mysql 主从复制 同步_浅析MySQL主从复制技术(异步复制,同步复制,半同步复制)...

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As we all know,there're three kinds of replication in MySQL nowadays.Such as,asynchronous replication,(full)synchronous replication,semi-synchronous replication.What's the difference between them?

First of all,let's see the intact architecture picture of MySQL replication:


what will client do?

generates transactions

commits transactions to master

receives results from master

what will master do?

executes transactions

generates binary logs

dump thread sends contents(binary logs) to slave

what will slave do?

connects to master

IO Thread asks for data(binary logs) and gets it

generates relay logs

SQL Thread applies data(relay logs)

二、Method of different MySQL Replication

Generally speaking,the data changed on master will be continuously sent to slave.So the data on slave seems to be equal with the master.This mechanism is usually used to backup on slave(reduce the pressure of master),construct HA architecture(failover or separate reading/writing operations),etc.

Nevertheless,on account of different reasons,slave frequently defers in almost all the scenarios what's often grumbled by MySQL dba.Below are different kinds of MySQL replication.Let's see the details.

三、asynchronous replication

Since MySQL 3.2.22,this kind of replication was supported with statement format of binary log.Then,untill MySQL 5.1.5,row format of binary log was supported either.The mechanism of it is that as soon as the master dump thread has sent the binary logs to the slave,the master server returns the result to client.There's nothing to guarantee the binary logs are normally received by the slave(maybe the network failure occurs simultaneously).So it's unsafe in consistency what means your transactions will lose in the replication.This is also the original replication of MySQL.Here's the picture about the procedure:


client send dml operations to the master while the transaction starts.

master executes these dml operations from client in transaction.

generates some binary logs which contains the transaction information.

master will return results to the client immediately after dump thread has sent these binary logs to slave.

slave receives the binary log by IO_Thread and apply the relay logs by SQL_Thread.

In step 4,master won't judge whether slave has received the binary logs (which are sent by itself) or not.If the master crashs suddenly after it has sent the binary logs,but slave does not receive them at all on account of network delay.Only if the slave takes over the application at this time,the committed transactions will miss which means data loss.This is not commonly acceptable in most important product systems especially in the financial ones.

四、synchronous replication

Synchronous replication requires master to return results to client only after the transactions have been committed by all the slaves(receive and apply).This method will severely lead to bad performance on master unless you can guarantee the slaves can commit immediate without any delay(infact it's tough).Now,the only solution of synchronous replication is still the MySQL NDB Cluster.Therefore,it's not recommended to use synchronous replication way.

五、semi-synchronous replication

Semi-synchronous replication seems a workaround of above two method which can strongly increase the consistency between master and slave.It's supported since MySQL 5.5 and enhanced in MySQL 5.7.What's the mechanism of semi-sychronouos replication?Master is permitted to return the result to client merely after only one slave has received binary logs,write them to the relay logs and returns an ACK signal to master.There're two ways of it,that is,after_commit & after_sync.Let's see the difference of them:

after_commit(Since MySQL 5.5):


In this method,master performs a commit before it receives ACK signal from slave.Let's suppose a situation that once master crashs after it commits a transaction but it hasn't receive the ACK signal from slave.Meanwhile,failover makes slave become the new master.How does the slave deal with then?Will the transaction lose?It depends.There're two scenarios:

Slave has received the binary log,and then turns it into relay log and applys it.There's no transaction loss.

Slave hasn't received the binary log,the transaction committed by master just now will lose,but the client won't fail(only inconsistent in replication).

Therefore,after_commit cannot guarantee lossless replication.after_commit is the default mode(actually it's the only mode can be use) which is supported by MySQL 5.5 & 5.6.

after_sync(since MySQL 5.7):


In the picture above,the t1 transaction shouldn't be lost because of the master merely commits to the storage engine after receive the ACK signal from slave.In spite of master may crash before receiving ACK signal,no transaction will lose as the master hasn't commit at all.Meanwhile,the t2 transaction also get consistent query here.

In order to improve the data consistency(since after_commit has avoidless deficiency),MySQL official enhances the semi-synchronous replication which can be called "loss-less semi-synchronous replication" in MySQL 5.7 by add after_sync mode in parameter "rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_point".

Caution,semi-synchronous replication may turn into asynchronous replication whenever the delay time of slave surpass the value which is specified in parameter "rpl_semi_sync_master_timeout"(default values is 10000 milliseconds).Why it is permitted?I'm afraid in order to consider the performance of master.Notwithstanding,you can also play a trick to prevent it from being converted over by set a infinite number in this parameter such as "10000000" or above.Especially in case that your product system is too important to not lose data.

Further more,to configure semi-sychronous replication,you should implement the optional plugin component "rpl_semi_sync_master",which can be check by using command "show plugins;"


Commonly,semi-sync replication is strongly recommended when implements MySQL replication nowadays(with gtid).

I utterly recommend to upgrade product system to MySQL 5.7 in order to use "after_sync" mode which can avoid data loss.

Be careful of specify an inappropriate value in parameter "rpl_semi_sync_master_timeout" which will cause converting semi-sync to async replication.







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在现有省、市港口信息化系统进行有效整合基础上,借鉴新 一代的感知-传输-应用技术体系,实现对码头、船舶、货物、重 大危险源、危险货物装卸过程、航管航运等管理要素的全面感知、 有效传输和按需定制服务,为行政管理人员和相关单位及人员提 供高效的管理辅助,并为公众提供便捷、实时的水运信息服务。 建立信息整合、交换和共享机制,建立健全信息化管理支撑 体系,以及相关标准规范和安全保障体系;按照“绿色循环低碳” 交通的要求,搭建高效、弹性、高可扩展性的基于虚拟技术的信 息基础设施,支撑信息平台低成本运行,实现电子政务建设和服务模式的转变。 实现以感知港口、感知船舶、感知货物为手段,以港航智能 分析、科学决策、高效服务为目的和核心理念,构建“智慧港口”的发展体系。 结合“智慧港口”相关业务工作特点及信息化现状的实际情况,本项目具体建设目标为: 一张图(即GIS 地理信息服务平台) 在建设岸线、港口、港区、码头、泊位等港口主要基础资源图层上,建设GIS 地理信息服务平台,在此基础上依次接入和叠加规划建设、经营、安全、航管等相关业务应用专题数据,并叠 加动态数据,如 AIS/GPS/移动平台数据,逐步建成航运管理处 "一张图"。系统支持扩展框架,方便未来更多应用资源的逐步整合。 现场执法监管系统 基于港口(航管)执法基地建设规划,依托统一的执法区域 管理和数字化监控平台,通过加强对辖区内的监控,结合移动平 台,形成完整的多维路径和信息追踪,真正做到问题能发现、事态能控制、突发问题能解决。 运行监测和辅助决策系统 对区域港口与航运业务日常所需填报及监测的数据经过科 学归纳及分析,采用统一平台,消除重复的填报数据,进行企业 输入和自动录入,并进行系统智能判断,避免填入错误的数据, 输入的数据经过智能组合,自动生成各业务部门所需的数据报 表,包括字段、格式,都可以根据需要进行定制,同时满足扩展 性需要,当有新的业务监测数据表需要产生时,系统将分析新的 需求,将所需字段融合进入日常监测和决策辅助平台的统一平台中,并生成新的所需业务数据监测及决策表。 综合指挥调度系统 建设以港航应急指挥中心为枢纽,以各级管理部门和经营港 口企业为节点,快速调度、信息共享的通信网络,满足应急处置中所需要的信息采集、指挥调度和过程监控等通信保障任务。 设计思路 根据项目的建设目标和“智慧港口”信息化平台的总体框架、 设计思路、建设内容及保障措施,围绕业务协同、信息共享,充 分考虑各航运(港政)管理处内部管理的需求,平台采用“全面 整合、重点补充、突出共享、逐步完善”策略,加强重点区域或 运输通道交通基础设施、运载装备、运行环境的监测监控,完善 运行协调、应急处置通信手段,促进跨区域、跨部门信息共享和业务协同。 以“统筹协调、综合监管”为目标,以提供综合、动态、实 时、准确、实用的安全畅通和应急数据共享为核心,围绕“保畅通、抓安全、促应急"等实际需求来建设智慧港口信息化平台。 系统充分整合和利用航运管理处现有相关信息资源,以地理 信息技术、网络视频技术、互联网技术、移动通信技术、云计算 技术为支撑,结合航运管理处专网与行业数据交换平台,构建航 运管理处与各部门之间智慧、畅通、安全、高效、绿色低碳的智 慧港口信息化平台。 系统充分考虑航运管理处安全法规及安全职责今后的变化 与发展趋势,应用目前主流的、成熟的应用技术,内联外引,优势互补,使系统建设具备良好的开放性、扩展性、可维护性。


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