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"Hey guys, I came second in the Minecon Earth costume contest. I was able to ask jeb_ some questions about 1.14 and Minecon. Heres his answers!" – u/Retro28,2017年11月18日

“There will be a new grafics setting in Minecraft. There will be a "fancy" and "super fancy" setting. Also the combat system will get an overhaul. #MinecraftCreatorSummit2018” – @docm77,2018年5月30日

“I'm also excited to show the first update to our world selection screen. It didn't feel well integrated with the main menu before, so that's now fixed. ” – @SeargeDP,2019年7月11日


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“Coal (Combine with iron ore for steel!)” – Notch, May 21, 2009

"I'vent look at this yet and can't really tell at the moment. I would like to add birds, fish and tree animals to make it more alive. However this will take some time before it can be done." – u/jonkagstrom,2012年4月13日

"I would also like to see this. Terrain changes & big structures are hard though. On my big virtual to-do list is a way to make them easier to do." – u/Dinnerbone,2013年12月18日

"I would also like to see this. Terrain changes & big structures are hard though. On my big virtual to-do list is a way to make them easier to do." – u/Dinnerbone,2013年12月18日

"Yes." – u/Dinnerbone,2013年12月18日

"I'd actually love this. I've wanted it for so long but haven't figured out the best way to do it." – u/Dinnerbone,2013年12月18日

“@MCPENEWSINFO1 Yes, eventually. We are now working towards having the same game on all platforms” – @jeb_,2015年4月4日 – Notch, May 17, 2009

“Crystal (not sure if it has a use, but imagine finding a large slab of crystal under ground!)” – Notch, May 21, 2009

wordofnotch:660061390 – Notch, June 3, 2010

“@BIindRob no, I've stopped liking that idea. Not sure why.” – @notch,2010年10月20日

"I have to say that this is amazing. It would be relatively trivial to add almost immediately, but blocks of clouds would pop in and out of existence if I did it the simple way. I will draw inspiration from this. Thank you, submitter." – u/xNotch,2010年11月18日 – November 29, 2010

“Tomorrow, I will do a seecret friday update. Ooooh! I wonder what it could be? Perhaps hamsters? Perhaps turnips? Who knows!?” – Notch, August 12, 2010 – Notch, January 18, 2011 – February 7, 2011 – February 20, 2011 – Notch, April 19, 2011

“@OhHaiMe It will not update if you leave the map area. It only maps the top level now, but cave maps is an interesting idea..” – @notch,2011年4月27日

“The code I write to support that will also be possible to reuse in the future for things like books and notes written by players, and possibly even custom paintings/hand drawn signs.” – Notch, April 27, 2011

“@Maxwilso As soon as I've made preparations for more texture space” – @jeb_,2012年2月9日

"I haven't looked at this yet. I'm afraid it will add a lot of complexity to the redstone code, but it's definitely doable. It's one of those "later" things." – u/jeb_,2012年4月4日

"Question: "Is there going to be an external folder we can just drop the 'schematics' in?" Answer: "That would have been very neat. Would also be cool if the schematics were online and shared automatically, kind of like Spore's creatures. On the question of when, I don't know."" – u/jeb_,2012年4月4日

“@MinecraftTeachr Let me guess the 'worse': You can only edit at the end of a page =( Didn't have time for multi-line editing this week” – @jeb_,2012年4月26日

“Silk touch yields two single slabs from a double slab block, equivalent to normal pickaxe usage. This may or may not change. #Minecraft” – @EvilSeph,2012年5月3日

“*If* we add it for multiplayer, it'd probably be an op-only /pause with an optional automatic pause when everyone's in a menu.” – @Dinnerbone,2012年5月4日

“@Puremin0rez Pause the whole server. Everyone would see a screen saying "the server is paused because so and so", with chat until unpaused” – @Dinnerbone,2012年5月4日

“@Dinnerbone Is there going to be a copy/paste function in signs?” – @thormortenns,2012年7月5日

“@ThorMortenNs Eventually” – @Dinnerbone,2012年7月5日

“@JarGargon Some day, perhaps. Little tricky right now.” – @Dinnerbone,2012年7月9日

“In other news, here's something I was playing with after I ran out of bugfixes earlier. … (No, it's not in 12w30c!)” – @Dinnerbone,2012年7月24日

“Coding some new mobstuffs. This is hilarious. He has no clothes! :(” – @Dinnerbone,2012年8月13日

“Working on a very old but popular minecraft suggestion that keeps popping up every so often; I put my new mob on hold for now.” – @Dinnerbone,2012年8月14日

“@123sendodo No. I've shelved that mob for now.” – @Dinnerbone,2012年9月14日

“I'm considering a change to maps to allow them to support more colours and texpack customizations, but back-compat would be difficult... Hm.” – @Dinnerbone,2012年8月27日

“@Brail4 Hard to do "properly". Working on it, but no guarantees.” – @Dinnerbone,2012年8月28日

“@crash_nick Likely not, but I was considering reusing that space for something else!” – @Dinnerbone,2012年9月26日

“Fireworks don't affect any gameplay yet, but obviously wolves should be frightened (and maybe other things?)” – @jeb_,2012年12月7日 at 1:47:20

“They're trying to take another village, so we used their tracks against them and sent in the turrets. I hope this works ” – @Dinnerbone,2013年1月7日 – May 28, 2013

“One of my goals of the new attribute system is to allow Bane of Arthropods to temporarily slow spiders on hit. Only then will I be happy.” – @Dinnerbone,2013年5月30日

“I would love to see (sharing this with millions of Japanese people?) cherry trees in Minecraft. @jeb_ @Dinnerbone” – @pgeuder,2013年7月29日

“@AnimeClaudia *hugs*. You'll have a way to remove enchantments one day...” – @Dinnerbone,2013年10月22日 at 05:56:50 – November 2, 2013

“@BlackDragon17x I've actually done so in a separate branch, but it's buggy and needs work still. Won't say no, but don't expect it for 1.8.” – @TheMogMiner,2013年11月7日

“@WesCook There's plans to!” – @Dinnerbone,2013年11月19日

“@ShuraShpilkin not yet, but you just made me realise a nice feature I could add that should make that possible with a ResourcePack. Thanks!” – @_grum,2013年12月1日

"Analyzing block placement creates some really hard-to-read and slow code... That's the main reason why a "village house" is just a door. We hope to add better systems for analyzing constructions in the future, but changing the bookshelf layout is not our main priority." – u/jeb_,2013年12月17日

"Enchantment that changes blocking could be fun, but I think that could better fit a different system I hope to be working on soon." – u/Dinnerbone,2013年12月18日

"I hope so, but it's really taxing from a technical standpoint." – u/Dinnerbone,2013年12月18日

"Yes, with the plugin API. I'd love emotes, I'd love to include support for them (with animations) but they're tricky to do right now. I tell you what; I'll look into a hug animation when I can!" – u/dinnerbone,2013年12月19日

"I was considering adding basalt, but I didn't want to add another black block. Not now, anyway." – u/jeb_,2014年1月12日

“@Tarvii Ain't done yet. Camera controls are on my list.” – @Dinnerbone,2014年1月30日

“@ledpx It's on the todo list, no idea when it will surface.” – @_grum,2014年2月3日

“@SaiferMc I plan to!” – @Dinnerbone,2014年2月7日

“I do have an Ultimate Plan™ with endermites, but it will wait. May also include dragon egg but I haven't discussed this with the team yet.” – @Dinnerbone,2014年3月13日

“@Brail4 No problem! We're rewriting the inventory system + the keybind system to make stuff like this possible, but I can't guarantee when..” – @Dinnerbone,2014年3月20日

“@cazzar99 Which bug? Building our own soundengine is on the todo list :(” – @_grum,2014年4月9日

“@stonepa11 Challenge accepted!” – @TheMogMiner,2014年4月13日

"I hear you there. It would be nice to make the terrain generation and terrain rendering multithreaded, but the code isn't quite decoupled enough yet to make such a thing easy. It's somewhere on the road map, though." – u/TheMogMiner,2014年4月24日

"Yeah, chunk loading is a pretty personal bugbear for me. ..." – u/TheMogMiner,2014年6月7日

“@DtrollMcModder It's one of the things I'm looking into, actually! Thanks for your input, I'm glad people are looking forward to a fix. :)” – @TheMogMiner,2014年6月6日

“Is this a thing? Not yet, but maybe in our next snapshot. Well, if we find anyone who actually likes this feature...” – @SeargeDP,2014年6月9日

“It's not easy to make it work in survival, will discuss options tomorrow to see if we find a nice solution.” – @SeargeDP,2014年6月9日

"The plan is to eventually have every text that can be displayed on the screen use the text component system, then using § won't be necessary anymore. But that's still work in progress and I don't know exactly when we will finish this task." – u/Searge,2015年8月7日

“@TABII98_1911 Yup, can you send me a DM with the pictures?” – @TheMogMiner,2014年7月12日

“@TABII98_1911 Probably not in this snapshot, but remind me on Friday.” – @TheMogMiner,2014年7月2日

“@Summanistweets won't be cubic chunks perse. But that will be the unit of storage.” – @_grum,2014年7月17日

“Yesh yesh y'all” – @TheMogMiner,2014年6月17日

“Well, I didn't think cloud height could possibly be controversial among the team, but it is, so out it goes. Sorry for getting hopes up.” – @TheMogMiner,2014年6月17日

“@docm77 that's not how it works, but I'll write down the idea for something else I plan to add eventually :)” – @SeargeDP,2014年7月23日

“@cyruschan2003 Maybe one day” – @jeb_,2014年8月7日

“Armorstands as position markers, with Small, Nogravity and Invisible set to true, DisabledSlots set to 31. Until we have something better.” – @SeargeDP,2014年8月25日

“@joshnoodle98 No idea what you are doing, but I'm definitely hinting at a marker entity in the future.” – @SeargeDP,2014年8月25日

“Fun ideas to look into after I finish this: better autocomplete (prompt whilst writing), auto GUI creation for commands, something fun.” – @Dinnerbone,2014年9月29日

"OAuth is still on our todo list, but it's not a high priority right now (or rather, we have a bunch of higher priority things which need to come first) sorry" – u/Dinnerbone,2014年11月25日

"Next xmas?" – u/jeb_,2014年12月14日

“Question: @Dinnerbone Is it or will it be possible to set the world border center-point to slowly move? Travelling UHC mode would be cool. Answer: @WorkdayLobster I do want to add this.” – @Dinnerbone,2014年4月24日

“@Spenny1425 Well, maybe not nachos, but corn could be a fun food source” – @jeb_,2015年1月13日

“@searous Maybe, but we also like the mystery” – @jeb_,2015年2月10日 "For 1.8.4 this will be fixed just by keeping the player in the portal block, but this is not ideal and it should make sure we can place them outside if it's a "preferable" spot (ie: not a drop into lava). This will be fixed fully in a later release." – Dinnerbone, April 17, 2015

"There are no plans right now for entities to use that slot, but it might be a potential change in the future. It's just cleaner to have generic support for the off-hand slot than adding a special-case the player class only." – u/Searge,2015年6月15日 – July 5, 2015 – July 30, 2015 – August 10, 2015

“@JonpotTDS you can't use them, the functionality is disabled in release builds. Some of it will soon be added to /clone, but not in 15w31” – @SeargeDP,2015年7月29日 – August 10, 2015

"I have plans, prototyped them, ran into problems, might have a solution ... but can only work on it after the structural changes I want to do in 1.10 :D Also no spoilers! Though those would be fun on a minecart, along with some flame decals =D" – u/_Grum,2015年10月21日

“@alphaxseven @Dinnerbone @SeargeDP I think we will phase out the furnace minecraft” – @jeb_,2016年2月15日

"I like this idea! That doesn't mean it will get added right now, though. Two issues; maybe a little too niche, and where would it live? ;)" – u/jeb_,2016年5月16日

“If the dragon head block would have a banner pattern, what would it look like?” – @jeb_,2016年11月30日

"Added to our minor polishing list." – u/jeb_,2016年12月15日

"Added to our minor polishing list." – u/jeb_,2016年12月15日

"I have a branch with a prototype for this somewhere, might have time to work on it for 1.13 :)" – u/_Grum,2017年4月20日

"Just posting this here so you don't think we nicked the idea from the community: There is a "Pillager" illager on our planned TODO list. It's not going to be a pirate, though." – u/jeb_,2017年3月27日

"Other ones we considered:

• Drillager, he comes and pokes holes in things.

• Fillager, he fixes the previous guys stuff.

• Thrillager, really likes heights and scary things.

• Killager, but we kinda already have that.

• Spillager, prevents you from drinking potions.

• Stillager, just stands around blocking important doorways.

• Millager, the only hard working one of the bunch." – u/Dinnerbone,2017年3月27日

"• Krillager - Swims around and gets eaten by whales" – u/jeb_,2017年3月27日

"Customized worlds will be returning. I can't speak for the extra options you mentioned though." – u/AlmightyZing

"But after 1.13" – u/_Grum,2018年5月15日

"Would you really not consider holding off 1.13 until customised worlds are finished? Seems pretty crazy to set a precedent for the chance of losing features for several updates.

We came so close to having access to customising structures in world gen this update too, a shame that hasn't made the cut" – u/DaUltraMarine

"No, they will come back but completely different from before." – u/_Grum,2018年5月15日

"No customization until after 1.13, or the other things?" – u/Kobbett

"No more screens with 50 vague sliders indeed." – u/_Grum,2018年5月15日

“jebkaile - Mixer”(失效链接),“We are changing the world generator. The actual world will more or less look the same, but the way it's generated, it's all data-driven, so you can make your own generator settings in json files.”

“We actually already have ideas for a block like this, but it's not likely to be done for this update sorry! We're trying to move all "complex" recipes out of the crafting table and into a specialized mechanic, as it's basically impossible to teach players about banner patterns or fireworks charges. Thanks for the ideas! <3”,/u/Dinnerbone,Reddit,2018年10月28日

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