength = 262144

node.session.iscsi.MaxBurstLength = 16776192

node.session.iscsi.DefaultTime2Retain = 0

node.session.iscsi.DefaultTime2Wait = 0

node.session.iscsi.MaxConnections = 0

node.session.iscsi.MaxOutstandingR2T = 1

node.session.iscsi.ERL = 0

node.conn[0].address =

node.conn[0].port = 3260

node.conn[0].startup = manual

node.conn[0].tcp.window_size = 524288

node.conn[0].tcp.type_of_service = 0

node.conn[0].timeo.login_timeout = 15

node.conn[0].timeo.auth_timeout = 45

node.conn[0].timeo.active_timeout = 5

node.conn[0].timeo.idle_timeout = 60

node.conn[0].timeo.ping_timeout = 5

node.conn[0].timeo.noop_out_interval = 0

node.conn[0].timeo.noop_out_timeout = 0

node.conn[0].iscsi.MaxRecvDataSegmentLength = 65536

node.conn[0].iscsi.HeaderDigest = None

node.conn[0].iscsi.DataDigest = None

node.conn[0].iscsi.IFMarker = No

node.conn[0].iscsi.OFMarker = No

This all means that we can reach the target, it responds correctly,

and can be used with our system. This is good sign.


and establish a session

To establish a session with our target we need to login to it. For

ease of following the process, I'll use a target with no login and

authentication details. We'll look into editing such details later on.

The default setting when adding a new target in the discovery and

node database is manual login, that simply means that we need to

establish the session manually on the command line. If it was set to

automatic (we'll do this later as well), the target session would be

established as soon as the iscsid daemon starts up.

In this example, we issue the command: iscsiadm -m node

-r a3f400 -l to login to our discovered target. There will

not be any output from this command if it's successful, so we need to

either check for udev, or much easier, the kernel buffer. Issue the

command dmesg and you should see something like this:

scsi8 : iSCSI Initiator over TCP/IP, v1.0-574

Vendor: IET Model: VIRTUAL-DISK Rev: 0

Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 04

SCSI device sdb: 976830464 512-byte hdwr sectors (500137 MB)

sdb: Write Protect is off

sdb: Mode Sense: 77 00 00 08

SCSI device sdb: drive cache: write back

SCSI device sdb: 976830464 512-byte hdwr sectors (500137 MB)

sdb: Write Protect is off

sdb: Mode Sense: 77 00 00 08

SCSI device sdb: drive cache: write back

sdb: sdb1

sd 8:0:0:0: Attached scsi disk sdb

sd 8:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 0

This means that iSCSI has set up a session and connected the iSCSI

target device. In this case, a 500GB volume with one partition. On this

system, it's named sdb and the partition is sdb1.

Of course you can validate these facts by entering fdisk -l /dev/sdb which will list the existing partition(s) and exit.

Process-stop.pngWarningPartition editors are risky! Be aware that you are able to

mess up the target really bad if you make fdisk mistakes! YouAREonline with the target, and youAREusing the fdisk

partition editor! If you use fdisk interactively, just view the

partition table and then exit. That would be enough to verify that

things are okay.

It's beyond the scope if this document to teach you how to set up, edit

and handle partitions and file systems. You can do this either by using

manual tools, or YaST2, either way, your iSCSI target volume will appear

as any normal SCSI disk in your system.

Dialog-info.pngDespite that your iSCSI volume in general behaves just like a

locally attached disk, there are quite some differencies, it cannot be

normally mounted in /etc/fstab because you need networking

first, and some other things. I'll address these issues later.

Configure the node

There are several parameters for each node that might be necessary to

change to get a practically functional system. The most obvious ones

are startup and authentication. Most targets in a corporate environment

use authentication to identify which initiators may establish a session.

Many systems also want the iSCSI target to be available at all

times, and also have a mounted file system without manual intervention.

In this section we'll take a look on these matters. The node

configurations are stored in the open-iscsi database, and they're not

editable directly, the data is stored in Berkeley DB format. Therefore

we'll use the iscsiadm command line tool.

We'll assume that we have the node resource id a3f400 from

the testing above, of course this will be different on your system.

Set the node to autostart

To have the open-iscsi modules to automatically connect and log in to

the target node when the daemon starts, we need to make the system

aware of that the node session should be automatically established.

Dialog-info.pngThe setting of manual or automatic session establishment is

individual for each and every node. Setting one node session to auto

will not effect any other node in the database. You must configure each

one individually!

First we look at what parameters the node currently has set.

(See Node parameters above).

There we see that the node is set to manual:node.conn[0].startup = manual

To set it to automatic, we use the iscsiadm tool with

the operation method. For this to work, we need to know the resource

id (a3f400), which parameter name (node.conn[0].startup)

to edit, and what value (automatic)to set.

Looking in the man page, we quickly find out that we should

issue the command:

iscsiadm -m node -r a3f400 -o update -n node.conn[0].startup

-v automatic

A quick check with the command iscsiadm -m node -r a3f400 gives that the automatic start was successfully set:

labb:~ # iscsiadm -m node -r a3f400


node.conn[0].address =

node.conn[0].port = 3260

node.conn[0].startup = automatic


To verify the automatic function, issue the command: rcopen-iscsi

restart and watch the result

labb:~ # rcopen-iscsi restart

Stopping iSCSI initiator service: done

Starting iSCSI initiator service: done

Logging into done

Dialog-info.pngBecause we have added the sleep 4 statement into our /etc/init.d/open-iscsi

script, you'll notice that there's a slight delay between the

"Starting" and the "Logging into" lines. It has shown that most syatems

I've tested this on does not successfully log in automatically at boot

time without the delay.

Set node login details

If your target use authentication you must of course set the

initiator to login with the correct authentcation method, username and

password. Currently supported authentication methods are "None"

and "CHAP".

To make life a little more complicated, iSCSI has two

authentications, in and out. To explain it simple from the

initiator's point of view, the out is from the initiator to the target.

Then the in authentication is the target's authentication to the

initiator. The two usernames and passwords can be completely different.

In this example, I will show you the out authentication only, the

in works in the same way.

Dialog-info.pngMost Cisco Systems targets use "CHAP" as default whereas

Hewlett Packard use "None".

Let us draw the scenario, as shown before in Node parameters, we do not

have anything set at this experimental node:

node.session.auth.authmethod = None

node.session.auth.username = node.session.auth.password = node.session.auth.username_in = node.session.auth.password_in =

The target is now edited to require authentication from the

initiator, the out authentication from this point of view. We

want to use a username of "john" and the password "123pass".

We also want to use the authentication method "CHAP".

Again, we use the iscsiadm tool to change the parameters in the

database, one parameter at a time, there is no support for changing

several at once. The process should look like this:

labb:~ # iscsiadm -m node -r a3f400 -o update -n node.session.auth.username -v john

labb:~ # iscsiadm -m node -r a3f400 -o update -n node.session.auth.password -v 123pass

labb:~ # iscsiadm -m node -r a3f400 -o update -n node.session.auth.authmethod -v CHAP

labb:~ # iscsiadm -m node -r a3f400 =

node.transport_name = tcp

node.tpgt = 1

node.active_conn = 1

node.startup = manual

node.session.initial_cmdsn = 0

node.session.auth.authmethod = CHAP

node.session.auth.username = john

node.session.auth.password = ********

node.session.auth.username_in = node.session.auth.password_in =

you can see, the parameters are changed, and for security the

password is obscured by using stars.

From open-iscsi svn r591 you can now use the -S option to

view the password for the node, simply by querying the database as

normal, but adding the "-S". Like this: iscsiadm -m node -r

a3f400 -S which would produce this instead:


node.session.auth.authmethod = CHAP

node.session.auth.username = john

node.session.auth.password = 123pass

node.session.auth.username_in = (...)

If you enter either parameter incorrectly so that it doesn't match

the settings on the target, you will of course experience login errors,

like this:

labb:~ # iscsiadm -m node -r a3f400 -l

iscsiadm: initiator reported error (5 - encountered iSCSI login failure)

Editing other parameters

There are lots of other parameters that can be set, among them data

transfer optimizations, time-outs etc. All parameters are set in the

same fashion as described above, one parameter at a time.

Checking session data

You can see active sessions by issuing the command iscsiadm -m session, like

labb:~ # iscsiadm -m session



This tells us that there are two active sessions. In plain English

that means we have connected to two targets (or volumes).

To see detailed statistics for a node, issue the command iscsiadm -m session

-r 00:a3f400 --stats which in this case presents us with

the following information:labb:~ # iscsiadm -m session -r 00:a3f400 --stats



txdata_octets: 2276

rxdata_octets: 118736

noptx_pdus: 0

scsicmd_pdus: 37

tmfcmd_pdus: 0

login_pdus: 0

text_pdus: 0

dataout_pdus: 0

logout_pdus: 0

snack_pdus: 0

noprx_pdus: 0

scsirsp_pdus: 37

tmfrsp_pdus: 0

textrsp_pdus: 0

datain_pdus: 42

logoutrsp_pdus: 0

r2t_pdus: 0

async_pdus: 0

rjt_pdus: 0

digest_err: 0

timeout_err: 0

iSCSI Extended:

tx_sendpage_failures: 0

rx_discontiguous_hdr: 0

eh_abort_cnt: 0

Disconnecting target(s)

The matter of disconnecting from a target is really simple, just use

one of two methods.

One node at a time

Use the command iscsiadm -m node -r a3f400 -u and you're done.

You must of course use the appropriate resource id instead of my

example id.

By stopping the daemon

You can also stop the daemon, the effect is that all nodes are logged

out and all session are closed. Just use rcopen-iscsi stoplabb:~ # rcopen-iscsi stop

Logging out from done

Logging out from done

Stopping iSCSI initiator service: done

Automatic start and volume mounting

Automatic starting of the daemon is really straight-forward since the

provided start/stop script is suited for SUSE Linux. Mounting a volume

connected via iSCSI on the other hand is not.

In the section I'll talk you through it, but I strongly recommend

that you read up on the functions used to get an understanding of how

this work.


start of the daemon

This is simple since the script provided is already in place and

functional. The script is set to start the daemon in runlevel 3 and 5,

any other level would just be silly since we must have networking up to

make use of iSCSI. You can set it to auto start in two ways:

The chkconfig way:

Activate auto start: chkconfig open-iscsi on

Inactivate auto start: chkconfig open-iscsi off

The insserv way:

Activate auto start: insserv open-iscsi

Inactivate auto start: insserv -r open-iscsi

This will also make the daemon stop when you go to another runlevel.

Like reboot, halt or single user mode. In short, all runlevels that

doesn't have networking.

Automatic mounting

This is the tricky part. If you enter the volume as usual in your

fstab, either manually or with the YaST2 disk module, the system will

try to mount the volume at boot before networking is up. That

will of course not work since iSCSI volumes are located on the network.

Dialog-info.pngFor this example we assume that the iSCSI target volume is

already partitioned and has a file system on it. How to do that is

beyond the scope of this document, it's basic system knowledge.

If you check the man pages for the mount command, you can read things

that gives us hope, like the _netdev option to put in fstab.

However, that option doesn't have any effect at all in SUSE Linux since

the distribution has no netfs script anymore. Instead, SUSE

steers the users to use the hotplug functions controlled by the

HAL system.

It doesn't stop there, since the volume is mounted dynamically

and its device name link (like /dev/sda or /dev/sdc)

may very well change if some other hotplug volume is mounted in another

order than the one you used while setting this one up, we must use

another way of identifying the volume.

The way we are going to use now is to identify the volume's

partition(s) via its UUID (Universal Unique Identifier) which is static

for the partition's life time, and it's also unique for it.

Finding out the partition's UUID can be a little tricky, you

first have to find out the device name that the attached volume has on

the system, as mentioned just above, that name can change.

You can accomplish this task in several ways, I'll list a few of

them. This is a 2-3 step operation:

Find out the volume's device name

First you need to look up the volume's device name on the system,

here are a couple of ways to do it.

You can do it by trial-and-error with your favourite partion

editor. Obviously no good.

You can fire up YaST2's disk utility (yast2 disk) and

look for it. Not that bad...

Process-stop.pngWarningPartition editors are risky! Be aware that you are able to

mess up the target really bad if you make mistakes in yast2&disk!

YouAREonline with the target, and youAREusing the yast2

partition editor! Just view the partition table and then exit. That

would be enough to see the device name.

You can check the messages open-iscsi wrote in your syslog, like

shown before. Obviously messy with a huge syslog.

By listing the contents of the /dev directory and look

for it. Plain stupid...

You can look up the device with hwinfo --scsi --short

which in my case returns:

labb:~ # hwinfo --scsi --short


/dev/sda MegaRAID LD0 RAID1 8677R


Not bad at all, from the output I quickly identify the iSCSI disk by

its vendor, in this case IET (iSCSI Enterprise Target) which is a free

software based target. () IET is released under the .

Great! Now we know for sure that our volume is named /dev/sdb

it this point in time.

Dialog-info.pngDynamic volumes

Again, be aware of the nature of dynamic device naming. The name may

change for a number of reasons.

You reboot.

You restart the daemon.

You disconnect and reconnect the iSCSI session.

You connect or disconnect another storage device.

For these reasons (and probably some others) you should not make any

changes to your system while figuring out device names and UUIDs.

Find out what UUID(s) the volume's

partition(s) has

We now need to find out what partition(s) the volume has, and most

important, the UUID for the partition(s) on this volume that we want to

mount. This can also be made in a couple of ways. Most of them involves a

couple of steps:

Find the partition(s) device name(s)

First we need to know how many partitions the volume has, and also

the partition device names. These names are needed to find out the

partition UUID in step two.

By looking for the open-iscsi messages in your syslog after it

has established a session. Not good, you won't see file system details

and a large syslog is messy to search.

By your favourite partitioner program, the simplest and most

useful output would be from parted by using parted /dev/sdb print to just list existing partitions on the volume.

Process-stop.pngWarningPartition editors are risky! Be aware that you are able to

mess up the target really bad if you make parted mistakes! YouAREonline with the target, and youAREusing the parted

partition editor! If you use parted interactively, just view

the partition table and then exit. That is the only thing we're looking

for now.

In this example we have only one partition on the connected target

volume (sdb).

labb:~ # parted /dev/sdb print

Disk geometry for /dev/sdb: 0kB - 500GB

Disk label type: msdos

Number Start End Size Type File system Flags

1 1kB 499GB 499GB primary xfs type=83

This output gives us the valuable information that we have one

partition on the volume, it's a primary partition (number one). This

time it carries the device name /dev/sdb1

Dialog-info.pngDynamic naming

Remember, the device name may very well change at next open-iscsi


We also get the information that this partition has been formatted with

the XFS file system, which is a fact we need for the fstab

entry. Quite good, we get useful info from this one.

You can also use the hwinfo tool again, but with

another parameter. One vatch with the hwinfo tool to view partitions is

that we cannot limit which volume should be listed, it lists all

partitions on all available volumes. This can of couse generate

uncomfortable amounts of data. Anyway, if we choose this way, we issue

the command hwinfo --partition and in this case, we get the

following output (irrelevant info left out):

16: None 00.0: 11300 Partition

[Created at block.360]

Unique ID: 6Kfz.SE1wIdpsiiC

Parent ID: R0Fb.GP6DFlNhr+8

SysFS ID: /block/sdb/sdb1

Hardware Class: partition

Model: "Partition"

Device File: /dev/sdb1

Device Files: /dev/sdb1, /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-1494554000000000000000000010000005c1200000d000000-part1, /dev/disk/by-uuid/612a0ea6-b9fd-4dfb-b954-e39288c348f5, /dev/disk/by-id/edd-_null_-part1

Config Status: cfg=new, avail=yes, need=no, active=unknown

Attached to: #15 (Disk)

We locate the correct partition(s) by device file name(s), in this

case the only partition Device&File:&/dev/sdb1. A great

"side effect" by using this tool is that we get the UUID at the same

time, and that is what we're looking for anyway. So, if you use this

method, you can skip over Get the UUID of the partition(s) to use

Get the UUID of the partition(s) to use

Now that we have the current device name of the partition (/dev/sdb1

in this example) we can get the device's UUID rather simple. The

process is described in your

/usr/share/doc/packages/sysconfig/ file if you want to

read up on it.

Since hotplugged devices rarely have a persistent device node,

you should prefer the persistent links to them. You get a list of all

available links to a storage device node with the command: udevinfo

-q symlink -n Like this:

labb:~ # udevinfo -q symlink -n /dev/sdb1




From this output you see immideately that the /dev/sdb1

partition has the UUID: 612a0ea6-b9fd-4dfb-b954-e39288c348f5.

Figure out the partition's file system

Now we have almost everything we need to make a successful entry into

our /etc/fstab to make automatic mounting of the partition

work. The missing thing is still the file system on the partition, that

is, if you didn't use parted as described above in the parted

example Otherwise you have two very easy and useful ways to figure it


By using guessfstype which does just what it say, it

make a good guess at what file system is used. Use it like this:

labb:~ # guessfstype /dev/sdb1

/dev/sdb1 *appears* to be: xfs

This is probably the most self-explanatory way, it presents just what

we want to see, namely that we have a XFS file system..

You can also use fsck in a listing way, like this:

labb:~ # fsck -N /dev/sdb1

fsck 1.38 (30-Jun-2005)

[/sbin/fsck.xfs (1) -- /dev/sdb1] fsck.xfs -- /dev/sdb1

This variant actually is a "dry-run" of fsck, it shows what it would

execute if run in "live" mode. In this case it shows that it would run fsck.xfs

which in fact tells us that it's a XFS file system we have on the


Make an fstab entry

Now we have everything we need to mount automatically at boot via /etc/fstab.

All we need to do now is to edit the fstab file and enter our entry.

First of all, make a directory to use as the mount point, here we

use /mnt/iscsi and make it with the command: mkdir


Fire up your favourite text editor, open the /etc/fstab

file and enter the new mount. In this example case, it can look like


devpts /dev/pts devpts mode=0620,gid=5 0 0

/dev/fd0 /media/floppy auto noauto,user,sync 0 0

# Mount the iSCSI volume automatically.

/dev/disk/by-uuid/612a0ea6-b9fd-4dfb-b954-e39288c348f5 /mnt/iscsi xfs hotplug,rw 0 2

Some explanations may be in place, you can read about them in the page, but a short refreshment follows


The first field, (fs_spec), describes the block special device

or remote filesystem to be mounted.

The second field, (fs_file), describes the mount point for the


The third field, (fs_vfstype), describes the type of the


The fourth field, (fs_mntops), describes the mount options

associated with the filesystem.

The fifth field, (fs_freq), is used for these filesystems by the

command to determine which filesystems need to be dumped.

The sixth field, (fs_passno), is used by the program to determine the order in which

filesystem checks are done at reboot time.

We're done! Sit back and enjoy the magic of auomatic mounting.

There may be a need for adjusting startup orders of your services

if you have something that depends on iSCSI. If you, lets say, want to

have a NFS export running on the volume, you must start nfsserver

after open-iscsi. This can be solved in several ways,

the most obvious would be to enter the dependency in /etc/init.d/nfsserver,

but there are several ways to accomplish it.

===Note on 11.1=== - the term hotplug does not work in 11.1

Automatic dismount and stop

Automatic dismounting

This is still to be figured out. Since the volume is mounted

dynamically, I haven't found any obvious way to dismount it if there are

other services depending on it. If there are no dependencies, dismount

will happen automatically when the daemon stops.

If you have good ideas, please contact me at .

Automatic stop of the daemon

If you have set the service daemon to start automatically, it will

also be stopped automatically in the reverse order as it was started. If

you want to stop it manually, first dismount any mounted volume(s),

then issue the stop command: rcopen-iscsi stop.

Managing with YaST2

With your SUSE Linux 10.1 or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 is

included a managing utility for the Open-iSCSI initiator. The module is

named iscsi-client.

Installing the YaST2 module

To use this utility you must install it from your installation media

first, so fire up your YaST2 software management module, either in X by

clicking your way there, or from the command line by entering the

command: yast2 sw_single

In there, do a search for "yast2-iscsi-client", mark it

and install.

Dialog-info.pngDo NOT start the installed module yet!

When YaST2 start this iSCSI client managing utility, it checks

dependenies, and it will find that open-iscsi is not installed.

Well, at least it thinks it's not installed. Keep reading

Exit the YaST2 system.

Fool the YaST2

Because the dependency check YaST2 performs while starting its

modules, we need to ensure that YaST2 thinks that we have installed the

open-iscsi package.

It's no big deal really, but it has to be done. If we don't do

this, YaST2's open-iscsi module will never run. Well, it will, but it

will prompt us every time that is must install the open-iscsi package

that we already have installed, but manually. If we let YaST2 install

it, all the other work we've done is overwritten and spoiled.

Look up the open-iscsi rpm file on your installation

media (easy on a DVD), on SL10.1 it's located on CD1.

Dialog-info.pngLook in this path

If you use CD (#1) or DVD, the open-iscsi rpm package would be located in /suse/your_arch/ and the name would be open-iscsi-0.5._ver_._arch_.rpm

Time to make a fake installation of the package, the fake

is just that we update the rpm database so it shows the package as

installed, but it doesn't actually install the package. Issue the

command: rpm -ivh --justdb /path/to_package/open-iscsi-0.5._ver_._arch_.rpm

Example installation from a ftp source:

labb:~ # rpm -ivh --justdb


Preparing... ########################################### [100%]

labb:~ #

Now YaST2 believe it's installed, but that also mean that an online

update will overwrite our work..

Protect open-iscsi from YOU

We need to tell YOU (online update) that it should not touch

our self-compiled open-iscsi. Now that it's in the database, we need to

set it to "Taboo".

Start up YaST2's software management again.

Search for the package open-iscsi and highlight it.

Depending on if you run X or ncurses, it looks a bit different:

In X, right-click the package and select "Taboo - Never

install". Save and exit. Done.

In ncurses, either press your ! key, or

press and then . Save and exit. Done.

The package is now protected from the YOU updater, it won't be


Dialog-info.pngThis is not forever..

At a later point when the package is up to date, we'll remove this



to iSCSI with YaST2

To configure iSCSI connections, use YaST2->Network

Services->iSCSI Initiator. In SUSE Linux Enterprise products, the

module is installed by default. In SL 10.1, you should install

yast2-iscsi-client.rpm first.

Starting and Stopping the Service

Set the init script status when booting in the first tab "Service".

If you select "When Booting", the open-iscsi service is started when you

close the YaST module and during start of the system. If you check

"Manually", it is stopped when you close the YaST module if no targets

are currently connected.

Manually start and stop the open-iscsi service with rcopen-iscsi start

and rcopen-iscsi stop.


Connecting to Targets

Find all operations related to connecting to targets in the

"Connected Targets" tab. Here you can see already connected targets, log

out from the selected target, add a new target, and "Toggle Start-Up",

which means changing the start-up status of any target (when automatic,

it is mounted automatically after booting the system).


Click "Add". The "iSCSI Initiator Discovery" dialog, shown below,

appears. Insert the IP address (do not use a DNS name). If

authentication is required, uncheck "No Authentication" then select the

authentication type to use and enter the username and password. This

authentication is for the discovery process only.


Then discovered targets are listed as shown below. Select the one to

which to connect then click "Connect". An authentication dialog appears

again. This authentication is for target login. After connection, you

are returned to the dialog with discovered targets. The target is

labeled as connected. Log in to another target or press "Next" and

return to the "Connected Targets" tab.


With "Toggle Start-Up", you can change the status to automatic.

This means that the connection to the target is established

automatically after reboot if the open-iscsi service is set to "When

Booting" in the "Service" tab.

iSCSI autoyast profile

You can use AutoYaST to configure iSCSI target (during installation

and also on running system). Here's example of AY profile:





How to generate profile:

run "/sbin/yast2 iscsi-client"

login into target you want

close YaST module and run "/sbin/yast2 autoyast"

click Tools->Create Reference Profile, select "iSCSI

Initiator",click "Create"

save profile

How to use profile on running system:

just execute "/sbin/yast2 ayast_setup setup


You probably want to remove all partitioner and packager sections to

not touch this on your system.

When you remove (or leave empty) initiatorname section, it will be

autogenerated by YaST.

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