寺冈labelnet使用说明_要使用的控件 - Windows Forms .NET Framework | Microsoft Docs

在 Windows 窗体上使用的控件Controls to Use on Windows Forms



下面按字母顺序列出了可在 Windows 窗体上使用的控件和组件。The following is an alphabetic list of controls and components that can be used on Windows Forms. 除本节介绍的 Windows 窗体控件外,还可向 Windows 窗体添加 ActiveX 控件和自定义控件。In addition to the Windows Forms controls covered in this section, you can add ActiveX and custom controls to Windows Forms. 如果在此处列出的控件中未找到所需控件,还可创建自己的控件。If you do not find the control you need listed here, you can also create your own. For more information about choosing the control you need, see Windows Forms Controls by Function.


Visual Basic 控件基于 .NET Framework 提供的类。Visual Basic controls are based on classes provided by the .NET Framework.

本节内容In This Section

根据功能列出的 Windows 窗体控件Windows Forms Controls by Function

列出并描述基于 .NET Framework Windows 窗体控件。Lists and describes Windows Forms controls based on the .NET Framework.

具有内置所有者描述支持的控件Controls with Built-In Owner-Drawing Support

描述如何更改控件外观的各个方面,这些方面不可通过属性进行更改。Describes how to alter aspects of a control's appearance that are not available through properties.

BackgroundWorker 组件BackgroundWorker Component

允许窗体或控件以异步方式运行操作。Enables a form or control to run an operation asynchronously.

BindingNavigator 控件BindingNavigator Control

为绑定到数据的控件提供导航和操作用户界面 (UI)。Provides the navigation and manipulation user interface (UI) for controls that are bound to data.

BindingSource 组件BindingSource Component

封装数据源以绑定到控件。Encapsulates a data source for binding to controls.

Button 控件Button Control

显示用户可以单击以执行操作的标准按钮。Presents a standard button that the user can click to perform actions.

CheckBox 控件CheckBox Control

指示条件是打开还是关闭。Indicates whether a condition is on or off.

CheckedListBox 控件CheckedListBox Control

显示项的列表,每个项旁边都有一个复选框。Displays a list of items with a check box next to each item.

ColorDialog 组件ColorDialog Component

允许用户在预先配置的对话框中从调色板选择颜色以及将自定义颜色添加到该调色板。Allows the user to select a color from a palette in a pre-configured dialog box and to add custom colors to that palette.

ComboBox 控件ComboBox Control

在下拉式组合框中显示数据。Displays data in a drop-down combo box.

ContextMenu 组件ContextMenu Component

向用户提供易于访问的菜单,该菜单包含与选定对象关联的常用命令。Provides users with an easily accessible menu of frequently used commands that are associated with the selected object. 尽管 ContextMenuStrip 替代和添加了 ContextMenu 以前版本的控件的功能,但 ContextMenu 如果需要,还会保留以实现向后兼容性和将来使用。Although ContextMenuStrip replaces and adds functionality to the ContextMenu control of previous versions, ContextMenu is retained for both backward compatibility and future use if so desired.

ContextMenuStrip 控件ContextMenuStrip Control

表示快捷菜单。Represents a shortcut menu. 尽管 ContextMenuStrip 替代和添加了 ContextMenu 以前版本的控件的功能,但 ContextMenu 如果需要,还会保留以实现向后兼容性和将来使用。Although ContextMenuStrip replaces and adds functionality to the ContextMenu control of previous versions, ContextMenu is retained for both backward compatibility and future use if so desired.

DataGrid 控件DataGrid Control

显示数据集中的表格数据,并允许对数据源进行更新。Displays tabular data from a dataset and allows for updates to the data source.

DataGridView 控件DataGridView Control

为显示和编辑表格数据提供了灵活、可扩展的系统。Provides a flexible, extensible system for displaying and editing tabular data.

DateTimePicker 控件DateTimePicker Control

允许用户从日期或时间列表中选择单个项。Allows the user to select a single item from a list of dates or times.

对话框控件和组件Dialog-Box Controls and Components

描述一组控件,这些控件允许用户执行与应用程序或系统的标准交互操作。Describes a set of controls that allow users to perform standard interactions with the application or system.

DomainUpDown 控件DomainUpDown Control

显示用户可以浏览并从中进行选择的文本字符串。Displays text strings that a user can browse through and select from.

ErrorProvider 组件ErrorProvider Component

以非打扰方式向用户显示错误信息。Displays error information to the user in a non-intrusive way.

FileDialog 类 为文件对话框提供基类功能。FileDialog Class Provides base-class functionality for file dialog boxes.

FlowLayoutPanel 控件FlowLayoutPanel Control

表示以水平或垂直方式动态布置其内容的面板。Represents a panel that dynamically lays out its contents horizontally or vertically.

FolderBrowserDialog 组件FolderBrowserDialog Component

显示一个界面,用户可借此浏览和选择目录或者创建新目录。Displays an interface with which users can browse and select a directory or create a new one.

FontDialog 组件FontDialog Component

公开当前系统上安装的字体。Exposes the fonts that are currently installed on the system.

GroupBox 控件GroupBox Control

为其他控件提供可识别分组。Provides an identifiable grouping for other controls.

HelpProvider 组件HelpProvider Component

将 HTML 帮助文件与基于 Windows 的应用程序相关联。Associates an HTML Help file with a Windows-based application.

HScrollBar 和 VScrollBar 控件HScrollBar and VScrollBar Controls

通过在应用程序或控件中水平或垂直滚动,提供在项列表或大量信息中导航的功能。Provide navigation through a list of items or a large amount of information by scrolling either horizontally or vertically within an application or control.

ImageList 组件ImageList Component

在其他控件上显示图像。Displays images on other controls.

Label 控件Label Control

显示用户无法编辑的文本。Displays text that cannot be edited by the user.

LinkLabel 控件LinkLabel Control

允许向 Windows 窗体应用程序添加 Web 样式的链接。Allows you to add Web-style links to Windows Forms applications.

ListBox 控件ListBox Control

允许用户从预定义的列表中选择一项或多项。Allows the user to select one or more items from a predefined list.

ListView 控件ListView Control

按照 Windows 资源管理器的方式显示带图标的项列表。Displays a list of items with icons, in the manner of Windows Explorer.

MainMenu 组件MainMenu Component

在运行时显示菜单。Displays a menu at run time. 尽管 MenuStrip 替换了早期版本的 MainMenu 控件并添加了功能;但是也可选择保留 MainMenu 以备向后兼容和将来使用。Although MenuStrip replaces and adds functionality to the MainMenu control of previous versions, MainMenu is retained for both backward compatibility and future use if you choose.

MaskedTextBox 控件MaskedTextBox Control

约束窗体中用户输入的格式。Constrains the format of user input in a form.

MenuStrip 控件MenuStrip Control

为窗体提供菜单系统。Provides a menu system for a form. 尽管 MenuStrip 替换了早期版本的 MainMenu 控件并添加了功能;但是也可选择保留 MainMenu 以备向后兼容和将来使用。Although MenuStrip replaces and adds functionality to the MainMenu control of previous versions, MainMenu is retained for both backward compatibility and future use if you choose.

MonthCalendar 控件MonthCalendar Control

显示直观的图形界面,供用户查看和设置日期信息。Presents an intuitive graphical interface for users to view and set date information.

NotifyIcon 组件NotifyIcon Component

显示在后台运行且在其他情况下不具有用户界面的进程的图标。Displays icons for processes that run in the background and would not otherwise have user interfaces.

NumericUpDown 控件NumericUpDown Control

显示用户可以浏览并从中进行选择的数字。Displays numerals that a user can browse through and select from.

OpenFileDialog 组件OpenFileDialog Component

允许用户通过预先配置的对话框打开文件。Allows users to open files by using a pre-configured dialog box.

PageSetupDialog 组件PageSetupDialog Component

通过预先配置的对话框设置供打印的页详细信息。Sets page details for printing through a pre-configured dialog box.

面板控件Panel Control

为其他控件提供可识别分组,并允许滚动。Provide an identifiable grouping for other controls, and allows for scrolling.

PictureBox 控件PictureBox Control

以位图、GIF、JPEG、图元文件或图标格式显示图形。Displays graphics in bitmap, GIF, JPEG, metafile, or icon format.

PrintDialog 组件PrintDialog Component

选择打印机,选中要打印的压面,并确定其他与打印相关的设置。Selects a printer, chooses the pages to print, and determines other print-related settings.

PrintDocument 组件PrintDocument Component

设置对打印内容进行描述的属性,并在基于 Windows 的应用程序中打印文档。Sets the properties that describe what to print, and prints the document in Windows-based applications.

PrintPreviewControl 控件PrintPreviewControl Control

允许创建自己的 PrintPreview 组件或对话框,而不是使用预先配置的版本。Allows you to create your own PrintPreview component or dialog box instead of using the pre-configured version.

PrintPreviewDialog 控件PrintPreviewDialog Control

显示文档打印时将显示的情况。Displays a document as it will appear when it is printed.

ProgressBar 控件ProgressBar Control

以图形方式指示操作的完成进度。Graphically indicates the progress of an action towards completion.

RadioButton 控件RadioButton Control

向用户显示由两个或更多个互斥选项组成的选项组。Presents a set of two or more mutually exclusive options to the user.

RichTextBox 控件RichTextBox Control

允许用户通过格式设置来输入、显示和操作文本。Allows users to enter, display, and manipulate text with formatting.

SaveFileDialog 组件SaveFileDialog Component

选择要保存的文件及要保存的位置。Selects files to save and where to save them.

SoundPlayer 类 使你能够轻松地在应用程序中包含声音。SoundPlayer Class Enables you to easily include sounds in your applications.

SplitContainer 控件SplitContainer Control

允许用户调整停靠控件的大小。Allows the user to resize a docked control.

Splitter 控件Splitter Control

允许用户 .NET Framework 版本 1.x) ( 调整停靠控件的大小。Allows the user to resize a docked control (.NET Framework version 1.x).

StatusBar 控件StatusBar Control

显示与具有焦点的控件相关的状态信息。Displays status information related to the control that has focus. 尽管 StatusStrip 替换并扩展了早期版本的 StatusBar 控件,但也可以选择保留 StatusBar 以备向后兼容性和将来使用。Although StatusStrip replaces and extends the StatusBar control of previous versions, StatusBar is retained for both backward compatibility and future use if you choose.

StatusStrip 控件StatusStrip Control

表示 Windows 状态栏控件。Represents a Windows status bar control. 尽管 StatusStrip 替换并扩展了早期版本的 StatusBar 控件,但也可以选择保留 StatusBar 以备向后兼容性和将来使用。Although StatusStrip replaces and extends the StatusBar control of previous versions, StatusBar is retained for both backward compatibility and future use if you choose.

TabControl 控件TabControl Control

显示多个可包含图片或其他控件的选项卡。Displays multiple tabs that can contain pictures or other controls.

TableLayoutPanel 控件TableLayoutPanel Control

表示一个面板,它可以在一个由行和列组成的网格中对其内容进行动态布局。Represents a panel that dynamically lays out its contents in a grid composed of rows and columns.

TextBox 控件TextBox Control

允许来自用户的可编辑多行输入。Allows editable, multiline input from the user.

Timer 组件Timer Component

按固定间隔引发事件。Raises an event at regular intervals.

ToolBar 控件ToolBar Control

显示激活命令的菜单和位图化按钮。Displays menus and bitmapped buttons that activate commands. 可扩展此控件的功能,并修改其外观和行为。You can extend the functionality of the control and modify its appearance and behavior. 尽管 ToolStrip 替换了早期版本的 ToolBar 控件并添加了功能;但是也可选择保留 ToolBar 以备向后兼容和将来使用。Although ToolStrip replaces and adds functionality to the ToolBar control of previous versions, ToolBar is retained for both backward compatibility and future use if you choose.

ToolStrip 控件ToolStrip Control

在 Windows 窗体应用程序中创建自定义工具栏和菜单。Creates custom toolbars and menus in your Windows Forms applications. 尽管 ToolStrip 替换了早期版本的 ToolBar 控件并添加了功能;但是也可选择保留 ToolBar 以备向后兼容和将来使用。Although ToolStrip replaces and adds functionality to the ToolBar control of previous versions, ToolBar is retained for both backward compatibility and future use if you choose.

ToolStripContainer 控件ToolStripContainer Control

在窗体的每一侧提供面板,用于停靠、漂浮和排列 ToolStrip 控件以及 ToolStripContentPanel 传统控件的中心。Provides panels on each side of a form for docking, rafting, and arranging ToolStrip controls, and a central ToolStripContentPanel for traditional controls.

ToolStripPanel 控件ToolStripPanel Control

提供一个用于停靠、漂浮和排列控件的面板 ToolStrip 。Provides one panel for docking, rafting and arranging ToolStrip controls.

ToolTip 组件ToolTip Component

用户指向其他控件时显示文本。Displays text when the user points at other controls.

TrackBar 控件TrackBar Control

允许在大量信息中导航,或直观地调整数字设置。Allows navigation through a large amount of information or visually adjusting a numeric setting.

TreeView 控件TreeView Control

显示可以展开或折叠的节点层次结构。Displays a hierarchy of nodes that can be expanded or collapsed.

WebBrowser 控件WebBrowser Control

托管网页,并向应用程序提供 Internet Web 浏览功能。Hosts Web pages and provides Internet Web browsing capabilities to your application.

用于列出选项的 Windows 窗体控件Windows Forms Controls Used to List Options

描述一组控件,用于为用户提供可从中选择的选项列表。Describes a set of controls used to provide users with a list of options to choose from.

相关章节Related Sections

Windows 窗体控件Windows Forms Controls

说明 Windows 窗体控件的用法,并介绍有关如何使用这些控件的重要概念。Explains the use of Windows Forms controls, and describes important concepts for working with them.

设计时开发 Windows 窗体控件Developing Windows Forms Controls at Design Time

提供一些链接,这些链接指向分步说明主题、有关创建何种控件的建议和与创建自己的控件相关的其他信息。Provides links to step-by-step topics, recommendations for which kind of control to create, and other information about creating your own control.

提供一个表,该表将 Visual Basic 6.0 中的控件映射到 Visual Basic .NET 中的相应控件。Provides a table that maps controls in Visual Basic 6.0 to the corresponding control in Visual Basic .NET. 请注意,控件现在是 .NET Framework 中的类。Note that controls are now classes in the .NET Framework.

如何:向 Windows 窗体添加 ActiveX 控件How to: Add ActiveX Controls to Windows Forms

介绍在 Windows 窗体中如何使用 ActiveX 控件。Describes how to use ActiveX controls on Windows Forms.

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