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ISLR 7.3 & 7.4 - 基函数&回归样条

-- 分段多项式
-- 约束条件与样条
-- 样条基函数
-- 确定结点的个数与位置
-- 回归样条与多项式回归的对比

1. Basic Functions

The Basic Functions are a family of transformations

that can be applied to a variable
to fit a non-linear model (e.g. Polynomial and Piecewise-constant regression):

Basic functions are fixed and known:

  • polynomial:
  • piecewise:

We can still use least squares to estimate the unknown regression coefficients and all of the inference tools like MSE, F-statistics for the linear model's overall significance are available

2. Regression Splines

To extend upon the polynomial and piecewise constant regression, there is a flexible class of basis functions

2.1 Piecewise Polynomials

「Idea」: Fitting separate low-degree polynomials over different region of

to avoid fitting a
high-degree polynomial over entire range of

「Knots」: the points where the coefficients change

  • Using more Knots leads to a more flexible piecewise polynomial
  • knots will end up fitting
    different polynomials
  • Degrees of Freedom =

Example with


2.2 Constraints and Splines

Each constraint effectively frees up one degree of freedom

  • by reducing the complexity of the resulting piecewise polynomial fit


「Definition of a Degree-d Spline」 : A piecewise degree-d polynomial with continuity in derivatives up to degree 「d-1」 at each knot:

  • A Cubic Spline needs both 1st and 2nd derivatives are continuous at the knot
  • A Cubic spline with
    knots uses a total of
    Degrees of Freedom

2.3 The Spline Basis Representation

A cubic spline with

knots can be modeled as:

Basis Functions

are chosen ahead of time and the model can be fit using least squares
  • the most direct way is to start off with a basis for a cubic polynomial
  • and then add one 「truncated power basis」 function per knot

In order to fit a Cubic Spline to a data set with

knots, we perform Least Squares regression with an
intercept and
  • Degrees of Freedom」

Splines can have 「high variance」 when

takes very small or large value
  • Boundary is the region where
    smaller than the smallest knot or larger than the largest knot


A Natural Spline is a regression spline with additional boundary constraints:

  • extrapolate linearly beyond the boundary knots
  • the function is required to be linear at the boundary
  • which produces more stable estimates at the boundaries (CIs are narrower)

2.4 Knots Placement & Selection

In theory, place more knots (flexibility) over regions where the function seems to be changing rapidly,

  • and place fewer knots where
    appears more

In practice it is common to place knots in a 「uniform fashion」

  • by specifying the desired degrees of freedom first
  • and use software automatically place the corresponding number of knots at uniform quantiles of the data


The 3 knot locations were chosen automatically as the 25th, 50th, 75th percentiles

  • by requesting 3+1 = 4 degrees of freedom

「Use CV to select the best DF」Remove a portion of the data (say 10%), fit a spline with a certain number of knots to the remaining data,

  • and then use this spline to make predictions for the held-out portion
  • Repeat until each observation has been left out once, then compute the overall cross-validated RSS


The procedure can be repeated for different numbers of knots

  • Then the value of
    giving the smallest RSS is chosen

2.5 Comparison to Polynomial Regression

Regression Splines are often better than polynomial regression.

  • polynomials must use a high degree to produce flexible fits
  • splines introduce flexibility by increasing knots but keeping the degree fixed
    • more stable estimates


3. Reference

An Introduction to Statistical Learning, with applications in R (Springer, 2013)





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