【单选题】组成容量为128K×32位的存储器,需用( )片具有16位地址码可同时存取8位数据的RAM集成芯片。
【单选题】Thus countries have claimed that their greenhouse emissions have been moderated and even declined.
【单选题】The report specificallyhighlightedChina's role as a global digital leader
【填空题】python3解释器执行 {2, 3, 4}.issubset({2, 3, 4})的结果为__。
【单选题】The heart of economic growth is the allocation of scarce resources toward the most valuable uses.
【填空题】python3解释器执行 {2, 3, 4}.symmetric_difference({1, 2, 'a'})的结果为__
【单选题】python3解释器执行{1, 2, 'a'} | {2, 3, 4}的结果为():
【填空题】现有 d = {},python3解释器执行d['a'] = 'b'后d的结果是__。
【单选题】A U.S. Department of Energy study projected that African oil production would rise 91 percent between 2002 and 2025.
【单选题】下列器件中属于查找表结构的是( )。
【单选题】These developments were supposed to alleviate the energy security concerns that the U.S. faced after the 1970s.
【单选题】In a speech at Carnegie Mellon University, President Obama referred to the Gulf oil spill in making the case that it is time, as he put it, to “aggressively ( ) the nation’s transition to a clean energy economy.
【多选题】条件传送方式中表示状态的信号有:( )。
【单选题】西罗马帝国灭亡后,拜占庭帝国又继续存在了近( )之久。
【单选题】He argues that ( ) for poor college students should be significantly expanded, rather than that college should be made free to all, as the radicals propose.
【单选题】Although much less significant than the Middle East as a source of oil, Africa is no longer a ( ) player, and has become especially important to the United States and China.
【单选题】It is global demand -- not supply diversity -- that determines energy security in the modern world.
【填空题】python3解释器执行d = dict.fromkeys(['apple', 'orange'],10)得到的结果是__ 。
【多选题】独立编址具有如下哪些特点?( )
【单选题】A U.S. Department of Energy study projected that African oil production would rise 91 percent between 2002 and 2025.
【单选题】PTOx_RUN 子程序Done的功能是
【单选题】The sheer size of China’s population and its rapidly expanding economy are leading to increasing competition for access to oil with a variety of countries, including the United States.
【单选题】有集合 s = {1,2,3},python3解释器执行 dels[2]的结果为( ):
【判断题】输送单元整个功能测试过程应包括上电后复位、传送功能测试、紧急停止 处理和状态指示等部分,传送功能测试是一个步进顺序控制过程。 在子程序中可采用步进指令驱动实现。
【单选题】现有 d = {},python3解释器执行d[(1,2)] = ({3,(4)})后d的结果是():
【单选题】Until we reduce our dependence on oil, we will be ( ) the ups and downs of the oil markets.
【填空题】现有字典d1 = {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3}和d2 = {1:'a', 'b':4, 'd':3},那么python3解释器执行d1.update(d2)后d2的结果是__。
【单选题】下列属于与阵列固定、或阵列可编程型结构的是( )。
【单选题】But subsidies have their own political momentum, they are easy to introduce but very difficult to phase out.
【单选题】The overall evaluation of the benefits and costs to MENA of such a strategy is beyond the scope of this paper, but one broader environmental point should be highlighted.
【单选题】He argues that ( ) for poor college students should be significantly expanded, rather than that college should be made free to all, as the radicals propose.
【单选题】python3解释器执行for x in{'a':'b','c':'d'}:print(x)的结果是什么():
【单选题】python3解释器执行 fork,v in{1:'a',2:'b'}:print(k,v)的结果是():
【填空题】若某存储器的容量为1M×4位,则该存储器的地址线有( )条,数据线有()条。(答案请用两个空格隔开)
【单选题】Thus countries which have closed down their heavy industries have claimed that their greenhouse emissions have been moderated and even declined.
【单选题】PTOx_CTRL 子程序I_STOP的功能是