
【单选题】如下图所示的正圆柱与正圆锥相交,则交线空间形状是 (5.0分)

【阅读理解】A lot of students are having all kinds of sports on the sports field. A football game is going on right now between Class 3 and Class 4. We don’t know which team will win. Look at those people over there! Some students of Class 1 are practicing the high jump. One of them is the best high jumper in the school. He practices hard every day. Many people think he will break the school record( 记录)in the sports meeting next spring. Not far away from them, some girls are preparing for a race. They will have a 800-meter race in ten minutes. Now on the corner of the field, you can see another group(群)of students. Their teacher is telling them how to throw discus(铁饼) In schools, more and more students love sports now. Sports help people to keep healthy. They also help people to live happily. And after doing sports on the sports field, many people will become good friends, too. Do you think so?

【判断题】L 形是最简单的流动模式,它将入口和出口分开。

【单选题】已知两相贯体的的主视及俯视,正确的左视图是( ) (5.0分)

【单选题】I felt it a great honor _______ to speak to you.

【单选题】已知形体的主视及左视,正确的俯视图是( ) A B C D (5.0分)

【判断题】U 形流动模式最大的好处是收发口在同一位置,有利于物料搬运,人员、搬运设备和站台都可以只建一个,形成既不占很大空间又具有高速度的生产线。

【多选题】服务设施的基本的布置形式( )

【单选题】已知两相贯体的的主视及俯视,正确的左视图是( ) (5.0分)

【单选题】-----My mother doesn’t feel very well; she is badly ill. -----_______________.

【判断题】工艺原则布置和产品原则布置代表了小批量生产到连续大规模生产的两个极端 。

【单选题】TV is one of ______ means of sending news and information.

【单选题】The movie was so______ that we all laughed.

【判断题】固定式布置的加工对象位置 固定 ,生产工人和设备都随加工产品所在的某一位置而转移。之所以要固定,是因为加工对象大而重,不易移动。


【单选题】I would rather_________ at home.


【单选题】已知形体的主视及俯视,正确的左视图是( ) (6.0分)

【单选题】互补输出级采用共集形式是为了使 ( ) 。

【单选题】He volunteered to take the girl to the hospital_______ hesitation

【分录题】将单词、词组填入对应的方框并写出其汉语意思(每词2分,共20分) kindergarten teacher boss dentist nurse marketing assistant sales manager bus diver doctor primary school teacher taxi driver Health care ( 卫生保健类) Teaching ( 教育类) Transportation (运输类) Business ( 商业类)

【判断题】xt0501133把复色光分解为单色光的现象叫色散。( )

【简答题】假设你是李明,有一家公司准备在暑假招聘一些简直销售员,你想去应聘,请写一封应聘信介绍自己的基本情况。 写作要求:适当增加细节。注意时态,语句通顺,条理清楚,字数60词左右。 写作要点:1. 我工作勤奋,有创新力。 2. 我具备以下能力:会说流利的英语,会操作电脑,有很好的交际技巧。 提示词语: 创新力creative 兼职的 part-time 优点 strong points 说流利的英语 speak fluent English 操作电脑 use a computer 交际技巧 communication skills Dear Sir or Madam, I write to apply for the position of salesperson which I saw on the Internet. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I hope to work in your company. Please give me a reply as soon as possible. Yours. LI Ming

【判断题】工艺原则布置是当生产产品品种少批量大时,应当按照产品的加工工艺过程顺序来配置设备,形成流水生产线或装配线布置 。

【单选题】以下哪种运算电路可实现 A u < 0 的放大器。

【单选题】He asked me _________ with me.


【单选题】已知形体的主视及左视,正确的俯视图是( ) (8.0分)

【判断题】S 形则常用于工艺流程长、运送方便的流水装配线布置,如小型发动机装配等。

【判断题】产品原则布置方式具有较高的柔性,无论是对产品品种、数量的变化,还是对于加工设备的故障响应,由于批量加工及闲置设备的存在,个别设备的故障或人员的缺勤不会对生产系统造成大的影响 。

【多选题】进行流水线平面布置设计时应遵循以下原则( )




【单选题】She took her son, ran out of the house, _______ him in the car and drove quickly to the nearest doctors office

【单选题】149. 附加导线中,当铝绞线的铝线断股处按规定用同材质的绑线扎紧时,绑扎长度应超出缺陷部分( )。

【单选题】he managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _______ the next year.

【单选题】Did you do ___________?

【判断题】“流动模式”是物料在系统内的总体流动方向与形式 。

【单选题】______ stay up too late. It’s bad for your health.

【完型填空】Cars playing an important role in modern life. Many people think that Americans___ 1 ___ their cars almost more than anything else. When__ 2 ____ people are sixteen years old, they want to have their ___ 3 _____ cars. They don’t ask for a car form their__ 4 ____. So many of them work in ___ 5 _____ time during their last year of high school to buy a car. Learning to ___ 6 ____ and getting a driver’s license may be one of the most exciting things in a young person’s life. Some people almost ____ 7 ____ go to a doctor when they are ill. But they will ___ 8 ____ their cars to a garage as soon as they think there is a ____ 9 ____. On Saturdays or Sundays some people may ___ 10 ____ most of their time washing and repairing their cars.

【多选题】基本的流动模式包括( )

【单选题】_______ in 1636. Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States

【单选题】-"Do you have anything more _______, Sir?" “No. You can have a rest or do something else.”

【单选题】The police _______ them to wait right there.

【多选题】生产设施的基本的布置形式( )

【单选题】已知两圆柱相交的水平投影,请选择对应的主视图( ) A B C (6.0分)

【判断题】不论布置对象的大小是工厂级、车间级,还是工作单元级,也不论何种原则布置,都要考虑物料的流动模式 / 动线。

【单选题】---Do you know him well? ----Sure. We______ friends since ten years ago.

【分录题】完成句子: (根据括号中的提示,完成句子。每小题2分,共10分) I have applied to six companies_______( 到目前为止). What are your ______ ______( 优势)? I _______ ( 迟到) class the day before yesterday . I have had a ___________ (面试)today. I liked _________( 流行乐).





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