oracle 调用 sftp,使用sftp从获取 linux 下的文档到windows

sftp> help

Available commands:

ascii                          Set transfer mode to ASCII

binary                         Set transfer mode to binary

cd path                        Change remote directory to 'path'

lcd path                       Change local directory to 'path'

detail remote-path             Display system information about remote

file or folder

ldetail local-path             Display system information about local

file or folder

chgrp group path               Change group of file 'path' to 'group'

chmod mode path                Change permissions of file 'path' to 'mode'

chown owner path               Change owner of file 'path' to 'owner'

exit                           Quit sftp

help                           Display this help text

include filename               Include commands from 'filename'

Alternate: < filename

get [-a | -b] remote-path      Download file

force ascii (-a) or binary (-b) mode

ln [-s] existingpath linkpath  Hardlink / symlink remote file

ls [options] [path]            Display remote directory listing

lls [options] [path]           Display local directory listing

mkdir path                     Create remote directory

lmkdir path                    Create local directory

mv oldpath newpath             Move remote file

lmv oldpath newpath            Move local file

open [user@]host[:port]        Connect to remote host

put [-a | -b] local-path       Upload file

force ascii (-a) or binary (-b) mode

pwd                            Display remote working directory

lpwd                           Print local working directory

quit                           Quit sftp

rename oldname newname         Rename remote file

lrename oldname newname        Rename local file

rmdir path                     Remove remote directory

lrmdir path                    Remove local directory

rm path                        Delete remote file

lrm path                       Delete local file

su username                    Substitutes the current user

This is only supported with VShell for

Windows 3.5 or later.

type [transfer-mode]           Display or set file transfer mode

view remote-path               Download and open file

version                        Display protocol version


anaconda-ks.cfg       install.log           install.log.syslog

oradiag_root          proc_mon_del.prc

sftp> lls

desktop.ini           FFOutput              login.sql

My Music              My Pictures           My Videos

My WangWang           Tencent Files         酷6视频

sftp> lcd d:\

sftp> lls

$RECYCLE.BIN          10704events.txt       big_table.sql

bin                   bin.rar               bt.sql

bt.txt                chunk_shared_pool.txt DFVKR-PC

Downloads             dump                  emppar.txt

events10704.txt       expimptest.txt        find_mem_usage.txt

full_database.log     full_db.log           gettrace.sql

hash_join.txt         hj.txt                hj2.txt

imp_yang.log          lib                   MediaID.bin

mem.txt               memory_dynamic_components.txt

oracle                outline.txt           PLSQLDev7.0[1].pdf

prameter.sql          Program Files         scott.sql

software              System Volume Information

transferingOptimizerStatistics.txt          yang.log

yangtab.txt           ZZZZ                  在线重建索引

实践spool 文件            新建文本文档.txt

sftp>get /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/rac/rac1/trace/rac1_ora_11801.trc

Downloading rac1_ora_11801.trc from /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/rac/rac1/trace/rac1_ora_11801.trc

100% 335213KB  11559KB/s 00:00:29

/u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/rac/rac1/trace/rac1_ora_11801.trc: 343258473 bytes transferred in 29 seconds (11559 KB/s)

sftp> lls

$RECYCLE.BIN          10704events.txt       big_table.sql

bin                   bin.rar               bt.sql

bt.txt                chunk_shared_pool.txt DFVKR-PC

Downloads             dump                  emppar.txt

events10704.txt       expimptest.txt        find_mem_usage.txt

full_database.log     full_db.log           gettrace.sql

hash_join.txt         hj.txt                hj2.txt

imp_yang.log          lib                   MediaID.bin

mem.txt               memory_dynamic_components.txt

oracle                outline.txt           PLSQLDev7.0[1].pdf

prameter.sql          Program Files         rac1_ora_11801.trc

scott.sql             software              System Volume Information

transferingOptimizerStatistics.txt          yang.log

yangtab.txt           ZZZZ                  在线重建索引

实践spool 文件            新建文本文档.txt


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