#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__author__ = 'honglongwei'
import os
import sys
import time
import zipfile
import datetime
import getpass
import logging
import subprocess
from subprocess import Popen
#src update package path
src_path = '/home/mrdTomcat/update'
#des update package path
des_path = {'webap': '/home/app/webap/tomcat/webapps',
'apache': '/usr/local/apache',
'websocket': '/home/app/websocket/webapps',
'batch': '/home/app/tomcat/webapps',
'memcache': '/home/app/memcached',
'sdk': '/home/app/sdk/tomcat/webapps'}
#src backup package path
bsrc_path_lt = {'tomcat': ['/tmp/2', '/tmp/1'],
'apache': ['/usr/local/apache2/conf'],
'websocket': ['/tmp']}
#des backup package path
bdes_path = '/home/mrdTomcat/version_bak'
#service name and server start bin
srv_up = {'webap': '/home/app/webap/tomcat/bin/startup.sh',
'apache': '/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start',
'websocket': '/home/app/websocket/bin/jetty.sh start',
'batch': '/home/app/tomcat/bin/startup.sh',
'memcache': '/home/app/memcached/bin/start.sh',
'sdk': '/home/app/tomcat/bin/startup.sh'}
#service name and server stop bin
srv_down = {'webap': '/home/app/tomcat/bin/shutdown.sh',
'apache': '/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl stop',
'websocket': '/home/app/websocket/bin/jetty.sh stop',
'batch': '/home/app/tomcat/bin/shutdown.sh',
'memcache': '/home/app/memcached/bin/stop.sh',
'sdk': '/home/app/tomcat/bin/shutdown.sh'}
#server pidfile path
srv_pidfile = {'webap': '/var/run/webap/webap.pid',
'apache': '',
'websocket': '',
'batch': '',
'memcache': '',
'sdk': ''}
#change return color
def G(s):
return "%s[32;2m%s%s[0m"%(chr(27), s, chr(27))
def A(s):
return "%s[36;2m%s%s[0m"%(chr(27), s, chr(27))
def R(s):
return "%s[31;2m%s%s[0m"%(chr(27), s, chr(27))
def start(ServiceName):
Desc: Start GameServer
CLI Example:
czqstmod.py ServiceName start
pid = srv_pidfile[ServiceName]
cmd = srv_up[ServiceName]
logging.info('{0} start'.format(ServiceName))
if os.path.exists(pid):
return R('GameServer is already running !')
proc = Popen(cmd, shell=True)
return G('Start GameServer is successful !')
def stop(ServiceName):
Desc: Stop GameServer
CLI Example:
czqstmod.py ServiceName stop
pid = srv_pidfile[ServiceName]
cmd = srv_down[ServiceName]
logging.info('{0} stop'.format(ServiceName))
if os.path.exists(pid):
proc = Popen(cmd, shell=True)
return G('Stop GameServer is running...,please wait !')
return R('GameServer is already stopped !')
def status(ServiceName):
Desc: Check GameServer Status
CLI Example:
czqstmod.py ServiceName status
cmd = 'ps -ef|grep "{0}"|grep -v grep'.format(ServiceName)
proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
item = proc.stdout.read().split('\n')[:-2]
its = '\n'.join(item)
cot = len(item)
ret = its + '\n' + '*'*80 + '\n' + 'The total of process is {0} !'.format(cot)
logging.info('{0} status'.format(ServiceName))
return G(ret)
def update(ServiceName, Pkg):
Desc: Update GameServer
CLI Example:
czqstmod.py ServiceName update Pkg
logging.info('{0} update {1}'.format(ServiceName, Pkg))
if Pkg:
fl = os.path.join(src_path, Pkg)
zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(fl,'r')
for filename in zfile.namelist():
zfile.extract(filename, des_path[ServiceName])
return G('Update is successful !')
except IOError:
return R('The package is invalid !!!')
return R('The package is invalid !!!')
def backup(ServiceName):
Desc: Backup GameServer
CLI Example:
czqstmod.py ServiceName backup
logging.info('{0} backup'.format(ServiceName))
bakname = ServiceName + '_' + datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + '.zip'
zipname = os.path.join(bdes_path, bakname)
f = zipfile.ZipFile(zipname, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
for bsrc_path in bsrc_path_lt[ServiceName]:
bac_path = os.path.dirname(bsrc_path)
ls_path = bac_path + '/'
zg_path = bsrc_path.split(ls_path)[1]
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(zg_path):
for filename in filenames:
f.write(os.path.join(dirpath, filename))
return G('Backup is successful !')
if __name__== "__main__":
if os.path.exists('./logs'):
log_ft = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H')
user_cmd = getpass.getuser()
format='%(asctime)s {0} %(levelname)s: %(message)s'.format(user_cmd),
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
opts = sys.argv
if opts[1]=='-d' or opts[1]=='--help':
print G('start :') + R('{0}'.format(start.__doc__))
print G('stop :') + R('{0}'.format(stop.__doc__))
print G('status :') + R('{0}'.format(status.__doc__))
print G('update :') + R('{0}'.format(update.__doc__))
print G('backup :') + R('{0}'.format(backup.__doc__))
elif opts[2]=='start':
print start(opts[1])
elif opts[2]=='stop':
print stop(opts[1])
elif opts[2]=='status':
print status(opts[1])
elif opts[2]=='backup':
print backup(opts[1])
elif opts[2]=='update':
print update(opts[1], opts[3])
print R('Script Parameter Error !!!')
except IndexError:
print R('Script Parameter Error !!!')