bilibili 解析_【Youtube雅思听力2020-05-19】听力+原文+答案解析

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【含字幕+听力原文+解析+答案】雅思听力练习 _ 2020.05.19_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili​


Part one - Questions 1 to 5

You will hear a telephone conversation between a client who wants to rent short short-term accommodation, and a rental agent

A: good morning, ace accommodation how can i help you

B: good morning, i'd like to organize some short stay accommodation on the gold coast please

A: certainly who am i speaking to

B: miss mckinley sylvia mckinley

A: could you spell your family name for me please

B: it's m a c k i n l a y

A: thank you and your first name is sylvia

B: yes

A: is that with an i or a y a

B: y the old-fashioned way that's s-y-l-v-i-a

A: thank you miss mckinley now just for our records, can you tell me what country you live in

B: of course it's England actually

A: i thought so now when are you coming

B: well at the moment we're planning on arriving on july the 26th

A: oh the 25th that's the last day of the public holiday and it might be difficult to find something available on that date

B: no we're coming on the 26th of july

A: oh well that's fine then, we'll have lots of good places vacant by then, although you wouldn't be able to move in until late afternoon, because our cleaning crew will need time to get everything ready for you

B: that suit us, our flight won't get in until early evening anyway

A: how many of you will there be

B: just my sister and myself

A: and how long do you intend to stay for

B: oh only a couple of weeks we'd like to stay longer but we'll have to get back to work

A: so you're not coming on business then no it's just a holiday

B: why what difference does that make

A: oh you'd be surprised, business people have different needs you know wireless internet even fax machines and photocopiers

B: no we won't need any of that stuff, we'll be coming to relax and get away from all that kind of thing

Questions 6 to 10

A: good now what exactly are you looking for,a house a duplex or an apartment

B: what's a duplex oh that's what you might call a townhouse or a unit, you know two houses semi detached on the same property, oh i see i think an apartment will suit us just fine

A: and how many bedrooms two

B: one or two it depends on the size my sister and i don't mind sharing if it's a decent sized bedroom with two beds

A: well that makes it easier and car parking, will you require a lock-up garage, they're a little harder to find with an apartment

B: we'll have a higher car and as far as I know there are no regulations concerning car parking, i think as long as it's not parked on the street and it's secure, there shouldn't be any problems

A: okay now i'm assuming you want something by the beach,

B: yes that's the idea, we want to enjoy the surf sand and sunshine

A: okay but before we settle on an area and discuss your price range, i'll need to know about other necessities

B: what do you mean

A: well for example do you want to be close to a shopping mall or the casino or the fun parks, or do you want to be in a complex with or near a swimming pool

B: no none of that really matters to us but we'd like to have reasonable access to the motorway, so that we can drive up to brisbane to visit friends there

A: well there are quite a few lovely small towns to choose from, there's main beach which is north of surfers paradise, or mermaid waters which is a bit further south, or palm beach which is quite a bit further south

B: mermaid waters sounds delightful, is it close to the motorway

A: well not really, the m1 is actually closest to palm beach, and prices are likely to be more reasonable there too

B: that's settled then, palm beach it is now

A: if you'll just give me your email address i can send you information about the town and lots of photos

B: well my email is smac 13 at

A: and one final thing how much are you looking to spend per week on accommodation, do you want something at the luxury end of the market, you know newly redecorated great views all the mod cons

B: not necessarily could we get something clean comfortable and reasonable for twelve hundred dollars a week

A: could you stretch that to fifteen hundred a week, i've got a property in mind that you'll absolutely love, but you'd have to go to fifteen hundred, twelve hundred wouldn't cover it

B: all right then but that's our top limit

A: good i'll get on to this straight away and there should be something in your inbox shortly

Part 2 – Questions 11 to 17

You will hear a conversation between a travel agent and a customer

A: good morning can i help you

B: yes i'd like

to get some information about trips to new zealand

A: certainly take a seat and i'll be right with you

B: thanks

A: now where would you like to go in new Zealand

B: well i was hoping to do a bit of traveling around actually, there are a few things i'd like to see and do before i go back home

A: right

B: one thing i really want to do is go to Christchurch, i have relatives living there that i can stay with, my mother's cousin and i've heard it's a nice place

A: yes it's a lovely city and staying with relatives will help with the budget of course

B: the budget

A: it will save you some money

B: oh right well i'm not too worried about that i've saved quite a bit of money working in australia

A: oh that's nice good for you, well you know that new zealand consists of two main islands the north island and the south island, and christchurch is on the south island

B: is it i was never very good at geography at school, do you have a map i could look at

A: uh sure uh here we are

B: right i see and well then i'd also like to spend some time in Auckland, and maybe i could do an english language course there, can you organize that sort of thing for me

A: oh certainly we'd be happy to arrange that uh, but bear in mind that Auckland is in the north island

B: okay and i also like to do some skiing, or maybe even some snowboarding, i hear new zealand is a great place for that

A: yes absolutely but you should go to Auckland first for your studies and then you can get the ferry across to the south island and take the bus down to the snow

B: oh i don't like boats very much i'm not much of a sailor, i think i prefer to fly

A: right um what about joining a walking tour, that could be really fun

B: not sure about walking but joining a tour might be a good way to travel, because then i might make some friends my own age

A: now let's get some details can i have your name please

B: yes it's su ming li but you can call me sue

A: okay sue and what's your address here in melbourne

B: i'm living with my aunt in the suburb of q it's 29 loch street that's l-o-c-h not l-o-c-k

A: do you have a phone number that i can get you on

B: the best thing would be if i give you my mobile, i always have it on me, it's 0402 double five eight double nine two

A: okay and uh when do you want to travel, because you'll need to be down south in july or august

B: oh yes of course that's winter isn't it, so i better go to auckland in may

A: yes let's say um departing from melbourne on the 1st Of may that's a saturday and then you could begin your course on monday the 3rd

B: that sounds great

A: and how long would you like to study for a month two three what do you think

B: well i'll probably need more than a month uh, what about eight weeks until the end of june

A: fine i'll see what i can do oh and how would you like to pay for this

B: on my visa card if that's possible

Questions 18 to 20

A: hello sue it's angelo from cosmos travel here, i've booked your flight and i've found you an English college called the harbour language center

B: great where exactly is that

A: uh well have you got that little map i gave you yesterday

B: yes

A: you see where the harbour is with the three wolves and the water yes got that okay there are two parallel streets, quay street that's q-u-a-y and custom street, the building where the college is located is on key street opposite prince's wharf

B: right got it and what about accommodation

A: well i've booked you into a hotel for the first three nights, and then the accommodation officer will find you a family to live with

B: good and where's the hotel

A: it's a short walk from the college on the corner of queens street and city road

B: which corner exactly

A: on the left hand side as we're looking at the map

B: okay near the little park

A: yes that's right

B: and what about a good bookshop, i'm going to need to buy a dictionary and some english books

A: yes well i believe there's a really good language bookshop on the corner of custom street and queen

street, it's near the college so that's pretty convenient

B: thank you so much you've been really helpful

Questions 21-24

A: it was packed, there simply aren't enough seats in theater four, there were people on the stairs people in the aisles, i don't imagine everybody was able to get in

B: was jack with you

A: no of course not i saw him with a pile of journals in the library as i walked past, you haven't seen him because you've been in here in the kitchen drinking coffee all morning whereas he has been studying hard

B: not me i've been in my bedroom reading for my assignment on education in the classical world, very interesting it was easier than I expected, i should have been at the gym training for my next race but that'll

have to wait, and did you find your first lecture interesting

A: absolutely fascinating we talked about this experiment, if you show a child a liter of water in a bucket, and show him a liter of water in a tall container, he always thinks that the higher taller but narrower container has more water in it,

B: hold on what do you show him

A: right you show him two things a bucket with a litre of water in it and also a tall glass fast-like thing or any tall container, this also has a litre of water in it, now he will say that the tall thing has more in it than the short fat thing that is the bucket, and all children will say this that is up to about five years of age, you can then actually pour a liter of water from the bucket into the taller narrower container and the child will still say that the tall container contains more water, even though he's just seen the water come out of the bucket,

B: and what's the point of that is it about measurement

A: no it showed how children are quite unable to think logically, it's connected with my assignment it's

about cognitive development of young children over time, that's to say it's about how they think, but didn't you do that assignment last year

B: no i didn't you see i missed out on the first year when i changed subject

Questions 25 to 30

A: i started psychology in the second year which is where i am now

B: lucky you

A: i'm not so sure i've missed out on a lot of the basic stuff like that and i will have to catch up in my own time, so i'm relying on you

B: oh yes i remember what did you study before you changed

A: I studied law

B: why didn't you continue

A: i found some of the subjects interesting enough, in fact the criminal area was fascinating in general, but a lot of the law is very technical, it's full of little details which can be very difficult to understand, and i've got a terrible memory too I could never get all the rules and exceptions into my head, my number one hate really was international trade, which was a minefield of rules and exceptions, in fact i think it was a complete nightmare

B: but law is such a popular Subject, lots of people would like to study it

A: i'm sure they would but they often don't realize that it's very book-based, you spend most of your time reading about famous cases sitting in a stuffy library, and very occasionally you get out to a lecture or maybe a seminar,

A: what do you find that's better about psychology

B: most of all i like the experimental psychology we have to study, this involves doing something so it's practical, and with any luck you can make a small okay very small and contribution to knowledge, and it is so useful in many careers, for example business commerce education

A: law is too you know
B: yes but the training is so long, you have to spend at least another two years on a professional practice course before you can start working, no i'm happy with psychology

B: well as a psychology student too, i must say I agree with absolutely everything you've said of course

Questions 31 to 40

Tonight i'm going to present an overview of the research on amber, okay i'll start by giving a brief introduction about amber, then talk about the formation of amber and then describe amber's applications in different fields. First of all what is amber amber is not a stone, but is ancient fossilized tree resin, which is the semi-solid amorphous organic substance, secreted in pockets and canals through epithelial cells of the plant, and why is resin produced? Although there are contrasting views as to why resin is produced, it is a plant's protection mechanism the resin may be produced to protect the tree from disease and injury inflicted by insects and fungi. Amber occurs in a range of different colours besides the usual yellow orange and brown, other uncommon colours are also associated with it, interestingly blue amber the rarest dominican amber is highly sought after, is only found in santiago Dominican republic, there are several theories about what causes the blue color in amber, the most common one links it to the occurrence of volcanic dust that was present when the resin was first pressed out from him naya, millions of years ago.

At this point you might be curious about how amber is formed, molecular polymerization resulting from high pressures and temperatures produced by overlying sediment transforms the resin first into copper, sustained heat and pressure drives off terpenes and results in the formation of amber, coppol that i've just mentioned is also a tree resin, but it hasn't fully fossilized to amber, more generally the term copal describes resinous substances in an intermediate stage of polymerization and hardening, between gummier resins and amber.

So where can we find amber? it can be found on seashores, the main producer worldwide is Russia, in fact about 90 percent of the world's available amber is located in the kaliningrad region of russia, which is located on the Baltic. Here the resin is washed up on the coast after being dislodged from the ocean floor by years of water and ocean currents. However exposure to sunlight rain and temperate extremes tends to disintegrate resin, this also indicates that amber is not really an ideal fossil preservative for most uses. We've already learned that amber is made of tree resin, it often includes insects that were trapped within the tree many millions of years ago, a piece with a visible and well-arranged insect is generally valued much higher than simple solid amber. One Dominican amber source reported finding a butterfly with a five-inch wing spread, this is both a large and unusual fired, and most butterfly specimens have no more than a 2 inch wingspan. Inclusions in dominican amber are numerous, one inclusion to every 100 pieces, a baltic amber contains approximately one inclusion to every 1000 pieces.

Now that you have a basic knowledge of amber, i'd like to talk a bit about amber's application in different fields. first amber is appreciated for its color and beauty, good quality amber is used to manufacture ornamental objects and jewelry, for instance using a variety of exclusive first class quality natural baltic amber, with silver to make natural amber jewelry, but due to the bio biodegradation of amber fossils, people with amber jewelry have to take special care of it, to ensure that the amber is not damaged, it was previously believed that amber worn on the neck, served to protect one from diseases of the throat and preserved the sound mind, calistrate a famous doctor in the roman empire wrote that amber powder mixed with honey cures throat eye and ear diseases, and if it is taken with water eases stomachache. While the mystery around that use of amber has not been cleared, one thing is sure, it will help effectively to defeat small malaises, amber has even been used as a building material, amber created the altar in saint Brigida church in gdansk Poland, in some Petersburg russia the walls of the famous amber room were lined with intricate carvings and inlaid designs, this palace room is being reconstructed from photographs and can be visited at the Catherine palace located in the town of sarcoia cello, and finally the fourth use of amber is that




3=July 26


5=(on) Holiday – 也可以写on vacation

6=apartment (oh i see i think an apartment will suit us just fine)

7=secure ( i think as long as it's not parked on the street and it's secure)

8=motorway access ( but we'd like to have reasonable access to the motorway)

9=Palm Beach



14=29 LOCH



17=8 weeks/ 2 months

18=A (the building where the college is located is on key street opposite prince's wharf)



21=B – flat指的是宿舍

22=C (not me i've been in my bedroom reading for my assignment on education in the classical world)

23=C (no it showed how children are quite unable to think logically, it's connected with my assignment)

24=B – cognitive 认知的 (about cognitive development of young children)


26=criminal (i found some of the subjects interesting enough, in fact the criminal area was fascinating in general)

27=rules exceptions (I could never get all the rules and exceptions into my head)

28=international trade (my number one hate really was international trade)

29=famous cases

30=practical (most of all i like the experimental psychology we have to study, this involves doing something so it's practical)

31=insects (may be produced to protect the tree from disease and injury inflicted by insects and fungi 菌类)

32=volcanic (the most common one links it to the occurrence of volcanic dust)

33=heat (sediment transforms the resin first into copper, sustained heat and pressure)

34=intermediate (describes resinous substances in an intermediate stage of polymerization and hardening)

35=seashores 海滨/海边 (it can be found on seashores, the main producer worldwide is Russia)

36=sunlight (. However exposure to sunlight rain and temperate extremes tends to disintegrate resin 树脂)

37=1000 – 这个题missing

38=silver (with silver to make natural amber jewelry)

39=honey (wrote that amber powder mixed with honey cures throat)

40=building (amber has even been used as a building material)

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