每个python文件就是一个模块、模块的名字就是_每个Python文件都可以作为一个模块,模块的名字就是 的名字_学小易找答案...

【单选题】9.3 The management of XYZ Co has annual credit sales of $20 million and accounts receivable of $4 million. Working capital is financed by an overdraft at 12% interest per year. Assume 365 days in a year. What is the annual finance cost saving if the management reduces the collection period to 60 days?



【单选题】在横线处填入下列句子,顺序最恰当的一项是 胡同,是北京特有的一种古老的城市小巷, ________,________。________。________,________。 1明清以后又不断发展,最多时有6000多条 2这些地区都是您感受胡同文化的好去处 3据统计,北京现有胡同1000多条,纵横交错,织成了荟萃万千的老北京景观 4现今胡同景观保存相对完好的区域有东城区、西城区和前门地区 5最早起源于元代 (3.0分)


【简答题】1.中国文化传承的四个阶段? 2.原始歌谣的特点是什么?


【单选题】下列句子没有使用修辞手法的一项是 (3.0分)

【填空题】每个模块都有一个 属性,使程序块智能在模块自身运行时执行


【填空题】Why is John struggling to find a job? • Vacancies don’t suit his 1) ______. • No jobs suit his 2) ________. • He has not heard back from 3) ____________. How did We Connect Students change John’s situation? • John posted a 4) ___________. • Employers searched for John’s 5) ________. • Employers 6) ___________ John directly. • John was invited to an 7)___________.

【填空题】如果要搜索模块的路径,可以使用sys模块的 变量。



【单选题】在马鹿茸中 ,具有1个侧枝的习称()

【多选题】系动物病理性产物的中药有 ( )

【听力题】Watch the video clip twice and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Task 08.mpg




【单选题】已知EXCEL某工作中的D1单元格等于1,D2单元格等于2,D3单元格等于3,D4单元格等于4,D5单元格等于5,D6单元格等于6,则sum(D1:D3,D6)的结果是 (2.0分)



【填空题】为了更好地组织模块,通常会把多个模块放在一个 中

【单选题】下列加点字注音不正确的一项是 (3.0分)

【多选题】天然 牛黄的鉴别特征有 ( )

【简答题】9.4 ABC Co is considering a change of credit policy which will result in an increase in the average collection period from one to two months. The relaxation in credit is expected to produce an increase in sales in each year amounting to 25% of the current sale volume. Selling price per unit $10 Variable cost per unit $8.50 Current annual sales $2,400,000 The cost of capital is 20%. Assume that the 25% increase in sales would result in additional inventories of $100,000 and additional accounts payable of $20,000. Advise the company on whether or not to extend the credit period offered to customers, if: All customers take the longer credit of two months Existing customers do not change their payment habits, and only the new customers take a full two months credit

【填空题】每个Python文件都可以作为一个模块,模块的名字就是 的名字

【单选题】下列加点词语使用错误的一项是 (3.0分)



【简答题】9.2 ABC Ltd is considering a proposal to change its credit policy from allowing debtors credit of 2 months to credit of 3 months. Sales are currently £600,000 p.a. and as a result of the proposed change will increase by 15%. The contribution/ sales ratio is 20% and the cost of capital is 10%. Required Should the proposed change be made?



【单选题】下面句子没有语病的一项是 (3.0分)

【单选题】下列词语中没有错别字的一项是 (3.0分)

【填空题】要调用random模块的randint函数,书写形式为 。

【单选题】下列有关名著知识及文学文化常识的说法,无误的一项是 (3.0分)


【单选题】麝香来源于动物的 ()

【填空题】二、填空题( 每空 1分,共 9 分 ) 8. ( 1 ) ____________,并怡然自乐。 ( 2 ) 气蒸云梦泽, ______________。 ( 3 ) 《关雎》中统摄全诗的句子或表现小伙子一般都喜欢美丽而贤惠的姑娘的句子是: ____________,____________。 ( 4 ) 《小石潭记》中作者抓住景物的特点,运用形象的比喻,描写溪身、溪水的语句是: ____________,____________。 ( 5)______________,胡为乎泥中? ( 6)青青子衿,______________。 ( 7)______________,如三月兮。 (9.0分)



【单选题】在 Excel 数据透视表的数据区域默认的字段汇总方式是 (2.0分)

【单选题】在 Excel 2010 中,进行分类汇总之前,我们必须对数据清单进行 (2.0分)

【判断题】适筋破坏与超筋破坏的界限相对受压区高度 的确定依据是平截面假定。( )

【判断题】适筋破坏的特征是破坏始自于受拉钢筋的屈服,然后混凝土受压破坏。( )

【单选题】如果Excel某单元格显示为####,这表示 (2.0分)

【判断题】正常使用条件下的钢筋混凝土梁处于梁工作的第III阶段。( )






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