


if (window.addEventListener) {

window.addEventListener("resize", browserResize);

} else if (window.attachEvent) {

window.attachEvent("onresize", browserResize);


var xbeforeResize = window.innerWidth;

function browserResize() {

var afterResize = window.innerWidth;

if ((xbeforeResize < (970) && afterResize >= (970)) || (xbeforeResize >= (970) && afterResize < (970)) ||

(xbeforeResize < (728) && afterResize >= (728)) || (xbeforeResize >= (728) && afterResize < (728)) ||

(xbeforeResize < (468) && afterResize >= (468)) || (xbeforeResize >= (468) && afterResize < (468))) {

xbeforeResize = afterResize;

googletag.cmd.push(function() {





/*! jQuery Color v@2.1.2 https://github.com/jquery/jquery-color | jquery.org/license */

(function(a, b) {

function m(a, b, c) {

var d = h[b.type] || {};

return a == null ? c || !b.def ? null : b.def : (a = d.floor ? ~~a : parseFloat(a), isNaN(a) ? b.def : d.mod ? (a + d.mod) % d.mod : 0 > a ? 0 : d.max < a ? d.max : a)


function n(b) {

var c = f(),

d = c._rgba = [];

return b = b.toLowerCase(), l(e, function(a, e) {

var f, h = e.re.exec(b),

i = h && e.parse(h),

j = e.space || "rgba";

if (i) return f = c[j](i), c[g[j].cache] = f[g[j].cache], d = c._rgba = f._rgba, !1

}), d.length ? (d.join() === "0,0,0,0" && a.extend(d, k.transparent), c) : k[b]


function o(a, b, c) {

return c = (c + 1) % 1, c * 6 < 1 ? a + (b - a) * c * 6 : c * 2 < 1 ? b : c * 3 < 2 ? a + (b - a) * (2 / 3 - c) * 6 : a


var c = "backgroundColor borderBottomColor borderLeftColor borderRightColor borderTopColor color columnRuleColor outlineColor textDecorationColor textEmphasisColor",

d = /^([\-+])=\s*(\d+\.?\d*)/,

e = [{

re: /rgba?\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*(?:,\s*(\d?(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)/,

parse: function(a) {

return [a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]]


}, {

re: /rgba?\(\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*(?:,\s*(\d?(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)/,

parse: function(a) {

return [a[1] * 2.55, a[2] * 2.55, a[3] * 2.55, a[4]]


}, {

re: /#([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})/,

parse: function(a) {

return [parseInt(a[1], 16), parseInt(a[2], 16), parseInt(a[3], 16)]


}, {

re: /#([a-f0-9])([a-f0-9])([a-f0-9])/,

parse: function(a) {

return [parseInt(a[1] + a[1], 16), parseInt(a[2] + a[2], 16), parseInt(a[3] + a[3], 16)]


}, {

re: /hsla?\(\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*(?:,\s*(\d?(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)/,

space: "hsla",

parse: function(a) {

return [a[1], a[2] / 100, a[3] / 100, a[4]]



f = a.Color = function(b, c, d, e) {

return new a.Color.fn.parse(b, c, d, e)


g = {

rgba: {

props: {

red: {

idx: 0,

type: "byte"


green: {

idx: 1,

type: "byte"


blue: {

idx: 2,

type: "byte"




hsla: {

props: {

hue: {

idx: 0,

type: "degrees"


saturation: {

idx: 1,

type: "percent"


lightness: {

idx: 2,

type: "percent"





h = {

"byte": {

floor: !0,

max: 255


percent: {

max: 1


degrees: {

mod: 360,

floor: !0



i = f.support = {},

j = a("


k, l = a.each;

j.style.cssText = "background-color:rgba(1,1,1,.5)", i.rgba = j.style.backgroundColor.indexOf("rgba") > -1, l(g, function(a, b) {

b.cache = "_" + a, b.props.alpha = {

idx: 3,

type: "percent",

def: 1


}), f.fn = a.extend(f.prototype, {

parse: function(c, d, e, h) {

if (c === b) return this._rgba = [null, null, null, null], this;

if (c.jquery || c.nodeType) c = a(c).css(d), d = b;

var i = this,

j = a.type(c),

o = this._rgba = [];

d !== b && (c = [c, d, e, h], j = "array");

if (j === "string") return this.parse(n(c) || k._default);

if (j === "array") return l(g.rgba.props, function(a, b) {

o[b.idx] = m(c[b.idx], b)

}), this;

if (j === "object") return c instanceof f ? l(g, function(a, b) {

c[b.cache] && (i[b.cache] = c[b.cache].slice())

}) : l(g, function(b, d) {

var e = d.cache;

l(d.props, function(a, b) {

if (!i[e] && d.to) {

if (a === "alpha" || c[a] == null) return;

i[e] = d.to(i._rgba)


i[e][b.idx] = m(c[a], b, !0)

}), i[e] && a.inArray(null, i[e].slice(0, 3)) < 0 && (i[e][3] = 1, d.from && (i._rgba = d.from(i[e])))

}), this


is: function(a) {

var b = f(a),

c = !0,

d = this;

return l(g, function(a, e) {

var f, g = b[e.cache];

return g && (f = d[e.cache] || e.to && e.to(d._rgba) || [], l(e.props, function(a, b) {

if (g[b.idx] != null) return c = g[b.idx] === f[b.idx], c

})), c

}), c


_space: function() {

var a = [],

b = this;

return l(g, function(c, d) {

b[d.cache] && a.push(c)

}), a.pop()


transition: function(a, b) {

var c = f(a),

d = c._space(),

e = g[d],

i = this.alpha() === 0 ? f("transparent") : this,

j = i[e.cache] || e.to(i._rgba),

k = j.slice();

return c = c[e.cache], l(e.props, function(a, d) {

var e = d.idx,

f = j[e],

g = c[e],

i = h[d.type] || {};

if (g === null) return;

f === null ? k[e] = g : (i.mod && (g - f > i.mod / 2 ? f += i.mod : f - g > i.mod / 2 && (f -= i.mod)), k[e] = m((g - f) * b + f, d))

}), this[d](k)


blend: function(b) {

if (this._rgba[3] === 1) return this;

var c = this._rgba.slice(),

d = c.pop(),

e = f(b)._rgba;

return f(a.map(c, function(a, b) {

return (1 - d) * e[b] + d * a



toRgbaString: function() {

var b = "rgba(",

c = a.map(this._rgba, function(a, b) {

return a == null ? b > 2 ? 1 : 0 : a


return c[3] === 1 && (c.pop(), b = "rgb("), b + c.join() + ")"


toHslaString: function() {

var b = "hsla(",

c = a.map(this.hsla(), function(a, b) {

return a == null && (a = b > 2 ? 1 : 0), b && b < 3 && (a = Math.round(a * 100) + "%"), a


return c[3] === 1 && (c.pop(), b = "hsl("), b + c.join() + ")"


toHexString: function(b) {

var c = this._rgba.slice(),

d = c.pop();

return b && c.push(~~(d * 255)), "#" + a.map(c, function(a) {

return a = (a || 0).toString(16), a.length === 1 ? "0" + a : a



toString: function() {

return this._rgba[3] === 0 ? "transparent" : this.toRgbaString()


}), f.fn.parse.prototype = f.fn, g.hsla.to = function(a) {

if (a[0] == null || a[1] == null || a[2] == null) return [null, null, null, a[3]];

var b = a[0] / 255,

c = a[1] / 255,

d = a[2] / 255,

e = a[3],

f = Math.max(b, c, d),

g = Math.min(b, c, d),

h = f - g,

i = f + g,

j = i * .5,

k, l;

return g === f ? k = 0 : b === f ? k = 60 * (c - d) / h + 360 : c === f ? k = 60 * (d - b) / h + 120 : k = 60 * (b - c) / h + 240, h === 0 ? l = 0 : j <= .5 ? l = h / i : l = h / (2 - i), [Math.round(k) % 360, l, j, e == null ? 1 : e]

}, g.hsla.from = function(a) {

if (a[0] == null || a[1] == null || a[2] == null) return [null, null, null, a[3]];

var b = a[0] / 360,

c = a[1],

d = a[2],

e = a[3],

f = d <= .5 ? d * (1 + c) : d + c - d * c,

g = 2 * d - f;

return [Math.round(o(g, f, b + 1 / 3) * 255), Math.round(o(g, f, b) * 255), Math.round(o(g, f, b - 1 / 3) * 255), e]

}, l(g, function(c, e) {

var g = e.props,

h = e.cache,

i = e.to,

j = e.from;

f.fn[c] = function(c) {

i && !this[h] && (this[h] = i(this._rgba));

if (c === b) return this[h].slice();

var d, e = a.type(c),

k = e === "array" || e === "object" ? c : arguments,

n = this[h].slice();

return l(g, function(a, b) {

var c = k[e === "object" ? a : b.idx];

c == null && (c = n[b.idx]), n[b.idx] = m(c, b)

}), j ? (d = f(j(n)), d[h] = n, d) : f(n)

}, l(g, function(b, e) {

if (f.fn[b]) return;

f.fn[b] = function(f) {

var g = a.type(f),

h = b === "alpha" ? this._hsla ? "hsla" : "rgba" : c,

i = this[h](),

j = i[e.idx],


return g === "undefined" ? j : (g === "function" && (f = f.call(this, j), g = a.type(f)), f == null && e.empty ? this : (g === "string" && (k = d.exec(f), k && (f = j + parseFloat(k[2]) * (k[1] === "+" ? 1 : -1))), i[e.idx] = f, this[h](i)))



}), f.hook = function(b) {

var c = b.split(" ");

l(c, function(b, c) {

a.cssHooks[c] = {

set: function(b, d) {

var e, g, h = "";

if (d !== "transparent" && (a.type(d) !== "string" || (e = n(d)))) {

d = f(e || d);

if (!i.rgba && d._rgba[3] !== 1) {

g = c === "backgroundColor" ? b.parentNode : b;

while ((h === "" || h === "transparent") && g && g.style) try {

h = a.css(g, "backgroundColor"), g = g.parentNode

} catch (j) {}

d = d.blend(h && h !== "transparent" ? h : "_default")


d = d.toRgbaString()


try {

b.style[c] = d

} catch (j) {}


}, a.fx.step[c] = function(b) {

b.colorInit || (b.start = f(b.elem, c), b.end = f(b.end), b.colorInit = !0), a.cssHooks[c].set(b.elem, b.start.transition(b.end, b.pos))



}, f.hook(c), a.cssHooks.borderColor = {

expand: function(a) {

var b = {};

return l(["Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left"], function(c, d) {

b["border" + d + "Color"] = a

}), b


}, k = a.Color.names = {

aqua: "#00ffff",

black: "#000000",

blue: "#0000ff",

fuchsia: "#ff00ff",

gray: "#808080",

green: "#008000",

lime: "#00ff00",

maroon: "#800000",

navy: "#000080",

olive: "#808000",

purple: "#800080",

red: "#ff0000",

silver: "#c0c0c0",

teal: "#008080",

white: "#ffffff",

yellow: "#ffff00",

transparent: [null, null, null, 0],

_default: "#ffffff"



var resultHTML = "",

currentSelector = "",

w3Sels = [];



w3Sels.push(".intro, #Lastname");


w3Sels.push("h1, p");

w3Sels.push("div p");

w3Sels.push("div > p");

w3Sels.push("ul + h3");

w3Sels.push("ul ~ table");


































w3Sels.push("ul li:eq(0)");

w3Sels.push("ul li:gt(0)");

w3Sels.push("ul li:lt(2)");



var w3SelDescriptions = [];

w3SelDescriptions.push('All elements with class="intro"');

w3SelDescriptions.push('The element with id="Lastname"');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All elements with class="intro", and the element with id="Lastname"');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All <h1> elements.');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All <h1> elements and all <p> elements.');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All <p> elements that are inside a <div> element.');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All <p> elements where the parent is a <div> element.');

w3SelDescriptions.push('The <h3> element that are next to each <ul> elements.');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All <table> elements that are siblings of a <ul> element.');

w3SelDescriptions.push("All elements.");

w3SelDescriptions.push('All elements with an id attribute.');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All elements with an id attribute value equal to "my-Address"');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All elements with an id attribute value ending with "ess"');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All elements with an id attribute value equal to "my" or starting with "my" followed by a hyphen (-)');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All elements with an id attribute value starting with the letter "L"');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All elements with a title attribute value containing the word "beautiful"');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All elements with an id attribute value containing the string "s"');

w3SelDescriptions.push("All checked form elements.");

w3SelDescriptions.push("All disabled form elements.");

w3SelDescriptions.push("All enabled form elements.");

w3SelDescriptions.push('All empty elements
(like <input />)');

w3SelDescriptions.push('The element that currently has focus.');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All <p> elements that are the first child of their parent.');

w3SelDescriptions.push('The first letter of all <p> elements.');

w3SelDescriptions.push('The first line of all <p> elements.');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All <p> elements that are the first <p> element of their parent.');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All <h1> elements, but only when you hover them.
Try hover (mouse over) the H1 element in the result.');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All <input> elements with a max and/or min value, where the value is within the specific range.
Try typing a number higher than 10, and you will see the styling disappear.

Note: This selector does not work in IE 9 and earlier.


w3SelDescriptions.push('All <input> elements with a max and/or min value, where the value is outside the specific range.
Try typing in the "Your lucky number" field, and if you are out of range, the styling will appear.

Note: This selector does not work in IE 9 and earlier.


w3SelDescriptions.push('All <input> elements where the value is invalid according to their limitations.
Try typing in the input fields, and if your input is invalid, the styling will appear.

Note: This selector does not work in IE 9 and earlier.


w3SelDescriptions.push('All <input> elements where the value is valid according to their limitations.
Try typing in the input fields, and if your input is invalid, the styling will disappear.

Note: This selector does not work in IE 9 and earlier.


w3SelDescriptions.push('All <p> elements with a lang attribute value starting with "it"');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All <p> elements that are the last child of their parent.');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All <p> elements that are the last <p> element of their parent.');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All even <tr> elements.');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All odd <tr> elements.');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All <li> elements that are the first child of their parent.');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All <li> elements that are the first child of their parent, counting from the <li> element.');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All <li> elements that are the second <li> element of their parent.');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All <li> elements that are the second <li> element of their parent, counting from the <li> element.');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All <b> elements that are the only child of their parent.');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All <h3> elements that are the only child of its type, of their parent.');

w3SelDescriptions.push('The first <li> element of <ul> elements (index starts at 0).');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All <li> elements of <ul> elements with an index greater than 0.');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All <li> elements of <ul> elements with an index less than 2.');

w3SelDescriptions.push('All <li> elements that is not the second child element (index starts at 0).');

w3SelDescriptions.push('The document’s root element.');

function w3jQuerySelectorLoad() {

var l = w3Sels.length,

x = "";

for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {

x = x + "

" + w3Sels[i] + "


document.getElementById("selectorOptions").innerHTML = x;



function clickSelOpt(sel) {

var l = w3Sels.length,

ll, x, y, z, patt, arrPos, i, cc, dd;

currentSelector = sel;

if (resultHTML !== "") {

document.getElementById("iframeResult").innerHTML = resultHTML;

resultHTML = "";


z = document.getElementById("selectorOptions").getElementsByTagName("DIV");

for (i = 0; i < z.length; i++) {

z[i].style.fontWeight = "normal";


$("#iframeResult p").css("background-color", "");

$("#iframeResult p").css("borderColor", "");

for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {

if (w3Sels[i] !== "p::first-letter" && w3Sels[i] !== "p::first-line" && w3Sels[i] !== "input:in-range" && w3Sels[i] !== "input:out-of-range" && w3Sels[i] !== "input:invalid" && w3Sels[i] !== "input:valid") {

$("#iframeResult " + w3Sels[i] + " :not(.noSel)").css("background-color", "");

$("#iframeResult " + w3Sels[i] + " :not(.noSel)").css("borderColor", "");


if (w3Sels[i] === sel) {

arrPos = i;



$("option").css("color", "black");

$("#iframeResult .newsletter").css("border-color", "#0099FF");

$("#iframeResult .newsletter").css("background-color", "#99D6FF");

document.getElementById("selectorDescription").style.display = "block";

document.getElementById("selectorDescription").innerHTML = "

" + w3Sels[arrPos] + "

" + w3SelDescriptions[arrPos] + "


$("#iframeResult :radio").css("outlineColor", "transparent");

$("#iframeResult :checkbox").css("outlineColor", "transparent");

$("select").css("color", "#000000");

paintElements(sel, 1);

if (sel === ":focus") {



if (sel === ":root") {


} else {

document.getElementById("iframeResult").style.backgroundColor = "";

document.getElementById("iframeResult").style.borderColor = "";


patt = /,/g;

x = "#iframeResult " + sel;

if (sel === "*") {

x = "#helpIntro,#iframeResult p,#Lastname,#iframeResult .helpUl,#iframeResult li,#iframeResult .helpTable,#iframeResult tr,#iframeResult td,#iframeResult th,#iframeResult .helpHref,#iframeResult .newsletter,#iframeResult input,#iframeResult"

if (sel === "*") {

x = x + ",#iframeResult :text";


markSelector(x, sel);

if (sel === "*") {

x = "#iframeResult :radio,#iframeResult :checkbox";





if (sel === ":empty") {

//x = "#iframeResult :text";

x = "#iframeResult input";

markSelector(x, sel);

x = "#iframeResult :radio,#iframeResult :checkbox";




if (sel === "p::first-letter") {

resultHTML = document.getElementById("iframeResult").innerHTML;

x = document.getElementsByTagName("p");

ll = x.length;

for (i = 0; i < ll; i++) {

cc = x[i].innerHTML;

if (cc.indexOf('<p><b>') > -1) {

x[i].innerHTML = "<p><b>" + cc.substr(83, 1) + "" + cc.substr(84);

} else if (cc.indexOf('<p>') > -1) {

x[i].innerHTML = "<p>" + cc.substr(37, 1) + "" + cc.substr(38);

} else if (cc.indexOf('<p id="my-Address">') > -1) {

x[i].innerHTML = '<p id="my-Address">' + cc.substr(53, 1) + "" + cc.substr(54);

} else if (cc.indexOf('<p lang="it" title="Hello beautiful">') > -1) {

x[i].innerHTML = '<p lang="it" title="Hello beautiful">' + cc.substr(71, 1) + "" + cc.substr(72);



paintElements(sel, 2);



if (sel === "p::first-line") {

resultHTML = document.getElementById("iframeResult").innerHTML;

x = document.getElementsByTagName("p");

ll = x.length;

for (i = 0; i < ll; i++) {

cc = x[i].innerHTML;

if (cc.indexOf('All my friends are great!') > -1) {

x[i].innerHTML = '<p>All my friends are great!<br>
But I really like Daisy!!</p>';

} else if (cc.indexOf('Ciao bella') > -1) {

x[i].innerHTML = cc.replace("Ciao bella", 'Ciao bella');

} else if (cc.indexOf('My latest disco') > -1) {

x[i].innerHTML = cc.replace("My latest discoveries has led me to believe that we are all animals:", 'My latest discoveries has led me to believe that we are all animals:');

} else if (cc.indexOf('I have many friends') > -1) {

x[i].innerHTML = cc.replace("I have many friends:", 'I have many friends:');

} else if (cc.indexOf('I live in Duckburg') > -1) {

x[i].innerHTML = cc.replace("I live in Duckburg", 'I live in Duckburg');

} else if (cc.indexOf('My name is Donald') > -1) {

x[i].innerHTML = '<p>My name is Donald <span id="Lastname">Duck.</span></p>'



paintElements(sel, 2);



if (sel === "h1:hover") {

$("h1").hover(function() {

$("h1").css("background-color", "#FFFF99");

$("h1").css("border-color", "#FF6666");

}, function() {

$("h1").css("background-color", "");

$("h1").css("border-color", "");


} else {

$("h1").hover(function() {

$("h1").css("background-color", "");

$("h1").css("border-color", "");

}, function() {

$("h1").css("background-color", "");

$("h1").css("border-color", "");



if (sel === ".intro") {

x = "#iframeResult #helpIntro";


if (sel === ".intro, #Lastname") {

x = "#iframeResult #helpIntro, #Lastname";


if (sel === "div > p") {

x = "#iframeResult div.intro > p";


if (sel === "div p") {

x = "#iframeResult div.intro p";


if (sel === "[id^=L]") {

x = "#iframeResult #Lastname, .helpUl";


x = x.replace(patt, ",#iframeResult ");

if (sel === ":radio" || sel === ":checkbox" || sel === ":checked") {


} else {

y = x + ":not(.noSel)";

markSelector(y, sel);

if (sel === ":input" || sel === ":enabled" || sel === ":disabled" || sel === "*") {





function paintElements(sel, n) {

if (n === 2 && sel !== "tr:nth-child(even)" && sel !== "tr:nth-child(odd)") {

$("#iframeResult tr").css("background-color", "#f1f1f1");



function markSelector(x, sel) {


borderColor: "#FF6666"

}, 10);


backgroundColor: "#FFFF99"

}, 100, function() {

paintElements(sel, 2);



function markRadioSelector(x) {


outlineColor: "#FF0000"

}, 100);


function changeLuckyNumber(obj) {

if (currentSelector === "input:in-range" || currentSelector === "input:valid") {

var x = obj.value;

if (isNaN(x) === true || Number(x) < 1 || Number(x) > 10) {

obj.style.backgroundColor = "";

obj.style.borderColor = "";

} else {

obj.style.backgroundColor = "#FFFF99";

obj.style.borderColor = "#FF6666";


} else if (currentSelector === "input:out-of-range" || currentSelector === "input:invalid") {

var x = obj.value;

if (isNaN(x) === true || Number(x) < 1 || Number(x) > 10) {

obj.style.backgroundColor = "#FFFF99";

obj.style.borderColor = "#FF6666";

} else {

obj.style.backgroundColor = "";

obj.style.borderColor = "";




function changeEmail(obj) {

if (currentSelector === "input:invalid") {

if (obj.checkValidity() === false) {

obj.style.backgroundColor = "#FFFF99";

obj.style.borderColor = "#FF6666";

} else {

obj.style.backgroundColor = "";

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Click a selector:

Click a selector to see which element(s)

that gets selected in the result:


<h1>Welcome to My Homepage</h1>

<div class="intro">

<p>My name is Donald <span id="Lastname">Duck.</span></p>

<p id="my-Address">I live in Duckburg</p>

<p>I have many friends:</p>


<ul id="Listfriends>

  • <li>Goofy</li>
  • <li>Mickey</li>
  • <li>Daisy</li>
  • <li>Pluto</li>


<p>All my friends are great!<br>

But I really like Daisy!!</p>

<p lang="it" title="Hello beautiful">Ciao bella</p>

<h3>We are all animals!</h3>

<p><b>My latest discoveries have led me to believe that we are all animals:</b>



NameType of Animal


  • 0
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


