ccf a类会议_SC'20 | Nov 9th,高性能计算领域 CCF A类会议,注册费仅65刀!


会议时间:November 9-19, 2020 会议链接: 注册费用:学生65刀 for 主会 会 议简介: SC (International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis)是高性能计算,体系结构领域顶级会议,CCF推荐A类会议,CORE Conference Ranking A类会议,H5指数43,录取率约20%。SC被誉为是可以看到未来的技术的会议,该会议被看作是用来解决世界级难题的地方! HPC是当下许多研究领域的基础,从机器学习到人工智能到量子计算。通过与跨学科的科学团队合作,HPC正在寻找新的方法来战胜疾病,战胜贫困,解决无家可归,种植更丰盛的农作物,更好地预测自然灾害等等。来吧,把你对HPC的热情带到SC20,让我们一起展望未来!(描述译自官网)


1. Technical Program (TP) Provides you access to most SC conference activities. The Technical Program will be held Monday–Thursday, November 16–19, 2020 (Except for Tutorials and Workshops).









Student Member



Student Non-Member or Retired



2. Tutorials (TUT) Add Tutorials to your Technical Program registration or attend Tutorials only. Morning, afternoon, and two-day passes are available. Tutorials are held Monday–Tuesday, November 9–10, 2020. To better accommodate tutorial presenters and attendees, what were once full-day tutorials will instead span two consecutive mornings or afternoons, rather than the morning and afternoon of a single day. Monday AND Tuesday (AM & PM)









Student Member



Student Non-Member or Retired



3. Workshops (W) Add Workshops to your Technical Program registration, or attend Workshops only. Workshops are held Wednesday–Friday, November 11–13. Your Workshops registration includes all days. Add to your Technical Program registration





Student Member


Student Non-Member or Retired


4. Exhibits (XO) Engage with all the exhibitors in the virtual Exhibit Hall.

Registration fee: No charge.

 Keynotes 信息如下:

e4009f7041745ad41ed724195e7e46f2.pngProf. Bjorn Stevens, the Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology. Stevens was one of the architects of the sixth phase of the coupled model intercomparison project (CMIP6), and he co-conceived and co-led the first ever intercomparison of global storm resolving models. Through these efforts, and his initiation and leadership of the German national project, “High Definition Clouds and Precipitation for Climate Prediction”, he has helped outline the development pathway for a new generation of climate models. Prof. Stevens has contributed more than 240 refereed publications to scientific literature. He serves on a number of international advisory boards, has served as editor of leading journals in his field, and has been honored by a number of lectureships and awards, including the Clarence Leroy Meisinger Award of the American Meteorological Society, as well as fellowships from the Advanced Study Program of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, and the Alexander von Humboldt Society.

Title: From Deep Thoughts to (Destination) Earth: Climate Science in the Age of Exascale

Time: Monday, 16 November 202010am - 11:30am EST

Location: Track 1

Description: SC20 is pleased to announce that our Keynote speaker is Professor Bjorn Stevens of the Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology. Professor Stevens will discuss how exascale computing is impacting two opportunities that are changing the face of climate science. One arises from what exascale will enable; the other from what it will not. “Much like the Large Hadron Collider broke an energy barrier to bring us the Higgs boson, exaFLOPS will break a scale barrier, bringing about a fundamentally new way of computing the climate system,” commented Stevens. “Computing with exaFLOPS has such profound implications for climate modeling and Earth information systems. Beyond exascale, the game changes completely.” According to Stevens, this change is rooted in the absence of further attainable critical scales, which shifts the focus from deep computation to deep interaction. This shift in focus has the potential to unravel mysteries that have remained unexplained up until now.
Professor Stevens’ main field of interest is in the way atmospheric water; particularly in the form of clouds; shapes climate. His contributions to understanding how turbulent mixing and cloud-microphysical processes influence cloud amount have been instrumental in helping to understand how clouds respond to warming, and how radiative forcing responds to aerosol perturbations, both of which are fundamental to the present comprehension of climate change. His measurements have identified new forms of clouds that arise in response to precipitation, provided the first quantification of cloud top mixing and illustrated and quantified the vertical structure of large-scale vertical motion fields in the tropics and sub-tropics.

Program details:


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