couldn’t connect to server_American T, 关于T的你要的所有 附大量练习


首先,献上常用缩写 and 笔记标识
SS: stressed syllable
USS: stressed syllable
EC: exception
S: same, 同理
M: meaning
R: related / relevant

入坑美音不久的你,一定已经发现,American T 和别家的T 不太一样,别急,如果是 一个漂亮的American R 音靠的是大量的张口练习,那么一个正确的American T 音呢,靠的是竟然是既定的规则,Rules


==Rule1: Real T==================

A sharp burst of air over the tip of the tongue. Make your Ts crisper. If the tip of your tongue is even a bit too far forward, it flattens the rest of the tongue. Make sure it's planted right there on the alveolar ridge and that it's clearly popped.

1、单词开头、重音节,次重音节开头, politics; military
EC1: tr- train
EC2: 弱读的to, Flap T
e.g. tomorrow; I'm going to the bank; It supposed to rain today;

2、consonant clusters st-; str-; tr-; -ct; -ft; -lt; -st; -pt;
(and some NT combinations, 尤其是 非结尾-nt-)
e.g. string; connect; soft; softer; fact; instantly;

EC1: -nt Stop T environment;
EC2: Ts, 变音 students;

==Rule2: Flap T ==================

A soft puff of air over the tip of the tongue.

1、在元音之间,此处元音包含R. e.g. party; article; alerted; splatter; pattern; charter; mortified; sorted; gotta; vertical; expert in; out of; ought to;
Pat ought to sit on a lap. /ɔda/

2、元音+T+Dark L ( vowel-like sound) e.g.title; brittle; capital; bottle; Seattle;
Or , Dark L+T+元音同理 penalty;

EC1: Rule1 大于Rule2 , Rule3 Real T e.g. atone; until;
EC2: 元音+T+ /ən/
EC3: 结尾处的consonant clusters接元音/i/,FT fifty; thrifty; softy; nifty; R: softer

==Rule3: Stop T ==================

Stop the air. keep the air in. 只做口型,不发音,留空拍

1、-nt; e.g.
e.g. point; incident; paint; department; important; frequently; fountain; mountain; comment; (非结尾T,Real T :commenting)

2、元音+T+ /ən/
e.g. acquaintance; important; certainly; eaten; heighten; curtain; beaten; Britain; patent; button; witness;
Note: You need a sharp upward sliding intonation up to this ST, then a quick drop for the N.

e.g. partly; partner; department; oatmeal; immediately; basketball; definitely; lately;

Training: Before glottal consonants K , G, R, W, Y
e.g. what could; it can; quit claim; Not really; but, yeah; that one; what was;
Note:有时美国人会把quit claim 听成quick claim

Note:T+ M, B, P, T变成P, 类似于读成Stop音,失去爆破
e.g. that man; old man; short break; white paper;
D +M, B, P, D 变成B, 类似于读成Stop音,失去爆破
e.g. an educated person; good boy;
T/D+N, 同样Stop T / Stop D e.g. ordinary;

4、以T结尾的单词 carpet

EC1: Rule1的consonant clusters -ct; -ft; -lt; -st; -pt;
EC2: Rule2的单词连读中的FT part of
EC3: We do often make a clear RT in –rt tart
Note:EX3区别于其他情形: car card cart
▍声带音结尾的词,the vowel is lengthened and doubled. 而T是 unvoiced sound
So: When the vowel curves up and down, there is no feeling of a Stop T.

==Rule4: Drop T ===================

1、Silent T e.g. Christmas; whistle; mortgage;

2、/n/+USS的 T 非官方的用法 官方依然RT,比如美国的广播电视里,在/n/+USS的 T 的情形下,不会Drop T ,但是日常native speaker 包括广播员下班回到了家,统统drop T,相信我。
(Training: T is silent after N with lax vowels N+ T+ lax vowel)
wanted; interview; center; incidental; twenty; seventy; ninety; advantage; percentage; printout; winter; enter; intercontinental; saunter;
He can’t even do it. They don’t even want it.
That is not the point of this. What’s the point of it?
Hasn't he? Isn't he? Aren't I ? Won't he? Wouldn’t it?

EC:Rule1的 重音节 until; untie; intent;


exactly; perfectly; directly; facts; restless; mostly; firstly;
just because; first one; last night;
I finished my homework. –ed always Drop T

==Drop D=======================

/n/+D+ consonant
landslide; grandma; friendly; friendship; mindless; handbag; stand for;
grand piano; find that; I don’t understand it;

Note: 个人认为,可drop音,亦可Stop 音情形, 首选Drop音
grandfather; couldn’t have;

EC: L, W, R, S等之前的D不drop, 个人认为读成Stop音
liked writing; Do you mind walking?
Remember to send Sam a postcard.

==Stop D=========================

1、以D结尾的单词 download;

2、D+N ordinary; kidney; hidden;

▍Stop D与Stop T不一样,StopT 完全stop,SD 用vocal cords 去读
The real discussion comes tomorrow. dis用vocal cords一带而过


‘t根据不同情形,有三种读法 RT ST DT
Let me see. Lemme DT 固定读法
attitude FT RT
institute RT RT ST
outlast ST RT
mental RT
penalty kick RT/FT
politics; political;
fact; facts;
mount; mountain;
maintain; maintenance; RT ST
thrift; thrifty; RT FT
comment; commenting; ST RT
quantity; DT / RT FT
identity; DT / RT FT c
onsistent; RT ST
chapter; RT
drafts DT 也可以读成/ts/辅音连缀
built up RT 为区分开来build up

▍个人认为,可Flap T亦可Stop T的情形,弱读地方选择Stop T, 不和下一个元音连读,凸显后面的重要单词
carried it out ST
Don’t stop till you get enough. ST SP ST
Almost every person that I know, who has a decent income, does some sort of travel every year. decent ST
Did you hear the rumors about our CEO resigning?
He hurt her feeling? ST her没有SS,但是读音清晰
Let’s meet at the station. ST ST

▍其他可Stop T亦可连读情形,佛系弱读
Nice to meet you.
Don't you think? you弱读

愿刻苦学习的你,能有一个准确的 American T sound


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