
In the United States and in many 【51】 countries around the world, there are four main ways for people to be informed 【52】 developments in the news: Newspapers, magazines, and 【53】 or television news broadcasts. A person may use one, or all, of these 【54】 for information. Each source is useful in its own way. Newspapers and magazines can give much 【55】 about a particular event. They may provide some history of the event, some of its causes, some of its effects, or perhaps give an opinion or point of view on a particular development. Radio and television can help a person to be well-informed about what is 【56】 each day. It is also possible to listen to the radio or 【57】 TV and do something 【58】 at the same time. Many people can listen to the news 【59】 their car radio while 【60】 somewhere. For the student of English 【61】 a foreign language, an English language newspaper may be the most helpful news source 【62】 will also give you practice in reading English.Most daily English language newspapers are not very hard to read. They are interesting and helpful in many ways. In some of them, you may be able to find news about your native country. You will find news, and information about important national and international political developments. No matter what you are interested in, you can probably find something in the newspaper about it. A story in the newspaper may help you 【63】 a problem. Other stories may be about good movies, concerts, or TV shows.Usually, an English language newspaper has several sections or parts. Each part of the newspaper 【64】 stories about different kinds of news. Some sections have a lot of advertisements which may be helpful if you want to save money. By reading the 【65】 , you may find something you want on sale. Or you may find that two stores are advertising the same thing, but at one store the 【66】 is lower. Other sections may have fewer advertisements or have only a specific type of advertisement to interest the people who read that section of the paper.The first section of the paper usually has the most important 【67】 in it. Important 【68】 in national and international government and politics will be mentioned in the first section, and usually 【69】 the first page. Other news that is important to the people 【70】 read the paper will also be in the first section. For example, The New York Times usually has stories about national and international news on the first page. There and on the other pages of the first section, the Times also has news about New York City and other nearby areas. This local news is important to many people who read The New York Times.(51)


Java语言关键字是指具有特殊含义的单词,这些单词在Java程序具有特定的用途,不能作为标识符或变量名使用。Java共有50个关键字,其包括48个保留关键字和2个特殊关键字。 以下是Java的各种关键字: 1. abstract:用于定义抽象类和抽象方法。 2. assert:用于调试程序时进行断言判断,如果条件不成立将会抛出AssertionError异常。 3. boolean:用于定义布尔类型变量,只能取值true或false。 4. break:用于跳出循环语句。 5. byte:用于定义字节类型变量,取值范围为-128到127。 6. case:用于在switch语句匹配选项。 7. catch:用于捕获异常。 8. char:用于定义字符类型变量。 9. class:用于定义类。 10. const:Java虽然保留了此关键字,但并没有使用,因此不能用于定义常量。 11. continue:用于跳过循环的某个迭代。 12. default:用于switch语句的默认选项。 13. do:用于定义do-while循环。 14. double:用于定义双精度浮点类型变量。 15. else:用于if语句条件不成立时执行的代码块。 16. enum:用于定义枚举类型。 17. extends:用于继承一个类或实现一个接口。 18. final:用于定义常量或不可变的变量,或者修饰类、方法、变量等,表示其不可再被继承、重写或修改。 19. finally:用于定义无论是否有异常发生都需要执行的代码块。 20. float:用于定义单精度浮点类型变量。 21. for:用于定义for循环。 22. goto:Java虽然保留了此关键字,但并没有使用,因此不能跳转到标签。 23. if:用于定义条件语句。 24. implements:用于实现一个接口。 25. import:用于导入其他类的定义。 26. instanceof:用于判断一个对象是否属于某个类或实现了某个接口。 27. int:用于定义整型变量。 28. interface:用于定义接口。 29. long:用于定义长整型变量。 30. native:用于调用本地方法。 31. new:用于创建一个对象。 32. package:用于定义包。 33. private:用于定义私有成员,只能在当前类访问。 34. protected:用于定义受保护的成员,只能在当前类及其子类和同一个包访问。 35. public:用于定义公共成员,可以被任何类访问。 36. return:用于从方法返回值。 37. short:用于定义短整型变量。 38. static:用于定义静态成员,只有一个拷贝,可以通过类名直接访问。 39. strictfp:用于声明浮点数计算具有严格的规范化行为。 40. super:用于引用父类的成员。 41. switch:用于定义switch语句。 42. synchronized:用于定义同步方法或同步代码块。 43. this:用于引用当前对象。 44. throw:用于抛出异常。 45. throws:用于声明方法可能抛出的异常。 46. transient:用于声明不需要持久化的变量。 47. try:用于定义异常处理代码块。 48. void:用于定义无返回值的方法。 49. volatile:用于声明变量是易变的,即每次访问都需要从主存读取。 50. while:用于定义while循环。 以上就是Java的各种关键字,这些关键字Java程序起着非常重要的作用。




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