smartclient ajax,SmartClient Ajax Platform, Enterprise Edition | Isomorphic Software

SmartClient combines the industry's richest set of cross-browser UI components with a Java server framework to provide an end-to-end solution for building business web applications.


Easily build large scale high-productivity enterprise web applications for use on any device

Cleaner, Clearer Code

Empower your team to tackle complex, large-scale applications on pure web standards. SmartClient's modern class system enables you to cleanly encapsulate the modules and screens of your application, for a more maintainable and understandable codebase. Extend the built-in components via inheritance, call superclass methods, and share custom classes throughout your organization to get even more value out of your efforts. Deep support for automated testing enables a true enterprise-grade development process, so you can deploy with confidence.



Mobile Adaptation is built in

Other "multi-device" technologies actually require writing an entirely separate mobile UI with a different set of components. SmartClient is different. Even if you know nothing about mobile development, your SmartClient application supports mobile. Device-aware components automatically switch appearance and behavior to best suit the size of the device, and to provide a better experience for touch screens. Finger taps and gestures arrive as normal mouse events, so your event handlers just work - users can even trigger context menus and hovers via touch-and-hold, and drag and drop via finger slides.

Want more control? Gesture & orientation change events, as well as native functions like phone dialing are all there to let you fully tune the mobile experience.

Enterprise Grade UI Components

SmartClient delivers the broadest and deepest set of UI components available. Our amazing grid components have out-of-the-box support for everything a true enterprise-grade application needs: users can edit inline, freeze columns, sort by multiple columns, group-by-value, expand rows, auto-fit, filter inline, add formula columns, add highlighting rules, export, make charts — and that's just grids!



Intelligent Data Management

Achieve unprecedented scalability and responsiveness with data services that eliminate redundant trips to the server. SmartClient's components have built-in awareness of data operations, so they know when already-fetched data can be re-used, and they know how to automatically update cached data. Stop hand-coding all the consequences of a form submit, and take the load off your database at the same time!

Deep Server Integration

SmartClient's extensive server-side components take you well beyond mere widgets, providing a complete RIA framework. Stop hand-assembling forms and grids: SmartClient lets you generate a default UI dynamically, directly from your server-side data model, then customize any part of it without losing auto-generation.

Keep client and server behavior in sync by driving validation and security rules from a single, declarative definition. Built in connectors for JPA/Hibernate, Spring and SQL ensure that you write business logic instead of boilerplate code, and make it easy to build screens with advanced master-detail editing and transactional drag and drop.


Get Started Explore the showcase to see hundreds of examples of SmartClient in action. View Hands On Demo

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Get the big picture, and go from basics to complete apps in a dizzyingly short time. View QuickStart Guide

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