I'm struggling to get a WAV file to play on a HTML page as either an HTML5 audio tag or via a regular downloadable link in mobile Safari (iPad/iPhone):
The HTML5 audio object just shows Cannot play audio file in it, and when I click to download the anchor referenced one I get a black page with a "can't play this circle" in the middle. I've tried various frequencies (8000, 11025, 16000, 32000, 44100), various encodings (mu-law, Linear Signed 16-bit LE and BE), various containers (.wav, .caf, .aiff), and various audio conversion programs (Audacity, ffmpeg, and Apple's own afconvert)... I can't get audio to play (unless I make it MP3 -- and no, I can't just use MP3 or AAC, I need a "raw" format for reasons too long to get in to here).
I looked at the supported formats for iOS and it appears to support WAV... anyone got any experience with this issue? I'm on latest iOS 6.0.1
EDIT: The selected answerer got me to the issue, but the reason is in the comments of the answer. Bottom line is it requires HTML range headers for playing the files.