oracle 11.2 awr,New AWR Report Format: Oracle and 12c | flashdba

This is a post about Oracle Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) Reports. If you are an Oracle professional you doubtless know what these are – and if you have to perform any sort of performance tuning as part of your day job it’s likely you spend a lot of time immersed in them. Goodness knows I do – a few weeks ago I had to analyse 2,304 of them in one (long) day. But for anyone else, they are (huge) reports containing all sorts of information about activities that happened between two points of time on an Oracle instance. If that doesn’t excite you now, please move along – there is nothing further for you here.

AWR Reports have been with us since the introduction of the Automatic Workload Repository back in 10g and can be considered a replacement for the venerable Statspack tool. Through each major incremental release the amount of information contained in an AWR Report has grown; for instance, the 10g reports didn’t even show the type of operating system, but 11g reports do. More information is of course a good thing, but sometimes it feels like there is so much data now it’s hard to find the truth hidden among all the distractions.

I recently commented in another post about the change in AWR report format introduced in This came as a surprise to me because I cannot previously remember report formatting changing mid-release, especially given the scale of the change. Not only that, but I’m sure I’ve seen reports from in the new format too (implying it was added via a patch set update), although I can’t find the evidence now so am forced to concede I may have imagined it. The same new format also continues into incidentally.

The New Features document doesn’t mention anything about a new report format. I can’t find anything about it on My Oracle Support (but then I can never find anything about anything I’m looking for on MOS these days). So I’m taking it upon myself to document the new format and the changes introduced – as well as point out a nasty little issue that’s caught me out a couple of times already.

Comparing Old and New Formats

From what I can tell, all of the major changes except one have taken place in the Report Summary section at the start of the AWR report. Oracle appears to have re-ordered the subsections and added a couple of new ones:Wait Classes by Total Wait Time

IO Profile

The new Wait Classes section is interesting because there is already a section called Foreground Wait Class down in the Wait Event Statistics section of the Main Report, but the additional section appears to include background waits as well. The IO Profile section is especially useful for people like me who work with storage – and I’ve already blogged about it here.

In addition, the long-serving Top 5 Timed Foreground Events section has been renamed and extended to become Top 10 Foreground Events by Total Wait Time.

Here are the changes in tabular format:

Old FormatNew Format

Cache Sizes

Load Profile

Instance Efficiency Percentages

Shared Pool Statistics

Top 5 Timed Foreground Events

Host CPU

Instance CPU

Memory Statistics

Time Model StatisticsLoad Profile

Instance Efficiency Percentages

Top 10 Foreground Events by Total Wait Time

Wait Classes by Total Wait Time

Host CPU

Instance CPU

IO Profile

Memory Statistics

Cache Sizes

Shared Pool Statistics

Time Model Statistics

I also said there was one further change outside of the Report Summary section. It’s the long-standing Instance Activity Stats section, which has now been divided into two:

Old FormatNew Format

Instance Activity Stats

–Key Instance Activity Stats

Other Instance Activity Stats

I don’t really understand the point of that change, nor why a select few statistics are deemed to be more “key” than others. But hey, that’s the mystery of Oracle, right?

Tablespace / Filesystem IO Stats

Another, more minor change, is the addition of some cryptic-looking “1-bk” columns to the two sections Tablespace IO Stats and File IO Stats:Tablespace


Av Av Av 1-bk Av 1-bk Writes Buffer Av Buf

Reads Rds/s Rd(ms) Blks/Rd Rds/s Rd(ms) Writes avg/s Waits Wt(ms)

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -------


8.4E+05 29 0.7 1.0 6.3E+06 29.2 1 220 1,054 4.2


95,054 3 0.8 1.0 11,893 3.3 1 0 1 60.0


745 0 0.0 1.0 1,055 0.0 0 0 13 0.8


715 0 0.0 1.0 715 0.0 0 0 0 0.0


0 0 0.0 N/A 7 0.0 0 0 0 0.0

I have to confess it took me a while to figure out what they meant – in the end I had to consult the documentation for the view DBA_HIST_FILESTATXS:


SINGLEBLKRDSNUMBERNumber of single block reads

SINGLEBLKRDTIMNUMBERCumulative single block read time (in hundredths of a second)

Aha! So the AWR report is now giving us the number of single block reads (SINGLEBLKRDS) and the average read time for them (SINGLEBLKRDTIM / SINGLEBLKRDS). That’s actually pretty useful information for testing storage, since single block reads tell no lies. [If you want to know what I mean by that, visit Frits Hoogland’s blog and download his white paper on multiblock reads…]

Top 10: Don’t Believe The Stats

One thing you might want to be wary about is the new Top 10 section… Here are the first two lines from mine after running a SLOB test:Top 10 Foreground Events by Total Wait Time


Tota Wait % DB

Event Waits Time Avg(ms) time Wait Class

------------------------------ ------------ ---- ------- ------ ----------

db file sequential read 3.379077E+09 2527 1 91.4 User I/O

DB CPU 318. 11.5

Now, normally when I run SLOB and inspect the post-run awr.txt file I work out the average wait time for db file sequential read so I can work out the latency. Since AWR reports do not have enough decimal places for the sort of storage I use (the wait shows simply as 0 or 1), I have to divide the total wait time by the number of waits. But in the report above, the total wait time of 2,527 divided by 3,379,077,000 waits gives me an average of 0.000747 microseconds. Huh? Looking back at the numbers above it’s clear that the Total Time column has been truncated and some of the digits are missing. That’s bad news for me, as I regularly use scripts to strip this information out and parse it.

This is pretty poor in my opinion, because there is no warning and the number is just wrong. I assume this is an edge case because the number of waits contains so many digits, but for extended SLOB tests that’s not unlikely. Back in the good old Top 5 days it looked like this, which worked fine:Top 5 Timed Foreground Events

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Avg

wait % DB

Event Waits Time(s) (ms) time Wait Class

------------------------------ ------------ ----------- ------ ------ ----------

db file sequential read 119,835,425 50,938 0 84.0 User I/O

latch: cache buffers lru chain 20,051,266 6,221 0 10.3 Other

Unfortunately, in the new and above Top 10 report, the Total Time column simply isn’t wide enough. Instead, I have to scan down to the Foreground Wait Events section to get my true data:Avg

%Time Total Wait wait Waits % DB

Event Waits -outs Time (s) (ms) /txn time

-------------------------- ------------ ----- ---------- ------- -------- ------

db file sequential read 3.379077E+09 0 2,527,552 1 11.3 91.4

This is something worth looking out for, especially if you also use scripts to fetch data from AWR files. Of course, the HTML reports don’t suffer from this problem, which just makes it even more annoying as I can’t parse HTML reports automatically (and thus I despise them immensely). AWR Reports

One final thing to mention is the AWR report format of (which was just released at the time of writing). There aren’t many changes from but just a few extra lines have crept in, which I’ll highlight here. In the main, they are related to the new In Memory Database option.Load Profile Per Second Per Transaction Per Exec Per Call

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------- --------------- --------- ---------

DB Time(s): 0.3 4.8 0.00 0.02

DB CPU(s): 0.1 1.2 0.00 0.00

Background CPU(s): 0.0 0.1 0.00 0.00

Redo size (bytes): 50,171.6 971,322.7

Logical read (blocks): 558.6 10,814.3

Block changes: 152.2 2,947.0

Physical read (blocks): 15.1 292.0

Physical write (blocks): 0.2 4.7

Read IO requests: 15.1 292.0

Write IO requests: 0.2 3.3

Read IO (MB): 0.1 2.3

Write IO (MB): 0.0 0.0IM scan rows: 0.0 0.0

Session Logical Read IM: User calls: 16.1 312.0

Parses (SQL): 34.0 658.0

Hard parses (SQL): 4.6 88.0

SQL Work Area (MB): 0.9 17.2

Logons: 0.1 1.7

Executes (SQL): 95.4 1,846.0

Rollbacks: 0.0 0.0

Transactions: 0.1

Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)


Buffer Nowait %: 97.55 Redo NoWait %: 100.00

Buffer Hit %: 97.30 In-memory Sort %: 100.00

Library Hit %: 81.75 Soft Parse %: 86.63

Execute to Parse %: 64.36 Latch Hit %: 96.54

Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %: 19.45 % Non-Parse CPU: 31.02 Flash Cache Hit %: 0.00

Cache Sizes Begin End

~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------- ----------

Buffer Cache: 960M 960M Std Block Size: 8K

Shared Pool Size: 4,096M 4,096M Log Buffer: 139,980KIn-Memory Area: 0M 0M

One other thing of note is that the Top 10 section now (finally) displays average wait times to two decimal places. This took a surprising amount of time to arrive, but it’s most welcome:Top 10 Foreground Events by Total Wait Time


Total Wait Wait % DB Wait

Event Waits Time (sec) Avg(ms) time Class

------------------------------ ----------- ---------- ---------- ------ --------

db file parallel read 63,157 828.6 13.12 86.1 User I/O

DB CPU 234.2 24.3

db file sequential read 113,786 67.8 0.60 7.0 User I/O


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