englishpod讲解文本_Englishpod 49 | 主持人文本讲解< Daddy Please!>

感谢一直都在阅读和坚持学习这个pod资源,或者给我点赞,催我要坚持下去的小伙伴,给了我更大的动力。学习是个长跑的过程,有人一起加油鼓劲,会比默默地用力,走得更坚强更久远。在时间允许的情况下,我也会保持继续每周更新两期~加油 以下为主持人文本讲解的主要知识点: 泛听:建议先听录音,再对照看文本学习 本期知识点: 1、Voice: Vocabulary preview (词汇预览) (1)concert.   2、Language takeaway(语言要点): (1) hottest (2)most popular.  (3) fine then  (4)reinforced 3、礼貌的请求句型 (1) I was wondering.   (2) Do you think I could… (3)Would you mind? 具体意思和运用可参考头篇或者看主持人举例讲解 66fc7e01883d0962bacfd9b3dfc1ab6f.png 对话原文: M:  Hello English learners! Welcome back to EnglishPod ! My name is Marco .  E:  And I’m Erica . M:  And today we’re gonna be talking about a really common situation with parents. E:  Yeah, when you’re teenager you always need to ask your parents for money, um, ask  your parents for the car or ask your parents if you can do something. M:  Exactly and that’s what we’re gonna be looking at is how you can ask for permission for the car, for money. E:  Right! And these phrases are not only for your parents, right? M:  No, you could use them in your office… E:  Uhu. M:  With your boss or for any situation where you need to ask politely. E:  Yes. M:  Okay. So let’s take a look at “ vocabulary preview ”. 1、Voice: Vocabulary preview. E:  We have one word for you today - concert . M:  Concert. E:  Concert. M:  A concert. E:  A concert is an event, right? M:  Yeah. E:  Where people play music. M:  Right. So, you have different types of concerts like a rock concert. E:  They play rock music. M:  Or a pop concert. E:  Yeah, a pop music. Or even a classical music concert. M:  Exactly, where you have people playing violins and pianos. E:  Yeah, yeah. M:  Okay, concert. E:  So, concerts are always for music. M:  Yeah, exactly. They’re always for music. E:  Well, with that let’s go into our dialogue. Marco, what happens here? M:  Well, basically, we have a teenage girl who needs to go to a concert and is asking her  dad for something. E:  Alright, let’s listen. 第一次故事对话(对话文本在本期首篇) M:  Teenagers, ha? E:  Yeah. They’re always asking for something. M:  Yeah, this brings back memories , but I’ll tell you about that later. Uh, why don’t we  take a look at the vocabulary in “ language takeaway ”? 2,Voice: Language takeaway. E:  Alright, we’ve got a few interesting words here. Um, the first one - hottest . M:  Hottest. E:  Hottest. M:  So, this is the superlative of hot . E:  Right. So, the hottest guy in school is… M:  The most handsome… E:  Yeah, the most sexy guy in school. M:  Exactly. So, if somebody is hot, they are really attractive. E:  Really good-looking . M:  Really good-looking. E:  Um, and… M:  Okay. E:  So, Marco, is this a word that is only used for men? M:  No, it’s… you can also use it for women. E:  Um, and what about things? M:  You know, recently with Parris Hilton… E:  Hehe. M:  It’s more popular with things like “Wow! I got a new car!”, “Wow! That’s hot!” E:  Right. M:  Yeah, yeah. Hehe. E:  Um, but I guess we maybe should tell our listeners to be careful with this word. M:  Yeah. You don’t really wanna tell somebody “you’re hot”. E:  No, you… M:  It’s not very polite. Hehe. E:  But you… with your friends you can use this word. M:  Exactly, if I’m talking with my friends and I see a girl like… “Wow! She’s hot!” Okay, that’s… E:  But just don’t tell her. M:  Yeah, don’t go up to her and say “Wow! You’re hot!”  ...... 主持人对话全部文本, 请大家点击左下
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