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泛听:建议先听录音,再对照看文本学习 本期知识点: 1、Voice: Vocabulary preview(词汇预览) (1)head chef  (2)sous chef (3) cuisine 2、Language takeaway(语言要点): (1)  peel (2) chop (3) stirred  (4) butchered (5)buttered 3、Fluency Builder(流利口语再造): (1) in the weeds.  (2) running low on  (3)Doing really well. 具体意思和运用可参考头篇或者看主持人举例讲解 007ac14e86eb3e887451cff587f044b5.png     主持人对话 M:  Hello English learners! Welcome to EnglishPod ! My name is Marco . E:  And I’m Erica . M:  And today we’re back bringing you another great lesson, ah, an intermediate lesson. E:  That’s right, about one of my favorite subjects. M:  We’re talking about food. E:  Exactly. M:  Hehe. So, on this occasion we’re gonna be talking about food, so, let’s preview some  words on “ vocabulary preview ”.   1、 Voice: Vocabulary preview. E:  Alright, we have three words for you today. Um, and the first word is head chef . M:  Head chef. E:  Head chef. M:  So, what is a head chef? E:  Well, in a professional kitchen, um, this is the boss of the kitchen or the leader of the  kitchen. M:  Okay, so, the head chief is the… the main cook… E:  Yes, but… M:  Sort of saying. E:  He doesn’t cook M:  He… but he doesn’t cook. E:  Okay. M:  Alright, so if he doesn’t cook, who’s the one that… does the cooking? E:  Um, that brings us to our second word, sous chef . M:  Sous chef. E:  Sous chef. M:  Sous chef. E:  S-O-U-S. M:   So, the S   is silent. E:  Uhu. M:  Because it’s like a French word. E:  Yeah, something like that. M:  Okay. So, the sous chef is the second in line to the head chef . E:  Yea, he’s the number two. M:  Number two. E:  Uhu. M:  So, he’s basically the one that’s doing some of the work. E:  Yeah. M:  In the kitchen. E:  Yep. M:  Now, let’s take a look at our last word, cuisine . E:  Cuisine. M:  Cuisine. E:  Cuisine. M:  So, this is an interesting word. What exactly does it mean? E:  Well, it basically means, um, cooking, right? M:  Okay. E:  Like the art of cooking. M:  So, for example, I can say French food . E:  Yeah, or French cuisine . M:  French cuisine, which includes all the food. E:  Yep. M:  And this also the major that people study in college… E:  Yes. M:  To become a chief. E:  Yep. M:  They study cuisine. E:  Uhu. And cuisine is a noun, right? M:  It’s a noun. Okay, so I think we’re ready to dive into our dialogue. What exactly is going on? E:  Well, um, we’re in a restaurant, um, and it’s a really busy night and so, we’re going to listen to what is happening in the kitchen.   次故事对话(对话文本在本期首篇)   M:  Okay, so, a busy night here at this restaurant. E:  I know, it sounds like, ah, there’s a lot of pressure on this chief, Jean Pierre. M:  Yeah. Hehe. Yeah, you can… you can tell in his voice that he’s really stressed out. E:  Yeah. M:  Okay, let’s take a look at some of this kitchen vocabulary that we found, ah, in “ language takeaway ”.   2, Voice: Language takeaway. E:  Alright, well, we’ve got five words for you today, ah, and the first one is peel . M:  Peel. E:  Peel. M:  Peel. E:  P-E-E-L. M:  So, this is a verb. E:  Uhu. M:  And it means to… E:  Remove the outside skin. M:  Okay, so, for example, when you’re gonna eat a banana. E:  You must peel it first. M:  You must peel it. E:  Yep. M:  You gotta take away the yellow skin. E:  Uhu. M:  What else do you peel? Oranges, potatoes. E:  Potatoes, like in the dialogue. Ah, what else can you peel? I don’t know, carrots. M:  Carrots. E:  Yeah. M:  Some people peel their tomatoes I don’t know why. E:  Yeah, it is kind of weird. M:  Alright, now let’s take a look at our next word, chop . E:  Chop. M:  Chop. E:  Chop. M:  So, again another verb and it means to… E:  It means to cut food in to pieces. M:  Oh… so if you’re gonna eat carrots, first you gotta chop them. E:  Exactly. M:  Right, you can’t put a whole carrot in… E:  In you soup. M:  In your soup… E:  No M:  Or in your rice. E:  Yep. M:  Okay, chop. E:  M… M:  Okay our next word, stirred . E:  Yeah, this is the past participle of the word stir. M:  Okay, so the verb stir . E:  Stir. M:  So, when you stir something… E:  Imagine you have a big pot. M:  Uhu. E:  Um, and you’ve got a long spoon, you move the spoon around in circles. M:  Okay. E:  So, you’re stirring the pot. M:  You’re mixing. E:  Uhu. M:  To stir is very similar to mix . 点击左下角“阅读原文”,可查看主持人对话全文
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