


【论述题】老师10月份中上旬的花费。存在文件中的数据读取后,需要抽取10月中上旬的信息中的关于花费的信息,办法很多,可以用split等,也可以用正则表达式来处理。 pay.txt

【其它】翻译下列交通工具: 1.bike 2. bus 3. car 4. bicyle 5. plane 6. scooter 7. train 8. underground 9. moterbike 10 subway (10.0分)

【填空题】Python 程序文件扩展名主要有__________和________两种,其中后者常用于GUI程序。

【填空题】Python 源代码程序编译后的文件扩展名为_________。

【其它】请利用已学知识做一个成绩管理系统,实现如下功能。 1.新建学生信息(姓名,语文,数学,计算机,总成绩) 2.显示全部信息 3.查询学生信息 4.删除学生信息 5.修改学生信息 提示(先将待完善的内容完善): str_welcome="""***************************** 欢迎使用软件1171班***制作的学生信息管理系统 请选择您需要进行的操作 1.新建学生信息(姓名,语文,数学,计算机,总成绩) 2.显示全部信息 3.查询学生信息 4.删除学生信息 5.修改学生信息 0.退出系统 *******************************""" stu_list=[{"name":"祝国承","语文":98,"数学":89,"计算机":85,"total":272}, {"name":"张达","语文":98,"数学":89,"计算机":85,"total":272}, {"name":"冉承民","语文":98,"数学":89,"计算机":85,"total":272}, {"name":"王月锐","语文":98,"数学":89,"计算机":85,"total":272},] while True: print(str_welcome) actions=input("请输入您想要进行的操作") if actions=='1': name=input("请输入学生姓名:") chinese=int(input("请输入学生语文成绩:")) math=int(input("请输入学生姓名数学成绩:")) computer=int(input("请输入学生计算机成绩:")) total=chinese+math+computer stuu={ "name":name, "语文":chinese, "数学":math, "计算机":computer, "total":total} stu_list.append(stuu) ## elif actions=='2':#待完善 ## elif actions=='3':#待完善 ## ## elif actions=='4':#待完善 ## elif actions=='5':#待完善 ## elif actions=='0':#待完善 提示2:上述提示是最原始的接近C语言的做法,大家可以尝试利用各种python中的函数等更简单的完成我们的信息管理系统。


【简答题】各位同学: 请将小组实践报告以附件形式提交。


【单选题】4. What does “stove-sick” mean in “...how could he enjoy anything when he was so stove-sick?” in para.18?






usually ________ (walk), but today I ___________ (take) the bus because it ________ (rain). (3.0分)

【其它】课后作业 第二题 资讯系统问题反映单




【填空题】Python 标准库math中用来计算平方根的函数是__________。


【简答题】If you meet the true love, what will you do? Take the initiative to pursue or be passive to wait? Illustrate your opinion at least 100 words.




wife _______ (check) her emails all the time. She _________ (sit) in an Internet café now

because our connection at home isn’t working. (2.0分)





【简答题】What are the benefits of letting the kids rule the school? Please list the advantages and disadvantages that may exist in100 words.

【判断题】9999**9999 这样的命令在Python中无法运行。

【判断题】Python 变量名必须以字母或下划线开头,并且区分字母大小写。

【填空题】1 How often do you go to work____ ( by/on) foot? 2 How often do you travel___ ( by/on) train? 3 How often do you ____( drive/ride) a car? 4 How often do you_____ ( take/drive) a taxi home? 5 How often do you_____ ( ride/take) the underground? (5.0分)


underground is never late. It always ________ (leave) on time. (1.0分)


I ________ (finish) work at 6:00, but this week I ____________ (work) until 7:00. (2.0分)

【连线题】连线 (5.0分)

【单选题】3. Which statement describing a stove’s look is not true?

【单选题】2. What is the finest thing in the world in cold winter as to the old Watchdog?


always _______ (stay) at the airport hotel before flying. (1.0分)



【单选题】1. Why did the old Watchdog say that the sun will teach the Snow Man how to run?


_______________ (work) today. I’ve got a day’s holiday. (1.0分)


【填空题】1 Rio de Janeiro ( 里约热内卢 ) is a ___________ city. 2 Louis Vuitton ( [ˈ luɪ,vɪton ] 路易威登 ) is a _________ clothes designer. 3 Messi ( 梅西 ) is an __________ soccer star. 4 Madrid ( [ məˈdrɪd ] 马德里 ) is a __________ city. 5Hong Kong is a __________ city. (5.0分)

【其它】样张: 任务二 利用模板制作邀请函.pdf 邀请函模板.docx

【简答题】What is the relationship between humans and animals? State your opinion in five sentences


【阅读理解】Juan ‘I’m working from home this week. I have some important deadlines to meet and it’s easier for me to concentrate at home.’ Ann ‘The trains aren’t running this week. The train company are on strike so I’m taking my car.’ Omar ‘My colleague’s giving me a lift to work this week. My car’s at the garage.’ Da Long ‘I’m working in our Lisbon office for six weeks so I’m staying in a hotel. I’m actually taking the boat to work every morning! I’m staying in the old town and the offices are on the other side of the river.’ (7.0分)





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


