C:\Users\beijing_zbs>adb shell top -h
Usage: top [ -m max_procs ] [ -n iterations ] [ -d delay ] [ -s sort_column ] [-t ] [ -h ]
-m num Maximum number of processes to display.
-n num Updates to show before exiting.
-d num Seconds to wait between updates.
-s col Column to sort by (cpu,vss,rss,thr).
-t Show threads instead of processes.
-h Display this help screen.
C:\Users\beijing_zbs>adb shell top -d 1 |findstr /E com.tencent.mm
1432 0% S 27 129448K 36736K fg app_62 com.tencent.mm
1432 0% S 27 129448K 36736K fg app_62 com.tencent.mm
1432 20% R 27 124640K 37140K fg app_62 com.tencent.mm
1432 25% R 27 124404K 37032K fg app_62 com.tencent.mm
1432 79% S 27 127116K 38584K fg app_62 com.tencent.mm