原标题:广东高考英语听说考试Part C部分好难?满分的关键在这里~
“不知道同学们觉得在广东高考英语听说考试里面哪一个部分最难呢?小编认为最难的就是Part C了!
所以今天我们来说一说广东高考英语听说考试Part C拿高分的关键——会做笔记很重要!”
当年练习英语听说Part C的时候真是一把辛酸泪,当我还在用笔奋力地记下上一句的笔记时,下一句已经飞快地过去了,独留下一个人在听力中凌乱。
后来问了隔壁的几个学霸同学和老师,学习到了一些做Part C的关键和技巧,今天就分享给大家吧!现在用这些技巧进行练习,还为时不晚!
1、Use abbreviations(缩写词).
2、Use Chinese characters(中文).
3、Use as many symbols(符号)as you feel comfortable with.
◆“↑”可用来记录“up, upward, rise, arise, develop, increase, rocket, make progress” 等词或短语。如短语“economic development”可记作“e↑”。
◆“↓”可用来记录“drop, sink, decline, descend, sudden fall, decrease, reduce, cut down, go down”等词或短语。(想了解更多教育资讯,马上点标题下方蓝字关注。每日与您不见不散!)
◆“←”可用来记录“return, reverse, back up”等词或短语。
◆“→”可用来记录“achieve, get to, arrive, teach, obtain, bring on, go forward, go ahead, progress, make for”等词或短语。
◆“+”可用来记录“plus, add, enhance, male, more”等词或短语。
◆“-”可用来记录“minus, decrease, cut down, female, disagree, little, few, less, lack of, short of”等词或短语。
◆ “>”可用来记录“more, bigger, stronger, greater, more than, greater than, bigger than, better than, superior to, surpass, transcend, overtake”等词或短语。
◆“∵”可用来记录“because, for, since, as, by reason of, owing to, due to, as a result of, thanks to”等词或短语。
◆“∴”可用来记录“so, so that, therefore, thus, hereby, hence”等词或短语。
◆“=”可用来记录“up to, equal to, come up to”等短语。
◆“√”可用来记录“agree, correct, right”等词,如“I agree.”可以记作“I√”。
◆“×”可用来记录“disagree, incorrect”等词。
◆“~”可用来记录“approximately, about, around, some, nearly, almost, similar to”等词。
◆“/”可用来记录“clear, settle, solve, tackle, conquer, eliminate, extinct”等词。
◆“≠”可用来记录“differ from, different from, distinct, unique”等词或短语。
◆“$”可用来记录“interest, benefit, money, fund, capital”等词。
◆ t表示thousand; m表示million; b表示 billion; 1st表示first。
economy(经济): E
education(教育): Edu
civilization或culture(文明、文化): C
politics(政治): P
science and technology(科技): ST
health(卫生): H
tourism(旅游): T
environment(环境): En
industry(工业): I
agriculture(农业): A
“as far as ... is concerned”可记作“AFAC”或“afac”;
“look forward to”可记作“LFT”或“lft”;
“as soon as possible”可记作“ASAP”或“asap”。
“⊕”可用来记录“happy, pleased”等词。
“◎/囧”可用来记录“sad, angry, irritated, unsatisfied, sorrowful, discomfort”等词。
“⊙”可用来记录“conference, meeting, seminar”等词。如“identity of views观点,看法一致”可记作“⊙ same”。
“□”可用来记录“country, nation, state”等词。如 “China”可记作“□C”, “America”可记作“□A”,
“between countries”可记作“□/□”,而“a
powerful country ”不妨记作“p□”。
“?”可用来记录“question, issue, difficulty,
hardship, barrier, obstacle”等词。
“:”可用来记录“ think, consider, speak, say, talk, mark, announce, declare, hope”等词。如“repeat”或“reaffirm”可记作“: 2”。
Co. (company), e.g. (for example),
etc. (and so on), esp. (especially),
i.e. (that is), max (maximum),
min (minimum), ref (reference),
std (standard), usu. (usually)等。
(6)在英语听力能力提高过程中,结合上述符号记录英语语言信息的一些启发性应用 。
“in the future”可记录为“>”;
“before, ago”可记录为“
“on the one side”可记录为“·/”;
“on the other side”可记录为“/·”;
“because, for”可记录为“←”;
“against, collision”可记录为“> < ”;
“have a meeting, conference”可记录为“⊙”;
“go into, enter”可记录为“∩”;
“very important”可记录为“3 3”;
“with regard to, concerning”可记录为“@”。