pdf裁边app_PDF切边软件|PDF切边工具Briss下载 v1.0 中文免费版 - 比克尔下载


对于那些需要在 Kindle 之类阅读器上看 PDF 格式电子书的朋友来说,Briss是一个非常值得使用的工具。利用 Briss,你可以切掉 PDF 多余的白边。这样,该 PDF 在阅读器上显示的效果将变得更好,同时也更具可读性。




1、打开软件左上角file——load file——加载你要切割的pdf文件——会弹出一个框-选择取消 ——接下来是切割界面——鼠标左键可以把要切割的区域圈起来(即蓝色区域) 基本打开后系统会为你自动选择好区域

2、只要你要切割的扫描版pdf内容大小不是很乱的话,没自动选择需自己左键圈。选择完毕后点Action-crop pdf即可!

3、正常pdf效果但是放到kindle上面效果不大明显 因为是可编辑pdf 但是扫描版效果明显

地球人都知道在kindle3 上看PDF够费眼睛的,就算用了多看系统下的适合宽/高的功能,也常常还留有一大圈讨厌的白边,尤其是对于一些装帧比较水的书籍,无用的页眉页脚等装饰白白占去了很多地方。 今天找到了这个叫Briss的切白边软件,K3里的PDF们终于得救了。嗯,很聪明很强大的东东,碍眼的白边裁得干干净净! 安装前需要说明的是Briss是Java软件,如果你的电脑里没有Java,那么先去安装一下:http://www.java.com/zh_CN/download/chrome.jsp?locale=zh_CN 解压后就可以用了。虽然是英文界面,但操作过程非常简单: 1)打开briss.exe,File > load file,选择打算切边PDF文件。 2)弹出一个对话框,要求输入不需要裁边的页码,如果不确定,直接点取消,进入下一步,然后等待文档载入。 3)文档载入后,会看到文档被分为两页,分别是基数页和偶数页的叠印(有时封面和特殊排版页也会单列出来) ? 拖动蓝色选区右上角和左下角的小方框,自行去白边、页眉页脚,调整到合适的大小后右击鼠标选择Select/ Deselect Rectangle,确定选区大小。 P.S. 有些受保护的PDF可能在导出时要求输入密码,下载一个PDF密码移除软件就可以搞定,比如这个:http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/3029087.html?fr&retcode=0 4)最后,Action > crop PDF,导出裁切好的PDF,完成! 然后你会发现在K3上看PDF效果好多了,还嫌不够大的话,在多看系统下再用一次切白边功能就OK啦! 速度最快的切边工具。。。。
This file is part of BRISS. * * BRISS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * BRISS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * BRISS. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ ################################################ CHANGELOG - BRISS ################################################ * 0.0.13 (11.04.2011) * Added automatically crop rectangle calculation * Updated libraries (itext, jpedal) fixing several problems * JP2000 support, finally! * Added hotcorners(upper left and lower right) to resize existing crop rectangles * Providing a single file as argument now directly loads it on startup of Briss (can be handy if you have a shortcut defined like "open with") * Command line cropping (at the moment just with automatic crop algorithm, see Readme for instructions) * Better visualization of merged images * Added possibility to reload pdfs for using other excluded pages while retaining crop rectangles * Added drag&drop functionality * Automatically clipping of crop rectangles to visible area * Copy/paste of crop rectangles between clusters * Hopefully fixed bug where on Mac the crop rectangles couldn't be deleted * 0.0.12 (release 11.01.2010) * Added Icon (thx to joão ziliotto) * Reworked the GUI * updated iText and JPedal libraries * included a preview button * 0.0.11 (release 10.10.2010) * Exclude pages from merging * Merged blocks are now sorted according to their lowest page number * Faster scrolling (mouse) * Fixed an issue where huge pages would cause BRISS to crash * 0.0.10 (release 01.10.2010) * fixed issure where a trim or bleed box would influence the cropping behaviour * smaller file size through newer libraries * itext * jpedal * 0.0.9 (released 08.06.2010) * Maximal pageheight of preview image is set to 600pixel * last directory is being remembered * 0.0.8 (released 17.03.2010) * Fixed a bug where bookmarks got lost during crop-transformation * 0.0.7 (released 15.03.2010) * Meta information is copied to the cropped file * Small visual fix in progress bar * Ghost rectangle shows the size of the last drawn crop rectangle (for people who want to have equally sized pages) * Dragging of crop rectangles (press and hold the mouse button inside a crop rectangle) * Single removal of crop rectangles by pressing the right mouse button inside the rectangle to be deleted * Selected crop rectangles (=>ctrl+left mouse click into the rectangle) can be sized to the maximum of all selected widths/heights. * 0.0.6 (released 13.05.2010) * Added multiple column support (actually it's a multiple rectangle capability) * Integrated a sm




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