

这些平台包括Linux、Windows、FreeBSD、Macintosh、Solaris、OS/2、Amiga、AROS、AS/400、BeOS、OS/390、z/OS、Palm OS、QNX、VMS、Psion、Acom RISC OS、VxWorks、PlayStation、Sharp Zaurus、Windows CE甚至还有PocketPC!解释性这一点需要一些解释。


而Python语言写的程序不需要编译成二进制代码。你可以直接从源代码 运行 程序。在计算机内部,Python解释器把源代码转换成称为字节码的中间形式,然后再把它翻译成计算机使用的机器语言并运行。事实上,由于你不再需要担心如何编译程序,如何确保连接转载正确的库等等,所有这一切使得使用Python更加简单。由于你只需要把你的Python程序拷贝到另外一台计算机上,它就可以工作了,这也使得你的Python程序更加易于移植。面向对象Python即支持面向过程的编程也支持面向对象的编程。在 面向过程 的语言中,程序是由过程或仅仅是可重用代码的函数构建起来的。在 面向对象 的语言中,程序是由数据和功能组合而成的对象构建起来的。与其他主要的语言如C++和Java相比,Python以一种非常强大又简单的方式实现面向对象编程。可扩展性如果你需要你的一段关键代码运行得更快或者希望某些算法不公开,你可以把你的部分程序用C或C++编写,然后在你的Python程序中使用它们。可嵌入性你可以把Python嵌入你的C/C++程序,从而向你的程序用户提供脚本功能。丰富的库Python标准库确实很庞大。它可以帮助你处理各种工作,包括正则表达式、文档生成、单元测试、线程、数据库、网页浏览器、CGI、FTP、电子邮件、XML、XML-RPC、HTML、WAV文件、密码系统、GUI(图形用户界面)、Tk和其他与系统有关的操作。记住,只要安装了Python,所有这些功能都是可用的。这被称作Python的“功能齐全”理念。


this is a book about python. it was written by Swaroop C H.its name is "a byte of python". Table of Contents Preface Who This Book Is For History Lesson Status of the book Official Website License Terms Using the interpreter prompt Choosing an Editor Using a Source File Output How It Works Executable Python programs Getting Help Summary 4. The Basics Literal Constants Numbers Strings Variables Identifier Naming Data Types Objects Output How It Works Logical and Physical Lines Indentation Summary 5. Operators and Expressions Introduction Operators Operator Precedence Order of Evaluation Associativity Expressions Using Expressions Summary 6. Control Flow Introduction The if statement ivUsing the if statement How It Works The while statement Using the while statement The for loop Using the for statement Using the break statement The continue statement Using the continue statement Summary 7. Functions Introduction Defining a Function Function Parameters Using Function Parameters Local Variables Using Local Variables Using the global statement Default Argument Values Using Default Argument Values Keyword Arguments Using Keyword Arguments The return statement Using the literal statement DocStrings Using DocStrings Summary 8. Modules Introduction Using the sys module Byte-compiled .pyc files The from..import statement A module's __name__ Using a module's __name__ Making your own Modules Creating your own Modules from..import The dir() function Using the dir function Summary 9. Data Structures Introduction List Quick introduction to Objects and Classes Using Lists Tuple Using Tuples Tuples and the print statement Dictionary Using Dictionaries Sequences Using Sequences References Objects and References More about Strings String Methods Summary 10. Problem Solving - Writing a Python Script The Problem The Solution First Version Second Version Third Version Fourth Version More Refinements The Software Development Process Summary 11. Object-Oriented Programming Introduction The self Classes Creating a Class object Methods Using Object Methds The __init__ method Using the __init__ method Class and Object Variables Using Class and Object Variables Inheritance Using Inheritance Summary 12. Input/Output Files Using file Pickle Pickling and Unpickling Summary 13. Exceptions Errors Try..Except Handling Exceptions Raising Exceptions How To Raise Exceptions Try..Finally Using Finally Summary 14. The Python Standard Library Introduction The sys module Command Line Arguments More sys The os module Summary 15. More Python Special Methods Single Statement Blocks List Comprehension Using List Comprehensions Receiving Tuples and Lists in Functions Lambda Forms Using Lambda Forms The exec and eval statements The assert statement The repr function Summary 16. What Next? Graphical Software Summary of GUI Tools Explore More Summary A. Free/Libré and Open Source Software (FLOSS) B. About Colophon About the Author C. Revision History Timestamp




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