c libxml2解析html,HTMLparser.c


* HTMLparser.c : an HTML 4.0 non-verifying parser


* See Copyright for the status of this software.


* daniel@veillard.com


#define IN_LIBXML

#include "libxml.h"


































#include "buf.h"

#include "enc.h"

#define HTML_MAX_NAMELEN 1000



/* #define DEBUG */

/* #define DEBUG_PUSH */

static int htmlOmittedDefaultValue = 1;

xmlChar * htmlDecodeEntities(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, int len,

xmlChar end, xmlChar end2, xmlChar end3);

static void htmlParseComment(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt);



*Some factorized error routines*




* htmlErrMemory:

* @ctxt: an HTML parser context

* @extra: extra information


* Handle a redefinition of attribute error


static void

htmlErrMemory(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, const char *extra)


if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->disableSAX != 0) &&

(ctxt->instate == XML_PARSER_EOF))


if (ctxt != NULL) {

ctxt->errNo = XML_ERR_NO_MEMORY;

ctxt->instate = XML_PARSER_EOF;

ctxt->disableSAX = 1;


if (extra)

__xmlRaiseError(NULL, NULL, NULL, ctxt, NULL, XML_FROM_PARSER,


NULL, NULL, 0, 0,

"Memory allocation failed : %s\n", extra);


__xmlRaiseError(NULL, NULL, NULL, ctxt, NULL, XML_FROM_PARSER,


NULL, NULL, 0, 0, "Memory allocation failed\n");



* htmlParseErr:

* @ctxt: an HTML parser context

* @error: the error number

* @msg: the error message

* @str1: string infor

* @str2: string infor


* Handle a fatal parser error, i.e. violating Well-Formedness constraints


static void LIBXML_ATTR_FORMAT(3,0)

htmlParseErr(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlParserErrors error,

const char *msg, const xmlChar *str1, const xmlChar *str2)


if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->disableSAX != 0) &&

(ctxt->instate == XML_PARSER_EOF))


if (ctxt != NULL)

ctxt->errNo = error;

__xmlRaiseError(NULL, NULL, NULL, ctxt, NULL, XML_FROM_HTML, error,


(const char *) str1, (const char *) str2,

NULL, 0, 0,

msg, str1, str2);

if (ctxt != NULL)

ctxt->wellFormed = 0;



* htmlParseErrInt:

* @ctxt: an HTML parser context

* @error: the error number

* @msg: the error message

* @val: integer info


* Handle a fatal parser error, i.e. violating Well-Formedness constraints


static void LIBXML_ATTR_FORMAT(3,0)

htmlParseErrInt(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlParserErrors error,

const char *msg, int val)


if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->disableSAX != 0) &&

(ctxt->instate == XML_PARSER_EOF))


if (ctxt != NULL)

ctxt->errNo = error;

__xmlRaiseError(NULL, NULL, NULL, ctxt, NULL, XML_FROM_HTML, error,


NULL, val, 0, msg, val);

if (ctxt != NULL)

ctxt->wellFormed = 0;




*Parser stacks related functions and macros*




* htmlnamePush:

* @ctxt: an HTML parser context

* @value: the element name


* Pushes a new element name on top of the name stack


* Returns 0 in case of error, the index in the stack otherwise


static int

htmlnamePush(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, const xmlChar * value)


if ((ctxt->html < 3) && (xmlStrEqual(value, BAD_CAST "head")))

ctxt->html = 3;

if ((ctxt->html < 10) && (xmlStrEqual(value, BAD_CAST "body")))

ctxt->html = 10;

if (ctxt->nameNr >= ctxt->nameMax) {

ctxt->nameMax *= 2;

ctxt->nameTab = (const xmlChar * *)

xmlRealloc((xmlChar * *)ctxt->nameTab,

ctxt->nameMax *


if (ctxt->nameTab == NULL) {

htmlErrMemory(ctxt, NULL);

return (0);



ctxt->nameTab[ctxt->nameNr] = value;

ctxt->name = value;

return (ctxt->nameNr++);



* htmlnamePop:

* @ctxt: an HTML parser context


* Pops the top element name from the name stack


* Returns the name just removed


static const xmlChar *

htmlnamePop(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt)


const xmlChar *ret;

if (ctxt->nameNr <= 0)

return (NULL);


if (ctxt->nameNr < 0)

return (NULL);

if (ctxt->nameNr > 0)

ctxt->name = ctxt->nameTab[ctxt->nameNr - 1];


ctxt->name = NULL;

ret = ctxt->nameTab[ctxt->nameNr];

ctxt->nameTab[ctxt->nameNr] = NULL;

return (ret);



* htmlNodeInfoPush:

* @ctxt: an HTML parser context

* @value: the node info


* Pushes a new element name on top of the node info stack


* Returns 0 in case of error, the index in the stack otherwise


static int

htmlNodeInfoPush(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, htmlParserNodeInfo *value)


if (ctxt->nodeInfoNr >= ctxt->nodeInfoMax) {

if (ctxt->nodeInfoMax == 0)

ctxt->nodeInfoMax = 5;

ctxt->nodeInfoMax *= 2;

ctxt->nodeInfoTab = (htmlParserNodeInfo *)

xmlRealloc((htmlParserNodeInfo *)ctxt->nodeInfoTab,

ctxt->nodeInfoMax *


if (ctxt->nodeInfoTab == NULL) {

htmlErrMemory(ctxt, NULL);

return (0);



ctxt->nodeInfoTab[ctxt->nodeInfoNr] = *value;

ctxt->nodeInfo = &ctxt->nodeInfoTab[ctxt->nodeInfoNr];

return (ctxt->nodeInfoNr++);



* htmlNodeInfoPop:

* @ctxt: an HTML parser context


* Pops the top element name from the node info stack


* Returns 0 in case of error, the pointer to NodeInfo otherwise


static htmlParserNodeInfo *

htmlNodeInfoPop(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt)


if (ctxt->nodeInfoNr <= 0)

return (NULL);


if (ctxt->nodeInfoNr < 0)

return (NULL);

if (ctxt->nodeInfoNr > 0)

ctxt->nodeInfo = &ctxt->nodeInfoTab[ctxt->nodeInfoNr - 1];


ctxt->nodeInfo = NULL;

return &ctxt->nodeInfoTab[ctxt->nodeInfoNr];



* Macros for accessing the content. Those should be used only by the parser,

* and not exported.


* Dirty macros, i.e. one need to make assumption on the context to use them


* CUR_PTR return the current pointer to the xmlChar to be parsed.

* CUR returns the current xmlChar value, i.e. a 8 bit value if compiled

* in ISO-Latin or UTF-8, and the current 16 bit value if compiled

* in UNICODE mode. This should be used internally by the parser

* only to compare to ASCII values otherwise it would break when

* running with UTF-8 encoding.

* NXT(n) returns the n'th next xmlChar. Same as CUR is should be used only

* to compare on ASCII based substring.

* UPP(n) returns the n'th next xmlChar converted to uppercase. Same as CUR

* it should be used only to compare on ASCII based substring.

* SKIP(n) Skip n xmlChar, and must also be used only to skip ASCII defined

* strings without newlines within the parser.


* Clean macros, not dependent of an ASCII context, expect UTF-8 encoding


* CURRENT Returns the current char value, with the full decoding of

* UTF-8 if we are using this mode. It returns an int.

* NEXT Skip to the next character, this does the proper decoding

* in UTF-8 mode. It also pop-up unfinished entities on the fly.

* NEXTL(l) Skip the current unicode character of l xmlChars long.

* COPY(to) copy one char to *to, increment CUR_PTR and to accordingly


#define UPPER (toupper(*ctxt->input->cur))

#define SKIP(val) ctxt->input->cur += (val),ctxt->input->col+=(val)

#define NXT(val) ctxt->input->cur[(val)]

#define UPP(val) (toupper(ctxt->input->cur[(val)]))

#define CUR_PTR ctxt->input->cur

#define BASE_PTR ctxt->input->base

#define SHRINK if ((ctxt->input->cur - ctxt->input->base > 2 * INPUT_CHUNK) && \

(ctxt->input->end - ctxt->input->cur < 2 * INPUT_CHUNK)) \


#define GROW if ((ctxt->progressive == 0) &&\

(ctxt->input->end - ctxt->input->cur < INPUT_CHUNK))\

xmlParserInputGrow(ctxt->input, INPUT_CHUNK)

#define CURRENT ((int) (*ctxt->input->cur))

#define SKIP_BLANKS htmlSkipBlankChars(ctxt)

/* Imported from XML */

/* #define CUR (ctxt->token ? ctxt->token : (int) (*ctxt->input->cur)) */

#define CUR ((int) (*ctxt->input->cur))

#define NEXT xmlNextChar(ctxt)

#define RAW (ctxt->token ? -1 : (*ctxt->input->cur))

#define NEXTL(l) do {\

if (*(ctxt->input->cur) == '\n') {\

ctxt->input->line++; ctxt->input->col = 1;\

} else ctxt->input->col++;\

ctxt->token = 0; ctxt->input->cur += l;\

} while (0)



if (*ctxt->input->cur == '%') xmlParserHandlePEReference(ctxt);\

if (*ctxt->input->cur == '&') xmlParserHandleReference(ctxt);


#define CUR_CHAR(l) htmlCurrentChar(ctxt, &l)

#define CUR_SCHAR(s, l) xmlStringCurrentChar(ctxt, s, &l)

#define COPY_BUF(l,b,i,v)\

if (l == 1) b[i++] = (xmlChar) v;\

else i += xmlCopyChar(l,&b[i],v)


* htmlFindEncoding:

* @the HTML parser context


* Ty to find and encoding in the current data available in the input

* buffer this is needed to try to switch to the proper encoding when

* one face a character error.

* That's an heuristic, since it's operating outside of parsing it could

* try to use a meta which had been commented out, that's the reason it

* should only be used in case of error, not as a default.


* Returns an encoding string or NULL if not found, the string need to

* be freed


static xmlChar *

htmlFindEncoding(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {

const xmlChar *start, *cur, *end;

if ((ctxt == NULL) || (ctxt->input == NULL) ||

(ctxt->input->encoding != NULL) || (ctxt->input->buf == NULL) ||

(ctxt->input->buf->encoder != NULL))


if ((ctxt->input->cur == NULL) || (ctxt->input->end == NULL))


start = ctxt->input->cur;

end = ctxt->input->end;

/* we also expect the input buffer to be zero terminated */

if (*end != 0)


cur = xmlStrcasestr(start, BAD_CAST "HTTP-EQUIV");

if (cur == NULL)


cur = xmlStrcasestr(cur, BAD_CAST "CONTENT");

if (cur == NULL)


cur = xmlStrcasestr(cur, BAD_CAST "CHARSET=");

if (cur == NULL)


cur += 8;

start = cur;

while (((*cur >= 'A') && (*cur <= 'Z')) ||

((*cur >= 'a') && (*cur <= 'z')) ||

((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9')) ||

(*cur == '-') || (*cur == '_') || (*cur == ':') || (*cur == '/'))


if (cur == start)


return(xmlStrndup(start, cur - start));



* htmlCurrentChar:

* @ctxt: the HTML parser context

* @len: pointer to the length of the char read


* The current char value, if using UTF-8 this may actually span multiple

* bytes in the input buffer. Implement the end of line normalization:

* 2.11 End-of-Line Handling

* If the encoding is unspecified, in the case we find an ISO-Latin-1

* char, then the encoding converter is plugged in automatically.


* Returns the current char value and its length


static int

htmlCurrentChar(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, int *len) {

const unsigned char *cur;

unsigned char c;

unsigned int val;

if (ctxt->instate == XML_PARSER_EOF)


if (ctxt->token != 0) {

*len = 0;



if (ctxt->charset != XML_CHAR_ENCODING_UTF8) {

xmlChar * guess;

xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr handler;


* Assume it's a fixed length encoding (1) with

* a compatible encoding for the ASCII set, since

* HTML constructs only use < 128 chars


if ((int) *ctxt->input->cur < 0x80) {

*len = 1;

if ((*ctxt->input->cur == 0) &&

(ctxt->input->cur < ctxt->input->end)) {

htmlParseErrInt(ctxt, XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR,

"Char 0x%X out of allowed range\n", 0);

return(' ');


return((int) *ctxt->input->cur);



* Humm this is bad, do an automatic flow conversion


guess = htmlFindEncoding(ctxt);

if (guess == NULL) {

xmlSwitchEncoding(ctxt, XML_CHAR_ENCODING_8859_1);

} else {

if (ctxt->input->encoding != NULL)

xmlFree((xmlChar *) ctxt->input->encoding);

ctxt->input->encoding = guess;

handler = xmlFindCharEncodingHandler((const char *) guess);

if (handler != NULL) {

xmlSwitchToEncoding(ctxt, handler);

} else {


"Unsupported encoding %s", guess, NULL);



ctxt->charset = XML_CHAR_ENCODING_UTF8;



* We are supposed to handle UTF8, check it's valid

* From rfc2044: encoding of the Unicode values on UTF-8:


* UCS-4 range (hex.) UTF-8 octet sequence (binary)

* 0000 0000-0000 007F 0xxxxxxx

* 0000 0080-0000 07FF 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx

* 0000 0800-0000 FFFF 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx


* Check for the 0x110000 limit too


cur = ctxt->input->cur;

c = *cur;

if (c & 0x80) {

if ((c & 0x40) == 0)

goto encoding_error;

if (cur[1] == 0) {

xmlParserInputGrow(ctxt->input, INPUT_CHUNK);

cur = ctxt->input->cur;


if ((cur[1] & 0xc0) != 0x80)

goto encoding_error;

if ((c & 0xe0) == 0xe0) {

if (cur[2] == 0) {

xmlParserInputGrow(ctxt->input, INPUT_CHUNK);

cur = ctxt->input->cur;


if ((cur[2] & 0xc0) != 0x80)

goto encoding_error;

if ((c & 0xf0) == 0xf0) {

if (cur[3] == 0) {

xmlParserInputGrow(ctxt->input, INPUT_CHUNK);

cur = ctxt->input->cur;


if (((c & 0xf8) != 0xf0) ||

((cur[3] & 0xc0) != 0x80))

goto encoding_error;

/* 4-byte code */

*len = 4;

val = (cur[0] & 0x7) << 18;

val |= (cur[1] & 0x3f) << 12;

val |= (cur[2] & 0x3f) << 6;

val |= cur[3] & 0x3f;

if (val < 0x10000)

goto encoding_error;

} else {

/* 3-byte code */

*len = 3;

val = (cur[0] & 0xf) << 12;

val |= (cur[1] & 0x3f) << 6;

val |= cur[2] & 0x3f;

if (val < 0x800)

goto encoding_error;


} else {

/* 2-byte code */

*len = 2;

val = (cur[0] & 0x1f) << 6;

val |= cur[1] & 0x3f;

if (val < 0x80)

goto encoding_error;


if (!IS_CHAR(val)) {

htmlParseErrInt(ctxt, XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR,

"Char 0x%X out of allowed range\n", val);



} else {

if ((*ctxt->input->cur == 0) &&

(ctxt->input->cur < ctxt->input->end)) {

htmlParseErrInt(ctxt, XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR,

"Char 0x%X out of allowed range\n", 0);

*len = 1;

return(' ');


/* 1-byte code */

*len = 1;

return((int) *ctxt->input->cur);




* If we detect an UTF8 error that probably mean that the

* input encoding didn't get properly advertised in the

* declaration header. Report the error and switch the encoding

* to ISO-Latin-1 (if you don't like this policy, just declare the

* encoding !)



char buffer[150];

if (ctxt->input->end - ctxt->input->cur >= 4) {

snprintf(buffer, 149, "Bytes: 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X\n",

ctxt->input->cur[0], ctxt->input->cur[1],

ctxt->input->cur[2], ctxt->input->cur[3]);

} else {

snprintf(buffer, 149, "Bytes: 0x%02X\n", ctxt->input->cur[0]);



"Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding !\n",

BAD_CAST buffer, NULL);


ctxt->charset = XML_CHAR_ENCODING_8859_1;

*len = 1;

return((int) *ctxt->input->cur);



* htmlSkipBlankChars:

* @ctxt: the HTML parser context


* skip all blanks character found at that point in the input streams.


* Returns the number of space chars skipped


static int

htmlSkipBlankChars(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {

int res = 0;

while (IS_BLANK_CH(*(ctxt->input->cur))) {

if ((*ctxt->input->cur == 0) &&

(xmlParserInputGrow(ctxt->input, INPUT_CHUNK) <= 0)) {


} else {

if (*(ctxt->input->cur) == '\n') {

ctxt->input->line++; ctxt->input->col = 1;

} else ctxt->input->col++;


if (*ctxt->input->cur == 0)

xmlParserInputGrow(ctxt->input, INPUT_CHUNK);








*The list of HTML elements and their properties*




* Start Tag: 1 means the start tag can be omitted

* End Tag: 1 means the end tag can be omitted

* 2 means it's forbidden (empty elements)

* 3 means the tag is stylistic and should be closed easily

* Depr: this element is deprecated

* DTD: 1 means that this element is valid only in the Loose DTD

* 2 means that this element is valid only in the Frameset DTD


* Name,Start Tag,End Tag,Save End,Empty,Deprecated,DTD,inline,Description

, subElements , impliedsubelt , Attributes, userdata


/* Definitions and a couple of vars for HTML Elements */

#define FONTSTYLE "tt", "i", "b", "u", "s", "strike", "big", "small"

#define NB_FONTSTYLE 8

#define PHRASE "em", "strong", "dfn", "code", "samp", "kbd", "var", "cite", "abbr", "acronym"

#define NB_PHRASE 10

#define SPECIAL "a", "img", "applet", "embed", "object", "font", "basefont", "br", "script", "map", "q", "sub", "sup", "span", "bdo", "iframe"

#define NB_SPECIAL 16



#define BLOCK HEADING, LIST, "pre", "p", "dl", "div", "center", "noscript", "noframes", "blockquote", "form", "isindex", "hr", "table", "fieldset", "address"


#define FORMCTRL "input", "select", "textarea", "label", "button"

#define NB_FORMCTRL 5

#define PCDATA

#define NB_PCDATA 0

#define HEADING "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"

#define NB_HEADING 6

#define LIST "ul", "ol", "dir", "menu"

#define NB_LIST 4

#define MODIFIER

#define NB_MODIFIER 0



#define EMPTY NULL

static const char* const html_flow[] = { FLOW, NULL } ;

static const char* const html_inline[] = { INLINE, NULL } ;

/* placeholders: elts with content but no subelements */

static const char* const html_pcdata[] = { NULL } ;

#define html_cdata html_pcdata

/* ... and for HTML Attributes */

#define COREATTRS "id", "class", "style", "title"

#define NB_COREATTRS 4

#define I18N "lang", "dir"

#define NB_I18N 2

#define EVENTS "onclick", "ondblclick", "onmousedown", "onmouseup", "onmouseover", "onmouseout", "onkeypress", "onkeydown", "onkeyup"

#define NB_EVENTS 9



#define CELLHALIGN "align", "char", "charoff"


#define CELLVALIGN "valign"


static const char* const html_attrs[] = { ATTRS, NULL } ;

static const char* const core_i18n_attrs[] = { COREATTRS, I18N, NULL } ;

static const char* const core_attrs[] = { COREATTRS, NULL } ;

static const char* const i18n_attrs[] = { I18N, NULL } ;

/* Other declarations that should go inline ... */

static const char* const a_attrs[] = { ATTRS, "charset", "type", "name",

"href", "hreflang", "rel", "rev", "accesskey", "shape", "coords",

"tabindex", "onfocus", "onblur", NULL } ;

static const char* const target_attr[] = { "target", NULL } ;

static const char* const rows_cols_attr[] = { "rows", "cols", NULL } ;

static const char* const alt_attr[] = { "alt", NULL } ;

static const char* const src_alt_attrs[] = { "src", "alt", NULL } ;

static const char* const href_attrs[] = { "href", NULL } ;

static const char* const clear_attrs[] = { "clear", NULL } ;

static const char* const inline_p[] = { INLINE, "p", NULL } ;

static const char* const flow_param[] = { FLOW, "param", NULL } ;

static const char* const applet_attrs[] = { COREATTRS , "codebase",

"archive", "alt", "name", "height", "width", "align",

"hspace", "vspace", NULL } ;

static const char* const area_attrs[] = { "shape", "coords", "href", "nohref",

"tabindex", "accesskey", "onfocus", "onblur", NULL } ;

static const char* const basefont_attrs[] =

{ "id", "size", "color", "face", NULL } ;

static const char* const quote_attrs[] = { ATTRS, "cite", NULL } ;

static const char* const body_contents[] = { FLOW, "ins", "del", NULL } ;

static const char* const body_attrs[] = { ATTRS, "onload", "onunload", NULL } ;

static const char* const body_depr[] = { "background", "bgcolor", "text",

"link", "vlink", "alink", NULL } ;

static const char* const button_attrs[] = { ATTRS, "name", "value", "type",

"disabled", "tabindex", "accesskey", "onfocus", "onblur", NULL } ;

static const char* const col_attrs[] = { ATTRS, "span", "width", CELLHALIGN, CELLVALIGN, NULL } ;

static const char* const col_elt[] = { "col", NULL } ;

static const char* const edit_attrs[] = { ATTRS, "datetime", "cite", NULL } ;

static const char* const compact_attrs[] = { ATTRS, "compact", NULL } ;

static const char* const dl_contents[] = { "dt", "dd", NULL } ;

static const char* const compact_attr[] = { "compact", NULL } ;

static const char* const label_attr[] = { "label", NULL } ;

static const char* const fieldset_contents[] = { FLOW, "legend" } ;

static const char* const font_attrs[] = { COREATTRS, I18N, "size", "color", "face" , NULL } ;

static const char* const form_contents[] = { HEADING, LIST, INLINE, "pre", "p", "div", "center", "noscript", "noframes", "blockquote", "isindex", "hr", "table", "fieldset", "address", NULL } ;

static const char* const form_attrs[] = { ATTRS, "method", "enctype", "accept", "name", "onsubmit", "onreset", "accept-charset", NULL } ;

static const char* const frame_attrs[] = { COREATTRS, "longdesc", "name", "src", "frameborder", "marginwidth", "marginheight", "noresize", "scrolling" , NULL } ;

static const char* const frameset_attrs[] = { COREATTRS, "rows", "cols", "onload", "onunload", NULL } ;

static const char* const frameset_contents[] = { "frameset", "frame", "noframes", NULL } ;

static const char* const head_attrs[] = { I18N, "profile", NULL } ;

static const char* const head_contents[] = { "title", "isindex", "base", "script", "style", "meta", "link", "object", NULL } ;

static const char* const hr_depr[] = { "align", "noshade", "size", "width", NULL } ;

static const char* const version_attr[] = { "version", NULL } ;

static const char* const html_content[] = { "head", "body", "frameset", NULL } ;

static const char* const iframe_attrs[] = { COREATTRS, "longdesc", "name", "src", "frameborder", "marginwidth", "marginheight", "scrolling", "align", "height", "width", NULL } ;

static const char* const img_attrs[] = { ATTRS, "longdesc", "name", "height", "width", "usemap", "ismap", NULL } ;

static const char* const embed_attrs[] = { COREATTRS, "align", "alt", "border", "code", "codebase", "frameborder", "height", "hidden", "hspace", "name", "palette", "pluginspace", "pluginurl", "src", "type", "units", "vspace", "width", NULL } ;

static const char* const input_attrs[] = { ATTRS, "type", "name", "value", "checked", "disabled", "readonly", "size", "maxlength", "src", "alt", "usemap", "ismap", "tabindex", "accesskey", "onfocus", "onblur", "onselect", "onchange", "accept", NULL } ;

static const char* const prompt_attrs[] = { COREATTRS, I18N, "prompt", NULL } ;

static const char* const label_attrs[] = { ATTRS, "for", "accesskey", "onfocus", "onblur", NULL } ;

static const char* const legend_attrs[] = { ATTRS, "accesskey", NULL } ;

static const char* const align_attr[] = { "align", NULL } ;

static const char* const link_attrs[] = { ATTRS, "charset", "href", "hreflang", "type", "rel", "rev", "media", NULL } ;

static const char* const map_contents[] = { BLOCK, "area", NULL } ;

static const char* const name_attr[] = { "name", NULL } ;

static const char* const action_attr[] = { "action", NULL } ;

static const char* const blockli_elt[] = { BLOCK, "li", NULL } ;

static const char* const meta_attrs[] = { I18N, "http-equiv", "name", "scheme", "charset", NULL } ;

static const char* const content_attr[] = { "content", NULL } ;

static const char* const type_attr[] = { "type", NULL } ;

static const char* const noframes_content[] = { "body", FLOW MODIFIER, NULL } ;

static const char* const object_contents[] = { FLOW, "param", NULL } ;

static const char* const object_attrs[] = { ATTRS, "declare", "classid", "codebase", "data", "type", "codetype", "archive", "standby", "height", "width", "usemap", "name", "tabindex", NULL } ;

static const char* const object_depr[] = { "align", "border", "hspace", "vspace", NULL } ;

static const char* const ol_attrs[] = { "type", "compact", "start", NULL} ;

static const char* const option_elt[] = { "option", NULL } ;

static const char* const optgroup_attrs[] = { ATTRS, "disabled", NULL } ;

static const char* const option_attrs[] = { ATTRS, "disabled", "label", "selected", "value", NULL } ;

static const char* const param_attrs[] = { "id", "value", "valuetype", "type", NULL } ;

static const char* const width_attr[] = { "width", NULL } ;

static const char* const pre_content[] = { PHRASE, "tt", "i", "b", "u", "s", "strike", "a", "br", "script", "map", "q", "span", "bdo", "iframe", NULL } ;

static const char* const script_attrs[] = { "charset", "src", "defer", "event", "for", NULL } ;

static const char* const language_attr[] = { "language", NULL } ;

static const char* const select_content[] = { "optgroup", "option", NULL } ;

static const char* const select_attrs[] = { ATTRS, "name", "size", "multiple", "disabled", "tabindex", "onfocus", "onblur", "onchange", NULL } ;

static const char* const style_attrs[] = { I18N, "media", "title", NULL } ;

static const char* const table_attrs[] = { ATTRS, "summary", "width", "border", "frame", "rules", "cellspacing", "cellpadding", "datapagesize", NULL } ;

static const char* const table_depr[] = { "align", "bgcolor", NULL } ;

static const char* const table_contents[] = { "caption", "col", "colgroup", "thead", "tfoot", "tbody", "tr", NULL} ;

static const char* const tr_elt[] = { "tr", NULL } ;

static const char* const talign_attrs[] = { ATTRS, CELLHALIGN, CELLVALIGN, NULL} ;

static const char* const th_td_depr[] = { "nowrap", "bgcolor", "width", "height", NULL } ;

static const char* const th_td_attr[] = { ATTRS, "abbr", "axis", "headers", "scope", "rowspan", "colspan", CELLHALIGN, CELLVALIGN, NULL } ;

static const char* const textarea_attrs[] = { ATTRS, "name", "disabled", "readonly", "tabindex", "accesskey", "onfocus", "onblur", "onselect", "onchange", NULL } ;

static const char* const tr_contents[] = { "th", "td", NULL } ;

static const char* const bgcolor_attr[] = { "bgcolor", NULL } ;

static const char* const li_elt[] = { "li", NULL } ;

static const char* const ul_depr[] = { "type", "compact", NULL} ;

static const char* const dir_attr[] = { "dir", NULL} ;

#define DECL (const char**)

static const htmlElemDesc

html40ElementTable[] = {

{ "a",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "anchor ",

DECL html_inline , NULL , DECL a_attrs , DECL target_attr, NULL


{ "abbr",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "abbreviated form",

DECL html_inline , NULL , DECL html_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "acronym",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "",

DECL html_inline , NULL , DECL html_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "address",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "information on author ",

DECL inline_p , NULL , DECL html_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "applet",0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, "java applet ",

DECL flow_param , NULL , NULL , DECL applet_attrs, NULL


{ "area",0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, "client-side image map area ",

EMPTY , NULL , DECL area_attrs , DECL target_attr, DECL alt_attr


{ "b",0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "bold text style",

DECL html_inline , NULL , DECL html_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "base",0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, "document base uri ",

EMPTY , NULL , NULL , DECL target_attr, DECL href_attrs


{ "basefont",0, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, "base font size " ,

EMPTY , NULL , NULL, DECL basefont_attrs, NULL


{ "bdo",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "i18n bidi over-ride ",

DECL html_inline , NULL , DECL core_i18n_attrs, NULL, DECL dir_attr


{ "big",0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "large text style",

DECL html_inline , NULL , DECL html_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "blockquote",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "long quotation ",

DECL html_flow , NULL , DECL quote_attrs , NULL, NULL


{ "body",1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "document body ",

DECL body_contents , "div" , DECL body_attrs, DECL body_depr, NULL


{ "br",0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, "forced line break ",

EMPTY , NULL , DECL core_attrs, DECL clear_attrs , NULL


{ "button",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, "push button ",

DECL html_flow MODIFIER , NULL , DECL button_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "caption",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "table caption ",

DECL html_inline , NULL , DECL html_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "center",0, 3, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "shorthand for div align=center ",

DECL html_flow , NULL , NULL, DECL html_attrs, NULL


{ "cite",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "citation",

DECL html_inline , NULL , DECL html_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "code",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "computer code fragment",

DECL html_inline , NULL , DECL html_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "col",0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, "table column ",

EMPTY , NULL , DECL col_attrs , NULL, NULL


{ "colgroup",0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "table column group ",

DECL col_elt , "col" , DECL col_attrs , NULL, NULL


{ "dd",0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "definition description ",

DECL html_flow , NULL , DECL html_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "del",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, "deleted text ",

DECL html_flow , NULL , DECL edit_attrs , NULL, NULL


{ "dfn",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "instance definition",

DECL html_inline , NULL , DECL html_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "dir",0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "directory list",

DECL blockli_elt, "li" , NULL, DECL compact_attrs, NULL


{ "div",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "generic language/style container",

DECL html_flow, NULL, DECL html_attrs, DECL align_attr, NULL


{ "dl",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "definition list ",

DECL dl_contents , "dd" , DECL html_attrs, DECL compact_attr, NULL


{ "dt",0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "definition term ",

DECL html_inline, NULL, DECL html_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "em",0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "emphasis",

DECL html_inline, NULL, DECL html_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "embed",0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, "generic embedded object ",



{ "fieldset",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "form control group ",

DECL fieldset_contents , NULL, DECL html_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "font",0, 3, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, "local change to font ",

DECL html_inline, NULL, NULL, DECL font_attrs, NULL


{ "form",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "interactive form ",

DECL form_contents, "fieldset", DECL form_attrs , DECL target_attr, DECL action_attr


{ "frame",0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 2, 0, "subwindow " ,



{ "frameset",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, "window subdivision" ,

DECL frameset_contents, "noframes" , NULL , DECL frameset_attrs, NULL


{ "h1",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "heading ",

DECL html_inline, NULL, DECL html_attrs, DECL align_attr, NULL


{ "h2",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "heading ",

DECL html_inline, NULL, DECL html_attrs, DECL align_attr, NULL


{ "h3",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "heading ",

DECL html_inline, NULL, DECL html_attrs, DECL align_attr, NULL


{ "h4",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "heading ",

DECL html_inline, NULL, DECL html_attrs, DECL align_attr, NULL


{ "h5",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "heading ",

DECL html_inline, NULL, DECL html_attrs, DECL align_attr, NULL


{ "h6",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "heading ",

DECL html_inline, NULL, DECL html_attrs, DECL align_attr, NULL


{ "head",1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "document head ",

DECL head_contents, NULL, DECL head_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "hr",0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, "horizontal rule " ,

EMPTY, NULL, DECL html_attrs, DECL hr_depr, NULL


{ "html",1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "document root element ",

DECL html_content , NULL , DECL i18n_attrs, DECL version_attr, NULL


{ "i",0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "italic text style",

DECL html_inline, NULL, DECL html_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "iframe",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, "inline subwindow ",

DECL html_flow, NULL, NULL, DECL iframe_attrs, NULL


{ "img",0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, "embedded image ",

EMPTY, NULL, DECL img_attrs, DECL align_attr, DECL src_alt_attrs


{ "input",0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, "form control ",

EMPTY, NULL, DECL input_attrs , DECL align_attr, NULL


{ "ins",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, "inserted text",

DECL html_flow, NULL, DECL edit_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "isindex",0, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, "single line prompt ",

EMPTY, NULL, NULL, DECL prompt_attrs, NULL


{ "kbd",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "text to be entered by the user",

DECL html_inline, NULL, DECL html_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "label",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "form field label text ",

DECL html_inline MODIFIER, NULL, DECL label_attrs , NULL, NULL


{ "legend",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "fieldset legend ",

DECL html_inline, NULL, DECL legend_attrs , DECL align_attr, NULL


{ "li",0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "list item ",

DECL html_flow, NULL, DECL html_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "link",0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, "a media-independent link ",

EMPTY, NULL, DECL link_attrs, DECL target_attr, NULL


{ "map",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, "client-side image map ",

DECL map_contents , NULL, DECL html_attrs , NULL, DECL name_attr


{ "menu",0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "menu list ",

DECL blockli_elt , NULL, NULL, DECL compact_attrs, NULL


{ "meta",0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, "generic metainformation ",

EMPTY, NULL, DECL meta_attrs , NULL , DECL content_attr


{ "noframes",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, "alternate content container for non frame-based rendering ",

DECL noframes_content, "body" , DECL html_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "noscript",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "alternate content container for non script-based rendering ",

DECL html_flow, "div", DECL html_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "object",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, "generic embedded object ",

DECL object_contents , "div" , DECL object_attrs, DECL object_depr, NULL


{ "ol",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "ordered list ",

DECL li_elt , "li" , DECL html_attrs, DECL ol_attrs, NULL


{ "optgroup",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "option group ",

DECL option_elt , "option", DECL optgroup_attrs, NULL, DECL label_attr


{ "option",0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "selectable choice " ,

DECL html_pcdata, NULL, DECL option_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "p",0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "paragraph ",

DECL html_inline, NULL, DECL html_attrs, DECL align_attr, NULL


{ "param",0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, "named property value ",

EMPTY, NULL, DECL param_attrs, NULL, DECL name_attr


{ "pre",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "preformatted text ",

DECL pre_content, NULL, DECL html_attrs, DECL width_attr, NULL


{ "q",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "short inline quotation ",

DECL html_inline, NULL, DECL quote_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "s",0, 3, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, "strike-through text style",

DECL html_inline, NULL, NULL, DECL html_attrs, NULL


{ "samp",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "sample program output, scripts, etc.",

DECL html_inline, NULL, DECL html_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "script",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, "script statements ",

DECL html_cdata, NULL, DECL script_attrs, DECL language_attr, DECL type_attr


{ "select",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "option selector ",

DECL select_content, NULL, DECL select_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "small",0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "small text style",

DECL html_inline, NULL, DECL html_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "span",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "generic language/style container ",

DECL html_inline, NULL, DECL html_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "strike",0, 3, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, "strike-through text",

DECL html_inline, NULL, NULL, DECL html_attrs, NULL


{ "strong",0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "strong emphasis",

DECL html_inline, NULL, DECL html_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "style",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "style info ",

DECL html_cdata, NULL, DECL style_attrs, NULL, DECL type_attr


{ "sub",0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "subscript",

DECL html_inline, NULL, DECL html_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "sup",0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "superscript ",

DECL html_inline, NULL, DECL html_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "table",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "",

DECL table_contents , "tr" , DECL table_attrs , DECL table_depr, NULL


{ "tbody",1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "table body ",

DECL tr_elt , "tr" , DECL talign_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "td",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "table data cell",

DECL html_flow, NULL, DECL th_td_attr, DECL th_td_depr, NULL


{ "textarea",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "multi-line text field ",

DECL html_pcdata, NULL, DECL textarea_attrs, NULL, DECL rows_cols_attr


{ "tfoot",0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "table footer ",

DECL tr_elt , "tr" , DECL talign_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "th",0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "table header cell",

DECL html_flow, NULL, DECL th_td_attr, DECL th_td_depr, NULL


{ "thead",0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "table header ",

DECL tr_elt , "tr" , DECL talign_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "title",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "document title ",

DECL html_pcdata, NULL, DECL i18n_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "tr",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "table row ",

DECL tr_contents , "td" , DECL talign_attrs, DECL bgcolor_attr, NULL


{ "tt",0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "teletype or monospaced text style",

DECL html_inline, NULL, DECL html_attrs, NULL, NULL


{ "u",0, 3, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, "underlined text style",

DECL html_inline, NULL, NULL, DECL html_attrs, NULL


{ "ul",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "unordered list ",

DECL li_elt , "li" , DECL html_attrs, DECL ul_depr, NULL


{ "var",0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "instance of a variable or program argument",

DECL html_inline, NULL, DECL html_attrs, NULL, NULL




* start tags that imply the end of current element


static const char * const htmlStartClose[] = {

"form","form", "p", "hr", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6",

"dl", "ul", "ol", "menu", "dir", "address", "pre",

"listing", "xmp", "head", NULL,

"head","p", NULL,

"title","p", NULL,

"body","head", "style", "link", "title", "p", NULL,

"frameset","head", "style", "link", "title", "p", NULL,

"li","p", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "dl", "address",

"pre", "listing", "xmp", "head", "li", NULL,

"hr","p", "head", NULL,

"h1","p", "head", NULL,

"h2","p", "head", NULL,

"h3","p", "head", NULL,

"h4","p", "head", NULL,

"h5","p", "head", NULL,

"h6","p", "head", NULL,

"dir","p", "head", NULL,

"address","p", "head", "ul", NULL,

"pre","p", "head", "ul", NULL,

"listing","p", "head", NULL,

"xmp","p", "head", NULL,

"blockquote","p", "head", NULL,

"dl","p", "dt", "menu", "dir", "address", "pre", "listing",

"xmp", "head", NULL,

"dt","p", "menu", "dir", "address", "pre", "listing", "xmp",

"head", "dd", NULL,

"dd","p", "menu", "dir", "address", "pre", "listing", "xmp",

"head", "dt", NULL,

"ul","p", "head", "ol", "menu", "dir", "address", "pre",

"listing", "xmp", NULL,

"ol","p", "head", "ul", NULL,

"menu","p", "head", "ul", NULL,

"p","p", "head", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", FONTSTYLE, NULL,

"div","p", "head", NULL,

"noscript","script", NULL,

"center","font", "b", "i", "p", "head", NULL,

"a","a", "head", NULL,

"caption","p", NULL,

"colgroup","caption", "colgroup", "col", "p", NULL,

"col","caption", "col", "p", NULL,

"table","p", "head", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "pre",

"listing", "xmp", "a", NULL,

"th","th", "td", "p", "span", "font", "a", "b", "i", "u", NULL,

"td","th", "td", "p", "span", "font", "a", "b", "i", "u", NULL,

"tr","th", "td", "tr", "caption", "col", "colgroup", "p", NULL,

"thead","caption", "col", "colgroup", NULL,

"tfoot","th", "td", "tr", "caption", "col", "colgroup", "thead",

"tbody", "p", NULL,

"tbody","th", "td", "tr", "caption", "col", "colgroup", "thead",

"tfoot", "tbody", "p", NULL,

"optgroup","option", NULL,

"option","option", NULL,

"fieldset","legend", "p", "head", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6",

"pre", "listing", "xmp", "a", NULL,

/* most tags in in FONTSTYLE, PHRASE and SPECIAL should close


"tt","head", NULL,

"i","head", NULL,

"b","head", NULL,

"u","head", NULL,

"s","head", NULL,

"strike","head", NULL,

"big","head", NULL,

"small","head", NULL,

"em","head", NULL,

"strong","head", NULL,

"dfn","head", NULL,

"code","head", NULL,

"samp","head", NULL,

"kbd","head", NULL,

"var","head", NULL,

"cite","head", NULL,

"abbr","head", NULL,

"acronym","head", NULL,

/* "a" */

"img","head", NULL,

/* "applet" */

/* "embed" */

/* "object" */

"font","head", NULL,

/* "basefont" */

"br","head", NULL,

/* "script" */

"map","head", NULL,

"q","head", NULL,

"sub","head", NULL,

"sup","head", NULL,

"span","head", NULL,

"bdo","head", NULL,

"iframe","head", NULL,




* The list of HTML elements which are supposed not to have

* CDATA content and where a p element will be implied


* TODO: extend that list by reading the HTML SGML DTD on

* implied paragraph


static const char *const htmlNoContentElements[] = {






* The list of HTML attributes which are of content %Script;

* NOTE: when adding ones, check htmlIsScriptAttribute() since

* it assumes the name starts with 'on'


static const char *const htmlScriptAttributes[] = {





















* This table is used by the htmlparser to know what to do with

* broken html pages. By assigning different priorities to different

* elements the parser can decide how to handle extra endtags.

* Endtags are only allowed to close elements with lower or equal

* priority.


typedef struct {

const char *name;

int priority;

} elementPriority;

static const elementPriority htmlEndPriority[] = {

{"div", 150},

{"td", 160},

{"th", 160},

{"tr", 170},

{"thead", 180},

{"tbody", 180},

{"tfoot", 180},

{"table", 190},

{"head", 200},

{"body", 200},

{"html", 220},

{NULL, 100} /* Default priority */


static const char** htmlStartCloseIndex[100];

static int htmlStartCloseIndexinitialized = 0;



*functions to handle HTML specific data*




* htmlInitAutoClose:


* Initialize the htmlStartCloseIndex for fast lookup of closing tags names.

* This is not reentrant. Call xmlInitParser() once before processing in

* case of use in multithreaded programs.



htmlInitAutoClose(void) {

int indx, i = 0;

if (htmlStartCloseIndexinitialized) return;

for (indx = 0;indx < 100;indx ++) htmlStartCloseIndex[indx] = NULL;

indx = 0;

while ((htmlStartClose[i] != NULL) && (indx < 100 - 1)) {

htmlStartCloseIndex[indx++] = (const char**) &htmlStartClose[i];

while (htmlStartClose[i] != NULL) i++;



htmlStartCloseIndexinitialized = 1;



* htmlTagLookup:

* @tag: The tag name in lowercase


* Lookup the HTML tag in the ElementTable


* Returns the related htmlElemDescPtr or NULL if not found.


const htmlElemDesc *

htmlTagLookup(const xmlChar *tag) {

unsigned int i;

for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(html40ElementTable) /

sizeof(html40ElementTable[0]));i++) {

if (!xmlStrcasecmp(tag, BAD_CAST html40ElementTable[i].name))

return((htmlElemDescPtr) &html40ElementTable[i]);





* htmlGetEndPriority:

* @name: The name of the element to look up the priority for.


* Return value: The "endtag" priority.


static int

htmlGetEndPriority (const xmlChar *name) {

int i = 0;

while ((htmlEndPriority[i].name != NULL) &&

(!xmlStrEqual((const xmlChar *)htmlEndPriority[i].name, name)))





* htmlCheckAutoClose:

* @newtag: The new tag name

* @oldtag: The old tag name


* Checks whether the new tag is one of the registered valid tags for

* closing old.

* Initialize the htmlStartCloseIndex for fast lookup of closing tags names.


* Returns 0 if no, 1 if yes.


static int

htmlCheckAutoClose(const xmlChar * newtag, const xmlChar * oldtag)


int i, indx;

const char **closed = NULL;

if (htmlStartCloseIndexinitialized == 0)


/* inefficient, but not a big deal */

for (indx = 0; indx < 100; indx++) {

closed = htmlStartCloseIndex[indx];

if (closed == NULL)

return (0);

if (xmlStrEqual(BAD_CAST * closed, newtag))



i = closed - htmlStartClose;


while (htmlStartClose[i] != NULL) {

if (xmlStrEqual(BAD_CAST htmlStartClose[i], oldtag)) {

return (1);




return (0);



* htmlAutoCloseOnClose:

* @ctxt: an HTML parser context

* @newtag: The new tag name

* @force: force the tag closure


* The HTML DTD allows an ending tag to implicitly close other tags.


static void

htmlAutoCloseOnClose(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, const xmlChar * newtag)


const htmlElemDesc *info;

int i, priority;

priority = htmlGetEndPriority(newtag);

for (i = (ctxt->nameNr - 1); i >= 0; i--) {

if (xmlStrEqual(newtag, ctxt->nameTab[i]))



* A misplaced endtag can only close elements with lower

* or equal priority, so if we find an element with higher

* priority before we find an element with

* matching name, we just ignore this endtag


if (htmlGetEndPriority(ctxt->nameTab[i]) > priority)



if (i < 0)


while (!xmlStrEqual(newtag, ctxt->name)) {

info = htmlTagLookup(ctxt->name);

if ((info != NULL) && (info->endTag == 3)) {


"Opening and ending tag mismatch: %s and %s\n",

newtag, ctxt->name);


if ((ctxt->sax != NULL) && (ctxt->sax->endElement != NULL))

ctxt->sax->endElement(ctxt->userData, ctxt->name);





* htmlAutoCloseOnEnd:

* @ctxt: an HTML parser context


* Close all remaining tags at the end of the stream


static void

htmlAutoCloseOnEnd(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt)


int i;

if (ctxt->nameNr == 0)


for (i = (ctxt->nameNr - 1); i >= 0; i--) {

if ((ctxt->sax != NULL) && (ctxt->sax->endElement != NULL))

ctxt->sax->endElement(ctxt->userData, ctxt->name);





* htmlAutoClose:

* @ctxt: an HTML parser context

* @newtag: The new tag name or NULL


* The HTML DTD allows a tag to implicitly close other tags.

* The list is kept in htmlStartClose array. This function is

* called when a new tag has been detected and generates the

* appropriates closes if possible/needed.

* If newtag is NULL this mean we are at the end of the resource

* and we should check


static void

htmlAutoClose(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, const xmlChar * newtag)


while ((newtag != NULL) && (ctxt->name != NULL) &&

(htmlCheckAutoClose(newtag, ctxt->name))) {

if ((ctxt->sax != NULL) && (ctxt->sax->endElement != NULL))

ctxt->sax->endElement(ctxt->userData, ctxt->name);



if (newtag == NULL) {




while ((newtag == NULL) && (ctxt->name != NULL) &&

((xmlStrEqual(ctxt->name, BAD_CAST "head")) ||

(xmlStrEqual(ctxt->name, BAD_CAST "body")) ||

(xmlStrEqual(ctxt->name, BAD_CAST "html")))) {

if ((ctxt->sax != NULL) && (ctxt->sax->endElement != NULL))

ctxt->sax->endElement(ctxt->userData, ctxt->name);





* htmlAutoCloseTag:

* @doc: the HTML document

* @name: The tag name

* @elem: the HTML element


* The HTML DTD allows a tag to implicitly close other tags.

* The list is kept in htmlStartClose array. This function checks

* if the element or one of it's children would autoclose the

* given tag.


* Returns 1 if autoclose, 0 otherwise



htmlAutoCloseTag(htmlDocPtr doc, const xmlChar *name, htmlNodePtr elem) {

htmlNodePtr child;

if (elem == NULL) return(1);

if (xmlStrEqual(name, elem->name)) return(0);

if (htmlCheckAutoClose(elem->name, name)) return(1);

child = elem->children;

while (child != NULL) {

if (htmlAutoCloseTag(doc, name, child)) return(1);

child = child->next;





* htmlIsAutoClosed:

* @doc: the HTML document

* @elem: the HTML element


* The HTML DTD allows a tag to implicitly close other tags.

* The list is kept in htmlStartClose array. This function checks

* if a tag is autoclosed by one of it's child


* Returns 1 if autoclosed, 0 otherwise



htmlIsAutoClosed(htmlDocPtr doc, htmlNodePtr elem) {

htmlNodePtr child;

if (elem == NULL) return(1);

child = elem->children;

while (child != NULL) {

if (htmlAutoCloseTag(doc, elem->name, child)) return(1);

child = child->next;





* htmlCheckImplied:

* @ctxt: an HTML parser context

* @newtag: The new tag name


* The HTML DTD allows a tag to exists only implicitly

* called when a new tag has been detected and generates the

* appropriates implicit tags if missing


static void

htmlCheckImplied(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, const xmlChar *newtag) {

int i;

if (ctxt->options & HTML_PARSE_NOIMPLIED)


if (!htmlOmittedDefaultValue)


if (xmlStrEqual(newtag, BAD_CAST"html"))


if (ctxt->nameNr <= 0) {

htmlnamePush(ctxt, BAD_CAST"html");

if ((ctxt->sax != NULL) && (ctxt->sax->startElement != NULL))

ctxt->sax->startElement(ctxt->userData, BAD_CAST"html", NULL);


if ((xmlStrEqual(newtag, BAD_CAST"body")) || (xmlStrEqual(newtag, BAD_CAST"head")))


if ((ctxt->nameNr <= 1) &&

((xmlStrEqual(newtag, BAD_CAST"script")) ||

(xmlStrEqual(newtag, BAD_CAST"style")) ||

(xmlStrEqual(newtag, BAD_CAST"meta")) ||

(xmlStrEqual(newtag, BAD_CAST"link")) ||

(xmlStrEqual(newtag, BAD_CAST"title")) ||

(xmlStrEqual(newtag, BAD_CAST"base")))) {

if (ctxt->html >= 3) {

/* we already saw or generated an

before */




* dropped OBJECT ... i you put it first BODY will be

* assumed !


htmlnamePush(ctxt, BAD_CAST"head");

if ((ctxt->sax != NULL) && (ctxt->sax->startElement != NULL))

ctxt->sax->startElement(ctxt->userData, BAD_CAST"head", NULL);

} else if ((!xmlStrEqual(newtag, BAD_CAST"noframes")) &&

(!xmlStrEqual(newtag, BAD_CAST"frame")) &&

(!xmlStrEqual(newtag, BAD_CAST"frameset"))) {

if (ctxt->html >= 10) {

/* we already saw or generated a

before */



for (i = 0;i < ctxt->nameNr;i++) {

if (xmlStrEqual(ctxt->nameTab[i], BAD_CAST"body")) {



if (xmlStrEqual(ctxt->nameTab[i], BAD_CAST"head")) {




htmlnamePush(ctxt, BAD_CAST"body");

if ((ctxt->sax != NULL) && (ctxt->sax->startElement != NULL))

ctxt->sax->startElement(ctxt->userData, BAD_CAST"body", NULL);




* htmlCheckParagraph

* @ctxt: an HTML parser context


* Check whether a p element need to be implied before inserting

* characters in the current element.


* Returns 1 if a paragraph has been inserted, 0 if not and -1

* in case of error.


static int

htmlCheckParagraph(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {

const xmlChar *tag;

int i;

if (ctxt == NULL)


tag = ctxt->name;

if (tag == NULL) {

htmlAutoClose(ctxt, BAD_CAST"p");

htmlCheckImplied(ctxt, BAD_CAST"p");

htmlnamePush(ctxt, BAD_CAST"p");

if ((ctxt->sax != NULL) && (ctxt->sax->startElement != NULL))

ctxt->sax->startElement(ctxt->userData, BAD_CAST"p", NULL);



if (!htmlOmittedDefaultValue)


for (i = 0; htmlNoContentElements[i] != NULL; i++) {

if (xmlStrEqual(tag, BAD_CAST htmlNoContentElements[i])) {

htmlAutoClose(ctxt, BAD_CAST"p");

htmlCheckImplied(ctxt, BAD_CAST"p");

htmlnamePush(ctxt, BAD_CAST"p");

if ((ctxt->sax != NULL) && (ctxt->sax->startElement != NULL))

ctxt->sax->startElement(ctxt->userData, BAD_CAST"p", NULL);







* htmlIsScriptAttribute:

* @name: an attribute name


* Check if an attribute is of content type Script


* Returns 1 is the attribute is a script 0 otherwise



htmlIsScriptAttribute(const xmlChar *name) {

unsigned int i;

if (name == NULL)



* all script attributes start with 'on'


if ((name[0] != 'o') || (name[1] != 'n'))


for (i = 0;

i < sizeof(htmlScriptAttributes)/sizeof(htmlScriptAttributes[0]);

i++) {

if (xmlStrEqual(name, (const xmlChar *) htmlScriptAttributes[i]))







*The list of HTML predefined entities*



static const htmlEntityDesc html40EntitiesTable[] = {


* the 4 absolute ones, plus apostrophe.


{ 34,"quot","quotation mark = APL quote, U+0022 ISOnum" },

{ 38,"amp","ampersand, U+0026 ISOnum" },

{ 39,"apos","single quote" },

{ 60,"lt","less-than sign, U+003C ISOnum" },

{ 62,"gt","greater-than sign, U+003E ISOnum" },


* A bunch still in the 128-255 range

* Replacing them depend really on the charset used.


{ 160,"nbsp","no-break space = non-breaking space, U+00A0 ISOnum" },

{ 161,"iexcl","inverted exclamation mark, U+00A1 ISOnum" },

{ 162,"cent","cent sign, U+00A2 ISOnum" },

{ 163,"pound","pound sign, U+00A3 ISOnum" },

{ 164,"curren","currency sign, U+00A4 ISOnum" },

{ 165,"yen","yen sign = yuan sign, U+00A5 ISOnum" },

{ 166,"brvbar","broken bar = broken vertical bar, U+00A6 ISOnum" },

{ 167,"sect","section sign, U+00A7 ISOnum" },

{ 168,"uml","diaeresis = spacing diaeresis, U+00A8 ISOdia" },

{ 169,"copy","copyright sign, U+00A9 ISOnum" },

{ 170,"ordf","feminine ordinal indicator, U+00AA ISOnum" },

{ 171,"laquo","left-pointing double angle quotation mark = left pointing guillemet, U+00AB ISOnum" },

{ 172,"not","not sign, U+00AC ISOnum" },

{ 173,"shy","soft hyphen = discretionary hyphen, U+00AD ISOnum" },

{ 174,"reg","registered sign = registered trade mark sign, U+00AE ISOnum" },

{ 175,"macr","macron = spacing macron = overline = APL overbar, U+00AF ISOdia" },

{ 176,"deg","degree sign, U+00B0 ISOnum" },

{ 177,"plusmn","plus-minus sign = plus-or-minus sign, U+00B1 ISOnum" },

{ 178,"sup2","superscript two = superscript digit two = squared, U+00B2 ISOnum" },

{ 179,"sup3","superscript three = superscript digit three = cubed, U+00B3 ISOnum" },

{ 180,"acute","acute accent = spacing acute, U+00B4 ISOdia" },

{ 181,"micro","micro sign, U+00B5 ISOnum" },

{ 182,"para","pilcrow sign = paragraph sign, U+00B6 ISOnum" },

{ 183,"middot","middle dot = Georgian comma Greek middle dot, U+00B7 ISOnum" },

{ 184,"cedil","cedilla = spacing cedilla, U+00B8 ISOdia" },

{ 185,"sup1","superscript one = superscript digit one, U+00B9 ISOnum" },

{ 186,"ordm","masculine ordinal indicator, U+00BA ISOnum" },

{ 187,"raquo","right-pointing double angle quotation mark right pointing guillemet, U+00BB ISOnum" },

{ 188,"frac14","vulgar fraction one quarter = fraction one quarter, U+00BC ISOnum" },

{ 189,"frac12","vulgar fraction one half = fraction one half, U+00BD ISOnum" },

{ 190,"frac34","vulgar fraction three quarters = fraction three quarters, U+00BE ISOnum" },

{ 191,"iquest","inverted question mark = turned question mark, U+00BF ISOnum" },

{ 192,"Agrave","latin capital letter A with grave = latin capital letter A grave, U+00C0 ISOlat1" },

{ 193,"Aacute","latin capital letter A with acute, U+00C1 ISOlat1" },

{ 194,"Acirc","latin capital letter A with circumflex, U+00C2 ISOlat1" },

{ 195,"Atilde","latin capital letter A with tilde, U+00C3 ISOlat1" },

{ 196,"Auml","latin capital letter A with diaeresis, U+00C4 ISOlat1" },

{ 197,"Aring","latin capital letter A with ring above = latin capital letter A ring, U+00C5 ISOlat1" },

{ 198,"AElig","latin capital letter AE = latin capital ligature AE, U+00C6 ISOlat1" },

{ 199,"Ccedil","latin capital letter C with cedilla, U+00C7 ISOlat1" },

{ 200,"Egrave","latin capital letter E with grave, U+00C8 ISOlat1" },

{ 201,"Eacute","latin capital letter E with acute, U+00C9 ISOlat1" },

{ 202,"Ecirc","latin capital letter E with circumflex, U+00CA ISOlat1" },

{ 203,"Euml","latin capital letter E with diaeresis, U+00CB ISOlat1" },

{ 204,"Igrave","latin capital letter I with grave, U+00CC ISOlat1" },

{ 205,"Iacute","latin capital letter I with acute, U+00CD ISOlat1" },

{ 206,"Icirc","latin capital letter I with circumflex, U+00CE ISOlat1" },

{ 207,"Iuml","latin capital letter I with diaeresis, U+00CF ISOlat1" },

{ 208,"ETH","latin capital letter ETH, U+00D0 ISOlat1" },

{ 209,"Ntilde","latin capital letter N with tilde, U+00D1 ISOlat1" },

{ 210,"Ograve","latin capital letter O with grave, U+00D2 ISOlat1" },

{ 211,"Oacute","latin capital letter O with acute, U+00D3 ISOlat1" },

{ 212,"Ocirc","latin capital letter O with circumflex, U+00D4 ISOlat1" },

{ 213,"Otilde","latin capital letter O with tilde, U+00D5 ISOlat1" },

{ 214,"Ouml","latin capital letter O with diaeresis, U+00D6 ISOlat1" },

{ 215,"times","multiplication sign, U+00D7 ISOnum" },

{ 216,"Oslash","latin capital letter O with stroke latin capital letter O slash, U+00D8 ISOlat1" },

{ 217,"Ugrave","latin capital letter U with grave, U+00D9 ISOlat1" },

{ 218,"Uacute","latin capital letter U with acute, U+00DA ISOlat1" },

{ 219,"Ucirc","latin capital letter U with circumflex, U+00DB ISOlat1" },

{ 220,"Uuml","latin capital letter U with diaeresis, U+00DC ISOlat1" },

{ 221,"Yacute","latin capital letter Y with acute, U+00DD ISOlat1" },

{ 222,"THORN","latin capital letter THORN, U+00DE ISOlat1" },

{ 223,"szlig","latin small letter sharp s = ess-zed, U+00DF ISOlat1" },

{ 224,"agrave","latin small letter a with grave = latin small letter a grave, U+00E0 ISOlat1" },

{ 225,"aacute","latin small letter a with acute, U+00E1 ISOlat1" },

{ 226,"acirc","latin small letter a with circumflex, U+00E2 ISOlat1" },

{ 227,"atilde","latin small letter a with tilde, U+00E3 ISOlat1" },

{ 228,"auml","latin small letter a with diaeresis, U+00E4 ISOlat1" },

{ 229,"aring","latin small letter a with ring above = latin small letter a ring, U+00E5 ISOlat1" },

{ 230,"aelig","latin small letter ae = latin small ligature ae, U+00E6 ISOlat1" },

{ 231,"ccedil","latin small letter c with cedilla, U+00E7 ISOlat1" },

{ 232,"egrave","latin small letter e with grave, U+00E8 ISOlat1" },

{ 233,"eacute","latin small letter e with acute, U+00E9 ISOlat1" },

{ 234,"ecirc","latin small letter e with circumflex, U+00EA ISOlat1" },

{ 235,"euml","latin small letter e with diaeresis, U+00EB ISOlat1" },

{ 236,"igrave","latin small letter i with grave, U+00EC ISOlat1" },

{ 237,"iacute","latin small letter i with acute, U+00ED ISOlat1" },

{ 238,"icirc","latin small letter i with circumflex, U+00EE ISOlat1" },

{ 239,"iuml","latin small letter i with diaeresis, U+00EF ISOlat1" },

{ 240,"eth","latin small letter eth, U+00F0 ISOlat1" },

{ 241,"ntilde","latin small letter n with tilde, U+00F1 ISOlat1" },

{ 242,"ograve","latin small letter o with grave, U+00F2 ISOlat1" },

{ 243,"oacute","latin small letter o with acute, U+00F3 ISOlat1" },

{ 244,"ocirc","latin small letter o with circumflex, U+00F4 ISOlat1" },

{ 245,"otilde","latin small letter o with tilde, U+00F5 ISOlat1" },

{ 246,"ouml","latin small letter o with diaeresis, U+00F6 ISOlat1" },

{ 247,"divide","division sign, U+00F7 ISOnum" },

{ 248,"oslash","latin small letter o with stroke, = latin small letter o slash, U+00F8 ISOlat1" },

{ 249,"ugrave","latin small letter u with grave, U+00F9 ISOlat1" },

{ 250,"uacute","latin small letter u with acute, U+00FA ISOlat1" },

{ 251,"ucirc","latin small letter u with circumflex, U+00FB ISOlat1" },

{ 252,"uuml","latin small letter u with diaeresis, U+00FC ISOlat1" },

{ 253,"yacute","latin small letter y with acute, U+00FD ISOlat1" },

{ 254,"thorn","latin small letter thorn with, U+00FE ISOlat1" },

{ 255,"yuml","latin small letter y with diaeresis, U+00FF ISOlat1" },

{ 338,"OElig","latin capital ligature OE, U+0152 ISOlat2" },

{ 339,"oelig","latin small ligature oe, U+0153 ISOlat2" },

{ 352,"Scaron","latin capital letter S with caron, U+0160 ISOlat2" },

{ 353,"scaron","latin small letter s with caron, U+0161 ISOlat2" },

{ 376,"Yuml","latin capital letter Y with diaeresis, U+0178 ISOlat2" },


* Anything below should really be kept as entities references


{ 402,"fnof","latin small f with hook = function = florin, U+0192 ISOtech" },

{ 710,"circ","modifier letter circumflex accent, U+02C6 ISOpub" },

{ 732,"tilde","small tilde, U+02DC ISOdia" },

{ 913,"Alpha","greek capital letter alpha, U+0391" },

{ 914,"Beta","greek capital letter beta, U+0392" },

{ 915,"Gamma","greek capital letter gamma, U+0393 ISOgrk3" },

{ 916,"Delta","greek capital letter delta, U+0394 ISOgrk3" },

{ 917,"Epsilon","greek capital letter epsilon, U+0395" },

{ 918,"Zeta","greek capital letter zeta, U+0396" },

{ 919,"Eta","greek capital letter eta, U+0397" },

{ 920,"Theta","greek capital letter theta, U+0398 ISOgrk3" },

{ 921,"Iota","greek capital letter iota, U+0399" },

{ 922,"Kappa","greek capital letter kappa, U+039A" },

{ 923,"Lambda", "greek capital letter lambda, U+039B ISOgrk3" },

{ 924,"Mu","greek capital letter mu, U+039C" },

{ 925,"Nu","greek capital letter nu, U+039D" },

{ 926,"Xi","greek capital letter xi, U+039E ISOgrk3" },

{ 927,"Omicron","greek capital letter omicron, U+039F" },

{ 928,"Pi","greek capital letter pi, U+03A0 ISOgrk3" },

{ 929,"Rho","greek capital letter rho, U+03A1" },

{ 931,"Sigma","greek capital letter sigma, U+03A3 ISOgrk3" },

{ 932,"Tau","greek capital letter tau, U+03A4" },

{ 933,"Upsilon","greek capital letter upsilon, U+03A5 ISOgrk3" },

{ 934,"Phi","greek capital letter phi, U+03A6 ISOgrk3" },

{ 935,"Chi","greek capital letter chi, U+03A7" },

{ 936,"Psi","greek capital letter psi, U+03A8 ISOgrk3" },

{ 937,"Omega","greek capital letter omega, U+03A9 ISOgrk3" },

{ 945,"alpha","greek small letter alpha, U+03B1 ISOgrk3" },

{ 946,"beta","greek small letter beta, U+03B2 ISOgrk3" },

{ 947,"gamma","greek small letter gamma, U+03B3 ISOgrk3" },

{ 948,"delta","greek small letter delta, U+03B4 ISOgrk3" },

{ 949,"epsilon","greek small letter epsilon, U+03B5 ISOgrk3" },

{ 950,"zeta","greek small letter zeta, U+03B6 ISOgrk3" },

{ 951,"eta","greek small letter eta, U+03B7 ISOgrk3" },

{ 952,"theta","greek small letter theta, U+03B8 ISOgrk3" },

{ 953,"iota","greek small letter iota, U+03B9 ISOgrk3" },

{ 954,"kappa","greek small letter kappa, U+03BA ISOgrk3" },

{ 955,"lambda","greek small letter lambda, U+03BB ISOgrk3" },

{ 956,"mu","greek small letter mu, U+03BC ISOgrk3" },

{ 957,"nu","greek small letter nu, U+03BD ISOgrk3" },

{ 958,"xi","greek small letter xi, U+03BE ISOgrk3" },

{ 959,"omicron","greek small letter omicron, U+03BF NEW" },

{ 960,"pi","greek small letter pi, U+03C0 ISOgrk3" },

{ 961,"rho","greek small letter rho, U+03C1 ISOgrk3" },

{ 962,"sigmaf","greek small letter final sigma, U+03C2 ISOgrk3" },

{ 963,"sigma","greek small letter sigma, U+03C3 ISOgrk3" },

{ 964,"tau","greek small letter tau, U+03C4 ISOgrk3" },

{ 965,"upsilon","greek small letter upsilon, U+03C5 ISOgrk3" },

{ 966,"phi","greek small letter phi, U+03C6 ISOgrk3" },

{ 967,"chi","greek small letter chi, U+03C7 ISOgrk3" },

{ 968,"psi","greek small letter psi, U+03C8 ISOgrk3" },

{ 969,"omega","greek small letter omega, U+03C9 ISOgrk3" },

{ 977,"thetasym","greek small letter theta symbol, U+03D1 NEW" },

{ 978,"upsih","greek upsilon with hook symbol, U+03D2 NEW" },

{ 982,"piv","greek pi symbol, U+03D6 ISOgrk3" },

{ 8194,"ensp","en space, U+2002 ISOpub" },

{ 8195,"emsp","em space, U+2003 ISOpub" },

{ 8201,"thinsp","thin space, U+2009 ISOpub" },

{ 8204,"zwnj","zero width non-joiner, U+200C NEW RFC 2070" },

{ 8205,"zwj","zero width joiner, U+200D NEW RFC 2070" },

{ 8206,"lrm","left-to-right mark, U+200E NEW RFC 2070" },

{ 8207,"rlm","right-to-left mark, U+200F NEW RFC 2070" },

{ 8211,"ndash","en dash, U+2013 ISOpub" },

{ 8212,"mdash","em dash, U+2014 ISOpub" },

{ 8216,"lsquo","left single quotation mark, U+2018 ISOnum" },

{ 8217,"rsquo","right single quotation mark, U+2019 ISOnum" },

{ 8218,"sbquo","single low-9 quotation mark, U+201A NEW" },

{ 8220,"ldquo","left double quotation mark, U+201C ISOnum" },

{ 8221,"rdquo","right double quotation mark, U+201D ISOnum" },

{ 8222,"bdquo","double low-9 quotation mark, U+201E NEW" },

{ 8224,"dagger","dagger, U+2020 ISOpub" },

{ 8225,"Dagger","double dagger, U+2021 ISOpub" },

{ 8226,"bull","bullet = black small circle, U+2022 ISOpub" },

{ 8230,"hellip","horizontal ellipsis = three dot leader, U+2026 ISOpub" },

{ 8240,"permil","per mille sign, U+2030 ISOtech" },

{ 8242,"prime","prime = minutes = feet, U+2032 ISOtech" },

{ 8243,"Prime","double prime = seconds = inches, U+2033 ISOtech" },

{ 8249,"lsaquo","single left-pointing angle quotation mark, U+2039 ISO proposed" },

{ 8250,"rsaquo","single right-pointing angle quotation mark, U+203A ISO proposed" },

{ 8254,"oline","overline = spacing overscore, U+203E NEW" },

{ 8260,"frasl","fraction slash, U+2044 NEW" },

{ 8364,"euro","euro sign, U+20AC NEW" },

{ 8465,"image","blackletter capital I = imaginary part, U+2111 ISOamso" },

{ 8472,"weierp","script capital P = power set = Weierstrass p, U+2118 ISOamso" },

{ 8476,"real","blackletter capital R = real part symbol, U+211C ISOamso" },

{ 8482,"trade","trade mark sign, U+2122 ISOnum" },

{ 8501,"alefsym","alef symbol = first transfinite cardinal, U+2135 NEW" },

{ 8592,"larr","leftwards arrow, U+2190 ISOnum" },

{ 8593,"uarr","upwards arrow, U+2191 ISOnum" },

{ 8594,"rarr","rightwards arrow, U+2192 ISOnum" },

{ 8595,"darr","downwards arrow, U+2193 ISOnum" },

{ 8596,"harr","left right arrow, U+2194 ISOamsa" },

{ 8629,"crarr","downwards arrow with corner leftwards = carriage return, U+21B5 NEW" },

{ 8656,"lArr","leftwards double arrow, U+21D0 ISOtech" },

{ 8657,"uArr","upwards double arrow, U+21D1 ISOamsa" },

{ 8658,"rArr","rightwards double arrow, U+21D2 ISOtech" },

{ 8659,"dArr","downwards double arrow, U+21D3 ISOamsa" },

{ 8660,"hArr","left right double arrow, U+21D4 ISOamsa" },

{ 8704,"forall","for all, U+2200 ISOtech" },

{ 8706,"part","partial differential, U+2202 ISOtech" },

{ 8707,"exist","there exists, U+2203 ISOtech" },

{ 8709,"empty","empty set = null set = diameter, U+2205 ISOamso" },

{ 8711,"nabla","nabla = backward difference, U+2207 ISOtech" },

{ 8712,"isin","element of, U+2208 ISOtech" },

{ 8713,"notin","not an element of, U+2209 ISOtech" },

{ 8715,"ni","contains as member, U+220B ISOtech" },

{ 8719,"prod","n-ary product = product sign, U+220F ISOamsb" },

{ 8721,"sum","n-ary summation, U+2211 ISOamsb" },

{ 8722,"minus","minus sign, U+2212 ISOtech" },

{ 8727,"lowast","asterisk operator, U+2217 ISOtech" },

{ 8730,"radic","square root = radical sign, U+221A ISOtech" },

{ 8733,"prop","proportional to, U+221D ISOtech" },

{ 8734,"infin","infinity, U+221E ISOtech" },

{ 8736,"ang","angle, U+2220 ISOamso" },

{ 8743,"and","logical and = wedge, U+2227 ISOtech" },

{ 8744,"or","logical or = vee, U+2228 ISOtech" },

{ 8745,"cap","intersection = cap, U+2229 ISOtech" },

{ 8746,"cup","union = cup, U+222A ISOtech" },

{ 8747,"int","integral, U+222B ISOtech" },

{ 8756,"there4","therefore, U+2234 ISOtech" },

{ 8764,"sim","tilde operator = varies with = similar to, U+223C ISOtech" },

{ 8773,"cong","approximately equal to, U+2245 ISOtech" },

{ 8776,"asymp","almost equal to = asymptotic to, U+2248 ISOamsr" },

{ 8800,"ne","not equal to, U+2260 ISOtech" },

{ 8801,"equiv","identical to, U+2261 ISOtech" },

{ 8804,"le","less-than or equal to, U+2264 ISOtech" },

{ 8805,"ge","greater-than or equal to, U+2265 ISOtech" },

{ 8834,"sub","subset of, U+2282 ISOtech" },

{ 8835,"sup","superset of, U+2283 ISOtech" },

{ 8836,"nsub","not a subset of, U+2284 ISOamsn" },

{ 8838,"sube","subset of or equal to, U+2286 ISOtech" },

{ 8839,"supe","superset of or equal to, U+2287 ISOtech" },

{ 8853,"oplus","circled plus = direct sum, U+2295 ISOamsb" },

{ 8855,"otimes","circled times = vector product, U+2297 ISOamsb" },

{ 8869,"perp","up tack = orthogonal to = perpendicular, U+22A5 ISOtech" },

{ 8901,"sdot","dot operator, U+22C5 ISOamsb" },

{ 8968,"lceil","left ceiling = apl upstile, U+2308 ISOamsc" },

{ 8969,"rceil","right ceiling, U+2309 ISOamsc" },

{ 8970,"lfloor","left floor = apl downstile, U+230A ISOamsc" },

{ 8971,"rfloor","right floor, U+230B ISOamsc" },

{ 9001,"lang","left-pointing angle bracket = bra, U+2329 ISOtech" },

{ 9002,"rang","right-pointing angle bracket = ket, U+232A ISOtech" },

{ 9674,"loz","lozenge, U+25CA ISOpub" },

{ 9824,"spades","black spade suit, U+2660 ISOpub" },

{ 9827,"clubs","black club suit = shamrock, U+2663 ISOpub" },

{ 9829,"hearts","black heart suit = valentine, U+2665 ISOpub" },

{ 9830,"diams","black diamond suit, U+2666 ISOpub" },




*Commodity functions to handle entities*




* Macro used to grow the current buffer.


#define growBuffer(buffer) {\

xmlChar *tmp;\

buffer##_size *= 2;\

tmp = (xmlChar *) xmlRealloc(buffer, buffer##_size * sizeof(xmlChar)); \

if (tmp == NULL) {\

htmlErrMemory(ctxt, "growing buffer\n");\




buffer = tmp;\



* htmlEntityLookup:

* @name: the entity name


* Lookup the given entity in EntitiesTable


* TODO: the linear scan is really ugly, an hash table is really needed.


* Returns the associated htmlEntityDescPtr if found, NULL otherwise.


const htmlEntityDesc *

htmlEntityLookup(const xmlChar *name) {

unsigned int i;

for (i = 0;i < (sizeof(html40EntitiesTable)/

sizeof(html40EntitiesTable[0]));i++) {

if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST html40EntitiesTable[i].name)) {

return((htmlEntityDescPtr) &html40EntitiesTable[i]);






* htmlEntityValueLookup:

* @value: the entity's unicode value


* Lookup the given entity in EntitiesTable


* TODO: the linear scan is really ugly, an hash table is really needed.


* Returns the associated htmlEntityDescPtr if found, NULL otherwise.


const htmlEntityDesc *

htmlEntityValueLookup(unsigned int value) {

unsigned int i;

for (i = 0;i < (sizeof(html40EntitiesTable)/

sizeof(html40EntitiesTable[0]));i++) {

if (html40EntitiesTable[i].value >= value) {

if (html40EntitiesTable[i].value > value)


return((htmlEntityDescPtr) &html40EntitiesTable[i]);






* UTF8ToHtml:

* @out: a pointer to an array of bytes to store the result

* @outlen: the length of @out

* @in: a pointer to an array of UTF-8 chars

* @inlen: the length of @in


* Take a block of UTF-8 chars in and try to convert it to an ASCII

* plus HTML entities block of chars out.


* Returns 0 if success, -2 if the transcoding fails, or -1 otherwise

* The value of @inlen after return is the number of octets consumed

* as the return value is positive, else unpredictable.

* The value of @outlen after return is the number of octets consumed.



UTF8ToHtml(unsigned char* out, int *outlen,

const unsigned char* in, int *inlen) {

const unsigned char* processed = in;

const unsigned char* outend;

const unsigned char* outstart = out;

const unsigned char* instart = in;

const unsigned char* inend;

unsigned int c, d;

int trailing;

if ((out == NULL) || (outlen == NULL) || (inlen == NULL)) return(-1);

if (in == NULL) {


* initialization nothing to do


*outlen = 0;

*inlen = 0;



inend = in + (*inlen);

outend = out + (*outlen);

while (in < inend) {

d = *in++;

if (d < 0x80) { c= d; trailing= 0; }

else if (d < 0xC0) {

/* trailing byte in leading position */

*outlen = out - outstart;

*inlen = processed - instart;


} else if (d < 0xE0) { c= d & 0x1F; trailing= 1; }

else if (d < 0xF0) { c= d & 0x0F; trailing= 2; }

else if (d < 0xF8) { c= d & 0x07; trailing= 3; }

else {

/* no chance for this in Ascii */

*outlen = out - outstart;

*inlen = processed - instart;



if (inend - in < trailing) {



for ( ; trailing; trailing--) {

if ((in >= inend) || (((d= *in++) & 0xC0) != 0x80))


c <<= 6;

c |= d & 0x3F;


/* assertion: c is a single UTF-4 value */

if (c < 0x80) {

if (out + 1 >= outend)


*out++ = c;

} else {

int len;

const htmlEntityDesc * ent;

const char *cp;

char nbuf[16];


* Try to lookup a predefined HTML entity for it


ent = htmlEntityValueLookup(c);

if (ent == NULL) {

snprintf(nbuf, sizeof(nbuf), "#%u", c);

cp = nbuf;



cp = ent->name;

len = strlen(cp);

if (out + 2 + len >= outend)


*out++ = '&';

memcpy(out, cp, len);

out += len;

*out++ = ';';


processed = in;


*outlen = out - outstart;

*inlen = processed - instart;




* htmlEncodeEntities:

* @out: a pointer to an array of bytes to store the result

* @outlen: the length of @out

* @in: a pointer to an array of UTF-8 chars

* @inlen: the length of @in

* @quoteChar: the quote character to escape (' or ") or zero.


* Take a block of UTF-8 chars in and try to convert it to an ASCII

* plus HTML entities block of chars out.


* Returns 0 if success, -2 if the transcoding fails, or -1 otherwise

* The value of @inlen after return is the number of octets consumed

* as the return value is positive, else unpredictable.

* The value of @outlen after return is the number of octets consumed.



htmlEncodeEntities(unsigned char* out, int *outlen,

const unsigned char* in, int *inlen, int quoteChar) {

const unsigned char* processed = in;

const unsigned char* outend;

const unsigned char* outstart = out;

const unsigned char* instart = in;

const unsigned char* inend;

unsigned int c, d;

int trailing;

if ((out == NULL) || (outlen == NULL) || (inlen == NULL) || (in == NULL))


outend = out + (*outlen);

inend = in + (*inlen);

while (in < inend) {

d = *in++;

if (d < 0x80) { c= d; trailing= 0; }

else if (d < 0xC0) {

/* trailing byte in leading position */

*outlen = out - outstart;

*inlen = processed - instart;


} else if (d < 0xE0) { c= d & 0x1F; trailing= 1; }

else if (d < 0xF0) { c= d & 0x0F; trailing= 2; }

else if (d < 0xF8) { c= d & 0x07; trailing= 3; }

else {

/* no chance for this in Ascii */

*outlen = out - outstart;

*inlen = processed - instart;



if (inend - in < trailing)


while (trailing--) {

if (((d= *in++) & 0xC0) != 0x80) {

*outlen = out - outstart;

*inlen = processed - instart;



c <<= 6;

c |= d & 0x3F;


/* assertion: c is a single UTF-4 value */

if ((c < 0x80) && (c != (unsigned int) quoteChar) &&

(c != '&') && (c != '')) {

if (out >= outend)


*out++ = c;

} else {

const htmlEntityDesc * ent;

const char *cp;

char nbuf[16];

int len;


* Try to lookup a predefined HTML entity for it


ent = htmlEntityValueLookup(c);

if (ent == NULL) {

snprintf(nbuf, sizeof(nbuf), "#%u", c);

cp = nbuf;



cp = ent->name;

len = strlen(cp);

if (out + 2 + len > outend)


*out++ = '&';

memcpy(out, cp, len);

out += len;

*out++ = ';';


processed = in;


*outlen = out - outstart;

*inlen = processed - instart;





*Commodity functions to handle streams*





* htmlNewInputStream:

* @ctxt: an HTML parser context


* Create a new input stream structure

* Returns the new input stream or NULL


static htmlParserInputPtr

htmlNewInputStream(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {

htmlParserInputPtr input;

input = (xmlParserInputPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(htmlParserInput));

if (input == NULL) {

htmlErrMemory(ctxt, "couldn't allocate a new input stream\n");



memset(input, 0, sizeof(htmlParserInput));

input->filename = NULL;

input->directory = NULL;

input->base = NULL;

input->cur = NULL;

input->buf = NULL;

input->line = 1;

input->col = 1;

input->buf = NULL;

input->free = NULL;

input->version = NULL;

input->consumed = 0;

input->length = 0;






*Commodity functions, cleanup needed ?*




* all tags allowing pc data from the html 4.01 loose dtd

* NOTE: it might be more appropriate to integrate this information

* into the html40ElementTable array but I don't want to risk any

* binary incompatibility


static const char *allowPCData[] = {

"a", "abbr", "acronym", "address", "applet", "b", "bdo", "big",

"blockquote", "body", "button", "caption", "center", "cite", "code",

"dd", "del", "dfn", "div", "dt", "em", "font", "form", "h1", "h2",

"h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "i", "iframe", "ins", "kbd", "label", "legend",

"li", "noframes", "noscript", "object", "p", "pre", "q", "s", "samp",

"small", "span", "strike", "strong", "td", "th", "tt", "u", "var"



* areBlanks:

* @ctxt: an HTML parser context

* @str: a xmlChar *

* @len: the size of @str


* Is this a sequence of blank chars that one can ignore ?


* Returns 1 if ignorable 0 otherwise.


static int areBlanks(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, const xmlChar *str, int len) {

unsigned int i;

int j;

xmlNodePtr lastChild;

xmlDtdPtr dtd;

for (j = 0;j < len;j++)

if (!(IS_BLANK_CH(str[j]))) return(0);

if (CUR == 0) return(1);

if (CUR != '

if (ctxt->name == NULL)


if (xmlStrEqual(ctxt->name, BAD_CAST"html"))


if (xmlStrEqual(ctxt->name, BAD_CAST"head"))


/* Only strip CDATA children of the body tag for strict HTML DTDs */

if (xmlStrEqual(ctxt->name, BAD_CAST "body") && ctxt->myDoc != NULL) {

dtd = xmlGetIntSubset(ctxt->myDoc);

if (dtd != NULL && dtd->ExternalID != NULL) {

if (!xmlStrcasecmp(dtd->ExternalID, BAD_CAST "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN") ||

!xmlStrcasecmp(dtd->ExternalID, BAD_CAST "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4//EN"))




if (ctxt->node == NULL) return(0);

lastChild = xmlGetLastChild(ctxt->node);

while ((lastChild) && (lastChild->type == XML_COMMENT_NODE))

lastChild = lastChild->prev;

if (lastChild == NULL) {

if ((ctxt->node->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) &&

(ctxt->node->content != NULL)) return(0);

/* keep ws in constructs like ... ...

for all tags "b" allowing PCDATA */

for ( i = 0; i < sizeof(allowPCData)/sizeof(allowPCData[0]); i++ ) {

if ( xmlStrEqual(ctxt->name, BAD_CAST allowPCData[i]) ) {




} else if (xmlNodeIsText(lastChild)) {


} else {

/* keep ws in constructs like

xy z

for all tags "p" allowing PCDATA */

for ( i = 0; i < sizeof(allowPCData)/sizeof(allowPCData[0]); i++ ) {

if ( xmlStrEqual(lastChild->name, BAD_CAST allowPCData[i]) ) {








* htmlNewDocNoDtD:

* @URI: URI for the dtd, or NULL

* @ExternalID: the external ID of the DTD, or NULL


* Creates a new HTML document without a DTD node if @URI and @ExternalID

* are NULL


* Returns a new document, do not initialize the DTD if not provided



htmlNewDocNoDtD(const xmlChar *URI, const xmlChar *ExternalID) {

xmlDocPtr cur;


* Allocate a new document and fill the fields.


cur = (xmlDocPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlDoc));

if (cur == NULL) {

htmlErrMemory(NULL, "HTML document creation failed\n");



memset(cur, 0, sizeof(xmlDoc));


cur->version = NULL;

cur->intSubset = NULL;

cur->doc = cur;

cur->name = NULL;

cur->children = NULL;

cur->extSubset = NULL;

cur->oldNs = NULL;

cur->encoding = NULL;

cur->standalone = 1;

cur->compression = 0;

cur->ids = NULL;

cur->refs = NULL;

cur->_private = NULL;

cur->charset = XML_CHAR_ENCODING_UTF8;

cur->properties = XML_DOC_HTML | XML_DOC_USERBUILT;

if ((ExternalID != NULL) ||

(URI != NULL))

xmlCreateIntSubset(cur, BAD_CAST "html", ExternalID, URI);




* htmlNewDoc:

* @URI: URI for the dtd, or NULL

* @ExternalID: the external ID of the DTD, or NULL


* Creates a new HTML document


* Returns a new document



htmlNewDoc(const xmlChar *URI, const xmlChar *ExternalID) {

if ((URI == NULL) && (ExternalID == NULL))


BAD_CAST "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd",

BAD_CAST "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"));

return(htmlNewDocNoDtD(URI, ExternalID));




*The parser itself*

*Relates to http://www.w3.org/TR/html40*





*The parser itself*



static const xmlChar * htmlParseNameComplex(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt);


* htmlParseHTMLName:

* @ctxt: an HTML parser context


* parse an HTML tag or attribute name, note that we convert it to lowercase

* since HTML names are not case-sensitive.


* Returns the Tag Name parsed or NULL


static const xmlChar *

htmlParseHTMLName(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {

int i = 0;


if (!IS_ASCII_LETTER(CUR) && (CUR != '_') &&

(CUR != ':') && (CUR != '.')) return(NULL);



(CUR == ':') || (CUR == '-') || (CUR == '_') ||

(CUR == '.'))) {

if ((CUR >= 'A') && (CUR <= 'Z')) loc[i] = CUR + 0x20;

else loc[i] = CUR;




return(xmlDictLookup(ctxt->dict, loc, i));



* htmlParseHTMLName_nonInvasive:

* @ctxt: an HTML parser context


* parse an HTML tag or attribute name, note that we convert it to lowercase

* since HTML names are not case-sensitive, this doesn't consume the data

* from the stream, it's a look-ahead


* Returns the Tag Name parsed or NULL


static const xmlChar *

htmlParseHTMLName_nonInvasive(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {

int i = 0;


if (!IS_ASCII_LETTER(NXT(1)) && (NXT(1) != '_') &&

(NXT(1) != ':')) return(NULL);



(NXT(1+i) == ':') || (NXT(1+i) == '-') || (NXT(1+i) == '_'))) {

if ((NXT(1+i) >= 'A') && (NXT(1+i) <= 'Z')) loc[i] = NXT(1+i) + 0x20;

else loc[i] = NXT(1+i);



return(xmlDictLookup(ctxt->dict, loc, i));



* htmlParseName:

* @ctxt: an HTML parser context


* parse an HTML name, this routine is case sensitive.


* Returns the Name parsed or NULL


static const xmlChar *

htmlParseName(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {

const xmlChar *in;

const xmlChar *ret;

int count = 0;



* Accelerator for simple ASCII names


in = ctxt->input->cur;

if (((*in >= 0x61) && (*in <= 0x7A)) ||

((*in >= 0x41) && (*in <= 0x5A)) ||

(*in == '_') || (*in == ':')) {


while (((*in >= 0x61) && (*in <= 0x7A)) ||

((*in >= 0x41) && (*in <= 0x5A)) ||

((*in >= 0x30) && (*in <= 0x39)) ||

(*in == '_') || (*in == '-') ||

(*in == ':') || (*in == '.'))


if (in == ctxt->input->end)


if ((*in > 0) && (*in < 0x80)) {

count = in - ctxt->input->cur;

ret = xmlDictLookup(ctxt->dict, ctxt->input->cur, count);

ctxt->input->cur = in;

ctxt->input->col += count;






static const xmlChar *

htmlParseNameComplex(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {

int len = 0, l;

int c;

int count = 0;

const xmlChar *base = ctxt->input->base;


* Handler for more complex cases



c = CUR_CHAR(l);

if ((c == ' ') || (c == '>') || (c == '/') || /* accelerators */

(!IS_LETTER(c) && (c != '_') &&

(c != ':'))) {



while ((c != ' ') && (c != '>') && (c != '/') && /* test bigname.xml */

((IS_LETTER(c)) || (IS_DIGIT(c)) ||

(c == '.') || (c == '-') ||

(c == '_') || (c == ':') ||


(IS_EXTENDER(c)))) {

if (count++ > 100) {

count = 0;



len += l;


c = CUR_CHAR(l);

if (ctxt->input->base != base) {


* We changed encoding from an unknown encoding

* Input buffer changed location, so we better start again





if (ctxt->input->cur - ctxt->input->base < len) {

/* Sanity check */

htmlParseErr(ctxt, XML_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,

"unexpected change of input buffer", NULL, NULL);

return (NULL);


return(xmlDictLookup(ctxt->dict, ctxt->input->cur - len, len));



* htmlParseHTMLAttribute:

* @ctxt: an HTML parser context

* @stop: a char stop value


* parse an HTML attribute value till the stop (quote), if

* stop is 0 then it stops at the first space


* Returns the attribute parsed or NULL


static xmlChar *

htmlParseHTMLAttribute(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, const xmlChar stop) {

xmlChar *buffer = NULL;

int buffer_size = 0;

xmlChar *out = NULL;

const xmlChar *name = NULL;

const xmlChar *cur = NULL;

const htmlEntityDesc * ent;


* allocate a translation buffer.



buffer = (xmlChar *) xmlMallocAtomic(buffer_size * sizeof(xmlChar));

if (buffer == NULL) {

htmlErrMemory(ctxt, "buffer allocation failed\n");



out = buffer;


* Ok loop until we reach one of the ending chars


while ((CUR != 0) && (CUR != stop)) {

if ((stop == 0) && (CUR == '>')) break;

if ((stop == 0) && (IS_BLANK_CH(CUR))) break;

if (CUR == '&') {

if (NXT(1) == '#') {

unsigned int c;

int bits;

c = htmlParseCharRef(ctxt);

if (c < 0x80)

{ *out++ = c; bits= -6; }

else if (c < 0x800)

{ *out++ =((c >> 6) & 0x1F) | 0xC0; bits= 0; }

else if (c < 0x10000)

{ *out++ =((c >> 12) & 0x0F) | 0xE0; bits= 6; }


{ *out++ =((c >> 18) & 0x07) | 0xF0; bits= 12; }

for ( ; bits >= 0; bits-= 6) {

*out++ = ((c >> bits) & 0x3F) | 0x80;


if (out - buffer > buffer_size - 100) {

int indx = out - buffer;


out = &buffer[indx];


} else {

ent = htmlParseEntityRef(ctxt, &name);

if (name == NULL) {

*out++ = '&';

if (out - buffer > buffer_size - 100) {

int indx = out - buffer;


out = &buffer[indx];


} else if (ent == NULL) {

*out++ = '&';

cur = name;

while (*cur != 0) {

if (out - buffer > buffer_size - 100) {

int indx = out - buffer;


out = &buffer[indx];


*out++ = *cur++;


} else {

unsigned int c;

int bits;

if (out - buffer > buffer_size - 100) {

int indx = out - buffer;


out = &buffer[indx];


c = ent->value;

if (c < 0x80)

{ *out++ = c; bits= -6; }

else if (c < 0x800)

{ *out++ =((c >> 6) & 0x1F) | 0xC0; bits= 0; }

else if (c < 0x10000)

{ *out++ =((c >> 12) & 0x0F) | 0xE0; bits= 6; }


{ *out++ =((c >> 18) & 0x07) | 0xF0; bits= 12; }

for ( ; bits >= 0; bits-= 6) {

*out++ = ((c >> bits) & 0x3F) | 0x80;




} else {

unsigned int c;

int bits, l;

if (out - buffer > buffer_size - 100) {

int indx = out - buffer;


out = &buffer[indx];


c = CUR_CHAR(l);

if (c < 0x80)

{ *out++ = c; bits= -6; }

else if (c < 0x800)

{ *out++ =((c >> 6) & 0x1F) | 0xC0; bits= 0; }

else if (c < 0x10000)

{ *out++ =((c >> 12) & 0x0F) | 0xE0; bits= 6; }


{ *out++ =((c >> 18) & 0x07) | 0xF0; bits= 12; }

for ( ; bits >= 0; bits-= 6) {

*out++ = ((c >> bits) & 0x3F) | 0x80;





*out = 0;




* htmlParseEntityRef:

* @ctxt: an HTML parser context

* @str: location to store the entity name


* parse an HTML ENTITY references


* [68] EntityRef ::= '&' Name ';'


* Returns the associated htmlEntityDescPtr if found, or NULL otherwise,

* if non-NULL *str will have to be freed by the caller.


const htmlEntityDesc *

htmlParseEntityRef(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, const xmlChar **str) {

const xmlChar *name;

const htmlEntityDesc * ent = NULL;

if (str != NULL) *str = NULL;

if ((ctxt == NULL) || (ctxt->input == NULL)) return(NULL);

if (CUR == '&') {


name = htmlParseName(ctxt);

if (name == NULL) {

htmlParseErr(ctxt, XML_ERR_NAME_REQUIRED,

"htmlParseEntityRef: no name\n", NULL, NULL);

} else {


if (CUR == ';') {

if (str != NULL)

*str = name;


* Lookup the entity in the table.


ent = htmlEntityLookup(name);

if (ent != NULL) /* OK that's ugly !!! */


} else {


"htmlParseEntityRef: expecting ';'\n",


if (str != NULL)

*str = name;







* htmlParseAttValue:

* @ctxt: an HTML parser context


* parse a value for an attribute

* Note: the parser won't do substitution of entities here, this

* will be handled later in xmlStringGetNodeList, unless it was

* asked for ctxt->replaceEntities != 0


* Returns the AttValue parsed or NULL.


static xmlChar *

htmlParseAttValue(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {

xmlChar *ret = NULL;

if (CUR == '"') {


ret = htmlParseHTMLAttribute(ctxt, '"');

if (CUR != '"') {


"AttValue: \" expected\n", NULL, NULL);

} else


} else if (CUR == '\'') {


ret = htmlParseHTMLAttribute(ctxt, '\'');

if (CUR != '\'') {


"AttValue: ' expected\n", NULL, NULL);

} else


} else {


* That's an HTMLism, the attribute value may not be quoted


ret = htmlParseHTMLAttribute(ctxt, 0);

if (ret == NULL) {


"AttValue: no value found\n", NULL, NULL);






* htmlParseSystemLiteral:

* @ctxt: an HTML parser context


* parse an HTML Literal


* [11] SystemLiteral ::= ('"' [^"]* '"') | ("'" [^']* "'")


* Returns the SystemLiteral parsed or NULL


static xmlChar *

htmlParseSystemLiteral(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {

size_t len = 0, startPosition = 0;

int err = 0;

int quote;

xmlChar *ret = NULL;

if ((CUR != '"') && (CUR != '\'')) {


"SystemLiteral \" or ' expected\n", NULL, NULL);



quote = CUR;




startPosition = CUR_PTR - BASE_PTR;

while ((CUR != 0) && (CUR != quote)) {

/* TODO: Handle UTF-8 */

if (!IS_CHAR_CH(CUR)) {

htmlParseErrInt(ctxt, XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR,

"Invalid char in SystemLiteral 0x%X\n", CUR);

err = 1;





if (CUR != quote) {


"Unfinished SystemLiteral\n", NULL, NULL);

} else {


if (err == 0)

ret = xmlStrndup((BASE_PTR+startPosition), len);





* htmlParsePubidLiteral:

* @ctxt: an HTML parser context


* parse an HTML public literal


* [12] PubidLiteral ::= '"' PubidChar* '"' | "'" (PubidChar - "'")* "'"


* Returns the PubidLiteral parsed or NULL.


static xmlChar *

htmlParsePubidLiteral(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {

size_t len = 0, startPosition = 0;

int err = 0;

int quote;

xmlChar *ret = NULL;

if ((CUR != '"') && (CUR != '\'')) {


"PubidLiteral \" or ' expected\n", NULL, NULL);



quote = CUR;



* Name ::= (Letter | '_') (NameChar)*




startPosition = CUR_PTR - BASE_PTR;

while ((CUR != 0) && (CUR != quote)) {


htmlParseErrInt(ctxt, XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR,

"Invalid char in PubidLiteral 0x%X\n", CUR);

err = 1;





if (CUR != '"') {


"Unfinished PubidLiteral\n", NULL, NULL);

} else {


if (err == 0)

ret = xmlStrndup((BASE_PTR + startPosition), len);





* htmlParseScript:

* @ctxt: an HTML parser context


* parse the content of an HTML SCRIPT or STYLE element

* http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/sgml/dtd.html#Script

* http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/sgml/dtd.html#StyleSheet

* http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/types.html#type-script

* http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/types.html#h-6.15

* http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/appendix/notes.html#h-B.3.2.1


* Script data ( %Script; in the DTD) can be the content of the SCRIPT

* element and the value of intrinsic event attributes. User agents must

* not evaluate script data as HTML markup but instead must pass it on as

* data to a script engine.


* - The content is passed like CDATA

* - the attributes for style and scripting "onXXX" are also described

* as CDATA but SGML allows entities references in attributes so their

* processing is identical as other attributes


static void

htmlParseScript(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {


int nbchar = 0;

int cur,l;


cur = CUR_CHAR(l);

while (cur != 0) {

if ((cur == '


* One should break here, the specification is clear:

* Authors should therefore escape "" within the content.

* Escape mechanisms are specific to each scripting or

* style sheet language.


* In recovery mode, only break if end tag match the

* current tag, effectively ignoring all tags inside the

* script/style block and treating the entire block as



if (ctxt->recovery) {

if (xmlStrncasecmp(ctxt->name, ctxt->input->cur+2,

xmlStrlen(ctxt->name)) == 0)


break; /* while */

} else {


"Element %s embeds close tag\n",

ctxt->name, NULL);


} else {

if (((NXT(2) >= 'A') && (NXT(2) <= 'Z')) ||

((NXT(2) >= 'a') && (NXT(2) <= 'z')))


break; /* while */




if (IS_CHAR(cur)) {


} else {

htmlParseErrInt(ctxt, XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR,

"Invalid char in CDATA 0x%X\n", cur);



buf[nbchar] = 0;

if (ctxt->sax->cdataBlock!= NULL) {


* Insert as CDATA, which is the same as HTML_PRESERVE_NODE


ctxt->sax->cdataBlock(ctxt->userData, buf, nbchar);

} else if (ctxt->sax->characters != NULL) {

ctxt->sax->characters(ctxt->userData, buf, nbchar);


nbchar = 0;




cur = CUR_CHAR(l);


if ((nbchar != 0) && (ctxt->sax != NULL) && (!ctxt->disableSAX)) {

buf[nbchar] = 0;

if (ctxt->sax->cdataBlock!= NULL) {


* Insert as CDATA, which is the same as HTML_PRESERVE_NODE


ctxt->sax->cdataBlock(ctxt->userData, buf, nbchar);

} else if (ctxt->sax->characters != NULL) {

ctxt->sax->characters(ctxt->userData, buf, nbchar);





* htmlParseCharDataInternal:

* @ctxt: an HTML parser context

* @readahead: optional read ahead character in ascii range


* parse a CharData section.

* if we are within a CDATA section ']]>' marks an end of section.


* [14] CharData ::= [^' [^


static void

htmlParseCharDataInternal(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, int readahead) {


int nbchar = 0;

int cur, l;

int chunk = 0;

if (readahead)

buf[nbchar++] = readahead;


cur = CUR_CHAR(l);

while (((cur != 'token == '

((cur != '&') || (ctxt->token == '&')) &&

(cur != 0)) {

if (!(IS_CHAR(cur))) {

htmlParseErrInt(ctxt, XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR,

"Invalid char in CDATA 0x%X\n", cur);

} else {




buf[nbchar] = 0;


* Ok the segment is to be consumed as chars.


if ((ctxt->sax != NULL) && (!ctxt->disableSAX)) {

if (areBlanks(ctxt, buf, nbchar)) {

if (ctxt->keepBlanks) {

if (ctxt->sax->characters != NULL)

ctxt->sax->characters(ctxt->userData, buf, nbchar);

} else {

if (ctxt->sax->ignorableWhitespace != NULL)


buf, nbchar);


} else {


if (ctxt->sax->characters != NULL)

ctxt->sax->characters(ctxt->userData, buf, nbchar);



nbchar = 0;





chunk = 0;




cur = CUR_CHAR(l);

if (cur == 0) {



cur = CUR_CHAR(l);



if (nbchar != 0) {

buf[nbchar] = 0;


* Ok the segment is to be consumed as chars.


if ((ctxt->sax != NULL) && (!ctxt->disableSAX)) {

if (areBlanks(ctxt, buf, nbchar)) {

if (ctxt->keepBlanks) {

if (ctxt->sax->characters != NULL)

ctxt->sax->characters(ctxt->userData, buf, nbchar);

} else {

if (ctxt->sax->ignorableWhitespace != NULL)


buf, nbchar);


} else {


if (ctxt->sax->characters != NULL)

ctxt->sax->characters(ctxt->userData, buf, nbchar);



} else {


* Loop detection


if (cur == 0)

ctxt->instate = XML_PARSER_EOF;




* htmlParseCharData:

* @ctxt: an HTML parser context


* parse a CharData section.

* if we are within a CDATA section ']]>' marks an end of section.


* [14] CharData ::= [^' [^


static void

htmlParseCharData(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {

htmlParseCharDataInternal(ctxt, 0);



* htmlParseExternalID:

* @ctxt: an HTML parser context

* @publicID: a xmlChar** receiving PubidLiteral


* Parse an External ID or a Public ID


* [75] ExternalID ::= 'SYSTEM' S SystemLiteral

* | 'PUBLIC' S PubidLiteral S SystemLiteral


* [83] PublicID ::= 'PUBLIC' S PubidLiteral


* Returns the function returns SystemLiteral and in the second

* case publicID receives PubidLiteral, is strict is off

* it is possible to return NULL and have publicID set.


static xmlChar *

htmlParseExternalID(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlChar **publicID) {

xmlChar *URI = NULL;

if ((UPPER == 'S') && (UPP(1) == 'Y') &&

(UPP(2) == 'S') && (UPP(3) == 'T') &&

(UPP(4) == 'E') && (UPP(5) == 'M')) {


if (!IS_BLANK_CH(CUR)) {

htmlParseErr(ctxt, XML_ERR_SPACE_REQUIRED,

"Space required after 'SYSTEM'\n", NULL, NULL);



URI = htmlParseSystemLiteral(ctxt);

if (URI == NULL) {

htmlParseErr(ctxt, XML_ERR_URI_REQUIRED,

"htmlParseExternalID: SYSTEM, no URI\n", NULL, NULL);


} else if ((UPPER == 'P') && (UPP(1) == 'U') &&

(UPP(2) == 'B') && (UPP(3) == 'L') &&

(UPP(4) == 'I') && (UPP(5) == 'C')) {


if (!IS_BLANK_CH(CUR)) {

htmlParseErr(ctxt, XML_ERR_SPACE_REQUIRED,

"Space required after 'PUBLIC'\n", NULL, NULL);



*publicID = htmlParsePubidLiteral(ctxt);

if (*publicID == NULL) {

htmlParseErr(ctxt, XML_ERR_PUBID_REQUIRED,

"htmlParseExternalID: PUBLIC, no Public Identifier\n",




if ((CUR == '"') || (CUR == '\'')) {

URI = htmlParseSystemLiteral(ctxt);






* xmlParsePI:

* @ctxt: an XML parser context


* parse an XML Processing Instruction.


* [16] PI ::= '' PITarget (S (Char* - (Char* '?>' Char*)))? '?>'


static void

htmlParsePI(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {

xmlChar *buf = NULL;

int len = 0;


int cur, l;

const xmlChar *target;

xmlParserInputState state;

int count = 0;

if ((RAW == '

state = ctxt->instate;

ctxt->instate = XML_PARSER_PI;


* this is a Processing Instruction.





* Parse the target name and check for special support like

* namespace.


target = htmlParseName(ctxt);

if (target != NULL) {

if (RAW == '>') {



* SAX: PI detected.


if ((ctxt->sax) && (!ctxt->disableSAX) &&

(ctxt->sax->processingInstruction != NULL))


target, NULL);

ctxt->instate = state;



buf = (xmlChar *) xmlMallocAtomic(size * sizeof(xmlChar));

if (buf == NULL) {

htmlErrMemory(ctxt, NULL);

ctxt->instate = state;



cur = CUR;

if (!IS_BLANK(cur)) {

htmlParseErr(ctxt, XML_ERR_SPACE_REQUIRED,

"ParsePI: PI %s space expected\n", target, NULL);



cur = CUR_CHAR(l);

while ((cur != 0) && (cur != '>')) {

if (len + 5 >= size) {

xmlChar *tmp;

size *= 2;

tmp = (xmlChar *) xmlRealloc(buf, size * sizeof(xmlChar));

if (tmp == NULL) {

htmlErrMemory(ctxt, NULL);


ctxt->instate = state;



buf = tmp;



if (count > 50) {


count = 0;


if (IS_CHAR(cur)) {


} else {

htmlParseErrInt(ctxt, XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR,

"Invalid char in processing instruction "

"0x%X\n", cur);



cur = CUR_CHAR(l);

if (cur == 0) {



cur = CUR_CHAR(l);



buf[len] = 0;

if (cur != '>') {

htmlParseErr(ctxt, XML_ERR_PI_NOT_FINISHED,

"ParsePI: PI %s never end ...\n", target, NULL);

} else {



* SAX: PI detected.


if ((ctxt->sax) && (!ctxt->disableSAX) &&

(ctxt->sax->processingInstruction != NULL))


target, buf);



} else {

htmlParseErr(ctxt, XML_ERR_PI_NOT_STARTED,

"PI is not started correctly", NULL, NULL);


ctxt->instate = state;




* htmlParseComment:

* @ctxt: an HTML parser context


* Parse an XML (SGML) comment


* [15] Comment ::= ''


static void

htmlParseComment(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {

xmlChar *buf = NULL;

int len;


int q, ql;

int r, rl;

int cur, l;

xmlParserInputState state;


* Check that there is a comment right here.


if ((RAW != '

(NXT(2) != '-') || (NXT(3) != '-')) return;

state = ctxt->instate;

ctxt->instate = XML_PARSER_COMMENT;



buf = (xmlChar *) xmlMallocAtomic(size * sizeof(xmlChar));

if (buf == NULL) {

htmlErrMemory(ctxt, "buffer allocation failed\n");

ctxt->instate = state;



len = 0;

buf[len] = 0;

q = CUR_CHAR(ql);

if (q == 0)

goto unfinished;


r = CUR_CHAR(rl);

if (r == 0)

goto unfinished;


cur = CUR_CHAR(l);

while ((cur != 0) &&

((cur != '>') ||

(r != '-') || (q != '-'))) {

if (len + 5 >= size) {

xmlChar *tmp;

size *= 2;

tmp = (xmlChar *) xmlRealloc(buf, size * sizeof(xmlChar));

if (tmp == NULL) {


htmlErrMemory(ctxt, "growing buffer failed\n");

ctxt->instate = state;



buf = tmp;


if (IS_CHAR(q)) {


} else {

htmlParseErrInt(ctxt, XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR,

"Invalid char in comment 0x%X\n", q);


q = r;

ql = rl;

r = cur;

rl = l;


cur = CUR_CHAR(l);

if (cur == 0) {



cur = CUR_CHAR(l);



buf[len] = 0;

if (cur == '>') {


if ((ctxt->sax != NULL) && (ctxt->sax->comment != NULL) &&


ctxt->sax->comment(ctxt->userData, buf);


ctxt->instate = state;





"Comment not terminated \n

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