
该楼层疑似违规已被系统折叠 隐藏此楼查看此楼



[00:00:00]: Starting Up

[00:00:00]: Version: 157450

[00:00:00]: Current time: Wed Nov 25 19:09:03 2015

[00:00:00]: Don't Starve Together: 157450 WIN32

NNN Build Date: 2015-11-23_16-51-48

[00:00:00]: Parsing command line

[00:00:00]: Command Line Arguments: -conf_dir DoNotStarveTogether_EasyConfigCaves -console

[00:00:00]: Initializing Minidump handler

[00:00:00]: ....Done

[00:00:00]: Fixing DPI

[00:00:00]: ...Done

[00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'GAClient' (196)

[00:00:00]: HttpClient2::ClientThread::Main()

[00:00:00]: ProfileIndex:4.48

[00:00:00]: [CONNECT] PendingConnection::Reset(true)

[00:00:00]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0

[00:00:00]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0

[00:00:00]: Authorized application H:\Steam\steamapps\common\Don't Starve Together Dedicated Server\bin\dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer.exe is enabled in the firewall.

[00:00:00]: WindowsFirewall - Application already authorized

[00:00:00]: OnLoadPermissionList: APP:Klei/DoNotStarveTogether_EasyConfigCaves/save/blocklist.txt (Failure)

[00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'ConsoleInput' (328)

[00:00:00]: OnLoadPermissionList: APP:Klei/DoNotStarveTogether_EasyConfigCaves/save/adminlist.txt (Failure)

[00:00:00]: OnLoadUserIdList: APP:Klei/DoNotStarveTogether_EasyConfigCaves/save/whitelist.txt (Failure)

[00:00:00]: Server token retrieved from: server_token.txt

[00:00:00]: cGame::InitializeOnMainThread

[00:00:00]: Renderer initialize: Okay

[00:00:00]: AnimManager initialize: Okay

[00:00:00]: Buffers initialize: Okay

[00:00:00]: cDontStarveGame::DoGameSpecificInitialize()

[00:00:00]: FMOD Error: An invalid object handle was used.

[00:00:00]: GameSpecific initialize: Okay

[00:00:00]: cGame::StartPlaying

[00:00:00]: LOADING LUA

[00:00:00]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua

[00:00:00]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua

[00:00:00]: scripts/main.lua(173,1) running main.lua

[00:00:00]: loaded modindex

[00:00:00]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server.

[00:00:00]: DownloadMods(0)

[00:00:00]: FMOD Error: An invalid object handle was used.


[00:00:00]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue

[00:00:00]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history_staging

[00:00:00]: bloom_enabledfalse

[00:00:00]: loaded saveindex

[00:00:00]: OnFilesLoaded()

[00:00:00]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete

[00:00:01]: Load FE

[00:00:01]: Load FE: done

[00:00:01]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.

[00:00:01]: Reset() returning

[00:00:06]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)

[00:00:06]: [ACCOUNT_ACTION_TOKEN_PURPOSE] Received UserId from TokenPurpose: KU_WplB3Cvt

[00:00:06]: Starting Dedicated Server Game

[00:00:06]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0

[00:00:06]: About to start a server with the following settings:

[00:00:06]: Dedicated: true

[00:00:06]: Online: true

[00:00:06]: Passworded: true

[00:00:06]: ServerPort: 11000

[00:00:06]: SteamAuthPort: 8766

[00:00:06]: SteamMasterServerPort: 27016

[00:00:06]: ClanID: true

[00:00:06]: ClanOnly: false

[00:00:06]: ClanAdmin: false

[00:00:06]: LanOnly: false

[00:00:06]: EnablePunchthrough: false

[00:00:06]: EnableAutosaver: true

[00:00:06]: PVP: false

[00:00:06]: MaxPlayers: 16

[00:00:06]: GameMode: survival

[00:00:06]: OverridenDNS:

[00:00:06]: PauseWhenEmpty: false

[00:00:06]: InternetBroadcasting: true

[00:00:06]: Intent: cooperative

[00:00:06]: [Warning] Could not confirm port 11000 is open in the firewall.

[00:00:06]: Online Server Started on port: 11000

[00:00:06]: Collecting garbage...

[00:00:06]: lua_gc took 0.01 seconds

[00:00:06]: ~ShardLuaProxy()

[00:00:06]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()

[00:00:06]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()

[00:00:06]: ~SimLuaProxy()

[00:00:06]: lua_close took 0.02 seconds

[00:00:06]: ReleaseAll

[00:00:06]: ReleaseAll Finished

[00:00:06]: cGame::StartPlaying

[00:00:06]: LOADING LUA

[00:00:06]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua

[00:00:06]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua

[00:00:06]: scripts/main.lua(173,1) running main.lua

[00:00:06]: loaded modindex

[00:00:06]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server.


[00:00:06]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue

[00:00:06]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history_staging

[00:00:06]: bloom_enabledfalse

[00:00:06]: loaded saveindex

[00:00:06]: OnFilesLoaded()

[00:00:06]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete

[00:00:06]: Unload FE

[00:00:06]: Unload FE done

[00:00:06]: LOAD BE

[00:00:08]: LOAD BE: done

[00:00:08]: Deserialize world session from session/06C0000108CED1BB/0000000025

[00:00:08]: Save file is at version 1

[00:00:08]: Begin Session: 06C0000108CED1BB

[00:00:08]: saving to server_temp/server_save

[00:00:08]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( minimap/minimap_data.xml )

[00:00:08]: Loading Nav Grid

[00:00:09]: setting summerlength15

[00:00:09]: setting isnightmaredawnfalse

[00:00:09]: setting elapseddaysinseason19

[00:00:09]: setting isfullmoonfalse

[00:00:09]: setting moisture4379.0107421875

[00:00:09]: setting cavephaseday

[00:00:09]: setting isnightmarewildtrue

[00:00:09]: setting moonphasenew

[00:00:09]: setting precipitationrate0

[00:00:09]: setting iswetfalse

[00:00:09]: setting winterlength15

[00:00:09]: setting temperature5.2246273298221

[00:00:09]: setting isnightmarewarnfalse

[00:00:09]: setting iswinterfalse

[00:00:09]: setting moistureceil5633.7265625

[00:00:09]: setting isdayfalse

[00:00:09]: setting israiningfalse

[00:00:09]: setting remainingdaysinseason1

[00:00:09]: setting precipitationnone

[00:00:09]: setting wetness0

[00:00:09]: setting isnightmarecalmfalse

[00:00:09]: setting timeinphase0.0047532581147693

[00:00:09]: setting isduskfalse

[00:00:09]: setting iscaveduskfalse

[00:00:09]: setting isautumntrue

[00:00:09]: setting issnowingfalse

[00:00:09]: setting iscavedaytrue

[00:00:09]: setting phasenight

[00:00:09]: setting snowlevel0

[00:00:09]: setting issnowcoveredfalse

[00:00:09]: setting autumnlength20

[00:00:09]: setting pop0.76357765971329

[00:00:09]: setting nightmaretime520.78306266102

[00:00:09]: setting springlength20

[00:00:09]: setting isspringfalse

[00:00:09]: setting nightmarephasewild

[00:00:09]: setting seasonautumn

[00:00:09]: setting time0.0020795504252116

[00:00:09]: setting iscavenightfalse

[00:00:09]: setting cycles89

[00:00:09]: setting isnighttrue

[00:00:09]: setting nightmaretimeinphase0.47188708440682

[00:00:09]: setting issummerfalse

[00:00:09]: OVERRIDE: settingwavestooff

[00:00:09]: [string "scripts/prefabs/monkey.lua"]:250: attempt to index local 'inst' (a nil value)

LUA ERROR stack traceback:

scripts/prefabs/monkey.lua:250 in (upvalue) SetNightmareMonkey (Lua) <249-267>

inst = nil

scripts/prefabs/monkey.lua:308 in (method) OnLoad (Lua) <306-310>

inst = 100145 - monkey (valid:true)

data = table: 0671B778

scripts/entityscript.lua:1492 in (method) SetPersistData (Lua) <1477-1494>

self (valid:true) =

GUID = 100145

inlimbo = false

worldstatewatching = table: 0F3BE670

AnimState = AnimState (0F319BD0)

soundtype =

listenfn = function - scripts/prefabs/monkey.lua:400

Network = Network (0F319B10)

pendingtasks = table: 0F3BC988

HasAmmo = function - scripts/prefabs/monkey.lua:61

sg = sg="monkey", state="idle", time=0.00, tags = "idle,canrotate,"

spawntime = 0

weaponitems = table: 0F3B3310

FindTargetOfInterestTask = PERIODIC 100145: 10.000000

actionreplica = table: 0F39AFB0

event_listening = table: 0F39CB08

curious = true

actioncomponents = table: 0F39B280

lower_components_shadow = table: 0F39B398

entity = Entity (0EC82290)

children = table: 0F3B7460

updatecomponents = table: 0F3BEDF0

OnSave = function - scripts/prefabs/monkey.lua:302

persists = true

brainfn = table: 05A6C560

event_listeners = table: 0F39CCE8

name = Splumonkey

prefab = monkey

DynamicShadow = DynamicShadow (0F319A30)

Transform = Transform (0F319CF0)

OnLoad = function - scripts/prefabs/monkey.lua:306

replica = table: 0F39B2A8

Physics = Physics (0F319A50)

components = table: 0F39B1E0

SoundEmitter = SoundEmitter (0F319AF0)

data = table: 0671B778

newents = table: 0EC897B8

scripts/mainfunctions.lua:231 in (global) SpawnSaveRecord (Lua) <200-238>

saved = table: 0671B930

newents = table: 0EC897B8

inst = 100145 - monkey (valid:true)

scripts/gamelogic.lua:404 in (upvalue) PopulateWorld (Lua) <230-439>

savedata = table: 05607D08

profile = table: 05B1CA08

world = 100022 - world (valid:true)

retune = table: 0EC891C8

newents = table: 0EC897B8

prefab = monkey

ents = table: 0671B700

prefab = monkey

k = 1

v = table: 0671B930

scripts/gamelogic.lua:630 in (upvalue) DoInitGame (Lua) <518-716>

savedata = table: 05607D08

profile = table: 05B1CA08

was_file_load = false

scripts/gamelogic.lua:748 in (upvalue) cb (Lua) <743-749>

savedata = table: 05607D08

scripts/saveindex.lua:135 in () ? (Lua) <117-136>

load_success = true

str = return {world_network={persistdata={worldtemperature={seasontemperature=7.5,daylight=true,noisetime=11013.4375,season="autumn",phasetemperature=0.074661165972338},seasons={elapseddaysinseason=19,premode=false,remainingdaysinseason=1,lengths={summer=15,autumn=20,spring=20,winter=15},totaldaysinseason=20,mode="cycle",season="autumn",segs={summer={night=4,day=11,dusk=1},autumn={night=2,day=8,dusk=6},spring={night=3,day=5,dusk=8},winter={night=6,day=5,dusk=5}}},quaker={state=0,mammalsremaining=0,time=833.56671014056,debrispersecond=6},clock={moonphase="threequarter",cycles=89,phase="day",remainingtimeinphase=209.0018157959,totaltimeinphase=210,segs={night=4,day=7,dusk=5}},caveweather={preciptype="none",daylight=true,moistureceil=5633.7265625,peakprecipitationrate=0.39521896839142,season="autumn",moisturerateval=0.88267228381491,moistureceilmultiplier=8,moisture=4379.0107421875,moisturefloormultiplier=1,moisturerateoffset=0,noisetime=11013.4375,moisturerate=0.88267230987549,temperature=5.2246273298221,wetness=0,pr [**truncated**]

success = true

savedata = table: 05607D08

=[C]:-1 in (method) GetPersistentString (C)

scripts/saveindex.lua:117 in (method) GetSaveDataFile (Lua) <116-137>

self =

data = table: 05B1CF80

current_slot = 1

file = session/06C0000108CED1BB/0000000025

cb = function - scripts/gamelogic.lua:743

scripts/saveindex.lua:143 in (method) GetSaveData (Lua) <139-147>

self =

data = table: 05B1CF80


[00:00:09]: [string "scripts/prefabs/monkey.lua"]:250: attempt to index local 'inst' (a nil value)

LUA ERROR stack traceback:

scripts/prefabs/monkey.lua:250 in (upvalue) SetNightmareMonkey (Lua) <249-267>

scripts/prefabs/monkey.lua:308 in (method) OnLoad (Lua) <306-310>

scripts/entityscript.lua:1492 in (method) SetPersistData (Lua) <1477-1494>

scripts/mainfunctions.lua:231 in (global) SpawnSaveRecord (Lua) <200-238>

scripts/gamelogic.lua:404 in (upvalue) PopulateWorld (Lua) <230-439>

scripts/gamelogic.lua:630 in (upvalue) DoInitGame (Lua) <518-716>

scripts/gamelogic.lua:748 in (upvalue) cb (Lua) <743-749>

scripts/saveindex.lua:135 in () ? (Lua) <117-136>

=[C]:-1 in (method) GetPersistentString (C)

scripts/saveindex.lua:117 in (method) GetSaveDataFile (Lua) <116-137>

scripts/saveindex.lua:143 in (method) GetSaveData (Lua) <139-147>

scripts/gamelogic.lua:750 in (upvalue) DoLoadWorld (Lua) <742-751>

[00:00:09]: SCRIPT ERROR! Showing error screen

[00:00:09]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.

[00:00:09]: Reset() returning


[00:00:00]: Starting Up

[00:00:00]: Version: 157450

[00:00:00]: Current time: Wed Nov 25 19:09:03 2015

[00:00:00]: Don't Starve Together: 157450 WIN32

NNN Build Date: 2015-11-23_16-51-48

[00:00:00]: Parsing command line

[00:00:00]: Command Line Arguments: -conf_dir DoNotStarveTogether_EasyConfigOverworld -console

[00:00:00]: Initializing Minidump handler

[00:00:00]: ....Done

[00:00:00]: Fixing DPI

[00:00:00]: ...Done

[00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'GAClient' (7024)

[00:00:00]: HttpClient2::ClientThread::Main()

[00:00:00]: ProfileIndex:4.90

[00:00:00]: [CONNECT] PendingConnection::Reset(true)

[00:00:00]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0

[00:00:00]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0

[00:00:00]: Authorized application H:\Steam\steamapps\common\Don't Starve Together Dedicated Server\bin\dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer.exe is enabled in the firewall.

[00:00:00]: WindowsFirewall - Application already authorized

[00:00:00]: OnLoadPermissionList: APP:Klei/DoNotStarveTogether_EasyConfigOverworld/save/blocklist.txt (Failure)

[00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'ConsoleInput' (8084)

[00:00:00]: OnLoadPermissionList: APP:Klei/DoNotStarveTogether_EasyConfigOverworld/save/adminlist.txt (Failure)

[00:00:00]: OnLoadUserIdList: APP:Klei/DoNotStarveTogether_EasyConfigOverworld/save/whitelist.txt (Failure)

[00:00:00]: Server token retrieved from: server_token.txt

[00:00:00]: cGame::InitializeOnMainThread

[00:00:00]: Renderer initialize: Okay

[00:00:00]: AnimManager initialize: Okay

[00:00:00]: Buffers initialize: Okay

[00:00:00]: cDontStarveGame::DoGameSpecificInitialize()

[00:00:00]: FMOD Error: An invalid object handle was used.

[00:00:00]: GameSpecific initialize: Okay

[00:00:00]: cGame::StartPlaying

[00:00:00]: LOADING LUA

[00:00:00]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua

[00:00:00]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua

[00:00:00]: scripts/main.lua(173,1) running main.lua

[00:00:00]: loaded modindex

[00:00:00]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server.

[00:00:00]: DownloadMods(0)

[00:00:00]: FMOD Error: An invalid object handle was used.


[00:00:00]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue

[00:00:00]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history_staging

[00:00:00]: bloom_enabledfalse

[00:00:00]: loaded saveindex

[00:00:00]: OnFilesLoaded()

[00:00:00]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete

[00:00:01]: Load FE

[00:00:01]: Load FE: done

[00:00:01]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.

[00:00:01]: Reset() returning

[00:00:06]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)

[00:00:06]: [ACCOUNT_ACTION_TOKEN_PURPOSE] Received UserId from TokenPurpose: KU_WplB3Cvt

[00:00:06]: Starting Dedicated Server Game

[00:00:06]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0

[00:00:06]: About to start a server with the following settings:

[00:00:06]: Dedicated: true

[00:00:06]: Online: true

[00:00:06]: Passworded: false

[00:00:06]: ServerPort: 10999

[00:00:06]: SteamAuthPort: 8766

[00:00:06]: SteamMasterServerPort: 27016

[00:00:06]: ClanID: true

[00:00:06]: ClanOnly: false

[00:00:06]: ClanAdmin: false

[00:00:06]: LanOnly: false

[00:00:06]: EnablePunchthrough: false

[00:00:06]: EnableAutosaver: true

[00:00:06]: PVP: false

[00:00:06]: MaxPlayers: 6

[00:00:06]: GameMode: survival

[00:00:06]: OverridenDNS:

[00:00:06]: PauseWhenEmpty: false

[00:00:06]: InternetBroadcasting: true

[00:00:06]: Intent: cooperative

[00:00:06]: [Warning] Could not confirm port 10999 is open in the firewall.

[00:00:06]: Online Server Started on port: 10999

[00:00:06]: Collecting garbage...

[00:00:06]: lua_gc took 0.01 seconds

[00:00:06]: ~ShardLuaProxy()

[00:00:06]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()

[00:00:06]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()

[00:00:06]: ~SimLuaProxy()

[00:00:06]: lua_close took 0.02 seconds

[00:00:06]: ReleaseAll

[00:00:06]: ReleaseAll Finished

[00:00:06]: cGame::StartPlaying

[00:00:06]: LOADING LUA

[00:00:06]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua

[00:00:06]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua

[00:00:06]: scripts/main.lua(173,1) running main.lua

[00:00:06]: loaded modindex

[00:00:06]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server.


[00:00:06]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue

[00:00:06]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history_staging

[00:00:06]: bloom_enabledfalse

[00:00:06]: loaded saveindex

[00:00:06]: OnFilesLoaded()

[00:00:06]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete

[00:00:06]: Unload FE

[00:00:06]: Unload FE done

[00:00:07]: LOAD BE

[00:00:08]: LOAD BE: done

[00:00:08]: Deserialize world session from session/05F00008695A8234/0000000091

[00:00:08]: Save file is at version 1

[00:00:08]: Begin Session: 05F00008695A8234

[00:00:08]: saving to server_temp/server_save

[00:00:08]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( minimap/minimap_data.xml )

[00:00:09]: Loading Nav Grid

[00:00:09]: setting summerlength15

[00:00:09]: setting isnightmaredawnfalse

[00:00:09]: setting elapseddaysinseason19

[00:00:09]: setting isfullmoonfalse

[00:00:09]: setting moisture7033.0844726563

[00:00:09]: setting cavephaseday

[00:00:09]: setting isnightmarewildfalse

[00:00:09]: setting moonphasethreequarter

[00:00:09]: setting precipitationrate0

[00:00:09]: setting iswetfalse

[00:00:09]: setting winterlength15

[00:00:09]: setting temperature5.5988321294229

[00:00:09]: setting isnightmarewarnfalse

[00:00:09]: setting iswinterfalse

[00:00:09]: setting moistureceil11396.231445313

[00:00:09]: setting isdaytrue

[00:00:09]: setting israiningfalse

[00:00:09]: setting remainingdaysinseason1

[00:00:09]: setting precipitationnone

[00:00:09]: setting wetness0

[00:00:09]: setting isnightmarecalmfalse

[00:00:09]: setting timeinphase0.0047532581147693

[00:00:09]: setting isduskfalse

[00:00:09]: setting iscaveduskfalse

[00:00:09]: setting isautumntrue

[00:00:09]: setting issnowingfalse

[00:00:09]: setting iscavedaytrue

[00:00:09]: setting phaseday

[00:00:09]: setting snowlevel0

[00:00:09]: setting issnowcoveredfalse

[00:00:09]: setting autumnlength20

[00:00:09]: setting pop0.59205970638283

[00:00:09]: setting nightmaretime0

[00:00:09]: setting springlength20

[00:00:09]: setting isspringfalse

[00:00:09]: setting nightmarephasenone

[00:00:09]: setting seasonautumn

[00:00:09]: setting time0.0020795504252116

[00:00:09]: setting iscavenightfalse

[00:00:09]: setting cycles89

[00:00:09]: setting isnightfalse

[00:00:09]: setting nightmaretimeinphase0

[00:00:09]: setting issummerfalse

[00:00:09]: Adding burnfx

[00:00:09]: Validating ID -1: world: (auto) available: false recieves: -1 status: inactive (disabled by prefab)

[00:00:09]: Validating ID -1: world: (auto) available: false recieves: -1 status: inactive (disabled by prefab)

[00:00:09]: Validating ID -1: world: (auto) available: false recieves: -1 status: inactive (disabled by prefab)

[00:00:09]: Validating ID -1: world: (auto) available: false recieves: -1 status: inactive (disabled by prefab)

[00:00:09]: Validating ID -1: world: (auto) available: false recieves: -1 status: inactive (disabled by prefab)

[00:00:09]: Validating ID -1: world: (auto) available: false recieves: -1 status: inactive (disabled by prefab)

[00:00:09]: Validating ID -1: world: (auto) available: false recieves: -1 status: inactive (disabled by prefab)

[00:00:11]: Reconstructing topology

[00:00:11]: ...Sorting points

[00:00:11]: ...Sorting edges

[00:00:11]: ...Connecting nodes

[00:00:11]: ...Validating connections

[00:00:11]: ...Housekeeping

[00:00:11]: ...Done!

[00:00:11]: 1 uploads added to server. From server_temp

[00:00:11]: About to start a shard with these settings:

[00:00:11]: ShardName: [SHDMASTER]

[00:00:11]: ShardID: 1

[00:00:11]: ShardRole: MASTER

[00:00:11]: MasterHost: (null)

[00:00:11]: MasterBind:

[00:00:11]: MasterPort: 10888


[00:00:11]: [Warning] Could not confirm port 10888 is open in the firewall.

[00:00:11]: [SHARD] Shard Server Started on port: 10888

[00:00:11]: Telling Client our new session identifier: 05F00008695A8234

[00:00:11]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.

[00:00:11]: Reset() returning

[00:00:11]: SteamGameServer_Init (8766, 10999, 27016)

[00:00:11]: SteamGameServer_Init Success

[00:00:11]: [SHARD] Registering portal ID #4

[00:00:11]: Validating ID 4: world: 143769987 (auto) available: false recieves: 4 status: inactive

[00:00:11]: [SHARD] Registering portal ID #3

[00:00:11]: Validating ID 3: world: 143769987 (auto) available: false recieves: 3 status: inactive (disabled by prefab)

[00:00:11]: [SHARD] Registering portal ID #7

[00:00:11]: Validating ID 7: world: 143769987 (auto) available: false recieves: 7 status: inactive (disabled by prefab)

[00:00:11]: [SHARD] Registering portal ID #8

[00:00:11]: Validating ID 8: world: 143769987 (auto) available: false recieves: 8 status: inactive

[00:00:11]: [SHARD] Registering portal ID #10

[00:00:11]: Validating ID 10: world: 143769987 (auto) available: false recieves: 10 status: inactive (disabled by prefab)

[00:00:11]: [SHARD] Registering portal ID #1

[00:00:11]: Validating ID 1: world: 143769987 (auto) available: false recieves: 1 status: inactive (disabled by prefab)

[00:00:11]: [SHARD] Registering portal ID #2

[00:00:11]: Validating ID 2: world: 143769987 (auto) available: false recieves: 2 status: inactive

[00:00:11]: [SHARD] Registering portal ID #6

[00:00:11]: Validating ID 6: world: 143769987 (auto) available: false recieves: 6 status: inactive (disabled by prefab)

[00:00:11]: [SHARD] Registering portal ID #9

[00:00:11]: Validating ID 9: world: 143769987 (auto) available: false recieves: 9 status: inactive (disabled by prefab)

[00:00:11]: [SHARD] Registering portal ID #5

[00:00:11]: Validating ID 5: world: 143769987 (auto) available: false recieves: 5 status: inactive (disabled by prefab)

[00:00:30]: [Steam] UserDisconnect successfully sent for steamid '0'

[00:00:30]: Collecting garbage...

[00:00:30]: lua_gc took 0.07 seconds

[00:00:30]: ~ShardLuaProxy()

[00:00:30]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()

[00:00:30]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()

[00:00:30]: ~SimLuaProxy()

[00:00:30]: lua_close took 0.15 seconds

[00:00:30]: HttpClient2::ClientThread::Main() complete

[00:00:30]: Shutting down

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### 回答1: 饥荒是一款广受欢迎的生存类游戏,而饥荒服务器是为玩家提供在线游戏体验的服务器。为了方便玩家管理和设置服务器饥荒提供了一个web服务器管理界面。 饥荒web服务器管理界面是一个基于网页的界面,通过浏览器便可访问。通过这个管理界面,玩家可以对服务器进行各种操作和设置。 首先,玩家可以在管理界面中查看当前服务器的状态。包括服务器的在线人数、服务器的延迟情况、当前地图的状态等等。这些信息对于玩家了解服务器的运行状况非常重要。 其次,玩家可以在管理界面中进行设置。比如,玩家可以选择地图类型、难度级别、是否开启PvP等等。这些设置将直接影响到游戏的体验,玩家可以根据自己或团队的需要进行选择。 此外,玩家还可以在管理界面中查看和编辑服务器的MOD。MOD是饥荒中的模组,可以为游戏增加新的物品、角色、地图等内容,让游戏更加丰富多样。通过管理界面,玩家可以方便地查看和控制服务器中所加载的MOD。 最后,玩家还可以在管理界面中进行一些管理操作。比如清除服务器上的垃圾文件、备份服务器的存档、封禁玩家等等。这些操作可以帮助玩家维持服务器的良好运行状态。 总的来说,饥荒web服务器管理界面提供了诸多方便实用的功能,让玩家可以方便地管理和设置自己的饥荒服务器。通过这个界面,玩家可以更好地掌控游戏的进程,提供更好的游戏体验。 ### 回答2: 饥荒是一款非常火爆的生存游戏,对于许多玩家而言,他们不仅仅只想自己一个人体验这个游戏的乐趣,还想和其他玩家一起来共同探索、造和生存。为了能够实现多人游戏的需求,就需要有一个稳定而且高效的服务器来支持游戏的运行。 饥荒 web 服务器管理界面就是可以帮助玩家进行服务器设置和管理的工具。通过这个界面,玩家可以方便地对服务器进行各种设置,比如地图类型、玩家数量、难度等。同时,玩家还可以通过管理界面来查看服务器的状态,比如在线玩家的人数、服务器的运行情况等。 在饥荒 web 服务器管理界面中,还可以进行一些高级设置,比如添加插件、修改服务器规则等。这些设置可以帮助玩家进一步个性化服务器的运行,提升游戏体验。管理界面还提供了一些监控工具,可以实时监测服务器的负载情况,确保服务器的稳定运行。 总之,饥荒 web 服务器管理界面是一个方便玩家进行服务器管理的工具,通过它可以轻松地对服务器进行设置和监控。它不仅提供了基本的服务器设置功能,还能够进行高级设置和个性化调整。通过使用这个界面,玩家可以更好地享受多人游戏的乐趣,创造属于自己的饥荒世界。


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