请记住,这些是类的方法,您需要根据需要调整这些伪代码。请记住,这里已经需要paramiko的SSHConnection。def sqlplus_cmd(self, command):
# Create string which exports environmental variables from OracleEnv class ()
if 'CYGWIN' not in :
# If NOT Cygwin, concatenate environmental variable exports
oracle_exports = 'export PATH={0}:$PATH;' \
'export ORACLE_HOME={1};' \
'export ORACLE_SID={2}'.format(, , )
# If Cygwin, need to source environmental variables for shell session from script
# TODO: May need to get Oracle Home and Path as well for some systems.
self.cmd('echo "export ORACLE_SID={0}" > /tmp/sid'.format())
oracle_exports = 'source /tmp/sid'
# Issue concatinated one line command which exports variables, opens sqlplus, and issues a sqlplus statement
# final_command = oracle_exports + ';' + 'echo "' + command + '" | sqlplus -S / as sysdba'
final_command = '{0};echo "{1}" | sqlplus -S / as sysdba'.format(oracle_exports, command)
stdout, stderr, rc = (final_command)
应该可以。在stdout中解析输出并捕获ORA xxx和SP2 xxx错误。