iis10 asp 如何连接mdb_看我如何恢复被MaMoCrypt勒索软件加密的数据






  • MaMoCrypt能够删除Windows卷影(ShadowVolume),并禁用防火墙以及UAC服务。这些功能在恶意软件领域中其实并不罕见,因此我们在此对其不做更深入的讨论。
  • 它使用了Delphi的随机生成器(基于线性同余生成器)以及基于时间的DWORD种子(使用QueryPerformanceCounter或GetTickCount),此时将会生成两个缓冲区,其中的数据会使用Base64进行编码,并添加MZRKEYPUBLIC / MZRKEYPRIVATE字符串。
  • 根据上述的两个密钥以及一个掩码,该勒索软件将会针对每个文件生成两个加密密钥,随后将会使用它们来进行文件加密。它首先会使用AES 128 CBC来进行文件内容加密,然后再使用Twofish 128 NOFB来对其进行二次加密。AES加密过程中剩余的16%内容将使用AES 128 CFB进行加密,所有加密文件的后缀名都会添加一个“.MZ173801”。
  • 加密完成之后,恶意软件会再次枚举所有加密目录,并分别存放勒索信息,而勒索信息中也会包含对应的那两个MZR密钥。



*(int*)mask_in = offset;   for (int i = 0; i < 0x800; ++i) {          SHA1(mask_in, 0x84, mask_out);       *(int*)mask_in = i + 1 + offset;       *(mask_in + 3 + (i & 0x7F) + 1) ^= mask_out[0];       mask[i] = mask_out[1];   }   offset += 0x800;   aes_key = generate_key(mask, (), 0x800, ());      for (int i = 0; i < 0x200; ++i) {      SHA1(mask_in, 0x84, mask_out);       *(int*)mask_in = i + 1 + offset;       *(mask_in + 3 + (i & 0x7F) + 1) ^= mask_out[0];       mask[i] = mask_out[1];   }   offset += 0x200;   twofish_key = generate_key(mask, (), 0x200, ());  generate_key:   int mzrkey_size_bswap = _byteswap_ulong(mzrkey_len);   int mask_size_bswap = _byteswap_ulong(mask_len);   for (int i = 0; i < key_SIZE; ++i) {     ((int*)in)[0] = _byteswap_ulong(i);     for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j)        in[j + 4] = key[j];     *((int*)(in + 4 + i)) = _byteswap_ulong(1);     *((int*)(in + 8 + i)) = mask_size_bswap;     memcpy(in + 3 * sizeof(int) + i, mask, mask_len);     memcpy(in + 3 * sizeof(int) + mask_len + i, &mzrkey_size_bswap, 4);     memcpy(in + 3 * sizeof(int) + mask_len + 4 + i, mzrkey, mzrkey_len);     SHA512(in, mask_len + mzrkey_len + 4 * sizeof(int) + i, out);     for (int j = 0; j < SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH; ++j)         key[i] ^= out[j];   } 

AES CBC的IV将使用AES 128 ECB生成,位置在一个16字节缓冲区内。类似的,Twofish NOFB的IV将使用Twofish 128 ECB生成,位置同样在一个16字节缓冲区内。掩码的初始内容生成如下:

memset(mask_in, MASK_IN_SZ, 0);   memset(mask_out, MASK_OUT_SZ, 0);      for (int i = 0; i < 0x80; ++i) {     SHA1(mask_in, 0x84, mask_out);     *(int*)mask_in = i + 1;     *(mask_in + 3 + i + 1) = mask_out[0];   } 


C:\Program Files\Steam  C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam  [DRIVES A-Z, WITHOUT C]  C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\  C:\Users\%user%\Pictures  C:\Users\%user%\Music  C:\Users\%user%\Videos  C:\Users\%user%\Documents  C:\Users\Public\Documents  C:\Users\Public\Videos  C:\Users\Public\Music  C:\Users\Public\Pictures  C:\Users\%user%\Downloads  C:\Users\%user%\Favorites  ::{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} (Recycle Bin)  C:\Users\Administrator  C:\Users\Public  C:\Users\Default  C:\Users\%user%\Desktop  C:\Users\Public\Desktop  C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar  C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu  C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\ 



.cs;.lnk;.mp3;.jpg;.jpeg;.raw;.tif;.gif;.png;.bmp;.3dm;.max;.accdb;.db;.dbf;.mdb;.pdb;.sql;.dwg;.dxf;.c;.cpp;.cs;.h;.php;.asp;.rb;.java;.jar;.class;.py;.js;.aaf;.aep;.aepx;     .plb;.prel;.prproj;.aet;.ppj;.psd;.indd;.indl;.indt;.indb;.inx;.idml;.pmd;.xqx;.xqx;.ai;.eps;.ps;.svg;.swf;.fla;.as3;.as;.txt;.doc;.dot;.docx;.docm;.dotx;.dotm;.docb;.rtf;.wpd;     .wps;.msg;.pdf;.xls;.xlt;.xlm;.xlsx;.xlsm;.xltx;.xltm;.xlsb;.xla;.xlam;.xll;.xlw;.ppt;.pot;.pps;.pptx;.pptm;.potx;.potm;.ppam;.ppsx;.ppsm;.sldx;.sldm;.wav;.aif;.iff;.m3u;.m4u;     .mid;.mpa;.wma;.ra;.avi;.mov;.mp4;.3gp;.mpeg;.3g2;.asf;.asx;.flv;.mpg;.wmv;.vob;.m3u8;.mkv;.dat;.csv;.efx;.sdf;.vcf;.xml;.ses;.rar;.zip;.7zip;.dtb;.bat;.apk;.vb;.sln;.csproj;     .vbproj;.hpp;.asm;.lua;.ibank;.design;.aspx;.bak;.obj;.sqlite;.sqlite3;.sqlitedb;.back;.backup;.one;.pst;.url;.onetoc2;.m4a;.m4v;.ogg;.hwp;.HWP;.OGG;.M4V;.M4A;.ONETOC2;     .URL;.PST;.ONE;.BACKUP;.BACK;.SQLITEDB;.SQLITE3;.SQLITE;.OBJ;.BAK;.ASPX;.DESIGN;.IBANK;.LUA;.ASM;.HPP;.VBPROJ;.CSPROJ;.SLN;.CS;.VB;.LNK;.JPG;.JPEG;.RAW;.TIF;.GIF;     .PNG;.BMP;.3DM;.MAX;.ACCDB;.DB;.DBF;.MDB;.PDB;.SQL;.DWG;.DXF;.C;.CPP;.CS;.H;.PHP;.ASP;.RB;.JAVA;.JAR;.CLASS;.PY;.JS;.AAF;.AEP;.AEPX;.PLB;.PREL;.PRPROJ;.AET;.PPJ;.PSD;     .INDD;.INDL;.INDT;.INDB;.INX;.IDML;.PMD;.XQX;.XQX;.AI;.EPS;.PS;.SVG;.SWF;.FLA;.AS3;.AS;.TXT;.DOC;.DOT;.DOCX;.DOCM;.DOTX;.DOTM;.DOCB;.RTF;.WPD;.WPS;.MSG;.PDF;.XLS;     .XLT;.XLM;.XLSX;.XLSM;.XLTX;.XLTM;.XLSB;.XLA;.XLAM;.XLL;.XLW;.PPT;.POT;.PPS;.PPTX;.PPTM;.POTX;.POTM;.PPAM;.PPSX;.PPSM;.SLDX;.SLDM;.WAV;.MP3;.AIF;.IFF;.M3U;.M4U;.MID;     .MPA;.WMA;.RA;.AVI;.MOV;.MP4;.3GP;.MPEG;.3G2;.ASF;.ASX;.FLV;.MPG;.WMV;.VOB;.M3U8;.MKV;.DAT;.CSV;.EFX;.SDF;.VCF;.XML;.SES;.RAR;.ZIP;.7ZIP;.DTB;.BAT;.APK; 

加密成功之后,该勒索软件将枚举全部加密目录,并一一存放勒索信息,勒索文本文件名为“How Do I Recover My Files (Readme).txt”:









第五步:点击“Start Tool”按钮,剩下的就交给解密工具来完成吧!如果你选择了备份选项,那么加密文件和解密文件都将同时出现,你还可以在%temp%\BDRemovalTool目录中查看到解密过程的日志记录。







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unit dmdes; {*********************************************************} {* DELPHI、PHP、C#通用DES编码解码单元 *} {* 由TurboPower LockBox部分代码改写 *} {* 滕州市东鸣软件工作室制作 ZWF 2011-12-27 *} {*********************************************************} {EncryDes为编码函数,DecryDes为解码函数,keystr为密码,ivstr为偏移量, 一般设置keystr,ivstr相同,内容为八位字节长度的字符串,编码结果为十六进制字串} interface uses Windows,SysUtils; type PKey64 = ^TKey64; TKey64 = array [0..7] of Byte; type TDESBlock = array[0..7] of Byte; TDESContext = packed record TransformedKey : array [0..31] of LongInt; Encrypt : Boolean; end; function EncryDes(const str:string;const keystr:string;const ivstr:string):string ; function DecryDes(const str:string;const keystr:string;const ivstr:string):string ; implementation procedure XorMemPrim(var Mem1; const Mem2; Count : Cardinal); register; asm push esi push edi mov esi, eax //esi = Mem1 mov edi, edx //edi = Mem2 push ecx //save byte count shr ecx, 2 //convert to dwords jz @Continue cld @Loop1: //xor dwords at a time mov eax, [edi] xor [esi], eax add esi, 4 add edi, 4 dec ecx jnz @Loop1 @Continue: //handle remaining bytes (3 or less) pop ecx and ecx, 3 jz @Done @Loop2: //xor remaining bytes mov al, [edi] xor [esi], al inc esi inc edi dec ecx jnz @Loop2 @Done: pop edi pop esi end; { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure XorMem(var Mem1; const Mem2; Count : Cardinal); begin XorMemPrim(Mem1, Mem2, Count); end; { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure EncryptDES(const Context : TDESContext; var Block : TDESBlock); const SPBox : array [0..7, 0..63] of DWord = (($01010400, $00000000, $00010000, $01010404, $01010004, $00010404, $00000004, $00010000, $00000400, $01010400, $01010404, $00000400, $01000404, $01010004, $01000000, $00000004, $00000404, $01000400, $01000400, $00010400, $00010400, $01010000, $01010000, $01000404, $00010004, $01000004, $01000004, $00010004, $00000000, $00000404, $00010404, $01000000, $00010000, $01010404, $00000004, $01010000, $01010400, $01000000, $01000000, $00000400, $01010004, $00010000, $00010400, $01000004, $00000400, $00000004, $01000404, $00010404, $01010404, $00010004, $01010000, $01000404, $01000004, $00000404, $00010404, $01010400, $00000404, $01000400, $01000400, $00000000, $00010004, $00010400, $00000000, $01010004), ($80108020, $80008000, $00008000, $00108020, $00100000, $00000020, $80100020, $80008020, $80000020, $80108020, $80108000, $80000000, $80008000, $00100000, $00000020, $80100020, $00108000, $00100020, $80008020, $00000000, $80000000, $00008000, $00108020, $80100000, $00100020, $80000020, $00000000, $00108000, $00008020, $80108000, $80100000, $00008020, $00000000, $00108020, $80100020, $00100000, $80008020, $80100000, $80108000, $00008000, $80100000, $80008000, $00000020, $80108020, $00108020, $00000020, $00008000, $80000000, $00008020, $80108000, $00100000, $80000020, $00100020, $80008020, $80000020, $00100020, $00108000, $00000000, $80008000, $00008020, $80000000, $80100020, $80108020, $00108000), ($00000208, $08020200, $00000000, $08020008, $08000200, $00000000, $00020208, $08000200, $00020008, $08000008, $08000008, $00020000, $08020208, $00020008, $08020000, $00000208, $08000000, $00000008, $08020200, $00000200, $00020200, $08020000, $08020008, $00020208, $08000208, $00020200, $00020000, $08000208, $00000008, $08020208, $00000200, $08000000, $08020200, $08000000, $00020008, $00000208, $00020000, $08020200, $08000200, $00000000, $00000200, $00020008, $08020208, $08000200, $08000008, $00000200, $00000000, $08020008, $08000208, $00020000, $08000000, $08020208, $00000008, $00020208, $00020200, $08000008, $08020000, $08000208, $00000208, $08020000, $00020208, $00000008, $08020008, $00020200), ($00802001, $00002081, $00002081, $00000080, $00802080, $00800081, $00800001, $00002001, $00000000, $00802000, $00802000, $00802081, $00000081, $00000000, $00800080, $00800001, $00000001, $00002000, $00800000, $00802001, $00000080, $00800000, $00002001, $00002080, $00800081, $00000001, $00002080, $00800080, $00002000, $00802080, $00802081, $00000081, $00800080, $00800001, $00802000, $00802081, $00000081, $00000000, $00000000, $00802000, $00002080, $00800080, $00800081, $00000001, $00802001, $00002081, $00002081, $00000080, $00802081, $00000081, $00000001, $00002000, $00800001, $00002001, $00802080, $00800081, $00002001, $00002080, $00800000, $00802001, $00000080, $00800000, $00002000, $00802080), ($00000100, $02080100, $02080000, $42000100, $00080000, $00000100, $40000000, $02080000, $40080100, $00080000, $02000100, $40080100, $42000100, $42080000, $00080100, $40000000, $02000000, $40080000, $40080000, $00000000, $40000100, $42080100, $42080100, $02000100, $42080000, $40000100, $00000000, $42000000, $02080100, $02000000, $42000000, $00080100, $00080000, $42000100, $00000100, $02000000, $40000000, $02080000, $42000100, $40080100, $02000100, $40000000, $42080000, $02080100, $40080100, $00000100, $02000000, $42080000, $42080100, $00080100, $42000000, $42080100, $02080000, $00000000, $40080000, $42000000, $00080100, $02000100, $40000100, $00080000, $00000000, $40080000, $02080100, $40000100), ($20000010, $20400000, $00004000, $20404010, $20400000, $00000010, $20404010, $00400000, $20004000, $00404010, $00400000, $20000010, $00400010, $20004000, $20000000, $00004010, $00000000, $00400010, $20004010, $00004000, $00404000, $20004010, $00000010, $20400010, $20400010, $00000000, $00404010, $20404000, $00004010, $00404000, $20404000, $20000000, $20004000, $00000010, $20400010, $00404000, $20404010, $00400000, $00004010, $20000010, $00400000, $20004000, $20000000, $00004010, $20000010, $20404010, $00404000, $20400000, $00404010, $20404000, $00000000, $20400010, $00000010, $00004000, $20400000, $00404010, $00004000, $00400010, $20004010, $00000000, $20404000, $20000000, $00400010, $20004010), ($00200000, $04200002, $04000802, $00000000, $00000800, $04000802, $00200802, $04200800, $04200802, $00200000, $00000000, $04000002, $00000002, $04000000, $04200002, $00000802, $04000800, $00200802, $00200002, $04000800, $04000002, $04200000, $04200800, $00200002, $04200000, $00000800, $00000802, $04200802, $00200800, $00000002, $04000000, $00200800, $04000000, $00200800, $00200000, $04000802, $04000802, $04200002, $04200002, $00000002, $00200002, $04000000, $04000800, $00200000, $04200800, $00000802, $00200802, $04200800, $00000802, $04000002, $04200802, $04200000, $00200800, $00000000, $00000002, $04200802, $00000000, $00200802, $04200000, $00000800, $04000002, $04000800, $00000800, $00200002), ($10001040, $00001000, $00040000, $10041040, $10000000, $10001040, $00000040, $10000000, $00040040, $10040000, $10041040, $00041000, $10041000, $00041040, $00001000, $00000040, $10040000, $10000040, $10001000, $00001040, $00041000, $00040040, $10040040, $10041000, $00001040, $00000000, $00000000, $10040040, $10000040, $10001000, $00041040, $00040000, $00041040, $00040000, $10041000, $00001000, $00000040, $10040040, $00001000, $00041040, $10001000, $00000040, $10000040, $10040000, $10040040, $10000000, $00040000, $10001040, $00000000, $10041040, $00040040, $10000040, $10040000, $10001000, $10001040, $00000000, $10041040, $00041000, $00041000, $00001040, $00001040, $00040040, $10000000, $10041000)); var I, L, R, Work : DWord; CPtr : PDWord; procedure SplitBlock(const Block : TDESBlock; var L, R : DWord); register; asm push ebx push eax mov eax, [eax] mov bh, al mov bl, ah rol ebx, 16 shr eax, 16 mov bh, al mov bl, ah mov [edx], ebx pop eax mov eax, [eax+4] mov bh, al mov bl, ah rol ebx, 16 shr eax, 16 mov bh, al mov bl, ah mov [ecx], ebx pop ebx end; procedure JoinBlock(const L, R : LongInt; var Block : TDESBlock); register; asm push ebx mov bh, al mov bl, ah rol ebx, 16 shr eax, 16 mov bh, al mov bl, ah mov [ecx+4], ebx mov bh, dl mov bl, dh rol ebx, 16 shr edx, 16 mov bh, dl mov bl, dh mov [ecx], ebx pop ebx end; procedure IPerm(var L, R : DWord); var Work : DWord; begin Work := ((L shr 4) xor R) and $0F0F0F0F; R := R xor Work; L := L xor Work shl 4; Work := ((L shr 16) xor R) and $0000FFFF; R := R xor Work; L := L xor Work shl 16; Work := ((R shr 2) xor L) and $33333333; L := L xor Work; R := R xor Work shl 2; Work := ((R shr 8) xor L) and $00FF00FF; L := L xor Work; R := R xor Work shl 8; R := (R shl 1) or (R shr 31); Work := (L xor R) and $AAAAAAAA; L := L xor Work; R := R xor Work; L := (L shl 1) or (L shr 31); end; procedure FPerm(var L, R : DWord); var Work : DWord; begin L := L; R := (R shl 31) or (R shr 1); Work := (L xor R) and $AAAAAAAA; L := L xor Work; R := R xor Work; L := (L shr 1) or (L shl 31); Work := ((L shr 8) xor R) and $00FF00FF; R := R xor Work; L := L xor Work shl 8; Work := ((L shr 2) xor R) and $33333333; R := R xor Work; L := L xor Work shl 2; Work := ((R shr 16) xor L) and $0000FFFF; L := L xor Work; R := R xor Work shl 16; Work := ((R shr 4) xor L) and $0F0F0F0F; L := L xor Work; R := R xor Work shl 4; end; begin SplitBlock(Block, L, R); IPerm(L, R); CPtr := @Context; for I := 0 to 7 do begin Work := (((R shr 4) or (R shl 28)) xor CPtr^); Inc(CPtr); L := L xor SPBox[6, Work and $3F]; L := L xor SPBox[4, Work shr 8 and $3F]; L := L xor SPBox[2, Work shr 16 and $3F]; L := L xor SPBox[0, Work shr 24 and $3F]; Work := (R xor CPtr^); Inc(CPtr); L := L xor SPBox[7, Work and $3F]; L := L xor SPBox[5, Work shr 8 and $3F]; L := L xor SPBox[3, Work shr 16 and $3F]; L := L xor SPBox[1, Work shr 24 and $3F]; Work := (((L shr 4) or (L shl 28)) xor CPtr^); Inc(CPtr); R := R xor SPBox[6, Work and $3F]; R := R xor SPBox[4, Work shr 8 and $3F]; R := R xor SPBox[2, Work shr 16 and $3F]; R := R xor SPBox[0, Work shr 24 and $3F]; Work := (L xor CPtr^); Inc(CPtr); R := R xor SPBox[7, Work and $3F]; R := R xor SPBox[5, Work shr 8 and $3F]; R := R xor SPBox[3, Work shr 16 and $3F]; R := R xor SPBox[1, Work shr 24 and $3F]; end; FPerm(L, R); JoinBlock(L, R, Block); end; procedure InitEncryptDES(const Key : TKey64; var Context : TDESContext; Encrypt : Boolean); const PC1 : array [0..55] of Byte = (56, 48, 40, 32, 24, 16, 8, 0, 57, 49, 41, 33, 25, 17, 9, 1, 58, 50, 42, 34, 26, 18, 10, 2, 59, 51, 43, 35, 62, 54, 46, 38, 30, 22, 14, 6, 61, 53, 45, 37, 29, 21, 13, 5, 60, 52, 44, 36, 28, 20, 12, 4, 27, 19, 11, 3); PC2 : array [0..47] of Byte = (13, 16, 10, 23, 0, 4, 2, 27, 14, 5, 20, 9, 22, 18, 11, 3, 25, 7, 15, 6, 26, 19, 12, 1, 40, 51, 30, 36, 46, 54, 29, 39, 50, 44, 32, 47, 43, 48, 38, 55, 33, 52, 45, 41, 49, 35, 28, 31); CTotRot : array [0..15] of Byte = (1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28); CBitMask : array [0..7] of Byte = (128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1); var PC1M : array [0..55] of Byte; PC1R : array [0..55] of Byte; KS : array [0..7] of Byte; I, J, L, M : LongInt; begin {convert PC1 to bits of key} for J := 0 to 55 do begin L := PC1[J]; M := L mod 8; PC1M[J] := Ord((Key[L div 8] and CBitMask[M]) 0); end; {key chunk for each iteration} for I := 0 to 15 do begin {rotate PC1 the right amount} for J := 0 to 27 do begin L := J + CTotRot[I]; if (L (length(keystr)-1) then key[i] :=0 else key[i] := byte(keystr[i+1]); end; for i:=0 to 15 do begin if i > (length(ivstr)-1) then iv[i]:=0 else iv[i] := byte(ivstr[i+1]); end; InitEncryptDES(Key, Context, true); len := length(AnsiString(str)); xx:= char( 8- (len mod 8)); for i:=0 to round(len/8) do begin for j:=0 to 7 do begin if ((i*7+j+1) (length(keystr)-1) then key[i] :=0 else key[i] := byte(keystr[i+1]); end; for i:=0 to 15 do begin if i > (length(ivstr)-1) then iv[i]:=0 else iv[i] := byte(ivstr[i+1]); end; InitEncryptDES(Key, Context, false); res:=''; for j:= 0 to (length(str) div 2)-1 do begin lss:=copy(str,j*2+1,2); res:=res+ char(StrToInt('$'+lss)) ; end; len := length(AnsiString(res)); for i:=0 to round(len/8)-1 do begin for j:=0 to 7 do begin if ((i*7+j+1)<=len) then begin poschar:=res[i*8+j+1]; block[j]:=byte(poschar); end else begin block[j]:=byte(xx); end; end; bak:=block; EncryptDESCBC(Context, IV, Block); for j:= 0 to 7 do begin result := result + char(block[j]); end; iv:=bak; end; end; end.




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