energy in transition课文翻译_外研版八年级下册英语课本mp3+动画+翻译+知识点_Module 6 Unit 2 A3, Unit 3 A6, A7...

Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person.












1.abit of 有点儿,一些,修饰不可数名词. bit of ,有点儿,一些,后接形容词,同义短语:a little…和……一样。       

3.some …others …一些……另一些……

4.make sb .do sht .使某人做某事   类似:have sb. do sth ./let sht .

5.grow up 成长,长大 /have interest in对……表现出、有兴趣,后接名词,代词或动名词。

7. encourage sb. to do sth .鼓励某人做某事       

8.come out 出版,发表,

9. success  n. 成就、成功   Failureis the mother success. 失败乃成功之母。

  successful adj. 成功的   successfully adv. 成功地    succeed v. 成功

   He finished the work successfully.       He is a successful writer. a result 结果,因此,相当于so ,常先交代原因,然后用as a result 引出结果。 interested in对……感兴趣   all the time 一直,总是

12. it is +adj. for sb. to dosth ./It is adj .of sb. to do sth .   It形式主语、 out of 用完,耗尽,主语通常是人,of 后跟时间,精力,钱或物的名词,相当于use up   

14.look forward to doing sht . 盼望做某事。 used to doing sht . 习惯于做某事  

16.tidy up收拾,整理     

17.take up 占据  take off 起飞,脱下; take out 拿出; take away拿走

  take photos 拍照   ;takepart in参加 sb. sht =show sth to sb.  给某人看某物

19.remember doing sht .记得已做过某事(已做完),  remember to dosht .记得要做某事(未做)

 Forget doing sht .忘记已做过某事,   forget to dosht .忘记要做某事

20.look after=takecare of 照顾,照看  ;lookat 看,look for 寻找  ;lookup 查字典

Look over 检查   ;look forward to doing sht .期望做某事

21.pleasure : It’s a pleasure/My pleasure .(不用谢,不客气), with pleasure 很乐意。

22.see sb do sht .看见某人做过某事,(已过,或经常做) see sb. doing sth .看见某人正在做某事

类似的词有:watch ,listen to ,hear ,notice ..

23.enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事           

24.have to do sht .必须做某事 one’s free time 在某人的业余时间      

26.write to 写信给

28.get ready for 为……做准备       

29.find out 查明,找出,发现

30.not only …but also不仅……而且


1. ---Tony, can you tidy up your room, please? ---OK, I'll do it right away. ——托尼,你能整理一下你的房间吗?——好的,我马上做。

2. You need to find a place to put all those toy cars. 你需要找一个地方放所有那些玩具。

3. Did you collect anything when you were young? 你年轻时收集东西吗?

4. Come in and find somewhere to sit down. 进来,找个地方做吧!

5. Sorry, it’s a bit of mess. Let me have a look. 抱歉,有点乱。让我看看。

6. Coins? They must be really valuable. 硬币?他们一定非常有价值。 

7. I’ll show you my stamps too. I’ve collected stamps from all over the world. 我也会给你看我的邮票。我从全国各地收集邮票。

8. My hobby doesn’t cost as much as yours. 我的爱好不会像你的一样花费很多钱。

9. People usually collect things just to remember something important in their lives. 人们通常会收集东西,仅仅是为了纪念他们生活中一些重要的事情。

10. Many students have hobbies, such as reading, painting and looking after animals. 很多学生都有爱好,比如阅读、绘画和照顾动物。

11. Some hobbies are relaxing and others are active. 一些爱好是令人放松的,其他一些是活跃的。

12. Hobbies can make you grow as a person, develop your interests and help you learn new skills. 爱好能够帮助你成长、发展你的兴趣和帮助你学习新技能。

13. One of his hobbies is writing. 他的爱好之一是写作。

14. During the summer of 2010, he spent four weeks at a summer camp. 2010年夏天,他花四周进行了一次夏令营。

15. As well as the usual activities, there was a writing class. 除了通常的活动,还有一节写作课。

16. He asked us to talk about our lives and tell interesting stories. 他让我们讨论我们的生活,讲有趣的故事。

17. She encouraged us to write about our experiences at the camp. 她鼓励我们写我们在夏令营的经历。

18. As a result, David has become a successful young writer. 结果,大卫成为了一名成功的青年作家。

19. His book came out in 2012. 他的书再2012年出版了。

20. His hobby has brought him pleasure and success. 他的爱好给他带来了快了和成功。

21. He is also interested in many other things. 他也对很多其他的事情感兴趣。

22. I spend some of my free time playing volleyball. 我花费一些业余时间打排球。


1.主+系+表语(S+V+P)   My father isa teacher.

2.主语+谓语(不及物动词)(S+V)  Wework hard at English .

3.主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语(S+V+O)  Heenjoys music very much.


She cooked us a delicious dinner.


I often hear her sing in the next room.

6.There be +主语   There is a bird in the tree.

优惠下载: 。 整理的《新思维研究生英语课文翻译,其中翻译的每段均有段落号,与原文的段落号一致,排版美观,方便直接下载打印使用。目录及文章标题如下: Unit 1 Schooling   Reading 1 Marva Collins’ Way   Reading 2 Why Tough Teachers Get Good Results Unit 2 Music   Reading 1 The Mozart Effect: How Music Makes You Smarter   Reading 2 “Mozart Effect” Dispelled: Music Study Does Not Make Children Smarter Unit 3 Language   Reading 1 Travel Language   Reading 2 From English to Chinglish: The Globalization of Language Unit 4 Entertainment   Reading 1 The Not So Wonderful World of Disney   Reading 2 Think Like an Iconoclast: The Principles of Walt Disney’s Success Unit 5 The Internet   Reading 1 In Search of Serendipity   Reading 2 The Internet Doesn’t Hurt People — People Do: “The New Digital Age” Unit 6 Dictionary   Reading 1 Principles and Methods of Modern Dictionary-Making   Reading 2 Principles and Methods of Traditional Dictionary-Making—Based on the First Oxford English Dictionary Unit 7 Elite Education   Reading 1 The Disadvantages of an Elite Education   Reading 2 Is Harvard Worth It? Unit 8 Travel   Reading 1 Answer the Call of the Wild   Reading 2 Impacts of Tourism on the Environment Unit 9 Beauty   Reading 1 An Obsession with Looks   Reading 2 The Price of Beauty Unit 10 Artificial Intelligence   Passage 1 Why Does Artificial Intelligence Scare Us So Much?   Passage 2 Artificial Intelligence Poised a New Wave Unit 11 Globalization   Reading 1 Slowbalization: The Steam Has Gone Out of Globalization   Reading 2 The New-Old Globalization Unit 12 Social Problems   Reading 1 Say No to Drugs: World War Three   Reading 2 Marijuana Legalization: A Response to the Failure of the War on Drugs




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